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Drinking Game / Pirates SMP

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Have a few hours, days, or even weeks to spare? Ready to rewatch the VODs (any VOD, should they be adequately archived) or episodes? Why not grab a drink of your choice and double the fun!


  • Take a shot every time someone makes an innuendo, suggestive comment, or flat-out alludes to or mentions sexual intercourse.
    • Two shots if the person in question is Martyn, Oli, or Scott.
    • Three shots if the person in question is Owen or Sausage.note 
    • Chug the bottle if someone actually says the word 'sex'.
    • If you value your liver more than your sanity, replace 'shot' with 'sip' and 'chug the bottle' with 'finish your drink' for all of the above.
  • Take a shot every time someone jokes that Oli's wife is a crab.
  • Take a sip every time someone flirts with an NPC.
    • Two sips if it's Eloise, Owen, Sausage, or Shelby.
    • Finish the drink if two people start fighting over an NPC for their romantic affections.
  • Take a shot every time something gay happens, be it Homoerotic Subtext, actual text, or just Ho Yay. Congratulations, you now have alcohol poisoning.
  • Drink with the characters: take a sip every time a player starts drinking but doesn't finish their drink, and finish the shot when they finish it.
  • Take a sip every time someone says the word 'quest'.
  • Take a shot every time someone's boat gets hijacked by a mob.
    • Take two if the mob drives the boat off without the player.
  • Take a shot every time someone misplaces their boat on land.
  • Take a shot for every pre-recorded cinematic that plays; note that how many total is dependent on the POV you're watching.
  • Take a shot for every Plotline Death (which occurs in a pre-recorded cinematic), and a sip for every death that isn't pre-recorded. For the masochist's version, take a sip for every non-canon death as well.
  • Take a shot every time you find a Rewatch Bonus or unintentional Foreshadowing. Try not to end up in a hospital from liver failure.
  • Take a shot every time someone makes something awesome happen.
    • Chug the bottle for every time Chat makes something awesome happen. Reserve the incident in the series finale for after you finish the VOD.


  • For recruitment streams (Days 1, 52, and 53):
    • Take a sip every time a Kestrel boasts about their wealth or mocks someone for being poor or otherwise "inferior".
    • Take one sip for every time someone trash-talks another faction or rogue pirates if it's Day 1, and one shot if it's Days 52–53.
  • For the finale (Day 134), take a shot every time the server crashes or someone's game crashes, or someone has to re-log in general. Just remember to call an ambulance before you start this one…


  • Take a shot every time Acho sits down to converse with the stars; take a sip if he does so casually (i.e. without using the camera commands).
    • Take another shot every time the sequence is interrupted.
    • If he says it's the last time he's doing so, finish the VOD and chug the bottle.
  • For any of Cleo's streams, take a shot every time the game crashes.
  • Take a shot every time Martyn voices his hatred for the Heron faction.
    • Take two shots if he hangs out with them anyway.
    • Take three shots if he complains about being called or compared with a Heron, or being stuck with the faction despite him choosing to hang out with them in the first place.
  • Take a sip every time Sausage hears the normal Whispers, and two sips if it's the loud, malevolent Whispers.
  • Scott's perspective:
    • Take a shot every time Scott gets a new pet. Cut it down to a sip and start watching closely once he starts working on his aviary.
    • For Day 132, take a shot every time the game or the stream crashes. Chug the bottle and cry when the stream crashes just after the pre-recorded cinematic plays.
