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Funny / Deep Blue Sea

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  • After Aquatica is rocked by the helicopter crash on the surface, Preacher falls over and lands near a small bottle of cooking wine.
  • Pretty much any word that comes out of Preacher's pet parrot's mouth:
    Parrot: Feed me, asshole!
  • When the Preacher is trapped in the oven with an angry shark banging into its door, a viewer could easily envision the oven turning on as a thing that might happen, but you'd be forgiven for thinking that the filmmakers wouldn't do something that outrageous. Lo and behold...
  • The beginning of the movie has a young doctor speaking fondly of one of her co-workers, "the smartest man who ever lived."
    Franklin: He's pissing into the wind.
  • When Dr. Whitlock's arm gets bitten off by one of the sharks, it's hilarious in a Narmy way to hear one of the doctors attending to him say "He's hemorrhaging!"
    • As much as Whitlock's unfortunate fate of being flung (on a gurney) against the hardened glass observation viewport as a Battering Ram by the sharks so as to force access to the facility was recorded on the film's Nightmare Fuel page, it can just as easily be seen as narmy comedy gold. Let's start with the way the sharks abduct him. They take advantage of a random mechanical failure of the rescue helicopter winch and then drag him and the gurney further underwater, at speeds extreme enough to drag the chopper like a kite and force it to crash and explode against the top side of the facility. Also leading to a silly death scene for Brenda (try running away from the fireball instead of shrieking at it!).
    • Then, the way that an underwater Whitlock is struggling ineffectively in the gurney, in the jaws of a shark which again swims at insane velocity to lob him against the glass while immediately after veering off to the side with panache, almost as if to say "how about that, bitch?!". As Double Toasted pointed out, there's also the fact that he was even alive to suffer these events after being dragged into the sea. A medical oxygen mask is definitely not airtight or a proxy for a scuba mask and tank, but the film acts like it is. Also, the shock brought on by being dismembered means he should not be conscious even if he somehow could breathe with the mask's help. They posited that the only logical theory is that the super-intelligent sharks somehow kept him alive with expert medical care, just to prolong his suffering. Which is, needless to say, hilarious.
  • As the final tunnel is flooded, Preacher starts reciting Psalm 23... And then puts a gangsta spin on the last part ("because I carry a big stick and I'm the meanest motherfucker in this valley! Can I get an amen?")
    • And the other two give him that amen, repeatedly.
  • Raiding the deceased Janice's quarters for batteries for underwater flashlights, Scoggins asks "Where would a girl keep her (makes vibrating noise) thing?". Preacher is disgusted by his lack of tact.
  • Scoggins and Preacher are marveling at how little time has passed since the sharks started attacking them, and Preacher explains relativity quite eloquently.note 
    Preacher: Put your hands on a hot plate, a second can seem like an hour. Put your hands on a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative.
    Scoggins: I spent four years at CalTech, and that's the best damn physics explanation I ever heard.
