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Awesome / Secondhand Lions

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  • Hub's monologue right before he beats the crap out of four teenage assholes. This whole speech is given while Hub is throttling the asshole with one hand.:
    Hub: (to a punk who asks him who he thinks he is) I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two world wars, and countless smaller ones on three continents. I’ve led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, killed many men, and loved only one woman, with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. Now, GO HOME, BOY!"
  • Also, Walter taking a stand against his mother's new boyfriend Stan:
    • Jasmine the lion going Mama Bear on Stan, taking a lethal heart attack to protect Walter.
  • While we don't hear all of it, the uncles tell the asshole Stan who attacked Walter something pretty threatening. "You know, you're pretty lucky. Lucky that lion got a hold of you before we did." We cut away and see them wrapping up with an Ironic Echo of his choice of being friends or enemies.
  • Also, Hub to the evil Sheik:
    Hub: "I have held your life in my hands twice, and twice I have given it back to you. The third time, your life is mine."
  • The comic strips in the end credits were drawn by Berke Breathed specifically for the film.
  • After learning of Mae's intention to let Stan, her newest boyfriend who just beat her son the night before and got mauled by Jasmine, stay with them and marry her, Walter has had enough and voices his frustration toward his mother for her irresponsibility, thinking that getting a new Domestic Abuser will solve everything. He asks one thing of her that would be best for him, which is clearly to leave him for good and let him stay with Hub and Garth, the only true family that cares for him.
  • A salesman is brave enough to drive to the uncles' house and he actually makes a sale by offering them the perfect item: a skeet shooting machine. It's the perfect gadget for two men who like to sit on their porch with loaded shotguns waiting for something to shoot at. The salesman also gets their respect by being a good enough shot to make an off-the-cuff demo shot.
