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Awesome / Pathfinder: Kingmaker

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    Main Story 
  • Featured in one of the splash arts of the game is the colossal owlbear rampaging through your capital - despite being as large as a house and having fought through numerous other monsters of the First World your party comes out on top.
  • During the climatic confrontation with Vordakai, Tristian will enact his betrayal. However, if you have encouraged him throughout the dungeon with Good-aligned dialogue, you can convince him to instead smash the Oculus of Abbadon and turn Vordakai's immortality against him in the process.
  • In Pitax, with high enough Persuasion and some good evidence, you can extract promises from almost all of Irovetti's advisors (Stefano requires a Chaotic alignment) to help you when negotiations inevitably fall through. In this case, when he gives the order for his men to attack you, you are treated to the sight of every single one of them turning on him. Now that's a revolution.
  • Attaining the secret ending. It's a massive Guide Dang It!, but damn is it satisfying. To summarize, after informing Nyrissa about what you've learned regarding how curses in the Stolen Lands work, she concocts a plan. You first gain the aid of the other three Eldest - the Lost Prince gives you advice, Magdh the Three gives you a mask the Lantern King had discarded when he was far younger, and Shyka the Many tells you that it must be done after he's been defeated and his confidence broken. Upon defeating him, Nyrissa informs him that she rejects his curse, turning the anguish of a thousand fallen kingdoms back upon him, rendering him mortal, and awaiting your own contribution.
    This is all the Lantern King is able to say. You feel a heavy burden, invisible and ominous, lift from your shoulders and dash towards your enemy. An enemy who is now, after Nyrissa's words, mortal and vulnerable.
    Your curse falls upon the Eldest like a gravestone. The power that was tearing your soul apart, along with the kingdom, now devours him — and faster than one could imagine. The light flashes out. The power fades. A moment later, all you see is a fiery crown, tumbling to the ground and shattering with a piercing clink.
    • There's something to be said for defeating him outside this ending, too. In that case, you don't have advice from the Eldest, you don't have the tools to for his downfall—you just have yourself, your True Companions, and sheer grit. And you still beat him. You can't kill him, but you beat him, and he's so genuinely surprised and impressed that he offers you a deal on the spot.

  • Several companion quests feature duels that they are meant to lose - notably Valerie and Amiri. It is possible to win them despite that.
    • Most notably of these is Amiri, who ends up dueling the Arc Villain Armag. At this point he has a few levels over her and notably better equipment, but if she manages to bring him down enough one of the Defaced Sisters will interrupt before he is vanquished. This is acknowledged later.

  • Alignment-locked options often allow you to do things that either require heavy skill checks or are otherwise impossible, often by expressing the virtues of that alignment.
    • Neutral characters get the opportunity to find commmon ground between bitter rivals - both the Mites and Kobolds of Old Sycamore or even the Aldori and Surtova factions of Brevoy.
    • Both Good and Evil characters get the option to defuse a riot during the Season of Bloom, no matter how difficult their actions have made the task, with a simple speech to either point out that killing you would deprive them of their best hope to stop the Bloom... or simply making an example until the rest back off.
    • Good-aligned characters get several opportunities to deliver a painful Armor-Piercing Question that forces the recipient to reconsider their actions, such as the Defaced Sister in the Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes who completely abandons her mission as a result.
    • Evil aligned characters get the opportunity to sow division in their enemies, such as talking Hargulka to killing Tartuk with no more than words.
  • With due diligence, Maeger Varn's General can resolve two crises with a far more favorable solution than otherwise available.
    • First is when a Galtian firebrand is inciting the populace to rebel against Maeger Varn simply because he has become a baron. With the right skills, you can either stop her from escaping and reveal that she was just there to start chaos and leave or talk the mob into stopping her themselves, at which point they realize what they almost let themselves be talked into.
    • Second is when they discover the truth of a cannibal innkeeper. The basic clues prove the story is correct. The full set reveals that it is correct... except the innkeeper had been replaced recently after he had tried to murder several lycanthropes that were not looking for trouble, allowing for a peaceful resolution and the punishment of the loose end.
