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Awesome / Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation

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"The Princess Who Loves Bones"

  • Sakurako's deduction in figuring out that the old couple was murdered instead of being killed via suicide thanks to her Awesome by Analysis skills.

"Where Do You Live?"

  • Hiroki risk his life to restrain the knife-wielding drug addict after he got a stab wound.
    • At the same time, Shotaro reveals his Hidden Depths when he uses martial arts to subdue the armed man before he could kill Hiroki or anyone else.

"The Cursed Man"

  • Takeshi's been grievously injured in a suicide attempt, and the ambulance is going to take longer to reach his house than usual because of an illegally parked car. Rather than wait for it to get there, Hiroki puts Takeshi on his back and runs with him all the way to the ambulance as it's still driving toward the house.
