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Funny / Hacknet

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  • From the mission "Back to School". Apparently, even in the world of Hacknet, The Internet Is for Porn. During a 20 minute long proxy server/porn filter outage, the students managed to download 22 terabytes of porn onto the school's servers and homeroom PCs.
  • One mission involves hacking into a researcher's personal files to see if she's been doing unapproved research with sensitive technology. It turns out she's been using all this advanced and even extraterrestrial tech... to make the world's most powerful dildo.
  • On several computers you can find emails from a scammer claiming to be a Nigerian prince, needing the recipent's assistance to escape his homeland full of musclebeasts.
  • If you decrypt the files on the DEC Solutions Mainframe, you'll find that the CEO David Leatrou is an extreme Narcissist who has a bunch of mirrors installed in his office, and that he unsuccessfully tried to sue condom manufacturer Durex for poor performance due to his practice of "double-bagging" (which he had compared to double-encrypting his files in the staff memos). The best part? The response from Durex ends with "Best wishes to you and your 12 children."
  • In Labyrinths, surfing around the NeoPals network can lead to a lot of hilarity, including the executive obsessed with trying to put tanks into everything (and everyone else's attempts to deal with him), the very out of place crossover on the upcoming events list, or the sarcasm-riddled development guides offered to new coders.
    • Even funnier for those who play(ed) Neopets and can tell how complicated and/or outdated the code must be, or just imagine the planned events and costumes being implemented.
  • Fittingly for a game that's a love letter to Uplink, you can find a veritable greatest-hits album of quotes scattered throughout people's files, as IRC logs.
