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Fanfic / A Father's Son

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A Father's son is a Marvel Cinematic Universe fanfic written by dnky.

Set in an alternate version of Infinity War, JARVIS is resurrected when Vision is killed. Using the power of the mind stone and time stone he sends himself and Tony back to halfway through Iron Man 2.The story can be found on Archive of Our Own here

Tropes Describing A Father's Son

  • Adaptation Deviation: The story makes many changes to the MCU canon.
    • Chapter 1 is set in an Alternate version of Infinity War, written before the film came out, so there are numerous changes between the story and canon.
      • In the story the UN is more involved in the fight, bending over backwards to appeal to Captain America
      • Everyone was fighting in the same battlefield instead of split between 2 groups.
      • The Asgardians reach earth with time for Tony to form a friendship with Loki, instead of being attacked before reaching earth.
      • It is mentioned that, at the time of the time travel, Thanos had 4 stones, including Time and Mind, the last stones added in cannon.
    • In the adaption of Avengers major changes are made, as JARVIS helped Loki avoid his Face–Heel Turn, Ebony Maw was sent for the Tesseract, and they attack Washington not New York.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Vision is created as a fully mechanical body for JARVIS to use, instead of an Android made of a mix of Jarvis, Ultron's vibranium body and the Mind Stone.
  • Broken Pedestal: Because Tony is aware of her and SHIELD's manipulation of him when he comes back, Natasha is fairly quickly ousted, as are all the other SHIELD plants in Stark Industries, and some of the funding HYDRA benefit from as well as SHIELD were pulled. As a result Natasha's reputation takes quite a hit from her fellow agents as the master spy was outwitted by the playboy.
  • Dramatic Irony: When Tony cuts ties with SHIELD during Iron Man 2, Natasha thinks about their plans to let the Arc reactor kill him, and then plunder his estate. Unfortunately for them because Tony and JARVIS have come back about 8 years they already have the information SHIELD was withholding, so they recreated 'Starkanium' off page and Tony is not dying.
  • Easily Forgiven: To Tony and JARVIS' disgust, in the original timeline the UN throw out the accords to get Captain America on their side, forgiving all wrongdoing from Civil War.
  • From Bad to Worse: SHIELD starts out the new time line losing funding and any chance of technical support from Tony, due to his being aware of the manipulation they pulled off in the original time line, then during the Battle of DC (the alternate version of the Battle of New York) the Avengers were late to the battle, while Tony and his allies fought most of the fight. Then The WSC launched a nuke, after Tony already stopped the Chitari. Then Steve is caught on camera badmouthing Tony and saying the strike was his fault, despite Tony saving the city from the Nuke.
  • Manipulative Bastard: A section from Natasha's POV reveals that not only were SHIELD using the knowledge of a cure to Tony's affliction with the arc reactor as leverage for his loyalty, but when it failed they were content to let him die and then plunder his estate.
  • Peggy Sue: JARVIS uses the mind stone and time stone to send himself and Tony back in time, inhabiting the bodies (or servers), of their past selves. He also allowed some of Loki's memories to return to him from the future, to keep him from suffering a Face–Heel Turn.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: In this fic, if it's good for Tony, it's a good thing. If it goes against him, then it's bad. Jarvis murders the Maximoff twins well before they become a threat in this timeline because they were bad in the other timeline.
  • Villain Ball: SHIELD may have done some nasty things in the past, but they become practically a parody of themselves here, with people like Black Widow musing on how they would withhold the cure for Tony's Paladium Poisoning so they could swoop in and take all his technology and notes, and Tony ranting about how SHIELD manipulated him into joining the Avengers.
