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Nightmare Fuel / Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation

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"The Princess Who Loves Bones"

  • Sakurako and Shotaro analyze the crime scene of an old couple suspected of having committed suicide. Upon further analysis, the former concludes that it was someone who made it look like a suicide by killing the two and covering up the scene afterwards by having their corpses dumped into the sea. What makes this worse is that the Asahikawa City police were already making the conclusion that it was a murder-suicide case without taking the possibility of murder into consideration.

"Where Do You Live?"

  • The young girl's mom getting killed by a drug addict. Without her quick thinking, the child's younger brother would've been killed by the addict, although he was beginning to suffer a heat stroke since he was in the basement.
  • The blood on the young girl's bag.
  • Getting stabbed in the stomach area. It's bad enough that you need to be careful as a police officer since you're expected to face danger, but it's bad enough that something unexpected and fast can happen badly to you without you knowing it.
