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Your Mom / Webcomics

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  • In this strip of the Dada Comic Witch's Brew, these jokes can become an unstoppable compulsion. (Your Mom is an unstoppable compulsion.) Oh, shut up. (Your Mom should shut up.)
  • Taken to extreme lengths in an early Dinosaur Comics strip, where T. Rex is very explicit about having had sex with Utahraptor's mom.
  • In this Doodle for Food comic, a game show contestant answers the question "What is the largest mammal on Earth?" with "Is it your mom?" Lucky for her, the game show host is a blue whale, so that's the correct answer.
  • Kiel'ndia in Drowtales uses this against Chiri'nide as they fight here and here, and Chiri being Chiri, it works perfectly.
  • Played with in Enjuhneer here:
    "And she said it was an example of things to come."
    "Your mom is an example of"
  • This Fletcher Apts. strip:
    Becca: I hear a lot of talk, but I don't see a lot of action!
    Zoe: Your mother doesn't see a lot of action.
    Bob: Oh, come on now. Fighting is one thing, but mother jokes? Aren't we a little old for that?
    Zoe: Your mother's a little old for that.
  • In Girl Genius:
    • Jäger insults Boris Dolokhov in these terms:
      Ah — go kees an hoctopoos. Oh vait, hyu mama already deed! Heh.
    • The Baron's dragon unleashes Flowery Insults on Franz Scorchman, including telling his squire (who rides a donkey) "If superficial resemblances are all it takes, then you sit astride his dam!"
  • Played with in Girls with Slingshots: Hazel asks Jamie who will arrange the upcoming party. When Jamie truthfully responds "Your mom!" Hazel gets it wrong and irritably retorts "Your mom!" (The joke is recycled from here.)
  • Hark! A Vagrant:
  • Homestuck:
    • When discussing briefing the President on a disaster:
      TG: like mr president theres a meteor coming sir. oh yeah, how big is it? its the size of texas sir
      TG: OH SHIT
      TG: or, how big is it? its the size of new york city sir
      TG: OH SHIT
      TG: sir im afraid the comet is the size of your moms dick
      TG: OH SNAP
    • In another conversation, Dave anticipates the "face" variant:
      TG: how does that even work
      TG: how do you use a computer and know whats going on it doesnt make sense
      TG: my face doesnt make sense
      GC: D4V3 YOUR *F4C3* DO3SNT M4K3 ......
      GC: D4MM1T
    • In a later conversation, the trope is defied:
      Dave: ill be the ambassador to your mom.
      Dave: and no that wasnt actually meant as the sick burn it sounded like
  • In Jailhouse Blues (a former subcomic of Bob and George), Yo Momma Man reveals that he's programmed to reflexively respond to any insult with "Yo momma!"
  • The Order of the Stick:
    • Roy tries to get the Oracle's attention while incorporeal with "yo mama" insults. The Oracle turns it around a few comics later, since he actually could hear them:
      Oracle: ...Who may have been a bit portly due to a glandular condition, but at least she didn't whore up the Afterlife when she died...
    • When Elan and Nale square off, Elan drops some insults to Nale's mother as a distraction. Nale's distracted more by the fact that she's Elan's mother too.
  • Penny Arcade: When Tycho comments on Gabe's playing style:
    Tycho: I feel like there's a disconnect between the shit talking and, you know... Armello's general aesthetic.
    Gabe: Oh yeah? I feel like there's a disconnect between your mom and my dick. ...Hmm. That one needed a little more time in the oven.
  • In Persona 3 FTW, this was Aigis's response to Akihiko as to why she, a robot, couldn't open a door.
  • In Pokémon-X, May is being pestered by the NPCs of Dewford, who go on and on about "Invincible Legend" and how awesome it is. Eventually, she snaps and tells one of them that the real big thing is "your mother". The NPC takes her at her word, and when Brendan explores the town, he hears everyone talking about "your mother" and thinks they're the rudest group of people he's ever met. As the comic writer points out, this is actually possible in the games on which the comic is based.
  • In a montage of partying physicists in Questionable Content, we see a drunken argument where one astrophysicist tells another he couldn't read the spectra from galaxy NGC 1041 if it was tattooed on his retinas, and gets the reply "Oh, yeah? Well, I read your mom's spectra last night!"
  • Rusty and Co.: Dirk Doogan taunts a troll into lunging at him (and the deadly buzzsaws surrounding him) with what is basically a "Yo Momma" joke.
    Dirk: You couldn't get me even if you brought your ma's bridge club.
    Troll: My ma don't have no bridge club.
    Dirk: So how does she defend the bridge she lives under, then?
    Troll: My ma don't live under no bridge, dude!
  • In Sabrina Online, Zig Zag goes so far as to actually sleep with an internet troll's mother.
  • Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:
    • This strip is a table of "You Mama Jokes, Indexed by Professional Employment.
    • Todd wins the insult war:
      "Your mama's so fat, here's a picture of her tied up in my basement!"
  • Shortpacked!:
  • Sinfest: Your Mom: I totally did her. Twice.
    The Devil: Yo mama so fat she always wins at see-saw. Yo mama so fat NASA upgraded her to planet status! Oh! Burn!
    Jesus: Verily I say unto thee: Thy mother is so gluttonous she doth bear the mark of Chef Boyardee upon her flesh. Oh, snappeth!
  • Skin Horse:
    • One of the backer rewards in the Volume 3 physical book Kickstarter was to ask the characters three questions, which would be answered by exclusive marginalia in that backer's copy of the book. Among the ones shown on the website was Nick being asked about a good Valentine's Day movie and replying "Aliens, 'cuz it gets your mom in the mood. I guess she likes that stuff." (Dr. Lee then revealed it was actually Ladyhawke.)
    • Nick again, when Moustachio finds him in a funk (and not the Tigerlily kind):
      Moustachio: Is this regarding Dr. Lee?
      Nick: What?! No! Dr. Lee? Your mom's Dr. Lee!
      Moustachio: I can gauge your feelings, and my empathy is two springs and a Vial of Mercury.
      Nick: Your mom's a vial of mercury!
  • Officer Tod throws around an absurd number of these during the final battle of Sluggy Freelance's "Phoenix Rising" story arc. An example:
  • Something*Positive:
    "Careful about bringing up his mom, PeeJee. He's had a deep-rooted hatred of women ever since he learned she secretly was one."
  • xkcd has a ton of them:
    • #366
      Boy: Well, your mom turns every conversation into a "your mom" joke and it's becoming unbearable.
      Girl: I'm serious; I can't take this anymore. I'm leaving.
      Boy: ...That's what she said!
      Girl: Yes. Yes, it is.
      [Alt Text]
      Girl: Seriously, it's your mom jokes or me.
      Boy: Then I, like so many men before me, must reluctantly choose your mom.
    • In #502, Beret Guy takes it unusually — Cueball suggests that a supermassive object beyond the edge of the visible universe is "your mom", only for Beret Guy to look to the sky with a telescope:
      Beret Guy: Pull harder, Mom. I miss you.
    • #639 depicts Stephen Douglas as resorting to this as a debate tactic after losing to Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election.
    • #116 is an eloquent alliterative setup to a "your mom" joke.
    • #541 has one in the Alt Text:
      The IAU ban came after the "redefinition of 'planet' to include the IAU president's mom" incident.
    • #681 is an infographic demonstrating the gravity wells of various celestial objects — and your mom.
    • #526 explains the Metric system by demonstrating how heavy your mom would be in metric (223 kg with cheap jewelry and makeup, apparently).
    • #320 discusses a revolutionary new sleep cycle:
      "It means four extra hours daily. You can stay up until you're exhausted and then spend a full 9 hours asleep each night!"
      "But how much time can I spend doing your mom?"
      "You? I'm guessing three or four minutes, tops."
      "...Well played."
    • #89 just cuts to the chase:
      Black Hat Guy: You know what? I'm just gonna skip the rest of the buildup and say it: Yo mama's fat.
    • #176 is another poetic buildup to a "your mom" joke.
    • Legendary super-hacker Mrs. Roberts will deface the websites of people who tell "your mom" jokes to her equally legendary super-hacker daughter.
    • In #785, Black Hat guy participates in Open Mic Night and throws a "your mom" joke at a heckler.
    • #819's last comic has a very strange "your mom" joke that ends with your girlfriend wearing your mom's skin as a suit.
    • From the Alt Text of #563:
      "I love how Google handles dimensional analysis. Stats are ballpark and vary wildly by time of day and whether your mom is in town."
  • In The Zombie Hunters, Sammie and Jenny share some Casual Danger Dialogue.
    Sammie: These guys could be, like, berserker zombies.
    Jenny: Heh. Berserker zombies on fire.
    Sammie: In bed.
    Jenny: With?
    Both: Your mom!
