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Warp That Aesop / Persona

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  • So long as one person in your town wants to be a god, you don't deserve to be happy and live in a perfect world.

Persona 2:

  • Careful about spreading rumours - they might come true.

Persona 3:

  • If you are a guy you cannot be just friends with a girl. It has to go somewhere. Having more than one female friend is the same as adultery. But don't worry, they probably won't figure it out, and if they do, all it takes is few well-chosen words and they'll come running back like nothing happened.
  • It's perfectly okay to build up a woman's trust and then move on to someone else after she sleeps with you as long as you can deny it ever happened.
  • You know who is a good person to date? That crazy girl who tried to off all your friends. It is okay, she's just a bit confused.
    • It's also okay to sleep with the creepy woman who runs the card shop, even if you already have a girlfriend. She won't mind.
    • If you don't know which of your girlfriends to go with, just pick the one who slaughtered your parents and sealed an Eldritch Abomination inside you. Best choice every time.
  • Lectures by occult obsessed substitute teachers provided are more important to your life than knowledge math, language and history lessons.
    • All history teachers are obsessed about their favorite time period. Also, your normal teacher is so into you.
  • Only you can solve peoples' problems.
  • You are the only one who can love. However, you do get everyone, so it ain't that bad.
  • The only way to solve your problems is to shoot yourself in the head.
  • If you aren't enjoying every moment of your life, you're a horrible person and you deserve to die along with the rest of humanity.

Persona 4:

  • The ignorant masses don't know what they want. Even if god like creatures are willing to fulfill the desires of humanity and create a utopia that people wish for you can't let them. After all, a select group of people with special powers get to decide the fate of humanity. No matter what people actually want.
  • Nihilism is the key to saving the world. If you don't dismiss everything as a lie, the world will end and you won't be able to do a thing about it.
  • If you have vital information about a murder case (and the ability to prove it) don't even consider telling your detective uncle about it. Instead constantly put yourself and your friends in serious danger.
  • Only you can solve peoples' problems - once again
  • It's perfectly acceptable to date multiple girls at the same time without telling them.
  • If you don't accept that the most flanderized, Accentuate the Negative portrayal of you is true, you are in denial and don't deserve to live.
  • Only happens once in the whole story, but the game's overarching message of "don't lie to yourself, embrace who you really are" is twisted because Adachi is completely in-sync with his inner self and has no reason to change it. The problem being that his inner self is a psychopathic murderer who enjoys making others suffer. So really the message is more of "don't lie to yourself and work to accept everything that makes you you, unless of course the other side happens to be evil"?
  • The entire game is warped if you've played the Persona 2 duology. Again, the message of this game is embracing who you really are and searching for the truth. If Tatsuya or Maya remember the truth about the world being rewritten (into the current world that all Persona games after Innocent Sin take place in), Nyarlathotep will come back into existence and destroy all creation, because this time Philemon isn't powerful enough to stop create a backup universe again. So in reality, staying blind to the truth is the only thing keeping the universe safe from total annihilation.
  • Signs of being True Companions include, but are not limited to:
    • Physically assaulting someone for accidentally breaking something you lent them.
    • Demanding more money back than what the aforementioned broken item was worth.
    • Regularly giving people food poisoning.
    • Buying expensive clothing with someone else's credit card, even if they don't have the money.
    • Shoving others into a frigid cold river.
    • Pelting people with wash-buckets for entering a place that they have the right to be in.
    • Refusing to apologize for said wash bucket assault or even admit to any wrongdoing.
    • Mocking someone for being Ambiguously Gay.
  • Should you happen to be the first to stumble onto the scene of a murder, don't report it to the police. Instead, just walk along as if nothing had happened. Otherwise you'll only make yourself the killer's next target.
  • Look, female molestors shouldn't go to jail, okay?
  • How dare you for wanting to switch your gender! You should embrace the gender you're uncomfortable with.
  • Anyone with no friends and a job they hate is secretly a crazy psycho killer!
  • When you deduce the killer of a serial murder case, the best course of action is to go confront him without notifying the police!
  • A reasonable response to facing a murderer is with more murder! Caution: May result in your surrogate little sister dying.
  • Spare a life, and your recently deceased loved ones will magically come back to life!
  • It's okay to leave your lone daughter and immediate family alone at home all day! Your nephew will pop in every now and then to play with her anyway!
  • Believing what you hear on TV results in mass hysteria instead of finding the truth... including believing in the rapidly spiralling outbreak that everyone is panic-buying gas-masks to avoid falling ill from. It's all fake, and people are getting worked up over nothing.
  • The key to improving your cooking skills is not practice or following tried and true recipies to the letter, it's not getting a boyfriend.

Persona 5:

  • Don't listen to the screams of help, just cover your ears and go by. It's not worth it.
  • Wanting money is bad.
  • Japan has a lot of problems. Overfishing is not one of them. Eat as much tuna as you want, regardless of the negative environmental impacts or risk of mercury poisoning.
  • Life isn't worth living if you're a child soldier slave to your abusive father!
  • Please treat your awfully-behaving stereotypes well.
  • Once again, the ignorant masses don't know what they want. Even if god-like creatures are willing to fulfill the desires of humanity and create a utopia that people wish for, you can't let them. After all, a select group of people with special powers get to decide the fate of humanity. No matter what people actually want.
