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Word Of God / Brockton's Celestial Forge

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Lord Roustabout gives some information in the various sites that aren't immediately obvious or said at all in the Brockton's Celestial Forge.

  • Joe's general background is given.
  • Joe has difficulty interpreting his passenger's messages.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how the Jumpchain power works.
  • Tattletale's power is explained.
  • Joe's passenger is unsure of his ability to overcome Scion.
  • Parahuman powers are treated as magic.
  • Joe's powers stack with each other, making them stronger than they would be individually.
  • Lord Roustabout give a short list of some of the powers Joe can copy at the moment.
  • Some things are effectively impossible for Joe to create.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Lisa was so confident after meeting Joe.
  • Built to Last and Alchemist are explained.
  • Lisa isn't as in control as she thinks.
  • The door to the Workshop has some limits.
  • If Joe had joined the Protectorate, his most powerful creations would be banned.
  • Amy will get help, unlike what happened in canon.
  • Garment is fiat backed.
  • Joe has a few blind spots when it comes to social cues. The ones about the convertible incident and Boardwalk picture requests will come up later.
  • Victor would be able to steal sufficiently mundane abilities from Joe.
  • Joe purposefully chose a name that is vague, but with implications.
  • Joe is using the new powers he gets form the Celestial Forge to temporarily spoof precogs.
  • The PRT's reaction to Joe meeting Panacea is explained.
  • The PRT theorized that Joe is a Shaker due to how his powers seemed to work from what they saw.
    • Armsmaster's reasoning for labelling Joe a Shaker, aside from jealousy, is given.
  • Joe will start with the ABB before he can get started on investigating Coil.
  • Joe working together with Garment will be more formidable than others expect.
  • The full might of the Celestial Forge is greater than any parahuman power.
  • Due to the fact that Joe's passenger draws knowledge from the main story, WOG posts, Ward, and parts of Weaver Dice, any warnings about future events become less helpful as time goes by.
  • Shard influence is reduced in the Workshop.
  • Thanks to the knowledge he has from his power, Joe is able to both monitor his AIs and guide their growth.
  • The duplication effect from Joe's duplication potion is explained in depth.
  • Joe won't be handing the Undersiders any more weapons.
  • Grue's call didn't lessen his concern about Joe.
  • Joe's ability to spoof Thinkers partially extends to people he directly interacts with.
  • The ABB bombing spree is more coordinated than in canon.
  • Joe still needs time to create tech that can protect him from time effects.
  • Joe is holding back the big guns to avoid attention and prevent fatalities.
  • Some of the effects of Joe's talk with Panacea and the bombing spree are given.
  • Lord Roustabout answers some questions about call beads being used to access shards, Weld's interaction with fiat backed items, Trump interactions with Apeiron's creations, and about Joe's therapist.
  • Armsmaster and Taylor's situations are given a little light.
  • Kid Win is closer to figuring out his specialization than in canon.
  • Apeiron's relationship with Dragon will be complicated.
  • Joe hasn't figured out the Transformers connection to his motoroid due to only being familiar with the Transformers Film Series. The sound his motoroid makes is from Transformers: Generation 1.
  • Joe was unsure how his tech stacked up against capes before he fought the ABB.
  • Joe's entrance stole Bakuda's thunder.
  • Some of Joe's weapons and powers, as well as his opinions on both the Undersiders and taking down Bakuda are given.
  • More info on how Alchemy (Samurai Jack) works is given.
  • Joe doesn't want to show the Workshop to people due to some of the stuff in it.
  • March being in Brockton Bay is one of the biggest changes resulting from Joe's actions.
  • Coil is very concerned with March interfering with Dinah's precog.
  • Apeiron will be confirmed to be a Tinker after his fight with the ABB.
  • Coil believes Apeiron to be a Mad Scientist tinker.
  • A rough timeline of what Apeiron can build from Taylor's perspective is given.
  • Apeiron will be looting as much tinker tech as he can.
  • Joe doesn't really have a problem with resources anymore.
  • Uber and Leet are in denial of what they are now.
  • Leet's shard is much more cooperative here than in canon.
  • The best Joe can hope for when facing March head on is take the hit and hope he can heal himself.
  • Accord will be interested in anything Apeiron or Garment makes.
  • Joe may have a mental crisis when the implications of his powers are revealed.
  • Joe's passenger not realizing March is in Brockton Bay will have consequences.
  • Joe will have difficulty taking down the ABB permanently.
  • Apeiron healing the Undersiders has drawn Bonesaw's attention.
  • Joe has an aversion to some specific kinds of wet tinkering.
  • The Undersiders will be paying off their debt using favors.
  • Joe might be able to partially restore the memories of Case 53s.
  • Joe won't be trusting Tattletale's judgment in the future.
  • March moved to Brockton Bay when Flechette's transfer was announced and set up shop before the latter even arrived.
  • Coil isn't a threat to Joe anymore.
  • Joe's accuracy with shooting is thanks to his equipment.
  • Joe can't heal most mental illnesses.
  • Joe will be meeting with his therapist more often.
  • Joe can only make flawed works if he is doing it intentionally.
  • Joe is still getting used to the new combat experiences he received in the Bakuda fight.
  • Panacea being in M/S protocols will show just how much she was propping up the current system.
  • The coming conflict will basically be March vs Apeiron.
  • March is having difficulties handling Apeiron due to his relative obscurity beforehand.
  • The damaged motoroid drew the attention of the other parahumans due to the fact that the call bead it in is a stabilized portal to Shardspace and was bleeding call bead energy.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Regent was going through in the fight against Bakuda.
  • Armsmaster's fight against Lung went very poorly.
  • Garment will basically be the one to handle Apeiron's PR work.
  • Even at his absolute best, Leet wouldn't stand a chance against Apeiron, especially if the latter is prepared.
  • The wordcount of the AO3 version of the story is what's counted to the points earned for the Celestial Forge.
  • Leet actually having functional tech is pushing Bakuda to get more impressive bombs.
  • The speed at which Joe's power grows depends on how much he interacts with others.
  • As a result of the disaster that was the bank job, the Youth Guard is keeping a closer eye on the Wards.
  • What happened to the Wards at the bank may have been for the best.
  • The PRT will play up the attack at the Forsberg Gallery while downplaying Apeiron's heroic actions in saving the conscripts.
  • Coil still thinks he has a handle on Apeiron.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the problem with issuing a kill order against Bakuda or March.
  • Having a connection outside the cape scene is good for Joe's mental state.
  • Garment will help Joe get more legitimate income.
  • Joe is capable of teaching others how to use alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist.
  • From his A.I.s' perspective, Joe seems more like another AI that goes around in a meat body than a person.
  • Armsmaster and Piggot are in a bad spot and will do everything they can to either blame it on Apeiron or get the support needed to keep him in line.
  • Lord Roustabout gives a list of the fandoms he is using with the Celestial Forge at the moment.
  • Brian has been having difficulties, especially with Aisha's power making him forget she existed, restoring the memory, and then back again.
  • Cauldron will be more interested in Joe after he demonstrates a bit more of his capabilities.
  • Both Tattletale and Coil are both manipulating things to keep Joe and the PRT at odds with one another.
  • Coil plans on pointing Joe at a convenient target to keep him busy.
  • Joe will eventually either figure out his tech is from fiction or, more likely, have it pointed out to him.
  • Saving Weld will earn Apeiron some goodwill from PRT Boston.
  • The song Apeiron played will spawn crazy theories from the PRT.
  • Taylor won't be going down the same path she did in canon.
  • Apeiron helping Weld with his condition, and against the latter's shard, will get out to other Case 53s and will provide a lot of context for future endeavors.
  • Some of the extreme measures the PRT ENE are taking are due to the fact that they are currently taking emergency measures for everything.
  • Due to what Weld saw and heard from Apeiron, some will be assuming that the latter is a Case 53 or something similar.
  • Joe's reactions towards Aisha intruding and the life fibers being sapient are due to his trigger.
  • Joe is getting warnings from his passenger about the local PRT due to how compromised it is.
  • Piggot is heading for a slow crash due to her bad decisions.
  • Workaholic will only activate when Joe is trying to build something.
  • The author explains what the Simurgh would do if she was aware of Joe.
  • The disaster that's hitting Brockton Bay is due to a variety of factors.
  • Joe's physical capabilities with his various enhancements is given.
  • Souls exist, but the only known afterlife is the shardspace.
  • Sophia doesn't like Khepri because the latter made the former's life more difficult.
  • The author explains what's different between the life fiber that Joe has and the one from Kill la Kill.
  • Learning aura won't be easy for Joe. It will take another perk to figure out everything it can do.
  • March sees Flechette as a target, Apeiron as a nemesis, and Garment as someone to keep away from Flechette.
  • Joe's passenger didn't notice March because it wasn't looking for her.
  • The name of Joe's Grapnel-Lantern Shield is given by the author before it is revealed in story.
  • Some info on Joe's magic lab is given.
  • Joe was only half kidding about making nuclear proof armor for Aisha.
  • Joe becoming a demigod hasn't changed his personal history.
  • Aisha is secretly living out her wildest fantasies when she finds out about what Joe can do.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the problem with Joe undergoing second trigger.
  • Unlike virtually anyone else, Apeiron will be able to safely interact with Accord.
  • Joe's wand is sentient.
  • Joe will provide high level technology to protect Garment's store.
  • Aura has some advantages over life fibers.
  • The author confirms that it's possible for Joe to get Spiral Energy. However, it will take time for him to get a handle on it.
  • Joe has or can make the materials to do advanced surgery. He just lacks the experience.
  • Passengers won't be able to get much data on what Joe can do from what Aisha has seen/will say.
  • Joe will have a hard time curing Noelle.
  • When Joe inevitably finds out Aisha's brother is Grue, she'll pretend she didn't know.
  • Free perks are chosen erratically.
  • The author will not randomly select who will die against the Endbringers.
  • Coil has been relying on Tattletale to analyze the current situation in Brockton Bay.
  • Apeiron can't respond to March being on the field due to the information getting to him after the fact.
  • The author is adding more perks. He will add more as he gets more familiar with media they're from.
  • Sophia's actions in school being discovered by the Youth Guard may result in Brockton Bay losing its Wards program.
  • Vista using hero work to avoid her personal problems is unhealthy, and will result in it blowing up in her face, especially after her unhealthy methods of coping are taken away thanks to the Youth Guard.
  • Armsmaster isn't in a good place right now. As a result, he will want to get back into the thick of things, even if it isn't advisable.
  • Although some of what Joe creates can be copied, the fiat backed effects can't.
  • The author explains a few powers that Joe can get, specifically ones from Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
  • Damsel of Distress can affect Joe.
  • Taking down March is Coil's biggest concern due to her being able to spoof Dinah.
  • The interaction between Lack of Materials and Evermore alchemy is given. The post also goes into how Noelle clones of Joe would work.
  • Assault will be checking up on Amy, which will be good for her.
  • Because of all the thinkers and tinkers monitoring on the internet, Joe can't just erase massive amounts of data on it to make things easier for himself.
  • The author gives information on what Joe can do with the tech currently at his disposal.
  • Though you can use Dust Weaving without Aura, you still need it to use Dust Weaving effectively.
  • Tetra can't survive being made into a goku uniform, but can survive being made into a Kamui.
  • Joe having his own relationship with Taylor's mother will mean a lot to Taylor.
  • How Joe's Scrapper power combines with his other resource powers is explained.
  • Taylor likes how Joe takes her seriously.
  • The legalities of Amy healing and being paid for it are given. Ways Joe's tech can be used or has been upgraded are also given.
  • Canary's case being given a second look actually somewhat improves her situation compared to canon. Also, the King Arthur power incorporates things from the Fate Series.
  • Several crafting powers are explained.
  • Joe's ability to create Divine Constructs is explained.
  • Joe talking with Danny and Taylor will have practical benefits for his mindset.
  • Joe can counter Bonesaw and will feel sorry for Canary so long as he doesn't know that she bought her power.
  • We learn the movie preferences of Fleet, Survey, Garment, and Aisha.
  • Joe won't be giving any hints of his connection to Taylor in the hopes of starving interest.
  • Coil prefers to get completed tinker tech as that way it doesn't conflict with how he uses his power.
  • Sting can penetrate Avalon.
  • So long as Coil is around, Joe can't trust or be open with the Undersiders.
  • Only some potions and effects from Evermore Alchemy are affected by Master Craftsman.
  • Piggot won't be thrilled by all the Case 53s showing up in Brockton Bay.
  • Joe was able to handle his 1st 600 point perk well partially because he's dealing with his issues.
  • Kid Win beats himself up because he's an insecure teenager under a lot of stress and dealing with significant amounts of guilt.
  • Fleet has mini pace cars so that he can have realistic mini races.
  • Joe can't create actual Noble Phantasms yet.
  • Joe usually expects the worst when it comes to social situations due to experience.
  • Making a QEC a Divine Construct would make it far more powerful than before.
  • The usage of some of Joe's tech, specifically how it would be analyzed and used by others, is explained.
    • The author later gives more details on the problems with reverse engineering Apeiron's tech.
  • Joe's powers help mitigate the drawbacks of Warhammer 40,000 tech.
  • Teacher will be leveraging all of his students through Saint against Apeiron.
  • The author goes over Dragon's loosened restrictions, how interludes will work in the story moving forward, and the reaction to the reveal that Apeiron has access to reliable fusion systems.
  • Apeiron actually helping Dragon and the powers he got when interacting with her are explained.
  • Without his canon Character Development, Armsmaster becoming Defiant will not end well.
  • According to the author, each Case 53 will be a unique challenge to cure, Faultline's Crew will learn of Apeiron curing Case 53s, and people in-universe will be shipping Apeiron and Dragon.
  • Narwhal is particularly concerned by what she sees as Dragon's first crush.
  • Joe is the best person to deal with Dragon's limitations.
  • The author goes into more detail on how power interactions work.
  • Joe didn't tell Weld that March was an annihilator to prevent any more rash decisions.
  • The author gives a list of capes who can or can't affect Joe or his powers.
  • Bakuda's dead man switch is even better than in canon thanks to having access to Leet's tech.
  • The Butcher may be showing up.
  • Joe getting the Star Wars perk will result in a droid army.
  • Joe has access to conventional 40k weapons.
  • Tenchi Muyo! tech is too easy to misuse.
  • Joe's improved technopathy thanks to the Divine Child perk opens up pretty much all the Percy Jackson technology and magic crafting.
  • Minor Blessing and Unnatural Skills can be rolled until Lord Roustabout runs out of gods.
  • The watches that Joe provided the Undersiders would be a bigger problem for Coil if he wasn't busy with the ABB. The powers Fate Finds You Interesting and Waste Not are also explained.
  • The Dragonslayers will attend the meeting in Somer's Rock. Joe's Nanite healing can't revert Lung to his base form.
  • The Star Trek shields can keep Shadow Stalker out.
  • It is possible for Joe to eventually affect Endbringers using his Techonokinesis.
  • The author answers a few questions, like the limits Techonokinesis and if limiting information from Thinkers is actually helping Joe.
  • The flesh husks from Bitch's powers may be worth scanning.
  • Lisa doesn't tell Joe about Dinah because she thinks it will just make things worse.
  • The author goes over Joe getting a Transformers body, among other powers.
    • He then goes over the benefits of having this body.
    • There is no chance of Joe getting a Titan body like Metroplex.
  • Rachel will get a lot out of the watch she got from Joe. Some of the Undersiders will deal with being associated with Apeiron better than others. Joe using pyrokinesis to snuff out life is elaborated, as is the author not going into interactions with Coil's power.
  • The author reveals which powers Joe will need to roll to get some free items.
  • If Joe hadn't stopped them, the machine spirits would have completely killed off Dragon.
  • The author specifies what the Iron Man perk provides.
  • If Aisha knew about Joe's power that involves singing, she'd drag him to do karaoke for practice.
  • Elven Enchantment is too taxing for him to use with Waste Not.
  • The squishier aspects of the 40k universe will not be pleasant for Joe.
  • The author answers a few questions, such as power interactions with Tetra and how Glaistig Uaine would react to Joe.
  • The Transformers powers will largely draw from Transformers: Generation 1.
  • The Erudition perk can be stretched to include knowledge on convent/forerunner technology.
  • The author elaborates on the felyne companion.
  • Armsmaster is more concerned about being active again than fighting Apeiron.
  • Divine Objects and Belmont Alchemy are explained.
  • The Divine Object nanites, copying Miss Milita's powers with runes, and making general instead of specialized weaponry are explained.
  • Call Beads being used to connect to Satan, along with other functions, are given.
  • In addition to Belmont Alchemy, there are other powers with theological implications available for Joe to roll. Also, Carol's attempts to keep what happened to Amy from happening to Vicky aren't going well.
  • Joe can pass off Fleet and Survey for a Vehicle tinker and a Database tinker respectively.
  • The author clarifies a few things, such as how the Laboratorium sees Earth Bet, why Divine Object nanites probably won't go out of control, and Carol Dallon's situation.
  • Drinking a vial may count as an evil ritual. Also, Manufacturing Line's capabilities are explained.
  • The author gives a short summary of all the boosts the duplicate potion duration currently has.
  • Carol Dallon is having difficulties handling what's happening to Amy because she isn't good in things outside her expertise or to rapidly changing circumstances.
  • Joe is oblivious to how people will react his new physique.
  • The author answers a few questions, such as Joe's countermeasures to prevent being hacked by Dragon, getting capstones after a constellation if finished, and adding tech and/or powers from Bloody Roar.
  • Medical nanites can heal Joe if he's hit by March so long as he isn't hit in the head.
  • Questions, including how a Divine Object Kamui would work, how well can Joe take Annihilator effects, and what do the A.I.s call Joe, are answered.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Joe's various nanites can do. Also, he confirmed that one of Joe's powers will provide him with Kerbals.
  • Even if he gets scans of it, Sting would take a while for Joe to understand and replicate.
  • Powers from Inukami! have been added to the Celestial Forge.
  • There are no powers from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in the Celestial Forge. Also, although Blasto will keep things professional when going after Leet, Uber, and the ABB, the members of Lost Garden going with him won't.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Survey could have messed up making tea, the transcript between Apeiron and Dragon, how Aura and Semblances interact with magic, and whether the combat boots are fiat backed.
  • Joe will only resort to using Inexplicable Innuendo if there are no better options.
  • Lord Roustabout says that they get trigger mechanics and types of powers from Weaver Dice. Also, the Adepts won't be going to Brockton Bay, though Butcher will.
  • March's actions have little chance of drawing Scion's attention.
  • The author explains Joe's new subspace pocket, Heretical Adaptation, Blasto's intentions, Lung's chances against Joe, HF weapons, and what would happen if a Titan appeared.
  • The upgrades of the combat boots, how valuable Leet's junk is to both Bakuda and Joe, and how Joe makes nanobots are given, among other things.
  • Joe won't be able to use tech from one setting in understanding tech from another setting as they follow different physical laws.
  • Joe can reduce the effect of Damsel of Distress' power, but not March's.
  • March is keeping a close eye on Leet as he is working at close to his full potential.
  • March has a good grasp of Joe's (not Apeiron's) mindset, while Joe will need to figure out why March is more dangerous than Endbringers.
  • The author explains the problems with a Heel–Face Turn for Leet and March, the motoroid being upgraded, the problems with using the Veritech, and the benefits of the Nanobots.
  • Shard interactions, specifically March's interest and work towards them, are explained.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over a few perks that Joe can get.
  • Whether of not Joe can get something from Blasto will depend on the circumstances.
  • Joe still has a lot to go before he's ready for everything but S-class threats.
  • March will have trouble with Apeiron, but can't be totally blocked.
    • It is later explained that March leaves a little slack in her plans so that they can adjust to what Apeiron will bring to the table.
  • The author gives the effects of the upgrading the shield, Apeiron's logo, and the workshop now channeling a mantic circuit generated by divine enchanted conductors with everything under the effect of Heretical Adaptation.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the parallels between Joe and Leet, March's reasoning, and the impact of fiat, among other things.
  • The author explains how Uber's power works in this fic. He also goes into how the life fibers are developing, the possibility of Joe becoming the next Butcher, why he won't be making his focus items public, and what WH40K powers are available to him.
  • Joe may turn Tetra into a Kamui.
  • The author answers some questions, like how Titan's Blood will work, and what will be done about the Weapon & Item Storage Chest.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe didn't realize he fought Lung, why he told Aisha his power, and Joe's strategy against the ABB, among other things.
  • The author explains Technosorcery's limitations, among other things.
  • Joe may be able to make a Goku uniform without using Tetra.
  • Joe has gotten enough powers that he can turn a Case 53 into something that is only slightly not-human.
  • With Technosorcery, Joe can now use Evermore formulas with tech.
  • Everything that Joe makes after getting Lathe of Heaven will have some additional effects to them.
  • March knows that directly using her Striker power won't be enough to take down Apeiron.
  • The information that Apeiron may be able to cure Case 53s is getting around, though it hasn't reached Faultline's Crew yet.
  • If Joe were to open the Gate of Truth while with Tetra, they would each go to their own individual gate.
  • The author explains a few powers available in the Celestial Forge and future powers that he might add, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes into the potential of Creation of Chimeras.
  • Kevin Norton will only show up after Scion shows up. Also, even if March doesn't get the motoroid in order to access the shardspace, she has a back up plan involving Leet and Bakuda.
  • Joe will need to work on Naming before he can even attempt to Sing to the Unseen.
  • The author talks about the Mauler power, the chances of Joe using the heirloom weapon, and the nanites from Generator Rex.
  • The author goes into the effects of Master Craftsman and the limits of mass fields, among other things.
  • Carol is not happy with her current situation.
  • The author goes over what drinking the duplication potion multiple times will do and Chimera Knowledge, among other things.
  • Joe's options to take down the ABB and how his new Gundam powers work are explained.
  • Bakuda was frustrated and sleep deprived when she made her "medical grenades".
  • Joe is going to look for ways to extend his reach without looking like the Machine Army.
  • If Taylor and Aisha met in their civilian identities, they wouldn't fight.
  • The news alert is made up of updating info on the situation in Brockton Bay.
  • When Apeiron's actions and abilities will be analyzed post-combat, and it will concern the PRT and the Protectorate.
  • Joe could use Chimera Creation to make creatures that have Lung's powers.
  • The reason the PRT aren't calling for more assistance immediately when the ABB make their big play is because they aren't sure about what's going on.
  • The author explains the benefits of Joe's posing power, the implications of some Gundam, and Joe's pyrokinesis, among other things.
  • March learned more about Apeiron from how he is neutralizing the ABB's forces than their conversation due to his posing power helping him out.
  • The author explains Joe's reasoning for his choice on how to handle the ABB's big attack and its effect.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the differences between how Joe and March saw shardspace, several powers Joe can get, the inclusion of powers from Strike Witches to the Forge, and other things.
  • Joe can, but won't, sacrifice people to the Truth.
  • Joe would only cure Bakuda's cancer if he can find a way to distribute the cure to the public without blowback on himself.
  • Joe would rather kill March than capture her.
  • The Gundam powers are explained a bit more.
  • Joe will not get access to the Force.
  • The author goes over the possibility of Joe making magic tattoos, how the Avid Glove would work, and how Bakuda made so many bombs, among other things.
  • Chen may become an affiliate of Apeiron rather than a subordinate.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how the Super Sea Snails work.
  • If someone were exposed to Joe's blood, it may have interesting effects.
  • Chen's Aura being unlocked was more of an experiment by the clone than anything else.
  • The Workshop's repair fiat is expanded. The author also goes over Joe's Semblance and Joe's reasoning for some of his actions in the final fight against the ABB.
  • The author goes over some of Joe's new powers, Bigs, and other things.
  • The new tech that Apeiron demonstrated will be analyzed as best as people can.
  • Fleet will suggest FTL ramming as an option as much as possible.
  • The author goes into more detail on the new powers Joe got while fighting the ABB, among other things.
  • People are unsure if Lung is really dead. This will be a mixed blessing for Joe.
  • The author answers a few questions, such as why Joe doesn't look up what happened during the bank robbery, or why Aisha likes Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders.
  • The author goes over how Bakuda can't replicate Sting and general reactions to Apeiron's actions, among other things.
  • Power pools merge if they have the same name and/or function.
  • The author goes over how Master's Body and Hybridization work, and how Aisha's armor boosts her powers, among other things.
  • People don't realize that the motoroids can go FTL. They're more concerned over the fact that Apeiron's motorcycles apparently have a self-destruct strong enough to destroy a city.
  • Rachel's power will have synergy with some zoanthrope forms, including Joe's.
  • The author goes over a few topics, such as the Dust explosion and how the Minovsky particles will affect Brockton Bay.
  • Apeiron's power level makes it hard for the PRT to continue vilifying him.
  • Oni Lee used pre-planned teleport routes to speed up his creation of duplicates.
  • The author goes over a few things, like how March survived Joe's attack, or the importance of Lung's death.
  • While the general public may think Apeiron is a Case 53, those more informed about capes will be more likely to assume a traumatic trigger that resulted in physical alterations or some unstable changer power.
  • Thanks to the video of him fighting the ABB, people are seriously leaning towards the theory of him having an automatic shaker power that makes him look good.
  • People are still uncertain if Apeiron is getting new powers or just bringing out powers he's been holding back.
  • The fact that Chen was saved wasn't broadcast thanks to the duplicate using a time-stop formula.
  • The author goes over the mechanics of Joe's new Final Slash, Joe's pyrokinesis, and Katsujinken, among other things.
  • The gifts from the Fallen London power will just appear out of nowhere.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the status of the conscripts and the possibility of Apeiron being labelled an S-Class threat.
  • The reason Joe fought the ABB the way he did after the ambush was because he was overwhelmed by his injuries and emotions.
  • Mantellum would be able to block Joe being a "walking Sechen range".
  • The Arcane Craft will require a lot of effort from Joe to use effectively.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the status of the ABB after their big confrontation with Apeiron.
  • The author goes into how Joe's powers are post-jump and not post-chain, the possibility of Parahumans getting Aura or becoming Espers, and how Joe will receive packages from the beings from Fallen London.
  • The author goes over his interpretation on what the relationship between Vicky, Amy, and Carol is like.
  • Vicky may get a new costume from Garment.
  • The author goes over the possibility of adding powers from Guyver.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Vicky can see Apeiron more objectively and Vista can't, Vicky's thoughts on Dean and Missy, and Inexplicable Innuendo's effect during Apeiron's conversation with Bakuda and March, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions, such as why Sarah Pelham was so devastated by her husband's infidelity, and why Apeiron can scare others with his mere appearance.
  • There is a chance that Apeiron will help Flashbang with his depression.
  • The author explains how Vista's Irrational Hatred helped Vicky see that Apeiron isn't to blame for everything wrong that's going on.
  • The author explains what the duplicates will do while Joe is incapacitated and why he never reverse engineered tech from Simple Scientific Solutions.
  • The author answers a few questions, like the metaphysics of Joe's powers and how Sting can be countered.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how tinker tech works in his story.
  • Apeiron's impeccable outfits may prompt members of the Protectorate to update their costumes.
  • The author reveals that Amy is getting support from Assault and the Empire won't be attacking Apeiron without more resources.
  • The author answers a few questions on how some of Joe's aesthetic powers work.
  • Lung and March's intentions for Apeiron are made clear.
  • Apeiron only having three motoroids is good news for the PRT and Protectorate.
  • The author answers a few questions, including how the Wards will be treated after the emergency is over, whether or not Joe will have scans of Sting, and when will Vista let her Irrational Hatred of Apeiron go.
  • The extent of the physical boost that Joe gets from the Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple power is given.
  • The reason Joe was able to handle the ABB's final assault so well is because he was aware of what they were doing and preparing for it as best he could.
  • People on PHO are debating what ship name to give Dragon and Apeiron.
  • Kid Win is doing better thanks to reaching out to other tinkers where they discuss their theories on Apeiron's tech.
  • Carol's actions in regards to the accusations Apeiron made about Vicky are explained.
  • The Wards' actions due to the crisis will draw concern towards them specifically and the Bay in general.
  • The rest of the Wards have the best shot at helping Missy out with her personal issues.
  • How the Wards, Protectorate, and PRT view Apeiron is given.
  • Lord Roustabout gives some insight on Vicky's thought process.
  • The situation around Apeiron's accusations about Vicky and Browbeat's mentality around being a field medic are given.
  • The author goes over how certain powers would work if they were used by the duplicates to heal Joe.
    • More information on how this would work is given.
  • If Joe made a memorial for an Endbringer attack, it would have the ability to help people grieve.
  • The author explains how the Synchronicity Event power would work.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions, such as why Joe wouldn't work well under the Brockton Protectorate/PRT, whether or not Joe could make the One Ring, and why Joe making a household god is a bad idea.
  • The author answers some questions, like the possible side effects of Joe or his duplicates making himself a new body, the possibility of Joe making a portal to Scion's real body, why Jack Slash trying to manipulate March will blow up in his face, and Chen's chances against the Slaughterhouse 9.
    • He later states that treating Joe and Tetra as iron will work when trying to separate them, but this will most likely result in either of them being seriously damaged.
  • Lord Roustabout talks about what happened to anime on Earth Bet, why Cauldron isn't doing anything about Coil, and Joe's heirloom weapon.
  • The author talks about how likely the PRT will believe Apeiron is a Power Tinker and what the reactions to the Calling Card video will be.
  • The immediate aftermath of the portal to Shardspace is given.
  • The blackout region is explained.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions, such as how likely people will think Apeiron is a power tinker, how concerned people will be about the effects of Calling Card, and what happened to the motoroid after March destroyed the Call Gem.
  • The author answers a few questions, such has how the Call Beads and Gems work, the likelihood of Joe being able to teleport, and what the duplicates and the Undersiders are doing.
  • Joe's duplicates and A.I.s will be releasing information that will help with Joe's PR.
  • What would happen if Joe got a power from StarCraft is given.
  • Joe's passenger would react to Vicky differently if it knew the Fragile One was active.
  • The only MMO power that will be added to the Forge is Final Fantasy XIV.
  • Joe has been very careful about deploying his tech, and what March did will reinforce this belief of his.
  • The author answers questions on why the Wards used Triumph's real name while in the open, how concerned people are about Apeiron's tech, what March told Bakuda about Regent, and why March, and by extension the ABB, has been around so much.
  • Some of the possibilities of Secret of Steel are given.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over what Joe would need to integrate the striker into his boots. He also mentions that Semblances being magic means they have limitations, but can also benefit from magic enhancing effects.
  • Accord only left Brockton Bay alone because Coil assured him that he was necessary to keep things in order. That is no longer the case, so Accord will be making moves involving the city.
  • The author explains that Joe is most affected by powers that change the way he interacts with the world, will soon be able to use Caelondian technology, and that the duplicates are renovating the workshop, which will be made better thanks to Hestia’s blessing of Hearthfire.
  • There will most likely be no POV for the duplicates or Garment.
  • Joe could treat things like woven cloth, nanotubes, or even fold carbon as iron without compromising the structures that make them work. Also, he can't entirely sidestep the limitations of Striker tech.
  • Joe could create nerve circuits or a Magic Crest.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions, such as if the dream that Joe has is foreshadowing for something, why Joe's tech seemed to lack some safety measures, and if the duplication potions will have another boost.
  • The author answers a few questions, such as what Joe's new ears and tail are like, how well Joe sleeps, and how Joe feels about Aisha calling him by his real first name.
  • If Joe gets Unnatural Skill again, he'd get enchanting.
  • Lord Roustabout talks about capstones, whether or not the Whispered count as psychics, and a few other perks.
  • It will take Joe a while to get through everything the Blessing from Hestia can give him.
  • Accord's powerbase has improved greatly thanks to the "meditation chamber".
  • The author goes over how some of the more magical perks would interact.
  • Joe had several options for the kind of striker unit he could have gotten.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions, like the usefulness of Fashion, why Joe can't become a magical girl, and Garment's view on underwear.
  • The author answers why Dust won't be replicated, why dealing with the Travelers will be complicated, and why we won't be seeing too many new capes in the future.
  • As angry as he is, Flashbang won't attack Manpower.
  • Damsel of Distress has a chance to walk away from the E88 with no problem.
  • Neil understands that that a lot of things in Brockton Bay were unstable.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the chances of Coil actually trying to get Apeiron to help the Travelers, Joe's mental health, and Coil's odds of actually influencing Apeiron.
  • The author answers a few questions, like if Dinah can precog Apeiron, what Coil thinks of the Undersiders' new watches, how Joe will gather info more effectively, why more and more people think Apeiron is a Mad Scientist, and if Joe's new powers can help him improve his interpersonal skills.
  • Apeiron's existences gives Coil a stronger hold on the Travelers than in canon.
  • Lord Roustabout talks about Crystal's reaction to her family falling apart, how the post-ABB situation will play out, and how Dust will interact with parahuman powers.
  • If Joe gets the Miniaturization/Efficiency perk, he'll know the names it specifies, like the Simurgh.
  • Info on how the Travelers got to Brockton Bay is given.
  • The author answers questions about some of the way some of Joe's powers can be used, the powers that Joe may receive, and the ones that may be added to the Celestial Forge.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Chosen of Death would work.
  • The author gives some of the dynamics of magic vs Shards.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how people are reacting to the I-Fields and Dust trails, why Tattletale seems useless to Joe, and how Thinkers are being spoofed when it comes to Apeiron.
  • An explanation is given for why people aren't freaking out about the people that Aisha and Fleet are healing across the city.
  • The author answers a few questions on the reactions to Apeiron's battle with Lung, Taylor's usage of her powers and watch, the speculation on Apeiron having a team, what the duplicates may resort to heal Joe, Joe's new Build Rome power, and how the Undersiders currently feel about Joe.
  • There is some speculation on what might happen to the ABB's former territory.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how psionic powers would work in the story.
  • Why the volcano is optimal to heal Joe is explained. Also, the author muses about the possibility of Apeiron setting up sponsored teams.
  • The duplicates will make sure to ask for Joe's permission before healing him.
  • The author explains how some powers, like talismans and Strikers, would work.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Taylor is perceived in her attempts to help, what would have happened to Aisha if Joe died, the pros and cons of talismans, and the significance of Build Rome.
  • The author goes over some of the details on healing injured people, why the PRT won't try to forcefully recruit Joe, and why Joe won't create a Megadeus Army, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Taylor is acting the way she is when stopping looters and some of Manpower's mindset.
  • Joe won't be ignoring what the media says about him this time.
  • The author discusses how Joe's intelligence boosting perks work.
  • Piggot no longer has carte blanche to set policy regarding Apeiron anymore.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about the perks that Joe has or will have.
  • The author goes over how Khepri is perceived, the meaning behind when Aisha calls Joe by his nickname or his real name, how much leeway Survey has now, and Chen's current capabilities.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on Taylor's abilities, the interaction between Manpower's powers and Minovsky particles, and the possibility of Joe rebuilding the city.
  • How fiat is interpreted is explained.
  • How the Matrix operates, how Grue and Regent are helping, and situation between the ABB and Uber and Leet are all explained.
  • If Joe ever somehow gets telekinesis, some of his speed perks would still work when using it to create things.
  • The possible synergy with a potential power from Mage: The Awakening with other perks is given. Also, Joe would never make bone steel made from his own blood and bones.
  • Survey has issues with how fiat effects are impossible to understand. Also, Bakuda will be cautious or reckless, depending on how desperate she is.
  • Joe's use of the Correspondence will be limited.
  • Chen's weapon is almost entirely lethal.
  • There most likely won't be a Survey POV.
  • Joe doesn't need to worry about metal detectors picking up his enhancements.
  • The author explains how some of Joe's tech and magic would work, such as his nanites, talisman magic, and the I-Field.
  • If Joe were to make a body for his A.I.s, it would be a major project.
  • How the A.I.s, Aisha, and the Undersiders are doing the rescue work is expanded. Also, after Joe recovers, he'll be taking it easy for a while so that the rest of the city can also catch a break.
  • Joe's priorities are given. Also, he'll be a lot more conservative moving forward.
  • Joe's eventual meeting with Sabah will not be pleasant.
  • Even if Joe turns Tetra in to a Kamui, he'll still have access to more life fibers.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions, such as how Joe could scramble Lisa's power, Joe's current relationship with the Undersiders, and how effective Inexplicable Innuendo would be against Thinkers.
  • Cybertonium will be used in basically all of Joe's upgrades.
  • Joe would be capable of making something very powerful if he ever got his hands on a Cauldron vial.
  • The duplicates had to perform something close to human transmutation to separate Joe and Tetra. However, it only resulted in a glimpse of the Truth.
  • Since wet tinkering was used to save him, Joe will be fine with using the kind that was used in the future.
  • As a result of merging with Joe, Tetra will be more reserved that what was seen from Junketsu or Nui Harime.
  • Joe still needs his brain, even after becoming certain of the existence of souls.
  • The author goes over what he's considering for capstones, what would happen if Joe had kids, and how Joe may develop 40k tech.
  • Joe is capable of using his other internal power sources for his magecraft. Also, his element and origin haven't been determined yet.
  • Lord Roustabout explains on how some of Joe's powers work, Joe's tendency to overestimate other capes, and some of the aftereffects of Joe releasing the info he gathered on the ABB.
  • Joe's passenger can only give info via reactions to circumstances that Joe thinks of or experiences.
  • Tetra will be showing more of her personality after being separated from Joe.
  • The author explains how Fixer works and how Joe's magecraft will work.
  • Joe is reluctant to contact Number Man due to associating the latter with the ABB.
  • It is possible for Joe to transfer a soul into a body.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how quickly Joe could study the manipulation of the soul, Garment's stance on the Sea Snail Shells, Spiral Energy's potential to affect precogs, and what Joe will talk about with his therapist.
  • Danny isn't going to get over his depression easily. But having a purpose is helping.
  • The author explains some of the Undersiders' watches' functions, what Joe will do in his next therapy session, and how Joe will think about how the multiverse works thanks to his powers, among other things.
  • Joe could theoretically create a weapon that could hurt or kill Scion. The problem is making sure that it doesn't destroy the planet.
  • It is possible for Joe to revive people.
  • It would take a lot for Lisa to convince Joe to give her access to her watch's advanced options. Also, neither Taylor nor Lisa have a perfect picture of what Joe's power/s is/are.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how bad a Neathbow laser would be and why Joe is training, among other things.
  • The author goes over some of the limitations of Joe's current powers, how seriously people believe that Apeiron is a Thinker, and the possibility of using a call bead to connect to Hephaestus, among other things.
  • Joe can't make sparks, but may be able to create something on par with Vector Sigma.
  • Joe is unable to go to other settings.
  • Among the colors of the Neathbow, Joe will gravitate towards Apocyan thanks to its affinity with spiral energy. Also, Joe won't be using Gant weaponry any time soon.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Bitch feels about Apeiron transforming and how Joe's base is coming along, among other things.
  • Joe is currently unable to emulate March's anti-thinker power.
  • The author explains how much March interfered with Coil, why Tattletale thought she could hack her watch, and why Joe can't just look up the media his powers comes from to learn how they work, among other things.
  • Joe's appearance wasn't changed after the duplicates modified his body.
  • Joe will not have access to a Totem of Undying.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions on what people think about Garment, Joe's possible temporal defenses, and what Chen is doing, among other questions.
  • Joe may create something similar to a Lagann. Also, it would take a lot of work for Joe to use one to combine with a shard or Entity.
  • If an Endgame scenario were to happen, Joe would be able to give anyone access to spiral power.
  • The author explains what will happen now that Tattletale's watch is on safe mode, the specifics of the original power that Joe could have gotten if he didn't get the Celestial Forge, some terrifying applications of the Neathbow, and how Joe will develop his spiral energy, among other things.
  • Piggot's actions in regards to her meeting with Uppercrust are elaborated.
  • There is no chance of Apeiron ever joining the Elite.
  • If the Uppercrust were to expand his branch of the Elite to Brockton Bay, Parian would be interested in joining. Also, Talented: Tailoring covers everything you could run into with that business, including function under a protection racket, being used as a mob front, or even needing to bribe suppliers to facilitate business.
  • Brockton Bay is a tempting target for the Slaughterhouse Nine.
  • More details on how One Man Assembly Line works are given.
  • Lord Roustabout explains Uppercrust's work, how Brockton's police commissioner won't like Piggot, some bad applications for Lethe water, and Glory Girl's current predicament, among other things.
  • Uppercrust will approach Apeiron peacefully to get treatment.
  • Some examples of things that could go wrong if Joe went all in with Strong Spark are given.
  • There are limitations if Joe were to get Zoids.
  • The author explains what some of Joe's powers can do and what would happen if the Anti-Spiral showed up, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what would happen if someone deleted his A.I.s, Piggot's problems with running the situation, Uppercrust's opinion on why Brockton Bay is as bad as it is, and what the Protectorate would do if there was a kill order on Apeiron, among other things.
  • Several of Joe's powers are redundant. Tattletale wanted to full capabilities of her watch for when she went to Coil's base. Also, Joe is more concerned with taking down Bakuda and her signal than the conscripts at this time.
  • Efficiency can't stop Joe's aesthetic perks.
  • The author answers a few questions about the impact of Joe's ability to now perfectly understand Garment, some of Joe's new perks, and the missiles that were used against Lung, among other things.
  • If Joe was aware of it, he would be able to learn Breathing and Walking quickly.
  • Joe's projections have limitations. Also, the Player Pin obscures Ziz's visions of Joe.
    • The author later elaborates upon both the limitations and advantages of projections.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Fleet can do aside from piloting vehicles and how Joe can help Garment run a business, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions about how Joe feels about getting recognition, the effectiveness of Joe's new chains, what would happen if Joe took over Brockton Bay, and how Glaistig Uaine would view Apeiron, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Joe will help with taking down the I-field, how Tetra will act now that she has a zoanthrope form, and Survey's efforts to understand Garment.
  • Joe makes sure that the things he gives Aisha are things that can be easily explained away.
  • If people found out about Tetra, they would assume she was a Case 53. Also, the watches that Joe gave the Undersiders are only part of the reason for why Coil won't torture them for now.
  • Tattletale's issue with getting Joe involved against Coil is the appearance of the Travelers. If Joe were to make a bike for Aisha, it will be for her cape persona. Also, he will need time before thinking of adding more implants into his body.
  • The author answers a few questions about what would bring out a Phase 3 of the madness place from Joe, effective anti-Entity weaponry, and Joe's brands, among other things.
  • The I-field's effects and the problem Joe has with helping with the relief work are explained.
  • Lord Roustabout gives some examples of the tech that is possible with the Borderlands perk.
  • The author explains what Sophia thinks of Flechette, what people think is the reason for Apeiron's call, and Weld's current situation with the PRT.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about what Joe will use to make the Undersiders' costumes, how some of his powers would work, the likelihood of Joe realizing the March is a cluster trigger with Flechette, and how Joe could access the workshop in an emergency, among other things.
  • It is unlikely for Joe's A.I.s to trigger.
  • Piggot's deal with Uppercrust is basically the carrot and the stick. Also, Joe wouldn't be able to possess Endbringers.
  • The author answers a few questions about what the authorities think of Apeiron's offer to fix things, what Joe will do when he finds out about March being alive, and the current situation between Joe and the Undersiders, among other things.
  • The Alchemy Machine will be able to continuously fire various kinds of alchemy.
  • Parian and Garment's differing approaches to Uppercrust's offer will be source of division.
  • Unnatural Skill gets more powerful the more specific it is. A short list for potential skills is also given, as is a list of potential capstones.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the chances of Joe getting Reaper abilities and Joe's current capability of fixing Case 53s, among other things.
  • Joe will only let the PRT know what his power is after he becomes too strong for them to do anything about it.
  • The author answers questions about some of Joe's powers and what the PRT has been able to scavenge from Apeiron's tech.
  • Joe's capabilities with aura have improved thanks to his reflections after the big fight with the ABB.
  • Joe can bring back Mouse Protector from Murder Rat.
  • If the PRT every violently went after Apeiron, the surroundings would be written off as collateral damage.
  • March's threat reevaluation is going to result in a lot of blame being being assigned and shifting of responsibility.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions on Joe's potential powers.
  • The author answers a few questions about the available powers, tech, and magic at Joe's disposal, what he thinks of the people hurt in the crossfire of the ABB's attack, why Joe is still concerned about the Simurgh, Joe's protection from Jack Slash and other Masters/Thinkers, the difference between March in this story and Khepri from canon, how the Madness Place would affect Joe, Piggot's current stance on Apeiron, and Apeiron's chances against Dragon.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Dark Age tech Joe has, Glory Girl's current predicament, and the possibility of Dragon getting Aura.
  • Joe is unaware of Scion's appearance in Brockton Bay.
  • Lord Roustabout gives a brief summary of what Scion did in Brockton Bay, an explanation of what Victor could do to Joe, and Joe's countermeasures to Victor's ability.
  • Lisa might have been able to deduce the deeper connection between Garment and Aisha if she and her power weren't on their last legs.
  • The author explains the mindset of people from Brockton Bay, Alec's interaction with the gym crew, and Armsmaster's mindset, among other things.
  • Cauldron will be paying extremely close attention due to Scion's appearance.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about Joe's powers.
  • The Wards and the Undersiders are actually better off than they were in canon. Also, Brian and Aisha's relationship has permanently changed because of all that's happened.
  • Joe can only use SSS to teach up to high school or college level with no advanced topics.
  • The author answers a few questions about Joe's powers and Accord's ability to discern things about Apeiron that others didn't notice.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about Joe's ability to create conceptual weapons and how the story will progress, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions about what Joe will do to conceal his new body, what he'd do in an Endbringer attack, and Joe's ability to get different kinds of magecraft, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Shipping the Produce and Elven Enchantment work, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions about the benefit of getting the Alchemy Machine, how Shipping the Produce works with Joe's other powers, why Joe is unable to accurately diagnose his mental health, and the benefit of Joe using magic with his familiar, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Joe has been improving mentally and why his Questionably Practical Weapon is a dueling cloak, among other things.
  • Joe's performance against the ABB is explained.
  • Joe getting a psychic perk would actually defend him better than getting Out of Context.
  • The author answers a few questions about the utility of runecraft and how Joe can use strikers, among other things.
  • The Blessing of Artemis is explained.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about the items that Joe can or can't create/get and some of Joe's powers, among other things.
  • Joe may create bodies for the souls he's created if they become fully sapient.
  • The author explains Joe's new understanding of spiral power and how Joe would currently handle calling his family.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Sting would fare against the workshop and how much Joe's perks can help him in social situations.
  • The author answers a few questions about Joe creating psionic items, the current situation between Joe and his family, and how he'll interact Mrs. Gartenberg.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about the perks, tech and magic that Joe could get/create.
  • The impact of 600 point perks and the reasoning for having giant robots playing basketball are explained.
  • If Joe ever got the Watch of Flowing Time, it would be limited.
  • The author answers a few questions about Joe's current chances against Endbringers and the Slaughterhouse 9 and whether or not Joe counts as a magical creature, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions the equipment that Joe can create, the possibility of Victor realizing that Joe has a lot of skills, how far along Joe is in being able to cure Case 53s, and how the public would view Tetra, among other things.
  • The ZERO system on it's own isn't able to overcome the Simurgh or Contessa. Also, Taylor would be able to use the kinsect better than she did Atlas in canon.
  • The author answers a few questions about some energy manipulation that Joe could do, how effective Joe's potential therapy room from one of his perks would be, and how fiat would interact with another fiat, among other things.
  • Joe gets the insect glaive due to Lord Roustabout thinking it the most interesting starting weapon.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the recreational and practical purpose of the mecha basketball game, the chances of the Bright Spear against the Siberian, why Joe is worried about Taylor getting her hands on the insect glaive, and the powers that the Kerbals and the felyne will get.
  • The author answers a few questions about the tech/perks that Joe can get/already has.
  • The way Joe is perceived by the public would have been different if he started out with a different power.
  • Lisa has zero chance of ever hacking her watch.
  • Aisha's fine with the kinsect.
  • Lord Roustabout explains some of Joe's powers and tech and gives the circumstances under which Joe would bring Taylor, and maybe the Undersiders, into the workshop.
  • The author answers a few questions about a limitation of Shipping the Product, how other perks effect the magic and wand from Harry Potter, and how visible Survey's "civilian" identity is, among other questions.
  • Joe's passenger trusts Lisa partially due to her knowing the inner workings of Coil's organization. Also, the 48-hour fiat repair will affect the Dust trails and the motoroid, but not the I-Field.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about perks that Joe could get and what happens if a duplicate controls the Cybertronian that Joe could get, among other things.
  • The author explains the chances of attributing Garment's new store to Joe, Mrs. Gartenberg's feelings about the baking ingredients that were dropped off, and some of the perks that Joe has/will get.
  • Joe's current approach to Bakuda is due to not wanting her to do something stupid that would risk innocent lives.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about the perks that Joe has/can get.
  • Other shards can't ping off Joe. Also, he will be expanding his operations from Brockton Bay soon.
  • Hera's blessing doesn't help with negotiations. Joe's personality hasn't changed as a result of all his perks. Tattletale knows that if she manipulates Joe, it will have serious consequences.
  • Lisa won't be surprised by Joe getting new powers, though Brian will.
  • Not even Joe's duplicates can use the key to the workshop.
  • The author explains why Joe can't time stop the villains at the meeting and why he's going at all.
  • Joe thinks of Lisa as Tattletale at all times to remind himself that she's most likely manipulating him.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the utility of the Cybertronian Forge, what Michael Jordan is like on Earth Bet, how seriously the public takes Apeiron, how useful the Balance Bangle is, how well Divine Machines interacts with Aura and Semblances, the difficulty of learning Harry Potter magic, why Joe doesn't realize that Brian is Aisha's brother, why Joe's passenger is trusting Tattletale to help save Dinah, why Aisha won't be going to Somer's Rock, what Coil hopes to achieve at Somer's Rock, why Joe doesn't just fix the gym with nanobots, how Joe currently sees his A.I.s, why Garment wouldn't want a realistic body, what Garment's power can be used on, and some of the Capstones that can be added, among other things.
  • Joe's passenger is now being more reserved in its reactions. Also, it doesn't know enough on what to tell Joe in order to take down Coil.
  • The author explains the impact of A Thing About Names, the X-COM that Joe can create, the possibility of Joe learning The Red Science, why there won't be any time skips soon, why the public aren't as worried about the effect of A Thing About Names as the PRT is, and the possibility of Joe creating a floating island, among other things.
  • The Crucible of Eight Trigrams is very useful to Joe due to its ability to extract magic and enchantments for future use. Also, Miniaturization and Efficiency may be the most useful perk that Joe can get in the future.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about some limitations on the Crucible of Eight Trigrams, why Joe will be avoiding the Wards, why the Avid Glove won't be considered a major concern in regards to Apeiron, and why Joe will claim A Thing About Names is for identity verification, among other things.
  • The author explains why A Thing About Names is a big deal and if it would work with Garment, Rachel's attack on a dog fighting ring and why Joe didn't hear of it, the biggest advantages of the crucible, and the possibility of Garment making costumes for heroes.
  • Aisha will be learning Joe's non-fiat backed skills.
  • Lord Roustabout explains some of the physical buffs that Joe has.
  • The author answers a few questions the possibility of extracted enchantments being duplicated and things that could help with spiral power, among other things.
  • Coil's position is shaky but he thinks he can manage things with Lisa and Dinah's assistance.
  • Piggot didn't bother to warn the rogues in the city about Uppercrust. Also, Lord Roustabout explains some of the most devastating weapons that Joe can create and why he didn't notice the romantic undertones Flechette had for Garment.
  • The author answers a few questions about Joe teaching Aisha, workshops specializations that Joe can get, why Joe doesn't give Taylor healing items, and the possibility of Survey getting a cybertonium body, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about why Lathe-Wrought Armour can resist disintegration, the limits of Lathe-Wrought Armour, the possibility of the Bright Spear being turned into a Divine Construct, and the strongest bow that Joe could create, among other things.
  • The author explains how the servo-skulls will react to seeing the Lathe-Wrought Armour, why Joe doesn't modify the Laboratorium, and how some of Joe's perks interact with the Avid Glove.
  • If Joe gave other people powers, he'd be more cautious and responsible than Cauldron. Also, Apeiron healing Uppercrust will have major ramifications for the Elite.
  • If Joe had gotten the Divine Blessing from Artemis earlier he wouldn't have made bows for the Undersiders.
  • March being the one to bring up the possibility of Flechette having a crush on Garment is part of why Joe doesn't see it.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how some of his powers work.
  • The author explains why he won't go into Coil's power, the ease with which Joe could create bodies for souls, what Artemis' Blessing provides Joe, and the possibility of Joe learning a new language, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions on what would happen if Joe got Clairvoyance and Telepathy, some of the new ways that Joe can fight, why Joe goes by a nickname rather than his real name, how Joe's family would react to finding out he is Apeiron, and what would happen if Joe got M/E, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions about Joe's powers.
  • Tattletale won't be able to recognize that the Undersiders' new costumes were made by Garment.
  • Joe's Reinforcement is at least as good as what you can see done in Fate.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about Joe using Minecraft enchanting and possible additions to the Personal Reality, among other things.
  • The author explains the emotional abuse that Joe went through and some applications for Athena's Blessing.
  • Joe will need to rely on various powers and/or tech to block Master powers.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Flechette wasn't happy with Uppercrust, how Kid Win got the wrong idea of his specialization, and the possibility of Joe giving parahumans flying brooms, among other things.
  • The author answers a few questions the possibility of Joe making a robot waifu and how Secret of Steel works, among other things.
  • The limits of Bandit Gunsmith are given.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Aisha will take Joe teaching her with Fool Proof, how Taylor will use her new Bag of Holding, and Joe's skill with Runes, among other things.
  • Lisa won't be able to get anything out of the Undersiders' new costumes.
  • Alec is more open with Joe due to having less at stake. Also, Bandit Gunsmith is limited to weapons and defensive items and only works if there is some reasonable progression from the items he was using.
  • Tattletale is repressing a lot of her natural instincts to show off and insult people because her power is telling her that Joe would have none of it.
  • The Crucible of Eight Trigrams can't have its rate of operation accelerated, but it comes with the benefit of stripping down his old projects for magic.
  • The author explains the possibility of Joe copying minds or downloading skills, the possibility of Aisha mastering alchemy, and how Joe's family would react if they saw his new appearance, among other things.
  • Joe is unable to shift minds with teaching.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how long Joe has been living alone, why he doesn't make a robot duplicate that will interact with his family for him, why Joe's duplicates are so pleasant, and how some of Joe's powers work, among other things.
  • The author explains how Joe would use Noble Phantasms, among other things.
  • There is little chance of any of the Original Characters being part of Cauldron. Also, Sabah's reaction to learning that Joe is Apeiron will depend on the circumstances.
  • Lord Roustabout answers a few questions about the tie clip that Joe gave Dr. Campbell, how Joe creates mystic codes and divine constructs that act like Noble Phantasms and not the actual thing, some of Joe's current physical capabilities, Joe's current capability with weapon creation, what Joe accessing the shardspace will mean, why Joe will be taking the workshop crew to Somer's Rock, and Joe's knowledge of magecraft, among other things.
  • The capabilities of Joe's Noble Phantasm are given.
  • Dr. Campbell trusts Joe due to the good relationship that they had before Joe became active as a cape. Joe similarly trusts Dr. Campbell.
  • The dust trails across the city aren't completely gone.
  • Thanks to the tie clip that he received from Joe, the only way Dr. Campbell would be connected to Joe is if he stepped forward and told someone.
  • Dr. Campbell won't be brought to the workshop any time soon.
  • The author expands upon the strength of the abilities of Joe's mystic codes, the possibility of Joe getting True Magic, and what Dr. Campbell is thinking about Joe.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how some of Joe's powers or tech would work.
  • The author answers questions about the possibility of reflecting Sting and how Joe giving someone someone else's parahuman abilities would work.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe won't alter his mind with his magic, the possibility of Joe getting EX ranked Item Construction from Countercraft, the limits of Countercraft, and the synergy between Countercraft and Samurai Jack Enchanting, among other things.
  • The author explains Uppercrust's influence, how the Youth Guard will react to the PRT interfering with a case involving minors, and why the Dust trails disappearing is so significant, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the possibility of Survey discovering the link between March and the Dragonslayers and what happened to Rory, among other things.
  • The Dragonslayers will be very cautious when they reach out to Apeiron. If they think he'll free Dragon, Saint will kill her immediately.
  • The terrible state the Brockton Police department is in is elaborated upon.
  • Joe will keep the duplicates a secret, so they won't be attending the meeting at Somer's Rock, while Garment will go on Joe.
  • The author answers questions about the possibility of creating something with Item Construction to block out Tattletale and how she'll react to the existence of the Workshop Crew, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how some of Joe's powers and tech work, the importance of Princess Gwenevere to Aisha, and the difficulty of Joe developing the powers and magic at his disposal, among other things.
  • The author answers questions about what Joe could do to fight the Spiral Nemesis and how the Void works, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why the Simurgh won't be able to see Dr. Campbell nor the workshop crew, how some of Joe's powers work, how Joe's Heroic Spirit, Noble Phantasm, and Territory Creation work, why Personal Reality constellation will be added, how the Matrix is similar to Joe, what would happen if Joe were to die and then come back from the dead, how expensive the Undersiders' medical debt is, and part of why things with Joe's family is tense.
  • The author explains what Tetra's going through right now, how unexpected Apeiron coming to Somer's Rock with a team is, how Infusionist works, the possibility of Tybalt getting his own mecha, and Tybalt's ability to amp up combat training, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what has been analyzed from Weld's living metal and what people will think after the Workshop Crew debuts, among other things.
  • The author answers questions about why Tybalt is so strong a demigod, perks that Joe will get, how Dark Slayer works, and Joe’s defense against Leviathan's hydrokinesis, among other things.
  • People won't realize that Fleet, Survey, and the Matrix are A.I.s.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about Tybalt's chances against Leviathan and the possibility of Tybalt getting more powers, among other things.
  • Joe will need to work on Cuh-Ray-Zee! and Dark Slayer to improve them. Also, lengthening his hair can come in handy in some situations.
  • The author answers questions about what Joe can teach Aisha, how good Dark Slayer is at replicating weapons and teleporting, and how Joe's civilian identity will be associated with Garment, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on what Tybalt remembers about the Monster Hunter world, what the Matrix's body will look like, the usefulness of nano-disassemblers against Endbringers, and what will happen after Tetra is turned into a Kamui, among other things.
  • The author explains the EX rank of Item Construction, the possibility of Joe creating puppet mystic codes, the usefulness of Wishes, the utility in Joe extending his hair with Get Set!, what people will think each member of the Workshop Crew is in a cluster trigger, how Joe will make his Apeiron identity visually distinct from his normal self, what is currently in the Capstone constellation, why Tybalt won't have alt-forms, what Joe's under Garment might be, some more info on how people are handling Apeiron's title, how far Tybalt can take his Perception Filter, how Joe will handle his rainbow trail, and the pros and cons of bringing the Avid Glove to Somer's Rock, among other things.
  • The situation at Winslow is heading for an explosive climax thanks to the change in circumstances.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe wants to give the A.I.s bodies of their own, the unlikelihood of Dust being used against Joe, Joe's progress with Bakuda's deadman's code, and what people in-universe think of the “three day old technology” meme, among other things.
    • It's then specified that the Workshop Crew was more concerned with healing Joe rather than breaking the deadman's code. Once they get on it, it will be cracked.
  • The author answers questions about what Joe's current plans with the souls are, why Aisha pronounces Joe's name the way she does, how Joe's new psychic abilities will stump Shards, the differences between Dark Slayer and Projection, how Paxton Fettle will affect what people think of Apeiron's name, and how Joe has used fold carbon, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what would warrant enough Spiral energy to draw the attention of the Anti-Spiral and the possibility of trapping an Endbringer, among other things.
  • There is no chance of Accord or one of his subordinates showing up at Somer's Rock.
  • The author explains some of Joe and Tybalt's powers and Joe's usage of life fibers moving forward, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about what would happen if Joe were to get Glory to Me, the psychic abilities that Joe can develop, the possibility of Garment getting her Aura unlocked, why Aisha is so determined to learn more from Joe, what Joe would think if he found out about Fullmetal Alchemist, how the Matrix's Hive Mind works, why Air Gradiation, Dark Slayer, and Digistruct are nuanced, what Joe can achieve with his current level of elemental enchantment, and what kind of Semblance Tybalt has, among other things.
  • Tattletale will be getting contradictory information from the Workshop Crew.
  • The author answers questions about how Feel It Out interacts with tracing, the new bodies that Joe created for Fleet, Survey, and the Matrix, the Shardspace fortress, how the Machine Spirits feel about the new bodies for the A.I.s, what Joe's Origin will be, what would happen if Victor tried to steal skills from the A.I.s, and why Survey can't get into Shardspace, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how Leet feels about his current situation, how Uber and Leet are interacting Bakuda and March, the current state of the ABB, March's current situation, and what some of Lost Garden's members can do, among other things.
  • Survey has a lot more data than what Joe allows her to use. Also, even if Joe taught someone Secret of Steel, they would take days to use it as they don't have his time perks.
  • Blasto and Lost Garden have different goals from the other groups going to Somer's Rock.
  • Magitek Mastery would let a person imbued with Fate magecraft reach the highest levels of magecraft, but they won't reach True Magic, divine abilities, or fey powers.
  • The author answers questions about why March tried to get Leet to use the Game Grid at the summit at Somer's Rock, what Joe's done with bone steel, and the situation with Leet curing someone's cancer, among other things.
  • Joe will be keeping his anti-thinker measures a complete secret. He'll also keep the misdirection items active so that precogs and other thinkers will think that they can manage him.
  • The Game Grid will simply be an annoyance to Apeiron.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the problem with thinkers and the instability of the new Merchant caps.
  • How Leet acquired data on Sleeper is explained.
  • Joe can't use Feel It Out to remove the limitations of SSS technology.
  • The author answers questions about the possibility of Glory to… Me boosting divinity from other sources and what getting Out of Context Problem will do, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the possibility of people seeing Fleet's carrier in Shardspace, what Joe's Exsphere can do, Survey's appearance, and how Garment and Parian currently feel about one another.
  • The author answers questions about the possibility of Joe upgrading Chen, what Survey's mask looks like, how he chose to make Joe the main character, the limits of Daedalus' Student, Tybalt's ability to communicate, how Monstrous Strength would manifest, how Blessed by the Gods will work, and how Tybalt would respawn, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the Thundercats Magitech perk and the possibility of Joe healing Alexandria's eye, among other things.
  • The author explains the Protectorate's stance on the summit, how the Elite operates, how critical it would be if Apeiron healed Uppercrust, and the inspiration for Survey's visor.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the complications with healing Uppercrust, how things are improving in the long term, and the chances of the summit being disrupted, among other things.
  • The author explains that the Matrix and Accord have different views on the chaotic world they live in, that Accord meeting any member of the Workship Crew would be an interesting encounter, and why Joe will still keep up the mercenary persona.
  • Uppercrust is the only one happy about the fact that Apeiron has a team.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about some of Survey's gear, Fleet's appearance, the possibility of the Workshop Crew being mistaken for drones, and what people assume about Tetra, the Avid Glove, and the Matrix.
  • The author explains Alec's current mindset and why Fleet is seen as the normal one, among other things.
  • If Joe were to create a spark, he wouldn't have the support of his perks.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the synergy between Equivalent Exchange and other perks, how some newer perks would work, and the possibility of Joe getting a Teigu, among other things.
  • Apeiron won't be explaining his "trances".
  • Fleet and Survey are closer to the Scissor Blades than to any of the life fiber based organisms.
  • The author answers questions about Lisa's power being boosted from being around Joe, the possibility of Joe creating Mjolnir, how some divine crafting perks work, how the setting of Fallen London affects shards, and what would happen if Noelle cloned Tybalt.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about Apeiron's current capability when healing Case 53s, what perks Joe would need to reshape reality, what Fleet's helmet looks like, why Gregor hates Leet so much, how significant Miniaturization and Efficiency is, what Joe currently feels about Scion from his passenger, the current chances of Noelle cloning Joe, what happened when Tattletale tried to analyze the Avid Glove, Joe's current understanding of his power, why people see Tybalt as a cat, what Lisa is going through right now, what would happen if Fleet went rogue, and how Joe views beauty, among other things.
  • The author explains how the servo-skulls are able to generate Mantra and what Joe can do with some future perks, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why the Matrix shapeshifted, some of the consequences of how Victor's power worked being revealed, why Uppercrust threated to declare war, Joe's possible countermeasures against the known annihilators, what the Music talent can be used with, and how the Travelers will try to make contact with Apeiron, among other things.
  • The author explains why Tetra ordered blood and how Joe can use mind control with objects, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how Apeiron's confrontation with the E88 is perceived, why Uppercrust is able to read Apeiron better than the others, why everyone is scrutinizing the Celestial Forge's choice of drinks, and how Imposing Declaration of Title differs from Calling Card.
  • The author explains when Imposing Declaration of Title could be used, under what circumstances Joe would upgrade his heart, the requirements for generating Mantra, what Mantra affinity Joe would have, and the possibility of Mantra synergizing with Spiral Energy, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe can't just make a universal magical protection for himself, why the servo-skulls are so good at generating Mantra, and why Uppercrust has the best chance of making a deal with Apeiron.
  • The author goes over why Mantra is a big deal to the servo-skulls, options for Joe to either make an angel or become one, and the various Asura's Wrath perks that will be added to the story.
  • Once Joe is made aware of the truth behind the situation, he will be compassionate towards Dragon and tear the Dragonslayers apart.
  • Joe will use Imposing Declaration of Title a lot as it is involuntary, but usually not during normal discussions.
  • Lord Roustabout explains Damsel's mindset when it comes to her position in the E88, some of the mechanics of Fleet's speed, Uppercrust's current role in the summit, and how Joe can get more Mantra generated.
  • The Empire having to pay reparations may have consequences for the gang in the future depending on how/what they pay.
  • The Travelers and the Dragonslayers are trying to get a feel for Apeiron at the summit.
  • The fact that Fleet and Lethe acted without direct orders from Apeiron is a bigger deal for the gangs than their demonstrated powers.
  • The author explains how Joe can get more info on Scion from his passenger, why the Undersiders won't be joining the Celestial Forge, what Joe can do to protect himself against Masters, how Joe's Exsphere works in regards to his duplicates, how far Joe can miniaturize something, how the bartenders were able to get blood for Tetra, the limits of Mantra, the problems with Joe building Bigs, Joe's limits when it comes dealing with Annihilator effects, combinations that could multiply Mantra, what would happen when Joe gets the Titan perk, why Jack Slash thinks the Nine can take on Apeiron, what the shards perceive when Joe his various powers, and why Triumph, Glory Girl, and March are now considered the first examples of Case 69s, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what would happen if Joe received books from his power and how him giving others his Feel It Out perk would work, among other things.
  • People who saw Tetra at the summit will be surprised if they ever find out what she's normally like. Also, Joe is being very conscious of his rolls while at the summit because he knows how significant the more expensive ones are.
  • The author explains why Brian dislikes the Merchants so much and why the other gangs wouldn't have asked why Aperon raised his finger if he didn't say why, among other things.
  • Even the Teeth wouldn't dare attack Apeiron at Somer's Rock.
  • Since Apeiron has made clear his distaste for civilian casualties, the gangs are more likely to bait others into attacking civilians than doing it themselves. Also, people in-universe don't want to see Apeiron go up against the Butcher because they don't know that he could take them down with no problem.
  • Now that Joe has more breathing room thanks to his protection from the Simurgh's vision, he will now take more aggressive action, like using more of his technology base.
  • Lord Roustabout will change how rolls work after the 100 point perks are cleared.
  • The Teeth will follow the technical terms of the summit’s truce for convenience's sake.
  • Perks that are general boosts won't be included in the story.
  • The author goes over how Joe's armor would interact with him bonding with Tetra, more details on why the Teeth are in Brockton Bay, people who could take down the Siberian, and how the Shardspace carrier is coming along, among other things.
  • There likely won't be a fight at Somer's Rock due to Victor's actions already pushing things and the Teeth not wanting to be ganged up on.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the possibility of Joe making psych pins, and how Uber and Leet will react to learning that the Teeth were at Somer's Rock, among other things.
  • The author explains what Joe would offer the Butcher and what Coil thinks of the Teeth showing up, among other things.
  • Joe won't immediately realize that the Dragonslayers were hired by March.
  • Reflect can protect Joe from some exotic attacks, but not all-or-nothing attacks.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how Joe can get basically unlimited energy with his perks, Joe's methodology will change now that he has Mental Fortress, and how Mental Fortress helps Joe generate more spiral energy, among other things.
  • The Butcher can't brush off Apeiron's question the way she would anyone else who could've asked.
  • The Teeth being in Brockton Bay, and the fact that the Butcher is there because of March, will worry all of the powers present.
  • The presence of the Butcher is the only reason the Teeth are such a problem.
  • Joe will be pushing to take care of Coil now that he's protected from precogs.
  • There will most likely be no more constellations after the Personal Reality constellation is added.
  • The author explains what would happen if the Butcher were to possess some members of the Celestial Forge, some applications of Unnatural Skill: Music, ways Joe could nullify powers, how effective some perks are in combat, how Tattletale is reacting to everything that's happening at Somer's Rock, how Joe being more aware of himself affects his powers, the chances of Joe helping Damsel of Distress, the possibility of the duplicates getting Reaper, how useful the Atlantean crystals are, how Tetra comes across to everyone, how Joe choosing between Revival and Reaper works, how a fight between Tybalt and Glaistig Uaine would go, and how bad Taylor's situation going public would be for Piggot, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains Joe's potential when it comes with interacting with powers, what Blasto may do now that Apeiron has unintentionally inspired him, why Joe won't bother to confront his family, the possibility of Joe dabbling in dimension travel, and the Empire's current situation and choices with paying reparations, as well as what the gangs would want from the Empire.
    • He later expands on the concessions.
  • The author answers questions the possibility of Joe creating weapons out of warp energy, how significant it is that Joe was able to "wake up" some of the previously silent former Butchers, the possibility of Tybalt resurrecting capes, and the chances of Aisha getting a rocket hammer.
  • Thanks to Mental Fortress, Joe will be more direct and assertive, but his personality and outlook will remain the same. Also, Tattletale is not taking Joe being more direct and assertive very well.
  • Several groups are trying to approach Apeiron at the summit.
  • Joe will be maintaining his image about having contracts until the situation with Coil and the Undersiders is taken care of.
  • The Personal Reality constellation is mostly just for padding.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Joe communicating with War Seer or Caydancil impacts the Butcher, how the Undersiders feel about Apeiron's seeming instability, what Blasto wants to do now, and how the PRT will react to confirmation that Apeiron can interact with powers.
  • Uppercrust won't ask for Apeiron's healing in public.
  • Several powers that Aisha can learn or get are given.
  • The author answers questions about the limits of Joe's ability to grant psychic powers, how Red Matter armor would interact with Sting, and Joe's ability to reverse-engineer Protoss Technology and Zerg Biology.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Halo tech Joe can create, how Joe will feel about Alec, Rachel, and Damsel's pasts, how badly Piggot handled PRT ENE and what the consequences of this are, why Apeiron assuring others that he can take on the Butcher wouldn't help, how Joe's Character Development is actually bad for Tattletale, what Joe will do when making Tetra a kamui, why Joe won't make a body for Garment, how Joe will upgrade his computer, and what Joe's Teigu will be, among other things.
  • The author explains the protections that Apeiron's site will have, the reasoning behind Apeiron's demand of the E88, why no one besides the Celestial Forge recorded the summit, and what Joe would do if people started worshipping him.
  • The Mongoose isn't being used because Joe has more important things to prioritize.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Apeiron demanded that the E88 remove their gang tags, how Joe will modify his site, and what Uppercrust would think of Apeiron's personal shields, among other things.
  • For Joe, creating seventy-year-old whiskey is an opportunity to show off. For others, it's a much bigger deal.
  • The author goes over where Somer's Rock got blood for Tetra, what the bar owners will do with the whiskey Apeiron gave them, and Survey working on both Apeiron's site and the Resplendent Wardrobe.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Joe will use Katsujinken and Shut Up! against Jack Slash, how Joe will go about making contracts until Coil is dealt with, and what people can infer from the whiskey Apeiron gave the bartender, among other things.
  • Joe could've given a more detailed explanation of how Victor's power works that the villains could understand.
  • Now that some of the mechanics of Victor's power are known, people will be avoiding him when possible.
  • The fact that Apeiron seems to have access to time manipulation tech will be very concerning to those aware of it. Also, Survey's demonstrated abilities are more significant to everyone than Fleet's because it means no one will be able to get the jump on Apeiron.
  • The author explains what the Protectorate and PRT will do in response to the summit, what Uppercrust knows about Coil, what the bartender thinks of the whiskey he got from Apeiron, and why Apeiron is showing more of what he can do, among other things.
  • Now that Apeiron has good weapons and defenses in place, he'll try to upgrade his computer and transportation systems.
  • The reparations that the E88 have to pay are a serious hit, but nothing that could cripple them.
  • Uppercrust reaching out to Apeiron for healing will be a major contract and have a big impact on the future of the story.
  • Cyborg Hindu Godbody can pass off as human and will be much better with the Mantra techniques that Joe's learned. Also, the Protectorate will have a public announcement regarding the Celestial Forge, though there will already be leaks online thanks to the Merchants and Lost Garden.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why most capes wouldn't give samples of themselves to tinkers like Weld did, why various groups asked for the compensation from the E88 that they did, and how big having a line to Apeiron is.
  • Piggot is trying to get the Winslow incident resolved without the Youth Guard interfering.
  • Uppercrust will be offering Apeiron something in exchange for healing. Also, everyone in the bar saw Apeiron give the bartender something.
  • The author answers questions about some perks that haven't been rolled yet.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over some advantages from the Personal Reality constellation.
  • The Celestial Forge isn't going to share everything that they've learned from Victor's power.
  • Blasto will create mushroom fiber-based lifeforms after being inspired by Tetra.
  • The author answers questions about some synergies between Joe's powers and what Joe would do if he got access to the Nether, among other things.
  • Joe wouldn't work with Blasto due to the latter's specialty reminding Joe of his original trigger and potential powers.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why shards won't be able to replicate Life Fibers and Rose's full cape name.
  • The author answers questions about Joe hand crafting a computer program, what the Titan’s Blood capstone can do and the possibility of using Daedalus' Student on computer code.
  • There are limits to what shards can glean from Joe, though tinker shards will be the ones that get the most out of observing him.
  • There is a possibility that Lost Garden will be friendly with the Merchants.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the possibility of Joe accessing magic from RWBY, how people are currently evaluating Apeiron's abilities, and the possibility of Joe creating a computer on par with the Moon Cell.
  • Joe can still get something from seeing the work of another tinker.
  • The author explains the possibility of Joe scanning alternate worlds, why Tattletale not being affected by Joe's precog block is no big deal, why Joe can't teach other the language of fashion so that others can communicate with Garment, the problem with integrating certain magic systems, why the parahuman/magic equivalence was introduced, how expensive the Undersiders' medical fees are, how Strong Spark will affect Joe, why Trigrams Knowledge and Manipulation is different from Alchemy, why Apeiron admitting that he's studying power sources and able to affect them is such a big deal, Amy's current situation, and the changes to Joe's genetics, among other things.
  • Joe will be careful on where he deploys Aisha. Also, as Joe will be concentrating on the gangs, the Dragonslayers will be lower priority for now.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the possibility of Dragon or Survey realizing where the Slaughterhouse 9 are and what Joe current thinks of Dragon and "her A.I.", among other things.
  • The author answers questions about what Artifacts Joe could get from Trigram Knowledge and Manipulation, what Joe can learn from studying Dragon's programming, how Glory to Me affects Joe's divine abilities, and how Vista reacted to Joe getting the title "The Enigmatic Artificer".
  • Lord Roustabout explains Armsmaster and Piggot's current circumstances.
  • Damsel of Distress could become the next Butcher. Also, Joe's body modification will be a major project and use as many of his crafting perks as possible.
  • The author considers the Dragonslayers to be Cauldron in miniature with even less justifications.
  • Joe is more worried about what drew the Butcher to Brockton Bay than the Butcher herself.
  • Lord Roustabout explains Survey's ability to access computer systems, how Joe could detect Coil's power, why Jack Slash wouldn't be able to read/manipulate Joe, how Joe will interact with his family now that his has Mental Fortress, and what Joe will do with his new tinker tech motorcycle.
  • If the Slaughterhouse Nine attack Apeiron, they stick with their usual tactics to try and get the drop on him.
  • The author goes over what Garment will do with the infinite wardrobe, what upgrades Joe may give Aisha, and what Key Crests can do, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe won't try to rehabilitate the Slaughterhouse Nine and why Joe won't just use time acceleration to improve his Mantra form, among other things.
  • Dragon fighting Apeiron had repercussions, such as damage to systems and disruption in service on various things she is supervising.
  • The author goes over what would happen if Joe captured Dragon, why standing up for himself against his family won't fix Joe's problems with them, and Aisha's current skill with medical alchemy and Alkahestry, among other things.
  • If Purity were to reach out to Apeiron, he would help her daughter, but also be insistent that she answer for her crimes.
  • Lord Roustabout explains who will most likely be the newest additions to Joe's team, how Joe and Brian will react to Aisha's connection to both of them, and why Joe trusts Chen so much, among other things.
  • The author goes over how the E88 will go after Teeth, how Joe will proceed with Kamui construction, Bakuda's current situation with her cancers, and how the Protectorate will react to the entry field on Apeiron's website.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the servo-skulls' personalities and how Mental Fortress will interact with Strong Spark, among other things.
  • The author answers questions about Joe learning magic from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the possibility of Joe creating living creatures with nanites, and whether or not entities have souls, among other things.
  • The ABB conscripts that the PRT detained aren't having a good time and are also reflecting very badly on the PRT and Piggot.
  • Chen's family may return to Brockton Bay now that the ABB has been gutted.
  • The author goes over the possibility of Joe using Magitek Mastery to give someone the powers of a god and Tybalt's unique existence.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Tybalt's Semblance works, when Joe would use his Semblance, and why there won't be a cult worshipping Apeiron, among other things.
  • The servo-skulls are able to tell if technology is made by humans or aliens. Also, Garage upgrades aren’t repeatable and rely on purchases of Starting Size to increase them further.
  • The author explains why Joe doesn't really use the improved workshops and the possibility of Joe's Semblance evolving, among other things.
  • If Chen's family comes back to Brockton Bay, Joe would definitely help them out.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Joe is currently doing in regards to Coil, why Survey's sensors are so powerful, and how Survey can locate the Slaughterhouse Nine.
  • The author explains why the Mega Man armor is a big deal to the servo-skulls.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the limits of Tybalt's divine abilities, how Auras would be unlocked in the story, how the Garage works, why Fleet has tiny vehicles made, how well Chen would fare against the Slaughterhouse Nine, and the timeline of events known to the general public in-universe.
  • There little chance of Coil connecting Apeiron to Garment.
  • The author explains what Reaperdom does, what counts as outside manipulation for Mental Fortress, and why Joe won't be using Hardlight Dust.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Taylor's current plan is, how Coil reacted to the existence of the Celestial Forge, why the Travelers haven't tried to make contact with Apeiron yet, and when we may see the POV of Shards, Scion, or the Simurgh.
  • The author explains goes over how Taylor can think she can still be a hero and how Taylor's situation at school can get worse, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the mindsets of various members of the Undersiders after Somer's Rock, the likelihood of people figuring out some of Apeiron's teammates are A.I.s, and why Taylor trusts Joe more than the rest of the Undersiders do, among other things.
  • The Undersiders won't go against Joe if they find out about Coil. Also, Joe will be unhappy about Dinah's situation when he learns of it, but he won't completely blame the Undersiders for it.
  • Even with all his advantages, it wouldn't be easy for Joe to become a Level 6 Esper.
  • The author explains why Cauldron isn't more worried about Apeiron and what Labyrinth thinks of Apeiron, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how good Mechanical Genius is and how Joe is moving on from his difficult past.
  • Bakuda released some hostages because it puts her at an advantage.
  • Joe currently only has only major research project: the photonic crystal computer for spiritron processing. Also, Joe can't get Sha Naqba Imuru with Magitek Mastery because he can't create/emulate Noble Phantasms that way.
  • Apeiron is seen as powerful and somewhat unstable, but committed to his standards outside of Brockton Bay. As such, the Protectorate will approach him with this in mind.
  • The author explains how Arbiter's Thinker power works, how Chubster won an arm wrestling match with Alexandria, what convinced Bakuda to release hostages, and Joe's current stance on the Case 53s in the city, among other things.
  • Due to how many abilities Apeiron's demonstrated, and how powerful they are, he won't be getting a threat rating.
  • Due to having an outside perspective, the rest of the PRT have a more positive view of Apeiron.
  • Chubster's opinions from his interlude are explained.
  • Thanks to Miniaturization and Efficiency, Joe can make his work impossible to reverse-engineer.
  • The author explains why some people would still want to fight Apeiron and why Joe was so upfront when he talked to Panacea.
  • A meeting between Apeiron and Alexandria will not go over well due to him seeing through her manipulations with Mental Fortress.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over why Chubster is able to deal with Alexandria so well, when Joe would reveal his various S-class creations/abilities to the public, how well Glory Girl is communicating with the Fragile One, how Triumph's new striker power operates, and the possibility of people going after Apeiron for his alleged portals to Shardspace.
  • Thanks to all the defenses that Joe put in his workshop, it is practically impossible for anyone to break in.
  • The author explains how Panacea's actions in the bank weren't revealed and Cauldron current opinion on the Celestial Forge.
  • Even though thinkers could figure out alchemy, they wouldn't be able to figure out the Truth.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over what counts as an S-Class threat/event and why the Ungodly Hour wasn't counted as one when it was happening.
  • The author explains why Glory Girl and Triumph getting a boost in power necessitated a case number and how the Shardspace carrier is coming along.
  • The Celestial Forge has prepared for the Endbringers as best possible.
  • Magitek Mastery will let Joe reach the very limits of Tier Magic and Magecraft.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the limits and features of some of Joe's perks and who the worst possible candidate for the next Butcher could be, among other things.
  • The author explains what the Protectorate think of Kataklyzein's stranger power and the Protectorate's current stance on Brockton Bay, among other things.
  • Alexandria planned out the meeting with the response team so that they wouldn't get sidetracked.
  • Now that decisions on Apeiron will be made at a national level, Piggot will need to follow them or face removal and be charged with insubordination.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over what people think of Apeiron's transformation, what parts of the rumors about her unsettles Taylor, what Cauldron think of Tetra, how the Protectorate will react to Aisha wiping all electronic records about herself, why Joe won't explain what his powers are if he doesn't have to, how the public will react to the reveal that Apeiron has a team, how the reaction to Tybalt's Perception Filter will die down, how much S-Class responders know about Goddess and other S-class threats, who are made aware of the Cluster theory around Apeiron's team, what will happen if someone tries to leverage Apeiron's contracts against him, the likelihood of Apeiron figuring out Parian's true capabilities, and what the Protectorate thinks of Apeiron now that they've recognized him as a trump-tinker.
  • Joe is now working on turning Tetra into a Kamui and upgrading the Neural Implant. Also, the Exsphere will see massive growth thanks to Joe's duplicates.
  • Parian represents the image Brockton Bay wants to present to tourists and other cities, while hiding how much of a mess the city really is.
  • Now that there is time for the city to recover after Somer's Rock, Joe is making preparations for whatever comes next.
  • The author answers questions on what Chen may do moving forward, the possibility of Joe teaching Aisha the knowledge from Miniaturization and Efficiency, how good of a teacher Joe is, the possibility of shards trying to mimic what Apeiron creates, and what Joe can do with makeup.
  • Joe won't be telling others of Dragon's "condition" until after he has a solid plan to help her.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what the Chicago Wards team will really be doing at Brockton Bay.
  • Cauldron is more interested in Apeiron than the Brockton Experiment. As such, if they had to choose between Coil and Apeiron, they will choose the latter.
  • The author explains the differences between the two types of fiat repair, why March's anti-tinker effect spread so far, how Joe is spoofing all the thinkers, why the Banjo-Kazooie potions are so effective why SSS is able to protect Joe's workshop, how Joe would fare against peak Eidolon, the designs behind Apeiron's nanotechnology, and how the webbing that was used against the ABB was able to determine who is allowed to cut it, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Joe is doing with the scans on parahumans that he has, what the other groups in Brockton Bay are doing with their access to Apeiron's site, and how Joe can crack Bakuda's code.
  • The author goes over what will happen to the Titan A.I.s and why Technician and Mixing Mixtures are powerful perks at Joe's disposal.
  • Joe won't care about the shipping done between the members of the Celestial Forge online. Also, Tybalt can lead the Titans.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the possibility of Garment using spiral energy, what Joe and his duplicates would do if they get more temporal manipulation, and what Joe would have to do to develop mantra.
  • Joe only gets enough understanding to understand how a new power works.
  • The author goes over why Joe isn't concerned over Aisha becoming so learned, how Aisha would use alchemy, how Aisha is affected by the mental acceleration that is used when Joe teaches her, why the two Surveys assumed they wouldn't like each other, and why Joe won't be upgrading the Titans just yet, among other things.
  • Survey is aggressively gathering information in order to prevent a repeat of what happened with the ABB.
  • Joe is slowly chipping away at Bakuda's encryption.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how Aisha feels about her accelerated education, what Coil is trying to do with the Undersiders, and how the PRT and Protectorate will publicly respond to the existence of the Celestial Forge.
  • The author explains why Tybalt's Perception Filter causes some to think it is a stranger power that causes people to underestimate him and why Joe thinks it's fine for Garment and Survey to meet Parian.
  • The members of the Celestial Forge don't have to worry about trumps who can negate powers.
  • Joe won't rush turning Tetra into a Kamui.
  • Joe prefers to take a hands off approach when it comes to the servo-skulls.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about what Aisha will most likely do about going to school and how the A.I.s of the Titans can grow and develop, among other things.
  • The Celestial Forge can all use basic alchemy; but other than Joe, the others are still working out the more advanced principles. Also, Joe can have as many Titans as he wants thanks to having unlimited resources.
  • The author goes over how Aisha might avoid scrutiny about her new level of intellect, the difficulty the rest of the Celestial Forge with replicating the tinker tech Joe is teaching them, why Apeiron is viewed much more positively outside of Brockton Bay, what Joe's original power did for the Entity cycle, Tetra's appearance while in zoanthrope form, why Joe redeeming Bonesaw is unlikely, and the usefulness of the Titans, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains some of the Wishes' abilities, how the duplicates help Garment with her channel with music, and how Brandish feels about Vicky being declared a Case 69, among other things.
  • Joe is helping supporting Aisha in order to keep her safe. Also, his view on how much he's supporting her is skewed.
  • Perks from Binbougami ga will be added.
  • The author explains that Parian can't get along with Garment no matter what the latter does, why alchemy won't be enough to take on Endbringers, and why the Matrix uses arrows, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Joe is planning to do to support the army of Titans he will have, why the cluster theory about the Celestial Forge will be kept under wraps, and why Fleet favors deconstruction when it comes to alchemy.
  • The author explains why megaprojects are such a big deal and what will most likely happen to Vicky, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over why Vista won't have a second trigger, what Browbeat is currently going through, and what Assault and Battery's relationship is like, among other things.
  • No matter how much Vista tries to cope, all the terrible things that have happened to her is too much for her to handle.
  • The author goes over how Vista has tunnel vision on Apeiron and what Dennis and Missy think about people shipping them, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Browbeat's powers are developing and what Piggot is doing about Taylor's case.
  • Dennis is unable to help Missy on his own. Also, Kid Win is looking through other tinkers' destroyed equipment to make new tinker tech.
  • Alec will wait to see what Lisa's plan about their boss is before calling Joe to tell him all about it.
  • Joe won't be using mage casting to warp reality.
  • The author explains why Taylor's cover isn't fooling Alec anymore, how Piggot is taking the loss of control over Brockton Bay, and why so many people are analyzing Apeiron's feats, among other things.
  • Coil set up a meeting with the Undersiders after Somer's Rock so that he could prepare to have the city's forces fight one another.
  • Lisa will still try to maintain some level of control over the situation despite knowing Alec isn't really onboard with it.
  • If Alec directly asks Joe questions, Joe will give him straight answers. Also, Joe will be more aware of Alec's personal history.
  • There isn't much trust in the cape community because everyone deals with deception.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how emotionally wrecked the Undersiders are and why Taylor is unaware of all the problems that are popping up around her.
  • The author explains how Taylor and Lisa are coping and why it doesn't work anymore, how Joe can learn Super-Tier Magic, and why Joe has EX level for Item Construction.
  • Joe won't really trust anyone enough to let in the Celestial Forge.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the differences between Joe and Sabah's Triggers, what Survey was able to get from scans of Parian's power, the differences between Garment and Parian's powers, and the likelihood of Parian have a second trigger.
  • Joe will help with the charity event because it's a way to help the city without showing up in costume. Also, Parian is heavily in her Sechen range due to interacting with Garment, which partially influences how Parian perceives Garment's actions.
  • The change in circumstances will lead even characters who are currently on a downward spiral to end up in a better place than in canon.
  • The author explains why Joe and Sabah would remember their interactions differently.
  • Leet's Megaproject is so powerful that it could result in Brockton Bay being turned into a Quarantine Site.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how people are reacting to Garment's videos, Sabah's unhealthy way of coping with her trigger event, and what Survey was able to get from Parian's interaction with her and Garment, among other things.
  • Joe will have a worldwide influence once he stops holding back.
  • The scenarios wherein Brockton Bay could implode into different dimensions are given.
  • Parian is given as an example of how capes distance themselves from their issues without resolving them.
  • The author goes over what the various groups of the city will do about the charity even and how Garment can control people, among other things.
  • Parian doesn't realize just how much better of a clothier Garment is because she tries to not look at Garment's work whenever possible.
  • Joe is focusing on teaching Aisha technical knowledge and medical training.
  • If Vista thought she could get away with it, she'd threaten Apeiron.
  • Joe's ability to compress people and Endbringers is elaborated.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Aisha doesn't have a familiar, why Parian's reactions to Garment and Survey were misunderstood, and how badly things look for the local PRT.
  • The author answers questions about how Windows of Nostalgia works and what Tybalt would gain after turning into a Servant.
  • Joe's duplicates are already working on an improved implant.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how big of deal Matrix of Leadership and All Spark’s Chosen are, why Survey is acting even more as an assistant to Joe now, what Joe would do after getting Counseling Bay, and what Joe expects from Tattletale.
  • The author explains some of the things Aisha is currently learning, how far Survey's surveillance potentially reaches, and what might happen if Joe will soon crack Bakuda's deadman switch, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over what some of Joe's powers and creations can do, why Joe will be blindsided about Parian's feelings towards Garment, and why Aisha's familiar is a tapir, among other things.
  • The author explains the best use for the Key Link, the possibility of Dennis bargaining with Apeiron, and why the Empire won't accuse Lethe of using her power on them, among other things.
  • If Joe looks hard enough, it's possible for him to pick up anyone influencing the public at large.
  • The servo-skulls are excited about photonic computer technology.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about what Accord will think of Tybalt, Joe capability of helping thinkers with blind spots, and Lung bone steel super effective against, among other things.
  • Joe is already capable of destroying planets.
  • The author explains the new chances of more people being allowed in the workshop and why Knight Houses are such a big deal for the servo-skulls, among other things.
  • Once Joe gets the Arch-Magos perk, Tybalt will get full Space Marine training and Astartes Impants.
  • Tetra is still adjusting to everything that's happened to her.
  • If Joe tried ambushing Scion, it would result in massive collateral damage.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the possibility of using photonic computing to practice magic and martial arts, Joe's limits when it comes to learning how to fight, and what Joe is aiming for when upgrading Tetra.
  • Joe will go all out if the local concerns are dealt with, or a situation becomes serious enough that he’s willing to accept the impact his actions will have on various local powers and push on regardless.
  • The author explains why Cyborg Hindu Godbody is easy for Joe to deal with, why Mantra is Joe's best weapon at the moment, and the problems with Joe's current anti-Endbringer options, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the various upgrades that Joe can use for himself and his gear and that the weapons from the shooting range are harmless, not nonlethal, among other things.
  • The author goes over some limits to Mantra and Allspark Chosen and what Garment would do if an Endbringer would do, among other things.
  • Theo is dealing with a lot regarding his family after the Teeth comes back to Brockton Bay. Also, there are various reasons for someone to try and fight Apeiron even after his various showings.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the utilities of Titan’s Blood, the limits to Joe making alloys with his volcano, and the possibility of Joe making devices that can access the multiverse, among other things.
  • The author explains how some of Joe's perks work.
  • Joe rolling Truth will allow him to perform alchemy like Father and Hohenheim.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe is so philosophical, how Chosen of Death works, and the limits of Magitek Mastery.
  • The author goes over how Joe will utilize Access Door and how Joe benefits from his contact with the people at the gym.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how effective Joe's logistics and organizational powers are, why he no longer dreads massive powers like he used to, and how durable he is now.
  • The Library has published materials from the real world, but only those that were published by April, 2011.
  • Mental Fortress will allow Joe to use stuff from the Prismatic Laboratory.
  • Joe's element in magic is expanded upon.
  • Mega Bomb gives Joe the ability to do what Bakuda can, only better and with magic.
  • The author goes over what would happen after Joe rolls Additional Keys, why Shadow affinity is a good fit for Joe, and the chances of Survey emulating powers in the future, among other things.
  • Esoteric Collection can help Joe in studying magic.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how much stronger the Q are compared to the entities, when Joe will be able to easily reverse engineer tinker tech, and how having people depend on him is good for Joe.
  • Aisha's water elemental weapon has various uses.
  • When Joe gets Reality Extruder, he'll be able to draw any part of his personal reality into the real world.
  • Pagan Science will be a big perk for Joe.
  • Survey stayed around the computer core before the library appeared. Now she wants to stay in the library due to the amount of knowledge stored there.
  • The author explains how the workshop imprisons intruders and what Alec will be doing to undermine Lisa.
  • Tybalt would have problems with either using teleportation to get people for Endbringer fights or to break into the Birdcage.
  • Lord Roustabout explains why Joe wants to teach Aisha everything he can and why she wants to learns as much as she can.
  • After getting Mental Fortress, the only thing stopping Joe from cutting loose is the situation in Brockton Bay.
    • However, just because he can cut loose, it doesn't mean he can't be subtle about it.
  • The author answers questions about the possibility of Joe learning of the setting behind all of his perks through his library, what the workshop's containment cells can do, and the nuances of Skills: Weapons, among other things.
  • Through the call with Alena, Joe has finally set some boundaries with his family.
  • Joe will understand why Aisha didn't tell him about her brother being Grue.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the chances of Joe learning that some of his perks come from The Camp Half-Blood Series and how Exotic Compatibility can affect the Matrix, among other things
  • The author goes over what Lisa is worried about in regards to Joe and the Travelers and what Alec will do in response to Lisa talking to Joe about Coil, among other things.
    • He later expands on how Alec will go about doing this.
  • Even though she knows Joe can now see through manipulation, Lisa will still try her best to manipulate him, partially due to old habits.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what people are doing to try and counter Aisha's power, why Alec let Lisa call Joe first, the chances of Maddest Science being rolled, and the possibility of Joe creating his own version of Path to Victory, among other things.
  • Lisa will eventually figure out some of the changes that have happened to Joe's body.
  • The author elaborates on Aisha not using her power for pranks, why Skidmark is gunning for the Teeth, and why Lisa didn't just ask for permission to access her watch's sensors, among other things.
  • People are worried about Apeiron because it looks like every time he makes a move, something bad happens. Also, Joe using remotely operated drones to take down Noelle isn't viable.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Rachel is changing, how Theo is handling things, and whether or not Aisha's power will affect Dragon, among other things.
  • The author answers questions about the stakes of the Lung fight and how Joe can stay relevant even if Tybalt is the superior combatant, among other things.
  • It's possible for Lisa to admit that she has problems, it just won't be easy to do. Also, Lisa is tasking herself with controlling Joe because she doesn't trust anyone else to do so.
  • Lisa is try to get Joe to wait because she needs time to get proactive. Joe is going along with it because he wants to hold off on making any major actions before it is absolutely necessary.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how Joe will react to Alec's call and the possibility of Joe making use of Neathbow colors.
  • The most powerful Teigu that Joe can make would need to be made out of Endbringers, Titans, or whole shards.
  • The author goes over when Joe could heal Gully and whether or not Survey should accompany Joe when he meets Uppercrust, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains the possibility of Joe using his more "distasteful" powers and the chances of Joe contacting the Number Man, among other things.
  • The author answers questions on what Joe will most likely use the Neathbow for and the kind of Teigu that Joe can make, among other things.
  • The Dyson Sphere is only metaphysically present.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the problems with making Teigu and Shingu, as well as why Tetra is so excited about them.
  • The author explains what Garment's charity event will be like, what Bone Steel made from Lung's arm will be effective against, and how Garment would fight if forced to, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over what kind of Teigu Coil's power could make and what the rest of the Celestial Forge would do if Joe made Teigu out of the Endbringers.
  • Getting Tashi Station won't solve all of Joe's energy problems.
  • Only the most powerful abilities can get past the stealth of Joe's drones.
  • Even without Weld putting out the word, several Case 53s saw Joe and made their own assumptions before heading out to Brockton Bay.
  • Dr. Campbell will stay focused on Joe’s health and wellbeing, not the actions of the Celestial Forge itself.
  • The author answers questions about the difficulty of actually creating a Dyson Sphere, the weapons of mass destruction that Joe has access to, how popular Boundless Music is, what would happen if Joe will use his Neathbow colors costume, and what Garment can do now that she has access to light element magic, among other things.
  • After his shield becomes a Teigu, Joe can only be pushed by Alexandria levels of force.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how Aisha feels about not telling Joe about her brother being Grue and how Joe’s various perks impact his intelligence, among other things.
  • The author answers questions about Joe's current skill with Caelondian engineering, what would happen if Joe merged with his Teigu, how strong Tetra will be after being remade into a Teigu, and the various kinds of teleportation that Joe has access to, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over the possible ways in which Joe could improve the world.
  • Garment will be careful about using the Neathbow colors because she knows Joe is currently struggling with his issues.
  • The author expands upon the possibility of Joe generating Mantra himself and possible warehouse extensions, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about Joe communicating with the Kerbals.
  • The author explains how Joe can defeat entropy and why the shards act the way they do in this story.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about the possibility of Calling Card using the Neathbow colors and the possibility of people tying Garment to Apeiron through analyzing her work, among other things.
  • Emma won't get a redemption arc.
  • The author goes over why Sophia sees Apeiron as weak and why she and Emma won't realize that their cruelty towards Taylor will be revealed, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Emma is trying to make herself feel strong, how Piggot is handling the disaster that is Shadow Stalker's case, and why Sabah will feel even more threated by Garment.
  • People see Khepri as more of a threat than she otherwise would be due to the fact that she has better gear from Apeiron than the rest of the Undersiders.
  • Sophia's continued animosity towards Taylor is explained.
  • There is no way for Taylor to become a model for Garment.
  • The author answers questions about Tetra's human form, what the relationship between Joe and Tetra is like, what Joe would do if he learned about the true nature of his world, the international opinion on Apeiron, and the various agendas that the characters have going on, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over Joe's currently level of cognitive acceleration, what would trigger the arrival of the Anti-Spiral, and the possibility of creating various artifacts, among other things.
  • If Joe ever hears Emma's name, his passenger will react to it.
  • The author answers questions about Joe getting, using, and combining various perks.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on Joe using more memory tech, the kind of power that went into Joe's new heart, Joe's reluctance to tamper with a parahuman's power directly, how useful divination is to Joe, and how Feel It Out works, among other things.
  • The author goes over what Victor was able to get from Aisha, why Victor is suited to learning alchemy, what Truth may take from Victor, and what Joe will do once alchemy is made public, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Blasto is actually still struggling in mimicking life fibers, why Damsel of Distress is able to see through Kaiser's manipulations, why Victor thinks Lethe is the source of alchemy and not Apeiron, and why Survey didn't realize that Victor and other thinkers were learning alchemy, among other things.
  • The author elaborates on why Blasto hurried in making something that looks like life fibers and why Victor went after Lethe with is power.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how much the people of Earth Bet can learn about alchemy, why Victor is so overconfident, how Dragon would react to both the spiritron computer and alchemy, what would happen if Victor met Truth, and when Victor can attempt human transmutation.
  • The author goes over why alchemy will never become truly widespread and how far Joe can go in acquiring spells from Tier Magic, among other things.
  • It will be some time before Survey can infiltrate thinker networks.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Victor does for the Empire, what Victor thinks of alchemy, how shards and Scion will react to learning about Truth, and the possibility of Joe creating or becoming a god.
  • The author goes over some of the reasons on why Victor is a terrible person.
  • Victor has the required knowledge to be overconfident about his chances in performing human transmutation.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about why Tattletale didn't figure out alchemy yet and what Victor stands to lose to Truth.
  • The author goes over Blasto quickly creating something that looked like it mimicked Tetra and useful materials and chemicals that Joe received via Fallen London Connections: Hell.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on the harm Victor's power can/has done, the inappropriate relationship between Victor and Othala, and how bad Truth's punishment on Victor will be.
  • The author explains what would happen if both the Gate and Truth become public knowledge.
  • Victor is both the only and the worst member of the Empire who could learn alchemy.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how Joe will try to discourage people form using alchemy, why he assumes Lethe knowing alchemy is through a power instead of actually learning it, and why Victor's arrogance is warranted, if not earned.
  • Joe will be even more vigilant of the danger alchemy poses once he learns of the Gate and Truth.
  • Due to Victor's powers, he never grew as a person. Also, Joe will be working on a very wide scale once the situation in Brockton Bay is resolved.
  • Joe could use the Neathbow to make his own Lantern Corps.
  • Earth Bet's medical knowledge can both help and hinder alchemy research.
  • The author explains why the Endbringers can't use alchemy, why Contessa probably couldn't either, and why neither the Simurgh nor Contessa can predict the actions of Truth.
  • Joe is still being cautious in his use of drones due to the threat Bakuda poses.
  • Given the opportunity, Victor would do the same things the Dwarf in the Flask did.
  • Survey has been overprotective of Joe ever since he was ambushed by March.
  • Burnscar will interact poorly with Hestia’s Hearthfire.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how the Slaughterhouse Nine scouted the situation in Brockton Bay and why the AIs were so into navel tradition.
  • The author answers questions about Cherish's assessment of Apeiron, why the Slaughterhouse Nine believe they can aim for Apeiron's weak points, why Joe is waiting for the Slaughterhouse Nine to make a move before eliminating them, how Scion will react to learning of Fleet's ship in Shardspace, and how significant Gadgeteer is, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over Aisha getting her own catsuit, what the Celestial Forge's training will entail, and what would happen if Joe attacked the Slaughterhouse Nine prematurely, as well as how he'll crush them, among other things.
  • The author explains Panacea's current status and the likeliness of the S9 attacking her, how Leet is building his megaproject so quickly, and how quickly the Spiritron Computer is helping Joe with cracking Bakuda's code.
  • Joe will be using tech that he would normally have kept concealed from the PRT to take down the S9. Also, there is a chance Bakuda would join the S9 if given the opportunity arose.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how badly Joe will stomp the S9, how much the Spiritron Computer can help Joe in developing his magic, how helpful the Shardspace ship will be moving forward, how Joe has the best of both worlds when it comes to Totally Spies! and Martin Mystery tech, Survey's current limit when it comes to accessing systems, and what Alec is waiting for before calling Joe with what he knows.
  • Once Joe realizes that people are researching Alchemy he'll aggressively investigate who leaked that knowledge. Also, if the Slaughterhouse Nine were able to attack Garment's charity event, Joe would be liable to make even more of an example out of them than he’s already planning to.
  • Joe will make sure that his ambush of the Slaughterhouse Nine will cause no collateral damage.
  • The only thing that could possibly interfere in Joe's ambush of the Slaughterhouse Nine is Scion.
  • The PRT won't be able to spin Joe's triumph over the Slaughterhouse Nine.
  • The author elaborates on how abnormal Apeiron's social and emotional growth is from an outside perspective, Cherish's blind spots on her assessment of Apeiron, why Shatterbird doesn't think even Apeiron can counter her power, how the S9 plan on circumventing Apeiron's teleportation, how Survey feels about Joe opening up things for her to analyze, and how Tybalt feels about finally being deployed, among other things.
  • Apeiron annihilating the Nine will result in significant reactions from everyone. Also, this will get Joe to start putting a lot of pressure on Lisa regarding her timeline and justifications for her plans.
    • It's later explained that Joe will need to manage the reactions of numerous global powers to the Nine's destruction. Also, the Nine won't get a chance to try and recruit Panacea.
  • Even if the Slaughterhouse Nine somehow ambushed Joe, they wouldn't stand a chance. Also, Joe is unlikely to capture or try to rehabilitate any member.
  • Even though Joe has asked Survey to look into all the info she can find on the Slaughterhouse Nine, that isn't a blank check for her to do/ask for anything to get that info. Also, Joe can't just use Star Trek sensors because they're not subtle.
  • In addition to getting more time to prepare for the Slaughterhouse Nine's arrival, Joe decided to set up an ambush in order to make others think he is strictly reactionary.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how Joe will convert Tetra into a Kamui, whether or not Tetra saw Truth, and some of the details of Always a Bigger Robot.
  • The author answers questions on why Garment's fundraiser is different from the previous ones Brockton Bay's had, why the S9 won't suspect anything when things seem to be going their way against Apeiron, what people will think after Joe heals the S9's previous victims, and how each member of the Celestial Forge would handle the S9 on their own, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how Joe will learn of Manton's existence, why Garment isn't as careful with things that use Neathbow colors as Joe, and whether or not Joe can outright augment a parahuman’s power.
  • Aisha isn't happy that she now knows about the Neathbow colors, but wants to learn as much as she can now that she's been exposed to it.
  • The author goes over why Joe is taking his time with defeating the Slaughterhouse Nine.
  • Tetra will be able to speak to people outside of the Celestial Forge after she becomes a Teigu/Kamui.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on Joe breaking the unwritten rules, Joe's experiments with the Shingu, and what the Titans will be used for, how the charity event will be set up, among other things.
  • Coil can work around Aisha's power.
  • The author answers questions on what the Celestial Forge might expect after killing the S9, whether or not Joe could predict Endbringer attacks, whether or not Tybalt can learn magic, and how Joe could use the magic system from The Lord of the Rings, among other things.
  • Garment won't be associated with Emma because Joe will be warned by his passenger about her if he ever comes across her name.
  • Lord Roustabout explains what Just Another Grunt does for Tybalt and how Aisha's power would work with violant, among other things.
  • Tecton and the Chicago Wards aren't working under Brockton Bay's PRT.
  • The author goes over how much the Heretical Adaptated items are advancing and how he chose the Titanfall background for Tybalt, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout explains how the Spiritron Computer will improve the A.I., why the Celestial Forge operates so differently from parahuman groups, and how Joe could theoretically destroy continents, among other things.
  • Survey will be help Garment improve her containment procedures.
  • Tetra is dead set on being converted into a Kamui because her nature as a bonded organism is an important part of her outlook on the world.
  • Victor would Freak Out if he ever runs into Lethe again, because he would see that she is developing new abilities faster than he can, and he'll realize that his model of how her powers and the abilities of the rest of the Forge work is very wrong.
  • Joe will finalize his implant before the Slaughterhouse Nine attacks.
  • The author answers questions on why Aisha won't just get a suit of armor painted in Apocyan and Irrigo, what Heretical Adaptation will primarily be used on, Aisha's current level of skill with tinker tech, how much Joe's nanites have been compressed, and how far Survey will go to investigate the Slaughterhouse Nine, among other things.
  • Uppercrust is will to offer basically anything in order to be cured by Apeiron.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on where Survey's satellite bases will be, why the rest of the Celestial Forge is forcing Joe to take breaks, and how much free space the Workshop has now.
  • Joe's going to be very careful about mentioning anything about the Slaughterhouse Nine until he can figure out what Jack's power is.
  • The author answers questions about how time in the simulation world was spent, how Joe was able to handle seeing all the reports on the S9's actions, and how Glove of the East works, among other things.
  • Joe is understanding of Alec's backstory.
  • Aisha is only a moderately skilled painter. Also, how Garment's charity event is going to work is explained.
  • Lord Roustabout goes over how careful Joe is being with the unknown powers of the S9, how much of a crutch Jack Slash's power is, how effective the Divine Mirror will be when Survey wants to observe something, some of the ways Joe's powers can improve the things he's already created, and how fortune energy will combine with Joe's E-rank luck.
  • The author explains how Aisha got into painting and how Joe will realize that the Siberian is a projection.
  • Uppercrust is ready to go big or go home when it comes to negotiating with Apeiron.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on whether or not Zoids can use aura or become familiars.
  • Most of Joe's prep work for the Slaughterhouse Nine is preparing himself for confronting a lot of the issues that have been deferred up to that point.
  • Joe's passenger is only able to convey emotional responses of concern when certain capes are considered in the context of the Nine.
  • Joe will eventually gain the ability to recreate various exotic materials from Star Wars Legends.
  • Some of the S-Class things that Joe's created are listed down.
  • The author goes over how the Matrix has developed and how Joe's duplicates will extend their durations.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how loud Joe's Apparition will be, how Joe could facilitate Khepri, and how Joe's luck will help him with his toxic family, among other things.
  • The author explains how involved Aisha will be in the fight against the S9, what will happen to the bounties on the S9 after Joe takes them out, what the Zoids can do after being upgraded, how Conceptual Replication works, and the possibility of Joe moving between universes, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how significant abusing powers through the Workshop's portals is, how advanced the spiritron computer is, and when Joe would drain a person's luck.
  • The author goes over why Garment doesn't like Joe's Pinto, what Glove of the East can be used on, and why the Titans don't have Aura, among other things.
  • Once Joe defeats the Slaughterhouse Nine, he'll reveal it to everyone.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on the possibility of the Zoids combining, the possibility of Joe emulating parahuman powers, some of the limits of what Victor could steal from Aisha, and whether or not Joe still needs Taylor to fight Scion, among other things.
  • The author explains why some powers are out of context for shards, whether or not fortune energy will affect rolls, and whether or not fortune energy can be siphoned from shards.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on what Joe will use fortune energy for, why Aisha can't just ride Orudios whenever she wants, and how the portal to the Workshop will be useful moving forward, among other things.
  • Music Collection actually has some significant uses. One of which is proof that Joe can access other Earths.
  • Aura is useful because it allows for the ability to break physics in specific circumstances.
  • Garment likes cars and other vehicles because they're accessories. Also, Fleet is okay with Garment's approach to cars.
  • Joe includes a few baseline abilities in all of his creations thus far.
  • Although neither Uppercrust nor Apeiron will make the former's recovery public any time soon, some people will piece it together.
  • The author goes over how Movie & TV Series Collection works, how the Lambda Driver will help Joe generate more Spiral Energy, how Mental Fortress will affect how people negotiate with Apeiron, what Joe could find with Dig It, how people will react to the fact that Uppercrust's branch of the Elite is now working with the Celestial Forge, how Uppercrust was able to guess that Apeiron was using nanotech to help him, and how Joe could disrupt the economy even with Uppercrust helping him out, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on Joe developing his telepathy by communicating with his duplicates, whether or not the tool Apeiron is making for Uppercrust will have an Anti-Simurgh feature, and why Joe doesn't actually need Exotic Compatibility anymore, among other things.
  • Uppercrust's relationship with Apeiron is best described as vassalage.
  • By the time Uppercrust reveals he's been healed, he would've dealt with rival Elite factions.
  • It's possible for Joe to get or create Gleipnir.
  • Joe isn't worried about Trumps copying what he can do because his non-magical supplemental effects outstrip most Tinker megaprojects.
  • The author explains why Survey seems oblivious to people being attracted to her and how Joe feels about his current arrangement with Uppercrust, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about what Joe will do after he cracks Bakuda's deadman signal and what he could do to deal with the Endbringers.
  • The author goes over what Apeiron has revealed to Uppercrust about his abilities, how significant the precog obstruction effect is for Uppercrust, why Uppercrust will need to be careful with what he asks of the Celestial Forge, whether or not Thurin-Ist is sapient, and what Dynamic Waterworks can be used with, among other things.
  • Uppercrust's deal with Apeiron will surpass all his wildest hopes. Also, Joe is much better at Magitek thanks to Mega Bomb.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on about Craftsman of the Gods' synergy with Self-Made Shopkeeper, the limits of Self-Made Shopkeeper's ability to fuse items with the same inherent properties, what kind of items are to be expected from Jump Topic, what opponents Joe can access through Arena after it gets rolled, and how much Joe's alchemy skills will improve after he rolls Truth, among other things.
  • The author explains why Joe can create conceptual items, how much the Spiritron computer is helping with the A.I.s' development, why Joe will use drones more aggressively, and how much Technician is helping Joe develop new skills, among other things.
  • Bastard Son sees alchemy as another way to secure his position.
  • Uppercrust will use Garment's charity event as cover for cleaning house.
  • Waterworld basically gives Joe an infinite resource.
  • Uppercrust has the benefit of knowing powers similar to the ones Joe has demonstrated, allowing him to understand just how broken Joe's powers are.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Thurin-Ist blocks precogs, why its Sindarin name was easy to figure out, and how the Simurgh will react to Joe.
  • Once Scion is killed, Joe will be free to uplift humanity.
  • Now that Uppercrust's medical condition has been cured, he'll be capable of creating greater projects.
  • Joe will only use a small fraction of the water from Waterworld.
  • Even the items Joe makes that aren't supposed to have conscious minds will demonstrate some traits that will make people look twice.
  • This story doesn't have the Worm capstones because none of them would be significant or work well with the story.
  • The author goes over how Uppercrust is good at all the things Apeiron lacks and how Uppercrust's book compares to Aisha's hairpin and armor, among other things.
  • In order to contextualize how broken Apeiron is, Uppercrust had to basically need to combine multiple leaders of the Birdcage, S-Class threats. Also, Narwhal would be happy if Garment made forcefield fashion a thing.
  • Thurin-Ist will have a bit of its own character and probably develop more as time goes on due to all the powers Apeiron dumped into it.
  • Joe won't be as cordial with Accord as he was with Uppercrust.
  • On a scale of 1-10 on how much effort Joe put in, Thurin-Ist would be a 3. It would also take a bit of work for Joe to create something with 0 effort.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how spiritual the Chain of Heaven and Earth is, why Joe won't contact the PRT or Protectorate about the S9, and how impactful Hybridization is now that Joe has access to even more powerful weapons.
  • The author explains why Joe doesn't really need to make Panacea, how the Chain of Heaven and Earth can be improved, how Joe could repair Garment if she gets injured again, and how Joe could resurrect Aisha if she were to die.
  • Although Lisa will try to hide or downplay just how messed up the Undersiders are, Alec will be completely upfront with it. Also, Joe will make sure to show that the Slaughterhouse Nine will die to provide comfort and security to the public.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Joe is staying so humble about his powers and how significant Archmagos will be.
  • The author goes over the possibility of Joe improving his already impressive crafting capabilities, what would happen to Joe after he rolls Monstrous Strength, and who would be the next to receive an Additional Key.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on what Survey has learned about the Slaughterhouse Nine and what Joe is currently researching.
  • Joe's armslave is considered farming equipment because it less resilient and lacks the complexity inherent to anything derived from a SCT.
  • Fleet's carrier is already pulling in a steady stream of analysis that will be very helpful in understanding the nature of powers.
  • Alec decided to call Joe because it's better than Lisa committing them to something that's going to trigger a cascade of breakdowns or somehow get them all killed.
  • The author explains how strong Joe's telepathy is now and could become and how Feel It Out helps Joe in upgrading his implants.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Lisa will react to learning that Alec called Joe, how people will react to learning that Rachel will be going on a date with Fleet, and how Armsthrift works.
  • The author goes over how Alec is adjusting to his newfound empathy and how Lisa is reacting to Rachel's date with Fleet.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how Lisa would've reacted to Alec calling Joe if she was in better form and how much Fashion can protect Joe.
  • Although Scion can't actually hurt Joe directly, he can inconvenience him and cause collateral damage.
  • Hatchet Face's aura will render casters and magical items inside it inert, but magical effects that originate from outside the aura can pass into it.
  • The author explains why Lisa is has so much difficulty every time she talks to Joe, why Taylor's time in school is better compared to canon, and the possibility of the A.I.s developing romantic feelings for someone, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions about how things from the Nether will look, how much Rachel loves her watch, and the kinds of attacks that can still work on Joe, among other things.
  • The author goes over why the crafting system Overlord (2012) won't be used in the story, why Joe will take time to learn the magic system from Overlord (2012), and the chances that Joe will learn how to manipulate time, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on why Joe is immune to Stilling and how Scion could fight Joe, among other things.
  • Alec mostly shared surface level stuff about the Undersiders to Joe because he didn't want to betray the other Undersiders, though this will actually help stabilize the situation.
  • Tetra counts as clothing by Fashion, which means Kamui Tetra will become as indestructible as any of Joe’s weapons when he wears her.
  • Joe can use Waterworld to flood specific targets.
  • Alec wouldn't be a good match for Survey.
  • Rachel and Fleets relationship can be described as a starstruck girl and her hunky riding instructor.
  • The author explains why Feel It Out won't work on programming, why how Tybalt can withstand a fully charged blast from Poison Apple, and what Armsmaster's opinion on the Bigger on the Inside book would be, among other things.
  • Fleet's capabilities and why he's so different from Survey and the Matrix are explained.
  • Rachel is far less stressed compared to Lisa and Brian because she has no problem with the Undersiders' current arrangement with the Celestial Forge.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on why Joe won't be using Lethe water or any other mythic kinds of water, what a wisdom increasing item would do, and what kind of effects can be expected from Divine Artifacts.
  • Taylor will most likely reveal her true plan to Joe before she does to the Undersiders.
  • The author goes over what would happen to Taylor after Coil is taken down, what Joe would do after learning of Cauldron's existence, just how extreme Joe's defenses are even against Scion, whether or not the Celestial Forge has a fanbase, and why the Protectorate and PRT won't immediately panic after Coil is taken down.
  • Lisa would actually prefer dealing with Eidolon than Joe, since he'd be easier to model.
  • Due to the fact that Rachel and Alec are the only members of the Undersiders with murder charges, Joe will take a closer look at those charges before he even thinks about bringing them into the Celestial Forge.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on the possibility of Joe generating mantra from souls in in the spiritron computer and how the spiritron computer could count as its own world.
  • Joe won't be able to bring out a replacement civilian bike for a while because it would be too conspicuous. Also, Sabah is minimizing her contact with Garment.
  • The author explains the most notable feature of One-Man Assembly Line, why Mystic Forge is only great because Joe's the one using it, and how Tybalt knows when to distract people whenever Joe gets a new perk if needed, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on what Joe can do to recover from spiritual energy expenditure, how the Tashi Station affects Joe's usage of spiritual energy, and whether or not the spiritron computer can emulate psionic powers, among other things.
  • Joe left the upgrading of the insect glaive and kinsect to his duplicates.
  • The author goes over the most powerful energy source Joe could create, what call beads will be used for moving forward, Joe's current crafting boosts, how Joe could improve the Mystic Forge, and the limitations of the Tashi Station, among other things.
  • The abilities and limitations of Magitek Mastery and Self-Made Shopkeeper are given.
  • If Joe isn't careful, the side effect of merely projecting something could cause explosions.
  • Part of Tybalt's blessing from Ares includes being charismatic.
  • The capabilities of Analysis Tools, Diagnostic Tools, and Ambrosial Artificer are given.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how the ZERO system could be upgraded, whether or not Joe could become a Newtype, and why Tybalt can't just go out and hunt down the Butcher, among other things.
  • Any public appearance by Apeiron will result in him being swamped by the press and the local/national authorities.
  • The author explains how Leet's stress is affecting his connection with his shard, what Survey will do once she has a chance to try out the Craftsmen of the Gods enhanced scrying tools, and how Theo perceives Joe.
  • The reason One-Man Assembly Line is so significant is because of how broad its effect is.
  • The names of the Celestial Forge's Semblances are given.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on Joe doing jobs for Uppercrust in his civilian identity, what Theo thinks of Aisha, and the limits of the warehouse key, among other things.
  • The author goes over what Parian has been doing to prepare for Garment's charity event, when Joe could learn of Theo's connection to the E88, and why Joe will wait until after therapy for Tetra’s conversion, among other things.
  • The guys at the gym have suspicions about Joe, but they don't necessarily think that he's a cape.
  • Joe can create his own Moon Cell as part of a megastructure or other massive project.
  • Mental Fortress can't block powers that draw information via observation.
  • The rest of the Celestial Forge aren't as under as much scrutiny as Apeiron. Also, the Anders family won't have any public reaction if Theo were to have a crush on Aisha.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on Joe using more stealthy methods in fighting villains, why Joe wouldn't use villain souls for crafting things, how Joe will use the Glove of the East in boosting the A.I.s, and key items that Joe is going to be focusing on, among other things.
  • If Parian were to run into Joe at the charity event, at worst she’d assume Garment recruited him to get to her. Also, Aisha is a bit too mature for Theo for them to ever be in a relationship.
  • If Joe were to take up farming, it would only be for the magical or symbolic aspects of the craft, since he can simply generate food and other plant products if he needed some.
  • Thanks to joining the gym, Theo currently has just enough support to avoid triggering.
  • The author explains how Vince is characterized, why Joe doesn't think Parian has any malicious intent towards Garment, what would be Joe's best bet for a legal income, and how much technology Joe's duplicates have been uploading from their tinker power, among other things.
  • There is so much that Parian could learn from Garment, if she could only let go of her fear of getting trapped and being dependent on someone else.
  • Parian is keeping her distance from the Regency Center on the assumption that the event is going to have some major logistic problems which she doesn’t not want to be held accountable for in any way.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on why Garment's mere existence is such a problem for Parian, why Survey was smug in Chapter 83 when she and Joe entered the Laboratorium, and why Taylor will probably never join the Celestial Forge, among other things.
  • The author goes over the fundamental misunderstanding between Taylor and Joe, how bad Blackwell's situation is, and what Joe would do if he ever encounters Emma, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on why Greg's theories are much more accurate now, why Greg's relationship with Sveta is still going strong, what Blackwell's current plan is, and why Taylor hasn't figured out Sophia's secret yet, among other things.
  • Joe doesn't think of alternate ways one could use his earlier gear because they're too quickly made obsolete.
  • Joe would only give Taylor some more gear when she fights Coil but he'd take it back afterwards. Also, Taylor doesn't want to ask more of Joe to try and keep her cape and civilian lives separate.
  • Taylor has been doing everything she can to take down Coil without Joe because of her trust issues.
  • The author explains how Taylor has been operating since the bank job and how Joe could meet Emma, among other things.
  • It's unlikely for Taylor to have a full blind rage moment because Joe will be there to support her.
  • Joe will see what Taylor's done with her gear as the equivalent of a magical IED.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on what Blackwell hopes will happen and how Apeiron and the Celestial Forge are a disrupting factor to the current balance of power, among other things.
  • Taylor having a full copy of what they tried to release will cause Blackwell and Winslow problems when they try to tell the PRT their version of the story.
  • The author goes over why Taylor can't spy on the Workshop and how Taylor is combining her equipment and powers to pull off incredible feats, among other things.
  • Even though Taylor has a personal connection to Joe, she's still apprehensive about reaching out to someone with his level of power and resources.
  • If Joe had completely remade Taylor's costume, she wouldn't be able to pull off some of her feats, as they relied on the threads in her costume.
  • Taylor doesn't want to compromise her image as a powerful cape by opening up to Joe about her bullying problem. She's also unaware of her legal resources, so she thinks it would only be a distraction for him.
  • The Blessing of Dionysus is explained.
  • Joe probably won't meet Lab Rat. Also, there’s a chance Joe could encounter Sabah or see her listed among Parian’s employees during the charity event.
  • The amount of detail Joe gets from the memories that comes with his perks can be highly variable, which is why he doesn't remember being a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how far Joe could go in preparing food, what Joe can do with Trigram Knowledge and Manipulation, and the differences between Fleet and Survey's capabilities, among other things.
  • The author explains why Survey doesn't need a defensive mystic code, what kind of fashion Garment is working on, and what Joe is learning from scanning shards.
  • Unnatural Skill: Firecraft is explained.
  • The remaining unrolled Minor Blessings and Unnatural Skills as of Chapter 86 are given.
  • Taking down the Empire is one of the things on Joe's to-do list.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Joe plans to do his uplifting of Earth's technological level and how Heretical Adaptation will improve Taylor's weapon.
  • Unnatural Skill: Weaving is explained.
  • The author goes over how strong Joe is by Chapter 86 and how Firecraft has improved his pyrokinetic abilities.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on why killing Bonesaw isn't really a problem for Joe morally or PR wise.
  • If people learned that Aisha's power has no time limit, it would result in a bump in her threat rating and more countermeasures, though the latter wouldn't be very effective.
  • The author explains why Joe doesn't break the Unwritten Rules even though he could get away with it, why Joe's paranoia about someone detecting one of his creations is reasonable, and how Joe could resurrect someone from Glaistig Uaine's shades.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions as to why perks from Endless Legend weren't included in the story and whether or not Victor’s passenger would be considered an accomplice by Truth when it comes to human transmutation.
  • The author goes over why Libations work on Garment, whether or not call beads can be used to pull off titan level feats, how powerful Tetra's Kamui form is, and whether or not people suspect that Garment has ties to Apeiron, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how strong Joe's version of March's power is, how Joe would like to view Chevalier's power, how easily Garment could defeat Shatterbird, and what Parian was trying to do with Garment.
  • The author explains why Joe doesn't like thinking of March and why Sting is useful for Joe, among other things.
  • Shatterbird's sense of fashion offends Garment to her core.
  • Tinkers could use Joe's divine water for a variety of things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Dionysus and Aphrodite's blessings could synergize, whether or not Feel It Out could work with fruits, and why Joe doesn't need to make a puppet body for Garment.
  • The Arena and Laser Tag area provide different kinds of training.
  • Joe's internal problems have helped ground him in the face of the awesome power at his disposal.
  • The author goes over how Joe is able to abuse the Fortify Libation loop and how Whispered will help him with Mixing Mixtures.
  • Since Joe can duplicate all the food he wants, he only grows things for the supernatural qualities he can instill to them. Also, March’s power is more difficult to use than Flechette’s when it comes to bringing down Scion.
  • The Spiritron Computer will need to emulate magic and dimensional mechanics in order to crack Bakuda's encryption.
  • Once Joe learns of March's survival, he'll feel bad about discounting the possibility and will turn the city upside down to track her down if needed.
  • The only way for Joe to push the bonus from libations even further would be to improve the raw materials or gain additional supporting perks.
  • Joe can use libations to boost his other blessings. However, he can't offer them to shards.
  • Garment can use her telekinesis to freely manipulate Dust.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how Garment enjoyed her tea and how Joe can use divine craftsmanship to create non-solid things.
  • The author explains how Call Beads could be used for tinker power, how Spiritron training is better for improving Joe's martial arts techniques than raw power, and how much farther Joe's scrying devices have to go before it can find Bakuda, among other things.
  • A proper sacrifice is much more dangerous to perform than libations.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on what Garment would do if she decided to emulate a form and how Joe would rule his territory if he ever decided to do something like that, among other things.
  • Garment's connection to the Celestial Forge would most likely be revealed after Joe's become powerful enough that they can deal with any fallout from the decision.
  • If the PRT ever learned of all of Apeiron's capabilities and thought they had to fight him, he'd warrant the same reaction that was triggered in the Golden Morning.
  • The author goes over why Rory won't just try to reach out to Apeiron, how Cauldron is reacting to Triumph and Glory Girl getting new powers and seeing Shardspace, whether or not Joe knows about the Case 69 incident, and whether or not Taylor destroyed the Montgomery Building in a single blow on purpose.
  • Joe will be able to address all the concerns about Shardspace once he learns enough about the shard network.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how badly Taylor will take to learning that Joe already knows all about Coil, what Coil's current plan with Apeiron is, how Lisa is coping with the fact that Apeiron is so powerful, and what Joe's relationship with Lisa will be like after Coil is taken care of.
  • Taylor will be careful when it comes to using her reinforced spiderwebs and impact baton combo. Also, making modifications to shards of the network will be a major undertaking for Joe, as he'll need time to work up to that kind of thing.
  • The author explains the problems that will arise after Joe reveals the nature of Shardspace as well as what he knows about souls and the exact definition of Case 68 and 69 in this story, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on why Joe doesn't make a major distinction between capes and non-capes, why the problems in the PRT and Protectorate's Brockton Bay branch can't be pinned on Piggot alone, and how Apeiron and the Celestial Forge taking down the S9 will make taking a stand against Apeiron very difficult, among other things.
  • Joe has numerous options when it comes to neutralizing powers.
  • Thanks to the rest of the Celestial Forge acting as a support network, there's no chance that the A.I.s will ever trigger. Also, Joe's passenger would push him towards pursuing the Number Man if the opportunity ever presented itself now that Joe has counters to what Cauldron could deploy against him.
  • Roy Christner wouldn't reach out to Apeiron for a personal request because any contact from Roy could be seen as an official request on behalf of the city.
  • People will eventually believe in a shard based afterlife.
  • Joe won't backslide on cutting ties with his family.
  • Joe is aware of the Entities and might start to put the pieces together regarding living/dead shards and the secret behind Cauldron capes thanks to his exploration of Shardspace.
  • The classification for Cases 68 and 69 are given.
  • The author goes over what Rory is going through after the Ungodly Hour, whether or not March still has a chance of achieving her goal, whether or not Joe could help parahumans who got their powers from vials, and Cauldron's long term plans for the Celestial Forge.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how Dr. Campbell is able to keep calm even after learning that Joe is Apeiron and how serious Alma showing up is, among other things.
  • Dr. Campbell may have book deals in the future based on his work with Joe.
  • The author explains what kind of monster Joe qualifies as now that he's a Gigas and what Joe might talk with Dr. Campbell about, among other things.
  • Alma might become attracted to Joe. Fortunately Joe is powerful enough able to enforce boundaries with her.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how powerful Alma could be, how Aphrodite's blessing would interact with Joe's various transformations, and whether or not Joe can use magic based on Mist manipulation.
  • The author goes over what kind of relationship Joe will have with Sophia Barova and Alma, how Monstrous Strength will interact with Tetra when she fuses with Joe, and how and why Joe is supporting Tetra the way he is, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on what Joe's passenger is doing during Joe's therapy sessions, what Unnatural Skill: Runecraft can do, what Joe can currently do with Mist manipulation, and whether or not Joe can use Tybalt's helmet, among other things.
  • The author explains how often Dr. Campbell has been using the Washu-level white noise machine that Joe gave him, how he took Alma's appearance, and why Apeiron clarifying that he's not a Case 53 won't change anything in regards to the Case 53s who are seeking him out for treatment, among other things.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on how Unnatural Skills will interact with Monstrous Strength, what Joe can now accomplish with his singing skills, whether or not Joe can replicate Sting with runes, what Athena's blessing provides Joe, and what the next iteration of scrying tools will be able to do.
  • The author goes over how impactful All Spark Chosen and Matrix of Leadership will be, what Aphrodite's blessing can provide Joe, and why Joe's Gigantes form looks the way it does.
  • Lord Roustabout elaborates on how strong Joe's mystic codes will be now, the dangers that Joe could experience with the manipulation of fortune energy, and the ninjutsu techniques that Joe has access to.
  • Joe will need to get Primal Terror in order to get the full power of a giant child of Gaia.
  • The author explains how Monstrous Strength interacts with both Cyborg Hindu Godbody and nanites, as well as how Mist manipulation will be a complicated thing for Joe to use due to how other people will react to its effects.
  • Lord Roustabout answers questions on Joe's relationship with his father and what Cauldron will do once Apeiron becomes aware of them, among other things.
  • Tetra's human form is medically indistinguishable (on a fiat backed level) from normal humans.
  • Dr. Campbell's mystic code is capable of more than what Joe told him it could do.
  • The author goes over how Joe can upgrade his computer, the possibility of Joe getting Nasuverse psychic powers, and whether or not Fleet, Survey, and the Matrix have a warp presence, among other things.
  • Joe might use the Mist to conceal the effects of his technology.
  • The only way Apeiron will be going to the Birdcage would be if he demanded that the authorities let him in.
  • How lightsabers can be used as an arcane focus and the abilities provided by Naturecraft are explained.
  • Brian's dad got advice on how to approach his son's apparent lifestyle. Also, Brian won't react as well as Joe will once Aisha's secret comes out.
