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Characters / Interstation 12

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The Overseer's Redcliffe Network

    The Overseer 
The reclusive mayor of Redscliffe. Formerly a shifty accountant, he ascended to power through nefarious means, overthrowing the commandant, and now runs Redscliffe with an iron fist and a mass surveillance state.

    The Underlooker 
The Overseer's (likely vat grown) son. He loves to lick his lollipop.

    The Henchmen 
The overseer's goons, responsible for enforcing his will upon the populace.

    The Bluemailee's 
The victims of the Overseer's vast "Bluemail" network, motivated by "evidence" of treason the Overseer holds in his safe. Could be anyone from a lowly janitor to the Advocatus or Head Peacekeeper.

The Palace Of Portzee

    The Commandant 
The Gule who runs Portzee. Obsessed with old-world militaria, he taxes the populace to fund his lavish lifestyle and Peacekeeper forces. Has an army of hired goons and an inhuman killing machine to ensure people respect him.

  • The Alleged Boss: Despite all of the Commandant's power, he still relies heavily on his subordinates and Peacekeepers to maintain control of Portzee. Incompetent or truly tyrannical Commandants can easily find themselves couped by their own peacekeepers or overthrown by the people of Portzee. Wise commandants will not raise taxes to a ridiculous degree as to provoke a revolt from the common people.

  • Know When to Fold 'Em: The Commandant is the only person in Portzee by default who has the code to the nuclear bomb underneath the palace. Using it is obviously only for the most dire and hopeless of situations, however.

  • Skeleton Key: The Commandant has access to every airlock in the Bunker, sans the Checkpoint.

    The Consort 
The Commandant's spouse. Has the same authority as the commandant, and often abuses such power regularly.

    The Scions 
The Commandant's two little bratty kids. Often act as sadistically and cruelly as you would expect spoiled little brats would.

    The Carnifex 
The Commandant's mail-order pet killing machine and bodyguard from THE CAPITAL. No one knows how these things are created, only that they are not human and incredibly dangerous.
  • The Dragon: The Commandant's chief boogieman. Its presence alone ensures people will not dare mess with the commandant.

    The Servant 
A Prisoner shipped in from THE CAPITAL, serving as the commandant's personal butler and indentured servant

The Gatewatch

    The Advocatus 
A bureaucrat from the A.A.M., sent to Portzee to monitor the situation brewing there and ensuring it doesn't fall to Separatists. Has the final say on all Gate matters.
  • The Starscream: Advocatii are known for being untrustworthy on a good day and usually try to undermine the Commandant's authority and report on his every move to THE CAPITAL.

Giddy volunteers to the A.A.M. who process the documents of those passing through the checkpoint
  • Soul-Crushing Desk Job: Inspectors are unlikely to be able to leave their posts in fear of dismissal, arrest, or even execution. The Advocatus is often hovering over your shoulder making ridiculous new rules and demands and not following them is also likely to get you in deep shit as well. Have fun!

  • Expy: Of "The Inspector" from Papers Please.

Gatewatch guards who ensure no one tries anything funny at the checkpoint. Yells at people in the line to maintain orderly conduct and follow the rules.

The Peacekeepers

    Head Peacekeeper 
The Sergeant of the local Peace Corps detachment in Portzee. While the Lieutenant is out of town, you have full authority over the lesser ranks of the Peace Corps.

The privates and enforcers of the peace in the Bunker.

Peacekeeper phone operator who answers calls to the emergency Peacekeeper line 54-46 and relays the information to the other Peacekeepers. More of a desk jockey than a fighter.

Child recruits to the Peace Corps. Often act as a shadow to an adult Peacekeeper or as a scout.

Peacekeepers on probation for messing up. Assigned to the slums to maintain what little order remains there.

The Practitioners

    Head Practitioner 
Head of The Flock in the Portzee bunker. Has the longest beak, and is therefore in charge.

The people in charge of providing medical care in Portzee. So dedicated to their craft that their clothes, including their beak-like masks, are stitched to their skin.

The person who makes all of the practitioners' medicines. Can make drugs purely for profit, or for healing, or even hurting.

Corpse collector who collects from the high supply of corpses in Portzee to power The Beast and keep the town's lights on.
  • Desecrating the Dead: In order to more efficiently feed The Beast, the undertaker has to cut off pieces of the body and feed them one by one to it. Don't forget to remove the hands and feet before you remove the limbs. Let nothing go to waste!

The C.C.M.

The head of the CCM in Portzee, sells goods, including guns, satchels, and ammunition, at a premium price.

    Crate Pusher 
One of the Commissariat's goons. Moves cargo, delivers goods, and even roughs people up or kills them if the Commissariat demands it.

The Factory

The fattest man in Portzee. Is incredibly rich and owns the factory in the slums.

    My Redz's Bodyguard 
Guards Mr Redz, with his body.

Mr. Redz' top goon. Oversees the factory and breaks legs if need be.

    Factory Worker 
A lucky person who has to work at Mr. Redz' factory producing shells. Try not to lose any limbs.

    Child Factory Worker 
Factory worker, but more grimdark.


Runs the canteen in the bunker, hates Italian food.

Donning a hazmat suit and trusty mop, keeps the bunker as clean as possible until another shootout happens.

A Private Eye for hire. A good man to hire when you want info on the deepest, dirtiest parts of town.

Portzee's local yellow...or well

The proprietor of Portzee's finest, and only tailor shop. Can make new clothes for the upper crusts as well as more practical things like slings for weapons.

Italian owner of the bunker's local convenience store. Tends to get bullied for being Italian.

The Post-Italian Mafia

