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Awesome / To the Moon

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    To The Moon 
  • Awesome Music: Every single song in the game. For a leitmotif said to consist of two repetitive notes, it's awfully catchy. Also, notable mention goes to Everything's Alright, the game's Award-Bait Song entry.
  • Neil's adamant defense of Johnny and River being united the way they were.
    Eva: Look, our contract is to send him to the moon. And the only way for that to happen is if Johnny is motivated to do so.
    Neil: But if that means removing River, then what's the point?! The only reason he wants to go to the moon is because she died!
    Neil: #@%& the contract! I didn't take this job to make him miserable, Eva! I don't know about you, but I took the job to help the freakin' geezers die happy.

     Finding Paradise 

     Impostor Factory 
  • It turns out that not only has Neil managed to perfect his late mother's technology, he's also been able to download the memories of every patient in Sigmund Corp's files, with his overall goal shown to be to give everybody the perfect life.
