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Awesome / Kindred Spirits on the Roof

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  • Hina jumping off from the second story window just to catch Kiri is definitely this. Kiri had kept ahead of the others thanks to her cunning, but this bold move lets Hina close the gap almost immediately.
  • In mid to late July, Umi tells Nena about how their mutual friend Sasa confessed to Umi and how she's prepared to break up with Sasa if it's necessary for the sake of their friendship, something Sasa reluctantly agreed to. In response, Nena becomes uncharacteristically angry and tells her friends in no uncertain terms that they don't need to go this far for her sake.
  • Yuna, a high schooler who previously had taken part in a cooking club and cooked for herself and Hina, manages to serve as the cook for the track team's training camp. During this time, she extensively prepares and asks about students' likes and dislikes, as well as possible allergies, and makes meals that are appropriate for the weather, the students' activities and the budget. No wonder Matsuri and Miyu are impressed.
  • When she hears some third-year students calling Miki a masochist and laughing about it, Maki ends up calling them out on how they treat Miki and she even makes one of the third-year students cry.
  • In response, Miki calls Maki by her first name for the first time, gives her a Cooldown Hug and tells the students that she'll only take their requests if they need her help.
  • Youka's performance at the school festival, especially at the end where Youka pulls Aki on stage and kisses her right in front of the student body.
  • Youka's lyrics also deserve mention. She starts off writing a rather terrible song that's over-the-top and stalkerish, due to the fact that she barely knows Aki. Over the course of the next few months, she writes a song for Aki that incorporates everything she knows about her.
  • In the days after the festival, the vice-principal calls Youka into the office, and it's clear that she's in deep trouble due to her history of tardiness causing the school to think of her as a delinquent. Aki and Tsukuyo stand up for Youka, though, arguing that Youka is improving herself and that a scolding would cause her to regress. Tsukuyo even uses the claim that lesbianism is a phase to not only disprove the vice-principal's apparent disapproval of their kissing, but also claims that their being friends is a good thing for Youka's development.
  • Youka and Aki then go on to prove that the lecture about the kiss didn't frighten them by having sex above the school gate.
