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Analysis / Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger

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As the story of Kingohger progresses, each of the monarchs in general display and embody a negative characteristic of leadership, but turn it on its head, allowing them to display not only the negative aspects on occasion, showing how one can spin those impulses for the betterment of themselves and the people around them:

Gira Embodies Power

Gira's character portrayal in the narrative is an intriguing departure from conventional power-seeking archetypes commonly found in stories. While seeking power for the protection of others is a recurring theme throughout various tales, Gira's role as a self-proclaimed villain and tyrant adds a unique perspective that sets him apart. Despite filling the traditional role of the Sentai Red, the narrative's emphasis on unity and teamwork allows Gira to transcend the archetype, presenting him as a character with more depth and nuance than usually allowed.

Yanma Embodies Pride

This is characterized by his unwavering resolve and reluctance to yield to others in most situations. This trait often leads him into challenging situations, especially since those he confronts are typically more powerful than he is. However, it's Yanma's sheer determination that becomes a driving force for the team, enabling them to navigate through numerous challenging scenarios successfully.

Hymeno Embodies Selfishness

Unsurprisingly; she says it all the time. But while she occasionally displays true selfishness, it is often used as a mask for selflessness. She selfishly wants to help people, but is portrayed as selfless for it.

Kaguragi Embodies Deceit

It is commonly expected for those in power to lie, and Kaguragi does frequently, constantly switching sides and misinforming his allies to get his way. But at the end of the day, everything he does is for the sake of his people. And because of the scope of his deception, he is privy to more information than the rest of the cast, being aware of both the teams’ and Racles’ plans

Rita Embodies Authority

Not only are they a king, but also the world’s judge, holding power over even the other kings, making them the absolute authority on Terra. But they never abuse their power; always seeking to be a neutral party in all going-ons.

Jeramie Embodies Eccentricity

He is aloof and wordy and doesn’t act like a good king would, playing a role more similar to one of a king content with his power, but his attitude and ability are separate things, as he is shown to have great battle prowess and leadership abilities. Jeramie has his own things going on with being half Bugnarok as it adds more to his overall strangeness compared to those around him.
