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Fridge / Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard

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Fridge Horror

  • Sting Sniperscope is under the delusion that he's the hero of the story. From a storyline standpoint, he would have been right if Matt were not the hero. If Matt is a Villain Protagonist in his eyes, then he must see himself as a Hero Antagonist. Now imagine Sting's own adventures from his point of view as he tries to reach Matt's position. Think long and hard about what sort of horrible shit he went through!!
    • Not to mention, Sting is meant to be a Darker and Edgier in-universe Expy of Matt Hazard himself. So what ARE Sting's villains like!?
  • The video game characters are shown to have sentience in this universe. So is Wallace technically murdering people in his quest to destroy Matt Hazard!?
  • Considering how he harshly treats digital beings, even if they are on his side (in the case of the digital beings on his side, he has no apparent nor confirmed reason to do so, and he basically treats them as expendable slaves to do his bidding), Wallace is implied to have a Fantasic Racist view on digital beings.
  • Considering that Wallace wants to kill Matt simply because he could not beat his games, and the way he mistreats digital people, how common is racist beliefs against digital beings among non-digital people in the Matt Hazard Universe?
  • To make matters worse, how exactly did Wallace's hatred of Matt Hazard turn into Fantastic Racism? The scary part is that we NEVER get an answer why....
  • Wallace threatened to cut off an employee's testicles with scissors in two instances (once where he threatens the employee in order to get the employee to tell him some good news, and another where he threatens the same employee in order to get said employee to log into the game and use an avatar to fight Matt). One wonders how often does he threaten employees in such a violent way....
  • As a more mild example of Fridge Horror, Wallace's cruel pettiness in terms of his childish motive for why he wants to murder Matt Hazard is also Fridge Horror in of itself, in that it implies that Wallace is a sore loser that cares more about winning then the value of life. To make matters worse, we never get a proper backstory for why Wallace is like this.
