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Fridge / Chikn Nuggit

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Fridge Brilliance
  • Seems weird that the dog Iscream gets asked to watch is non-sentient given the entire cast of talking animals. Except the dog is actually Cofi in disguise, who probably isn't all that familiar with how to act like a dog (given that Chikn Nuggit is her only reference); it's Five-Second Foreshadowing!
  • Why does Iscream hate Cofi, and why does Cofi love trolling Iscream so much? Iscream themselves is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, looking cute and friendly before revealing their demonic side. Cofi was entirely made to be the Inverse of that trope, appearing scary and threatening, before revealing herself to be perfectly friendly. That makes them complete opposites.
  • Why do Fwench Fwy and Bezel despise each other?
    • Fwench Fwy is an immortal who has made friends with mortals, they are doomed to outlive their friends due to the passage of time. And since Bezel is the representation of time, it’s no surprise that they’re not going to be happy seeing the one who represents how all their friends will inevitably die.
    • Fwench Fwy (and by extension: Iscream) being immortal means that they’ll never die, especially of old age. Bezel probably doesn’t like that some can resist the effects of time. In other words: the embodiment of time hates those that can defy time itself.
  • Iscream’s attraction to Bezel is the punchline to a long-haul Brick Joke: two years ago, Slushi drew a humanized version of the demonic bunny. It turned out like a stereotypical “Tumblr sexy man”, drawn tall and thin with a high-class three-piece suit. Doesn’t that description sound familiar?
  • Cheezborger's preference in cheeseburgers doesn't have cheese. This actually makes sense; cats can't digest cheese.
  • Iscream's fear of Chikn here makes a lot more sense with the reveal the latter's a god, and one that warps the world around him without his care. Iscream even states bringing Chikn onto his side is a bad idea.
  • And Iscream's fear of Cofi is likely instinctual. Iscream is a bunny(?), and Cofi is a sheep in wolf's clothing who could pass for a fairly convincing wolf if one didn't know what she was. Since wolves are known for eating rabbits, Iscream's disdain for Cofi becomes more justified.
  • Sody's request for help when he can't get on the ropes might not be because he "can't." Since red pandas are known for being able to climb very well, Sody may just be pretending to need help just so he can get Iscream in position so he can perform his "exploding moonsault."
  • In this short, Bezel'"face" seems to read about "9:00." But when Chikn holds up his phone, the time on it reads "9:58." This means that Bezel's face doesn't adjust for daylight savings.

Fridge Horror

Fridge Sadness
  • The fact that the immortal characters of the cast are doomed to watch all their friends inevitably die is something Fwench Fwy has likely already come to terms with. Iscream, while not nearly as attached to the mortal characters in the cast as their romantic partner, has had their compassionate moments with the others and will undoubtedly be at least a little mournful. And then there's Chikn, who is completely (or at least mostly) unaware of his powers. He likely wouldn't know what to do if he saw his friends expire one by one only to learn he can't do the same.
  • When some fans pointed out, in this short, Fwench Fwy got Sody's age wrong by saying he's 8 while his 9th birthday was just a while ago, the creator of Chikn Nuggit lampshaded the error with a follow-up post. Although, there is one in-universe explanation for it: Since Fwench Fwy and Iscream were nowhere to be seen at Sody's party and Sassparilla might not be too keen on them being around her son, it's possible they were just never invited to the party.
