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Drinking Game / A Court of Thorns and Roses

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  • Take a sip every time the word "mate" is mentioned (only a small sip or you'll be in hospital for alcohol poisoning in no time at all).
  • Take a sip every time someone makes a "vulgar gesture".
  • Take a sip when someone's toes curl.
  • Take a sip when someone's bowels go watery.
  • Take a sip when male, female and maleness are used to describe someone or something they do. Down your drink when the term "gentlemale" comes up.
  • Take a sip when someone starts picking lint off their clothes.
  • Take a sip when someone uses the phrase "like calls to like" (especially in A Court of Silver Flames).
  • Take a sip whenever anything is “cleaved”
  • Take a sip whenever someone jerks their chin (if anyone makes a different gesture, you can go home)
  • Do a shot whenever Feyre names a painting
  • Finish your drink whenever a tattoo is made/updates
