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Drinking Game / Deathstalker

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Drinking game for Simon R. Green's Deathstalker novels. If the characters need a freaking drink, you do, too.

  • Drink every time something is "a whole greater than the sum of its parts." Take two if the phrase is used to describe something other than survivors of the Madness Maze.
  • Take a drink every time Lionstone's wicked and dangerous sense of humor is brought up, take two every time she proves it.
  • If one of the characters mentions needing a drink, take a drink.
    • Take two if they're desperately searching for something to drink.
    • Take three if they complain about the quality of what they're drinking.
    • Finish your drink if, instead of I Need a Freaking Drink, they go for tea.
  • Every time Owen uses the boost, take a small sip.
    • Two small sips if it isn't Owen.
    • One proper drink if Owen and someone else boost in tandem.
  • Drink every time the narration spells out how hopelessly outmatched and/or outnumbered the characters are in a fight.
    • Take a second every time it goes on to describe how their superhuman abilities are still evening those odds.
    • Take a third every time they're still hopelessly outmatched.
    • And take a fourth when their Maze abilities flare up and solve the problem in dramatic fashion.
    • Set your drink down in shock if a different Deus ex Machina bails them out.
  • Every time Valentine Wolfe does drugs, take a drink. Two if its effects would be impossible in real life.
  • Every time Finn Durandal goes on a Motive Rant, take a drink, adding one for each of the following:
    • He says something to the effect of "love and friendship were never real for me,"
    • He calls himself a villain, traitor, or monster,
    • He admits his motive is entirely petty,
    • He says he wouldn't have done it if Douglas had made him Champion.
      • If the rant includes all of the above, just give up and chug.
  • Take a drink every time someone, or something, shoots energy beams from their eyes and/or mouth.
