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Funny / Ayakashi: Romance Reborn

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Moments pages are Spoilers Off. Be warned.

  • Many of the milk hall conversations are absolutely hilarious. A few examples:
    Aoi: I can't believe you spend the whole day asleep...
    Kuya: You oughta try napping on our veranda.
    Aoi: "Our" veranda? It's not your house, you loser?

    Tatsuomi: You're awfully, um, exposed? People might stare...
    Kagemaru: Psh, get off my case. Why d'you even care?

    Gaku: Got nothing better to do? Buy my brother some snacks, then.
    Toichiro: Hah, who do you think I am? Get yourself a manservant.

  • Any time Tatsuomi talks about how he knows what looks best on him.
