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Funny / Blazbuild Climax Fighters

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Just like the co-authors various other works, there are plenty of these to enjoy.

Entry 1
  • After hearing Sento got a perfect score on the application test, Gentoku tells Utsumi to appoint him as co-head of the research project, both because of said score, and as petty vengeance at Kokonoe. Even better, Utsumi of all people agrees she has this coming.
  • Sento's Rapid-Fire "No!" when Isurugi suggests he get a job at the NOL research facility. He immediately changes his tune when Noel reveals they're studying Pandora's Box, and can't make his way over fast enough.
  • Ragna warns Isurugi that Sento booby traps everything in his lab, which the latter dismisses as he reaches for a radio... and is exposed to sonic waves that knock him into a wall give him ringing ears for the rest of the chapter.
    Isurugi: Sugar Honey Iced Tea! Oh god... Ragna.. the ringing... the ringing is back!
  • Ragna is surprised when Sento receives an email, amazed at the idea that Sento has friends.
Entry 2
  • Makoto asks Noel how she came to live in nascita, as well as Sento and Ragna. While Noel and Sento's arrivals were suitably dramatic/emotional, apparently for Ragna Sento just found him after a fight with Night Rogue and brought him straight to the cafe, asking Isurugi if they could keep him in the same way a child would ask about adopting a stray.
  • One of the guards Ragna and Ryuga beat up is called Wilhelm.
  • When Jin comes looking for Gentoku and Hazama, the two decide to flee by jumping out a window.
    Gentoku: Book it hipster!
Entry 3
  • In the recap, Ryuga grows indignant when Sento summarises his despair at Kasumi dying in his arms, noting he makes him sound like an emo.
  • Apparently Ragna previously told Sento about Rachel, Taokaka, and his run in with Carl and Ava, with the genius disbelieving him. After Ragna angrily points out he saw the injuries the latter gave him, Sento admits he believed him on the last one, he just wanted to mess with him.
  • Upon seeing the various people filming his fight with a Smash, Build and Noel feign the latter attempting to arrest him so she doesn't draw suspicion to herself... only for him to genuinely need to flee for his life when Tao presses her Berserk Button.
Entry 4
  • As Sento is berating Ryuga for his stupidity in his promise to Nabeshima (pointing out if they followed him to Faust they could have legally gotten his family protection), the musclehead says he's trying to clear his name and asks what Sento's done in that regard. Everyone else facepalms at his stupidity, and Sento proceeds to remind whose plan he screwed up in the most condescending way possible.
  • During his fight with Bang, Sento decides to tell him that he is a prince from another dimension brought to this world to fight for love and peace. Bang is annoyed that his opponent thinks he's that gullible, to which Sento remarks that apparently quite a few people have fallen for it before.
  • When Sento says he will act as a distraction for Faust while the others rescue Nabeshima's family, Ragna notes this plan means the resident Insufferable Genius will be the getting shot at, and happily agrees.
  • Since the two are wanted criminals, Ragna and Ryuga disguise themselves as old men, and grow indignant when Makoto and Noel mistake them for old women. The girls are bemused when the two start getting a bit too in character.
    Ryuga: Kids these days...
    Ragna: No respect.
    'Ryuga: I blame the hip hop...
  • Bang using his Astral Heat to destroy the combining Guardian robots is awesome. The fact that it destroys his clothes beside his scarf and undergarments makes it hilarious. His exasperated reaction indicates this isn't the first time this has happened either, especially since a trio of his ninjas emerge with a spare set of clothes for him.
  • When trying to convince Nabeshima's family to talk to them, Makoto decides to exploit Noel's adorability, telling her to request entry while thinking about the emotional season finale to one of her romance shows. Nabeshima's wife quickly caves, noting that making the girl cry just feels fundamentally wrong, with Ryuga and Bang having even hidden behind the cart they were using.
  • Sento's chagrin when he starts making squirrel puns after fighting alongside Makoto.
