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WMG / Steven Universe — Confirmed

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Pearl was in love with Rose Quartz
The way she talks and reacts in Rose's Scabbard heavily implies as much.
  • Confirmed, sort of. Whether Rose Quartz reciprocated has yet to be revealed.

There will be another swordplay training episode.
Now that Steven has his mother's sword, Pearl will have to train him how to use it. This'll probably bring up emotional memories for Steven, after what happened last time, so it'll be very difficult for him to focus.
  • Confirmed. In "Sworn to the Sword," Pearl teaches Connie the art.

More Crystal Gems will be revealed
To go to with the seeming Birthstone motif, other members of the Crystal Gems will show up (they already have January, February and June). We don't have a clear definition of the organization besides seeing the main three and Steven, so it could be a similar situation to Codename: Kids Next Door, where this is the only part of a larger group.
  • We also see that there are 5 gems in the door they use to get into the Crystal Temple, red, purple, whitish, pink, and blue. The first three obviously correspond to Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, the pink most likely corresponds to Rose Quartz and Steven, but the blue one is out of place. When Garnet uses the door in Together Breakfast, the Gems in her hands cause the red and blue gems in the door to glow. We don't see which one would glow if Amethyst used it, but we can assume it's the purple one. When Pearl opens the door to her room, the whitish gem glows. This might suggest that there is supposed to be a Sapphire (or one of the December birthstones) Crystal Gem.
    • This could be sort of confirmed now that we know that Garnet is actually a gem fusion between two small gems named Ruby and Sapphire, accounting for both the blue one and the red one. That means that Rose, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are actually five gems, not four.
  • Confirmed in Mirror Gem. All the enemies thus far are revealed to be corrupted Gems
    • It's implied in Mirror Gem, and later confirmed in Marble Madness that the Crystal Gems are a particular group of Gems that stood with Rose Quartz against the others. Though, in Jail Break we meet Ruby and Sapphire, the two Gems that make up Garnet, so this is still sort of confirmed even if in a more literal sense we've only met four Crystal Gems (and maybe Rose as well, depending on whether her appearance on the video counts or not).
  • This was debatably confirmed when Peridot became a Crystal Gem, but was 100% confirmed with the introduction of Bismuth, another one of the original Crystal Gems.

There are gems that have the physical form of human babies and children
Since Pearl said in "Fusion Cuisine" that their forms are constructs, maybe a gem doesn't always look like young women and teenage girls that occasionally shapeshift temporary, maybe gems also have the physical form of babies and children
  • Confirmed; Ruby and Sapphire are rather childish in stature.
    • It's also implied that a Gem's outward appearance seems to age with their level of maturity.

Steven will develop a child crush on the brown lady in the pink boots from the intro.
Also, she will probably be the one to give Steven his lion in "Steven's Lion."
  • She looks a bit like a kid to me so probably not a Precocious Crush.
  • First part confirmed as of "Bubble Buddies" — except Steven seemed to have a crush on Connie since before the events of the show, so it isn't developing as much as had. Lion part jossed, however.

One of the characters will eventually snap at Steven for his constant bumbling.
I'm not just talking about that one speech from Connie in "Bubble Buddies", either.

The story of Steven Universe is about a naive young boy coming into his own and becoming a competent hero like the Crystal Gems. Unfortunately, it's been an entire season, and more often than not, Steven winds up causing the conflicts through his actions. Eventually, it'll get so bad that someone from the cast will finally lose it and give a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to him (my money is on Pearl or Connie) which will then cause him to take his role a lot more seriously and stop making so many mistakes.

  • It would be too much, in a negative sense, if Garnet does it. And Amethyst won't do it due to her laid back nature.
  • Sorta confirmed/Jossed as seen with Lars in Lars and the Cool Kids.
    • Confirmed earlier than that in Serious Steven when Mr. Smiley banned Steven from all the rides after breaking the Teacup Ride. That said, Garnet said she prefers regular Steven, so his maturity/seriousness gets kinda zig-zagged.

The Gem monsters are ex-Gems, or otherwise fallen Gems, or what normal gems become when they die.
And Rose Quartz became Lion.
  • Possible since in Monster Buddies the Centepeetle first tried to form itself it had a humanoid silhouette before turning to the silhouette of its first appearance till finally it turns into a small version of itself.
  • Confirmed to be the case by Pearl. Specifically, she mentions they are "corrupted" gems.
    • Jossed that Rose becomes Lion. In "Lion 3: Straight to Video" and "Rose's Scabbard" it is made very clear that Rose used Lion's mane dimension as a storage unit.

Rose Quartz will make an appearance and meet Steven.
In spirit form or something.
  • Sort of. The tiny floating whale in "Rose's Room" who asks "What do you want, Steven?" has Rose's voice.
  • Rose finally appears via video tape in "Lion 3: Straight to Video," so that confirms the first part. Nothing for the second part so far. Probably a season finale plotline?
  • Sort of happens in "Storm in the Room," though whether that was really Rose or the room's projection of her is up for debate.

The Gems are a planetary virus
Viruses work by injecting their DNA into a cell, tricking it into making innumerable copies of the virus. Eventually these destroy the cell. What if the Gems reproduce in a similar fashion, but on a planetary scale?If the Crystal Gems didn't rebel, they would've continued 'hollowing out the Earth', as Ronaldo suggested in [1]. Each gem manufactured sucks life energy from the Earth, which explains why the Kindergarten was a desolate wasteland. Had the process continued, the planet would've been sucked dry into nothing but a quiet, lifeless husk. Once it was completely processed into new gems, they would then seek a new world to infect and reproduce.

You cannot kill a Gem by harming their body, instead you have to shatter their gem.

Rose Quartz is literally Steven's gem
Gems' bodies are just a projection and they're literally their namesake gems. Hurting their bodies is nothing, they just return to their gem to regenerate; hurting the gem is another story. So when Greg said that Rose "gave away her physical form" in order to give birth to Steven, he meant it literally. Rose Quartz gave away her form in oder to return to her gem that, somehow, was passed on to Steven. Rose is living in, and maybe empowering, Steven's navel gem.
  • Confirmed! Rose said that she is actually "half of Steven", and says outright that she and him can't co-exist.

Gems aren't normally meant to reproduce.
They aren't really built for it. If seriously injured, a Gem can either die or retreat back into their gem to heal. Rose did one of the two (it's not really clear yet) when she gave birth to Steven because she's not from a race that normally reproduces.
  • I guess confirmed, as Rose does say that she and Steven can't co-exist.
    • Well, confirmed for humans, anyway. Gem reproduction, or lack thereof, has yet to be addressed.
  • It's confirmed in "Greg the Babysitter" that Gems are created in a precise purpose, but aren't meant to reproduce as humans do.

Antagonistic Gems will appear at some point.
  • Confirmed... Somewhat. While not necessarily antagonistic, in Ocean Gem, Lapis Lazuli did fight the Crystal Gems. Also on the same episode, Pearl exposits that they've always been fighting other Gems. Gems can get corrupted and become monsters. Also, Lapis tells us that the Crystal Gems are the only remaining Gems who care about the Earth.
  • Further confirmed by the appearance of the unpleasant Peridot, of whom even Garnet seems a bit intimidated/fearful.
    • And confirmed further still by the terrible, evil Jasper.
      • And do we even have to mention Yellow Diamond?

The monsters are former Gems.
They were either corrupted, or Gems turn into monsters when they die. When Steven breaks the Centipeetle out of it's bubble, it takes a human shape before taking monster shape. It also explains why Pearl mentioned that Rose was trying to "save" the monsters when referring to her attempts to tame them. Pretty odd choice of word if they were just monsters.
  • The monsters are confirmed to be corrupted Gems in "Ocean Gem". If used to be former Crystal Gems is yet unknown.

Rose Quartz has shoujo anime eyes.
Unlike everyone else who just has egg-shaped, iris-less eyes, Rose has glorious, sparkly, probably pink shoujo eyes.
  • ...actually confirmed! "Lion 3: Straight to Video" shows that her eyes are exactly that.
  • Sort of. It's much more subdued in Rose's case; they're differently shaped, but it's not to the extent of certain anime. Also, they're not that sparkly and black instead of pink.
  • Rose's eyes could belong in an anime, but they really aren't particularly shoujo.
  • In "Greg the Babysitter", enthusiastic Rose have the same star-shaped eyes than her son.

Gems are part of an all-female race.
Perhaps one that normally reproduces asexually. Steven is half-human, hence why he was able to come out a boy.
  • Confirmed. Rebecca States that he is the first male Gem.
    • On the other hand, she's apparently also stated that "Gems are Gems" rather than one or the other, so it could be that they just tend towards taking on a feminine appearance.

Alternately, the monsters the Crystal Gems fight in the show are all corrupted former Gems.
  • Possible since in Monster Buddies when the Centipeetle first tried to form itself it had a humanoid silhouette before turning to the silhouette of its first appearance till finally it turns into a small version of itself.
    • Indeed, this may have something to do with the ominous figure seen in the mural in Serious Steven, similar to the Dead Moon Circus arc of Sailor Moon.
      • CONFIRMED, as of "Mirror Gem" / "Ocean Gem".

Each gem gives it's owner a certain power.
This one is kinda weird on Garnet and Pearl, but...

Steven's Rose Quartz give it's owner Super Strength. Steven has been shown to carry thing that he obviously shouldn't be able to. He also forced a Monster into a pit of fire.Amethyst's Gem allows her to Shape Shift, which is kinda obvious after "Together Breakfast".Garnet's Gem gives her Genius Level IQ, as nothing else seems to fit yet.Pearl's Gem gives her amazing Accuracy and Precision, as nothing else seems to fit yet.

  • Jossed. They can all shapeshift.
  • It also appears that all of the gems have exceptional physical strength.
    • Wait, this theory can still work. Pearl is the only gem who is shown to create holograms, and Garnet is not only the only gem who has a third eye that gives her incredible precision, but is also the only gem who is stated to be resistant enough to swim in lava. And for Amethyst, maybe she is the best of them at shapeshifting, to the point she is the only one who uses it in her fighting style. As for Steven? He is the only of the gems who has two different forms for his weapon: a bubble and a shield.
      • I think the theory has the right heart but the wrong head: it seems that all gems have the same powers, but very different personalities, ideas and views. This troper believes that their "different" powers are more akin to Devil Fruit users developing "new" abilities in One Piece, that being training, cunning and imagination on their base powers.
      • Even if their powers have a strong connection with their personalities, it's still hard to believe that such different powers as water manipulation, magical healing, hologram projection and super resistance could originate from the same powers. Besides, there are only four abilities that all main four gems were seen doing and could be considered "base powers": summoning a weapon, shapeshifting, super strength and "bubbling".
  • This theory has pretty much been confirmed. Garnet outright states she's the only one who can swim in lava, and it's stated that only Rose and Steven have the healing powers.

Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven are among the last of the Crystal Gems.
It's implied that there used to be more Crystal Gems. The water temple was completely falling apart, having been abandoned for years with no one attempting to maintain it, suggesting that there's not as many as there used to be.
  • Possibly. The monsters they fight, as well as Lapis, are all GEMS, but Lapis implies that "Crystal Gems" are a particular SORT of gem.
  • Confirmed. They may not be the last of gemkind, but they are the last of the Crystal Gems specifically.

Gems are all magic items of mysterious power from outer space.
They have a variety of powers and effects. When a person or animal gets ahold of one, effects can be positive or negative, maybe depending on the gem or on the life form that took it. The Crystal Gems were once normal humans who got their gems a very long time ago and swore to use their powers to protect the world against people who used gems for destruction and evil. Steven might be the first person to be born with a gem.
  • According to an upcoming episode called "Space Race," at least one Crystal Gem has been to outer space.
    • Pretty much confirmed; the Crystal Gems and the artifacts from Gemkind are not native to Earth.
  • On the other hand, the part about the Crystal Gems originally being humans who found magical artifacts are completely Jossed: their physical bodies are just projections from the gems themselves, which are alien mineral life-forms from space.

At one point, Steven will get beaten up by a bad guy...
And the Gems will go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge
  • More-or-less happens after Ronaldo kidnaps a costumed Steven and plans to dissect him in "Keep Beach City Weird!"
  • Jasper knocking him out with a headbutt and leaving him with a black eye sort of counts, except that the second part plays out differently: he ends up rescuing them from imprisonment , and what ensues isn't quite a rampage.

Rose knew or suspected that she would lose her physical form if she gave birth to Steven.
She chose to go on with it anyway because she believed in Steven being able to heal the corrupted gems.
  • Confirmed. She even left a tape for Steven.

The gems go to the bathroom after they eat
(This pretty gross but...) The Gems don't need to eat, where does the food go? In "Too Many Birthdays" Amethyst throws up an old burrito, so this implies gems do have a stomach and esophagus, so Amethyst probably digests the food she eats and eventually has a bowel movement. But Garnet drank juice, soda, or water in "Secret Team", she has to get rid of the beverage some how, she probably digested it and stuff.
  • Confirmed by "Fusion Cuisine". Pearl finds the entire process disgusting enough to avoid eating at all if possible while Amethyst just finds it weird enough to be fun. Garnet doesn't seem to have a strong opinion one way or the other.

The upcoming episode "Watermelon Steven" will have some kind of dark twist.
Because of three reasons:
  • Because anytime Steven tries to experiment with a new power, it almost kills him.
  • Because if it was just an episode about Steven learning how to grow watermelons without any conflict, it would be boring.
  • And the biggest reason of all, because almost every single episode of this show has some kind of dark twist.
  • I Knew It!. They actually killed a melon baby.

Garnet will make those cookies
What's this? Oven mitts and carrying a hot tray of fresh baked cookies. And where's Pearl, she couldn't be in the kitchen otherwise she'd get in Garnet's way, we don't see Pearl's feet in Steven's room, she could be in the temple or on a mission or outside, it has to be Garnet.
  • Confirmed as of Warp Tour.

When the Crystal Gems tried to destroy the galaxy warp in "Winter Forecast," it was ultimately inconsequential.
Since an episode called "Marble Madness" is airing this week (where "Steven and the Gems encounter another droid from space"), it's implied that it's similar to the Homeworld-controlled droids from "Warp Tour." Since the droids came to Earth again, either the Crystal Gems failed to blow up the galaxy warp (without blowing up the temple, obviously), or the droids, and therefore the Homeworld Gems, have another means of space travel.

Before Steven came along, Rose Quartz was Pearl's closest friend.
Further, Pearl sees Steven as the closest thing there is to Rose living on and this is why she acts so motherly toward him.
  • Confirmed. Pearl prides herself in being Rose Quartz' confidant and being a gem that she told no other things to, and even wonders to what extent Rose's spirit remains within Steven. She mentions sometimes he looks or sounds like her. "Sworn to the Sword" took this farther, told with no ambiguity that Rose was Pearl's entire reason for existing.

Garnet is two gems fused together
Explaining why she has two gems in the first place, and why her room is accessible by using her two gems of different colors.

(TC)She's taller and has two rather then one gem...Also before you turn this into an And I Must Scream situation she stays fused due to preference. Fused gems are stronger then a singular Gem, and she has been fused for so long that separating would cause problems... also, the component weapons that make Garnet's Gauntlets are probably not very good weapons...

  • One iris is blue, the other iris is red, and the third eye's iris is dark brown. It's possible Garnet's a fusion of Sapphire, Ruby, and the third iris represent the composite Garnet.
    • Going off of the blue/red theme, in the opening of the pilot episode, Garnet is seen standing in a bifurcated rock formation; one half blue, the other half red. It should be noted that the blue/red motif all locate the red to the left and the blue to the right.

  • From what little we see of her, Opal is very similar to Garnet temperament-wise, which makes sense since she's formed through Amethyst and Pearl being emotionally balanced. Maybe that's why Garnet is so stoic.
  • Counter point: Garnet's only has show her pair of gauntlets as weapons, while Opal needed to summon the spear and the whip before merging them as a bow.
    • It's also quite possible that Garnet doesn't merge the gauntlets into something bigger (as she has no need to) and the two gems fused use a single gauntlet as their individual weapons.
      • TC here: I want to elaborate on a few points I made...One, she's been fused for so long that she, not only is stronger then a singular gem but has enough experience with being a fused gem that she doesn't HAVE to summon the separate weapons before fusing them; she just summons them fused. Pearl and Amethyst don't form Opal that much, therefore they can't summon the bow without first summoning the blade and whip and then fusing them... As for the "Separating would cause problems" point, the two that make up Garnet are so used to fighting as Garnet if they separate they won't be able to fight coherently.
  • In the episode "Coach Steven", Pearl says to Sugilite (Garnet and Amethyst's fusion) that they've been fused "too long" and are losing themselves. This kind of implies that after a certain point in time, the fusion may be permanent. Interestingly as well, Sugilite has five eyes, supporting the theory that this is the reason behind Garnet's three. As for the weapon thing, I would imagine if it's true that a fusion can become irreversible, the fused weapon would become the default as the previous two beings no longer existed. I can't recall whether or not Sugilite features two gems, but Opal has two opal gems, one being very close to Pearl's gem color and one close to Amethyst's, though they're a little off possibly due to lighting. Garnets do come in both red and blue, so if she's a permanent fusion, I would imagine her original forms would have been Ruby and Sapphire, or other gems that are red and blue in color.
    • OP here. Exactly what I was thinking! Down to the exact gems too!
  • But "Coach Steven" also brings up a potential counter: All fusions we've seen thus far have four arms, and the temple is implied to be a fusion of multiple gems (thus having multiple arms). Also, while Garnet is tall, she isn't at a height impossible for a human to reach. In addition, all Gems we've seen so far have their gemstones placed symmetrically, likely because Rebecca Sugar said that their human bodies are physical projections of the gemstone itself, so it would be easier to form a body if the gem location is balanced. Unless Garnet is made up of two extremely short, one-armed Gems with inexplicably asymmetrical gemstone locations, it might be a bit too early to be sure of this theory.
    • But gem fusions don't necessarily fuse all traits. Sugilite had five eyes, but Opal only had two. Sugilite shares more traits with Amethyst than Garnet, while Opal looks more like Pearl than Amethyst. Furthermore, in this episode, Pearl mentions that the longer two Gems stay fused, they risk losing their individual personalities and make it more difficult to split up. This could give credence to the "Garnet is a fusion" theory, since if she has been a fusion all this time, it would explain why she hasn't split up yet.
    • Perhaps she isn't a normal fusion, by that I mean "we are both gems who are faring well and want to fuse to form something stronger", but rather the only way two severely damaged gems were able to survive (explaining Garnet's lack of size and limbs) before Rose Quartz either existed, developed her healing powers, realized they existed or simply wasn't around, in a situation similar to Sugilite where the warp pad breaks and leaves two gems stranded away. This could also be why she made a fountain of her tears: so that such a thing never would happen again.
    • It's also worth keeping in mind that gems can shapeshift, and Fusion Crime is going to involve the three gems fusing together and pretending to be Steven's mother (which... would be pretty difficult if they were, presumably, taller than Sugilite.) If Garnet is a fusion, she might have reduced herself to a more reasonable height (or, for whatever reason, become unable to keep her size increase as time went on). By the same logic, she could have modified her projection's structure so that the gems moved from their original location to her hands, in order to save a second or two between summoning them and properly wielding them.
  • In the episode "Fusion Cuisine", when Alexandrite defuses back into the Crystal Gems, Garnet's silhouette appears to become two people for a few frames. This could imply that Garnet is indeed a fusion of two Gems.
    • "Alone Together" has Garnet getting utterly giddy at Steven performing his first successful fusion and encourages Steven and Connie to live their first fusion to the fullest, almost as if Garnet herself has an intimate understanding of fusing. Hmmmm....
    • In "Alone Together" Amethyst made it sound like it being rather difficult is the norm for gems ("It's really difficult, even for us.") to which Garnet immediately replied that isn't hard for her which could either be due her "neutral" personality or further hinting at her already being a fusion.
  • In Garnet's Universe, Steven's story has two "animal friends" following Garnet on her adventure, one who's constantly urging her to train and one who's constantly making calculations. As we see in later episodes, fusion gems do retain individual personalities to some extent. Hoppy and Hopper actually represent the two gems who make up Garnet. At one point they ask if they can meet Steven, and she replies that he's not ready to know about them yet.
    • Also of note, Hoppy has a scar over one of her eyes, while Hopper has both of hers in tact.
  • CONFIRMED! As of Jail Break, Garnet is confirmed to be a fusion of the two gems; Ruby and Sapphire. They have a great relationship and are presented as being literally perfect for each other.

Garnet is a fusion.
Of two different varieties of garnet. Since they where so similar, Garnet forgot she was two distinct gems to begin with.
  • Specifically, a fusion of Rhodolite Garnet and Star Garnet.
  • In the Sugilite episode, Pearl mentions that if Amethyst and Garnet stay together for too long, they might lose their individual selves. This could give credence to the Garnet-is-a-fusion theory, and why if she is a fusion, we never see her split apart.
  • Would also explain why she has 2 gems (ever wondered what would happen if she were to lose her physical body and both stones be held apart?) and 3 eyes, whereas 'all' other gems so far only had 2. As for her lack of arms, up there is mentioned that maybe she is the fusion of two 1-armed gems, perhaps they were damaged beyond repair and she's some sort of Frankenstein monster.
  • There are 5 gems in the star on the Gem Temple's door. One (Pearl), Two (Amethyst), Three (Rose Quartz), 4 & 5 (Garnet's Component Gems).
  • Things about her design that support this: Her gemstones are two different shapes, and her overall design has a lot of asymmetry to it (the legs of her body suit are different, her shoulders are different colors, star on her chest is off to one side).
  • In a still from 'Fusion Cuisine' when Sugilite breaks apart, it very briefly looks like Garnet is breaking into two parts.
  • In "Alone Together", Garnets asserts that fusing isn't at all difficult for her. Furthermore, he excitement on behalf of Stevonnie fusing indicate some sort of personal investment in fusing.
    • Garnet fusion theory confirmed.
    • The Season 1 finale also answered what would happen to Garnet if her projection was broken and the two gems held apart they revert back to Ruby and Sapphire.

Sapphire is part of the fusion that makes up Garnet.
  • This is hinted at by to facial similarities, garnets being able to have red and blue coloring and that split second moment in Fusion Cuisine where the gems defuse.
  • Also a red gem or one with possible red coloring is involved in the fusion too, maybe a ruby.
  • Confirmed! Garnet is a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire.

The cave Lion takes Steven and Connie to in "Lion 2: The Move" was Rose Quartz's
It contains backup laser light cannons, reacts to Steven's touch and ties into the "Lion was Rose's pet" theory. Additionally, the giant penny in it is a nod to Batman's bat cave, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume this was Rose Quartz's "Gem Cave"
  • Confirmed as of Rose's Scabbard.

The sword Steven and Connie used on "Lion 2" was Rose's weapon.
Since the Gems looked surprised when they learned Steven's weapon was a shield, we can assume that a shield was not Rose's weapon.
  • Rose-pink? Check. Thorny spiral design on the hilt (akin to Steven's shield)? Check! Came out of Lion? Well, why SHOULDN'T we combine it with the WMG of Lion being Rose?
    • It's already been confirmed that Lion is not Rose.
      • Jossed. In "The Test", Pearl refers to the shield as Rose's.
      • CONFIRMED. The shield may be her SUMMONED weapon, but Rose's Scabbard confirms that it was indeed her sword.

As a possible alternative theory, Rose's weapon is, or used to be, a sword and shield combination.
It's already been noted that Gens can dual wield weapons, could it be possible that Rose held both a sword and shield? It would be a fitting combination - especially considering the sword has a rather protective handguard. Maybe Rose used to be a legendary fighter (Backed up by the temple Lion takes Steven to in Lion 2: The Movie), but her desire to protect the Earth led to her stowing her sword in Lion, opting to be a caring, defensive Crystal Gem.
  • Confirmed. At least the part about her using both a sword and shield, though the sword wasn't her summoned Gem Weapon the way the shield is.

There's going to be either another Crystal Gem joining the group soon, or another Crystal Gem in the past we don't know about yet.
If you've observed the star on the door leading to the Crystal Gem's rooms, there's a blue gem on it that doesn't correspond to any of the current cast's colours. Hmmmmm. Possibly signs that a Sapphire or Aquamarine is going to be joining the cast? Or another lost Gem that split from the group?
  • Two of the gems are for Garnet, one for each hand. With "Rose's Room", we've seen all five activate.
    • Though it still begs the question as to why Garnet needs two gems, and why one of them is blue.
      • Garnet is a fusion, hence the two gems for the door. Though it doesn't disprove the theory that there will be more Crystal Gems.
      • Well, we didn't know about Sapphire and Ruby, just their fusion, Garnet, so the "another Crystal Gem in the past" part is more-or-less confirmed.
    • The "another Crystal Gem" part has been confirmed as well, now that Peridot has pulled a Heel–Face Turn and been declared a Crystal Gem, "whether you like it or not."

There'll be an episode where Garnet gets heavily damaged and returns to gem-form to rest, but for some reason one of her two gems is separated from the other and we learn (probably through Pearl) the reason why Garnet has two gems.
  • PARTIALLY Confirmed. Garnet WAS split into two Gems by Jasper, and they WERE separated and placed in different prison cells, and we learn that she has two Gems because she's a permanent fusion. That said, she didn't need to retreat into her Gems to heal, the weapon just seemed to disrupt her physical form, not damage it.

Onion and Sour Cream are brothers.
They have similar hair and skin color. Plus their names go really well together.
  • Confirmed as of "Joy Ride"! Sort of. We know Onion's father is Sour Cream's step-father, so it's likely that Onion is either Sour Cream's step-brother or half-brother.

Cookie Cat's backstory parallels the Crystal Gems' backstory
Rose, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl are refugees of an interstellar war and had to leave their planet.
  • Is this really a WMG, or just an observation? If it was truly meant as a WMG, it's flat-out confirmed.

The Crystal Gems are well-intentioned Gem criminals.
Between the way they treated Lapis and the concern they express over her departure for the Gem homeworld, it seems pretty clear that there's problems that go deeper than "we need to protect Earth from the corrupted Gems." Either the show is headed for a dose of Gray-and-Grey Morality with the "mainstream" gems vs. the dangerous, inconsiderate renegades willing to do anything to achieve their goals, or Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl - possibly even Rose - will turn out to be straight-up sympathetic villain protagonists.
  • More likely than ever, since they seemed extremely shaken by the arrival of Peridot, Pearl saying that she can't go through this again and Amethyst even exclaiming that they're "so dead". Garnet herself destroys the recently repaired warp pad to the Gem Homeworld.
    • Expanding on this, in the episode "Space Race," Steven asks where the broken warp pads are supposed to go, and Pearl responds, "Well, Steven, these warp pads were used to travel off-planet. They were our connection to the Gem home world and to Gem-controlled planets all over the universe." Notice that wording: Gem-controlled. Taken along with Lapis Lazuli's statement that she "never believed in Earth, anyway," and the terror they showed when Peridot repaired the pad with her robots and recognized that others had been there... Perhaps they're a splinter group morally against the Gem Empire?
  • Sort of confirmed? They at least want to keep the Homeworld Gems from using the Earth for nefarious purposes.
    • OP here, I think as of the revelations made since that point, this is pretty much 100% confirmed. They flat-out rebelled against the other Gems who were going to destroy all life on Earth via the Kindergarten, and are seen as having committed treason because of that.

Amethyst has never been to the Gem homeworld.
In a preview for the upcoming episode "On The Run", Steven and Amethyst sing a song, with one line being "but my home's a place that I have never known".
  • Confirmed. Amethyst was created on Earth.

The Crystal Gems are hiding on Earth.
Peridot's behavior seems to suggest that she isn't aware of any Gems being on Earth.
  • Confirmed.

Gems have tried to eliminate humans before
And Rose was the head of defending them. The star-shape cut of dress around the navel as well as the rounded figure seem too convenient...
  • Better yet, watch the mid-season finale and look at that image again, particularly the object that is Rose holding. It has lines coming from it, implying motion, and the blueish figure has what looks like water around its feet. It may be Rose Quartz trapping Lapis Lazuli in the mirror.
    • Arguably Confirmed. The actions of the Gems in the past put all life on Earth at risk, but it's unknown whether that was an intended side-effect, or if they just didn't care.

The Crystal Gems are a specific group, and their species is referred to as just "Gems"
Thinking back, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl only ever seem to refer to themselves and Steven as "Crystal Gems", and always say that the places they visit belonged to "Gems" or "Gem-kind". In "Mirror Gem"/"Ocean Gem" Lapis Lazuli only refers to herself and Steven as Gems, but when addressing Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl she emphasizes calling them Crystal Gems, and seems to imply that their priorities are quite different from Gems as a whole.
Lapis Lazuli: They don't really care about other gems! All they care about is the Earth. But I never believed in this place...
CONFIRMED. The Crystal Gems are defending the Earth from the Homeworld Gems.

Ronaldo was right
At the end of "Beach Keep City Weird!" with his snake-people idea disproven, Ronaldo says the following; "They're sentient polymorphic rocks! They've come to hollow out the Earth! It's all part of the Diamond Authority!" We know the first bit of that is, in fact, true- our main characters are intelligent, shape-shifting gem stones. So if he got that right, what if he got the rest of it as well?

All evidence so far seems to suggest that the Crystal Gems are a splinter group from the main gems, who for some reason chose to ally themselves with Earth, against the rest of their species. Perhaps the gems truly did/do want to hollow out the planet, presumably for resources and/or space, even though such an endeavor would hurt the native inhabitants.

Furthermore, while the Crystal Gems all wear star symbols on their clothing, the two other gems we've seen (Lapis and Peridot) instead wore a diamond-like shape. In "Serious Steven" we see a mural depicting Rose Quartz fighting another Gem, this one also wearing the same design. Furthermore, the space-suit Pearl wears in "Space Race" carries the diamond design as well, instead of the star, suggesting that it comes from a time where Pearl wasn't a Crystal Gem. Diamond, being so valued in real-life, would make a logical choice to be the leader of the gems, and the main antagonistic in the show.

  • CONFIRMED: The Crystal Gems splintered off from the homeworld because the other Gems wanted to use Earth for nefarious purposes.
  • Ronaldo's wild mass guess was completely right as well. The Gems (not the Crystal Gems, but regular ones) were absorbing the minerals within the earth to grow even more gems, one of whom was Amethyst.
    • And what's more, the leader of the Homeworld Gems seems to be Yellow Diamond.
      • The 'yellow diamond' was Jasper, and she seems more like a general than a ruler.
      • Jasper (and presumably Peridot) work for Yellow Diamond, not that she is her. S/he might be a leader of the Gems, though there may be others.
    • Even the "hollowing the Earth" part is now confirmed.

Connie doesn't want her parents to know about Steven's magic.
At the end of "An Indirect Kiss", she fears telling her parents that Steven cured her eyesight. An upcoming episode has Steven asking the Gems to fuse together and pretend to be his mother in an attempt to win over Connie's parents. By some of the things Connie has said, they seem a bit protective, so they might not let her hang out with Steven if they knew about the magic.
  • Confirmed in Fusion Cuisine, but her parents prove to be more concerned about whether the Gems are raising Steven well than the fact that they have magic.

Steven's new ally in 'Jailbreak' will be one of Garnet's composite Gems.
During the previous episode, Garnet's fusion gets sundered, splitting her into the two Gems she used to be — Ruby and Sapphire, to go with the leading theory. One of these two will then get caught with the other Crystal Gems, leading Steven to team up with the other. This means Steven not only has to quickly adjust to working alongside a stranger, but a literal embodiment of the fear that things will never be the same.

Lapis Lazuli will return and, after much coaxing from Steven, will join the Crystal Gems in the (strongly hinted at) war against the Homeworld Gems.
  • When Lapis was on Earth, she didn't seem to have any real ill will against Earth, just uncaring of it and angry at the fact the Crystal Gems seemed to care about the humans more than their own kind. She might not be apart of the Gems who are trying to take over (essentially) the Universe and might even strongly disagree with it to the point she either runs away or is banished from the homeworld, coming back to Earth to warn the Crystal Gems.
  • Jossed. In "The Message" Lapis Lazuli specifically states that another Gem is coming.
    • Sort of Confirmed! Lapis was brought back by Peridot and Jasper, and she arguably joined the Crystal Gems by fusing with Jasper to trap her beneath the ocean to save Steven and the others from her.
      • Even more sort of Confirmed: As of "Steven Floats", Lapis is allied with Steven and (rather unwillingly) the rest of the Crystal Gems.
      • Officially CONFIRMED in Season 5's "Reunited". Even though Lapis was friendly with Steven, she didn't consider herself a Crystal Gem up until now.

An upcoming episode, “The Return,” will feature more Gems coming to Earth from their home planet.
Buckle up, because this is mostly based on assumptions and undetailed dialogue. Mainly, assumptions made at the end of “Ocean Gem.” The three Crystal Gems on Earth have a brief but heavy conversation on what Lapis leaving the planet means for the future. Judging by the strong emotional reaction that Lapis had to the Gems forgetting or refusing to acknowledge that she was a person, it’s a fair guess that the Earth-dwelling Gems’ behavior is questionable by native Gem ethics at best. Why, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and even Rose Quartz might even be criminals for all we know.The next assumption that I’m going to make is that the Gems have no way to travel through space or contact their home world for a spaceship. Mostly, it’s because in another upcoming episode, “Space Race,” Steven tries to build a spaceship in order for Pearl to ‘revisit the wonders of the cosmos’ (Baby WMG: He’s going to fail, possibly because a child can’t do over a weekend what NASA research & funding couldn’t do over decades). And since the Earth-dwelling Crystal Gems either can’t or won’t contact their home planet, the authority figures up there might not have a clear idea of what is happening on Earth. Until, of course, Lapis finally arrives on the home planet and tells everyone.And that, my fellow tropers, is when we arrive at “The Return,” the second-to-last episode of Steven Universe Season 1. At the time of this writing, the description is shaky at best:
A new threat arrives at Beach City.
At the time, I personally didn’t think much of it, because a description like that has to be for a pretty spoiler-y episode. But listen to the description of the episode after that, interestingly named “Jail Break”:
Steven teams up with a new ally to rescue the Gems.
Again, before “Mirror Gem” and “Ocean Gem" I didn’t think much of it. I even predicted that this episode’s Conflict might be less of Steven facing a powerful villain (Man Vs Man) and more of Steven facing the responsibility of rescuing the people who usually rescue him (Man Vs Self and/or Man Vs Fate) But with the established Vagueness Is Coming, I’m changing my guess to that antagonist in the return is less of a Card-Carrying Villain and more likely the authority figures from the Gem home planet finally arriving and arresting the Earth-dwelling Gems.
  • Additional evidence: Peridot arrives from outer space in "Warp Tour" and the Crystal Gems FREAK THE HELL OUT.
    Pearl: They're coming back. I can't do this, not again!
  • Counter-evidence: "On the Run" reveals that Rose Quartz and the Crystal Gems are not quite criminals, but splinter cell of gemkind that believed in preserving Earth's environment and population. The rest of the WMG holds stable.
  • Confirmed. Peridot and Jasper come to Earth to capture/kill the Crystal Gems, and Lapis Lazuli comes as another prisoner because they know she came back to the home world from Earth (and they possibly discovered her warning to our heroes).

"Joy Ride" will feature Steven and the cool kids coming across an Gem escape pod from Peridot's ship.
And they take a ride in it, hence the title.

Greg Universe was once pretty attractive.
  • Given that Crystal Gems don't age it's impossible to tell how long he and Rose had been together. It's entirely possible that the picture we see in Laser Light Cannon was taken much later on in their relationship. She may have fallen for him when he was in his prime and simply kept on loving him as the years passed and his looks faded.
    • In the same episode, when Steven pulls out Greg's old album, on the cover you can see a younger looking man with a full head of hair and shades which may be a younger Greg.

The Crystal Gems represent a much larger group than Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven/Rose.
The current Crystal Gems may be the last ones, or at least, the last ones on Earth. The others may have died or been turned into monsters. It would explain why the team saves the gems they gather from defeated monsters. Lapis tells Steven that the Crystal Gems cannot be trusted and blames them for her being trapped in the mirror, yet Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl didn't know who she was. Lapis may have been harmed by other Crystal Gems.
  • Supported by recent episodes ("Marble Madness" through "Jail Break") in the discussions about the Gem War where Rose Quartz and her allies fought to save Earth. It true, it means that all the other Crystal Gems died in the conflict.
  • Confirmed in Keeping It Together, as at least everyone who fought on the side of Rose was considered a Crystal Gem. Whether or not there are any more alive is another matter entirely.

The Gems have been living among humans since the dawn of time.
There were battlefields and temples for the Gems on Earth that were there for a long time, and most humans on the show don't really freak out all that much about the strange girls and magical happenings. Or, maybe the Gems were there before humans.
  • Jossed as of Marble Madness. The arrival of the Gems can be dated to 6000 years ago (approximately 4000 BC).
    • Your Jossing has been Jossed. Pearl stated that she remembers a time when Humans were hunters and gatherers. Meaning that the Gems have been around since before the Neolithic Revolution. Only Amethyst is stated to be around 6000 years old. This should be moved under confirmed.
      • Plenty of hunter-gatherers still existed 6000 years ago; some still do, today. It seems more or less confirmed that the Gems only arrived on Earth a few thousand years ago, but that doesn't negate the original WMG, since it's point was that Gems and humans have coexisted for most of the known history, which is true.
      • Just to go even further, it's since been confirmed that Amethyst is the youngest of the Crystal Gems, made on Earth (unlike Garnet, Pearl and Rose). With that, her age and Pearl's comment are totally consistent.
      • Pearl says that she was given to Rose around 9,000 - 10,000 years ago, which was before the Gems arrived on earth, so that sets a hard cap on when the gems arrived. The events reflected on in The Answer happened exactly 5750 years before the present at the time when the story was told, which means the rebellion started seriously around 6000 years ago, ie. gems arrived sometime between 8000 and 4000 BCE. This still puts their arrival around the dawn of recorded human history, though, so it depends on your definition of "the dawn of time."

Connie will get some kind of badass upgrade.
She already makes herself part of the action. At some point, she may receive some kind of magical power or weapon.
  • Sort of confirmed now that she can fuse with Steven.
  • Even more confirmed now that she's seeking sword training from Pearl.
  • Also, the new opening shows Connie wielding Rose's sword, heavily implying she will wind up "inheriting" it from either Steven or Pearl.

Garnet and Pearl's Gem fusion will use a hammer
Pearl's spear will form the handle, and Garnet's power fists will form the head. It will have the blunt force aspect of Garnet's powerfists, but the fusion will be able to use it elegantly like Pearl uses her spear.
  • Confirmed. Sardonyx uses a hammer, and makes a great show of using it elegantly.

Sour Cream is the son of Greg's former manager and a woman he met in beach city.
Marty had white hair spiked up in the back, similar to Sour Cream, as well as both being involved in music production in some way (Marty in managing while Sour Cream is a straight up DJ). Given his attitude towards women, it's likely that Sour Cream is the result of a one night stand, and his mother married Yellowtail later down the line.
  • Further evidence to support this: her name is Vidalia, which is also the name of a type of yellow onion, and with her round head and cowlick, not to mention her yellow hair, her head looks like an onion. Hence, Sour Cream and Onion are half-brothers instead of step brothers.
  • Confirmed in "Onion Friend."

Peridot will grow to love Earth, as Steven predicted.

Peridot is a cyborg gem
The homeworld gem world are getting into cybernetics to further enhance themselves. Could be a relatively recent development Since Jasper doesn't seem be cybernitcally enhanced.
  • Confirmed. She used Limb-Enhancers. However, her use seems more due to her being a small, weak gem while Jasper seems tough enough not to need such things.

Yellow Diamond will be everything Rose wasn't
It makes sense; thus far, all of the Homeworld Gems have been foils to the Crystal Gems (Jasper to Garnet, Peridot to Pearl, Lapis to Amethyst) so it only fits that Yellow Diamond would be a foil to Rose Quartz.
  • Confirmed! We see Yellow Diamond in person in "Message Received" and she definitely fits the bill: Yellow Diamond is cold and aloof while Rose was warm and loving, she has no respect for her servants unlike Team Mom Rose, and while Rose was willing to rebel for the sake of Earth, YD hates the planet with a vengeance and would love nothing more than to see it wiped off the face of the galaxy by the Cluster.

Serial Number Names
It's already been made clear that there are multiple Gems of the same gem type in existence; or at the very least this is true for Pearls and Peridots as of "Back to the Barn." All Gems also go by the name of their gem type, but with multiple gems of the same type they would need a way to differentiate them from each other and with what we know of their Home world so far I think that it would that their full names would include a serial numbers, their gem type and maybe even the location they were made at.

The style Steven will be able to summon his weapon will later be revealed to involve a special sort of happiness from being with his friends.
  • I'm pretty sure Steven has to concentrate on feelings of love and affection based on the examples we've seen so far wherein he succesfully summons his Gem shields.
    • Confirmed. Every example of Steven successfully using his Gem powers is a result of him feeling love or feeling loved.
      • Gem Glow: He feels love because the Gems went out of their way to get him Cookie Cats.
      • Bubble Buddies: Steven's field activates because his crush, Connie, was in danger, even before he knew her name.
      • An Indirect Kiss: He feels love for Amethyst but was convinced he had to cry for the healing to work. He has an ongoing crush on Connie, so his spit was activated.
      • Ocean Gem: He felt protectiveness and love for his father, plus anger at Lapis for threatening everyone he loves: the Gems and his crush, which is why this shield summoning also released a wave that disrupted Lapis' water constructs.
      • Alone Together: Steven felt loved by Connie diving to save him from a fall, while they were dancing, which is why his Fusion succeeded.
  • Confirmed in, of all places, the Uncle Grandpa crossover Say Uncle; even if the events of that episode are non-canon, Uncle Grandpa's explanation of how it works seems to be valid.

Pearl's some sort of robot/slave
When Jasper came to Earth and started talking smack about the gems, she called Pearl a "defective" or "defected" Pearl. This started my thinking. Pearl had a sort of infatuation with Rose when she was around, a mix of extreme admiration and extreme loyalty. Pearl was certainly ready to follow Rose to the ends of the Universe (such as a primitive fledgeling world like Earth) and oppose her homeworld and possibly her friends. It's also somewhat alluded and some people have theorized that Rose is some sort of royalty, or at least a noble, with her military prowess. I have heard few individuals speculate Rose may have even been a Rose Diamond at some point. Another point, Pearl is able to make training holograms and pictures, and is more than capable at fixing/operating any sort of tech she comes across, and can even build a somewhat functional spaceship out of garbage. Pearl could have a lot of uses on a battlefield or around the house. What if Pearl is a part of a serving class for the nobility? I think Pearl could be some sort of factory made butler for high ranking officials and military generals. it would explain some things.
  • Confirmed; Pearls are a Slave Race that is meant to made-to-order and are owned by high-ranked individuals on Homeworld.

Peridot is a Dwarf.
Her forearms and calfs look artificial and disproportionate to her upper arms and thighs respectively, and the fact that she was able to detach her foot without having it disintegrate in the episode "Friend Ship" supports this.
  • Confirmed as of Catch and Release. Without her limb enhancers, she's around Steven's size.

Pearls are a class of gems that were created with the purpose of being servants and sentient storehouses.
They were a large group who rebelled against the Homeworld Gems and sided with Rose Quartz. "Our" Pearl is the only one left.
  • Notably, when Jasper speaks of Pearl in "The Return," the terms she uses are strange and out of place, as Pearl is referred to as "some lost, defective Pearl." The other Gems are referred to in specific, singular language, with Pearl being the only one of the group given a description that may apply to a group. The term "defective" also implies some purpose that Pearl is deviating from by being a Crystal Gem. Whatever Pearl may end up being, there's clearly something more about her that hasn't been revealed yet.
  • In "Sworn to the Sword", Pearl's song includes the line "Deep down, you know you weren't built for fighting." Given that the Gems are a warlike species, that seems a little odd. What was she "built for"? It might hint at the root of her insecurity: no matter how good a fighter, strategist or teacher she may be, she still feels that she can't excel, because it's not what she was programmed to do. Thus, she's "defective". When left to her own devices, she likes chores and is naturally mothering, so servant (chores) or caregiver (her nurturing personality) would seem to be roles that she is predisposed to.
  • To extend this, and build on a couple of other WMGs, perhaps Pearls aren't the only other mass-produced gem; perhaps all gems are, and there's a rigid caste system based on your gem type.
  • In "Friend Ship" Pearl refers to herself as "just a Pearl" and claims that she needs someone to tell her what to do, hinting that she really is part of a series of Gems meant to follow the orders of stronger Gems.
  • Adding to this theory, the reason the Pearls were so loyal to Rose is because she was the first Gem to treat them like living individuals with hearts and thoughts of their own as opposed to disposable commodities.
    • Confirmed; on Homeworld, we see that Pearls are expected to obey their masters' every whim regardless of their own feelings. Unfortunately if this guess is true, not all Pearls made it out all right since Blue Diamond has a Pearl in Garnet's story in "The Answer" who barely reacts to Blue Diamond ordering Ruby's execution for fusing with Sapphire in the process of saving the blue Gem despite obviously not liking her owner's actions.

Yellow Diamond is at least as tall as Rose was.
Going by the SDCC 2015 preview, she stands a good deal taller than even Jasper. Assuming that Rose was Pink/Rose Diamond in the past, this would seem to indicate that increased size and power is standard among the Gem elite.
  • Confirmed as of her reveal in "Message Received". Yellow Diamond's Pearl is up to around her knee, and Rose isn't much taller than Pearl.

Connie will play a more important role in the future than we realize.
See hereIt stems from the possible meaning of Connie's name in the Hindi language.
  • The new opening for the show has her carrying Rose's sword, so, that's further evidence for the theory. Along with the sword training episode the new opening debued in.
    • Confirmed. Connie is now both a competent swordfighter and Steven's best friend.

The upcoming Uncle Grandpa crossover won't be canon, but will make humorous reference to the horrified fans who feared it might be.
Possibly by having someone literally jumping over a shark as as a Funny Background Event.

Amethyst is considered an outcast/weirdo by Gem society as a whole.
Sort of. She was actually created on Earth.
  • Jasper calls her an overcooked Gem, implying that from a Homeworld perspective, there might be something wrong with her.
  • Confirmed in Too Far. Amethyst is smaller than she should be.

Some modern Gems are going to join the Crystal Gems.
The Crystal Gems will manage to talk some modern Gems into joining their side.
  • Confirmed. Peridot is officially a Crystal Gem now.

Gem shards are broken gems.
As in, they are gems that were shattered beyond traditional repair. Something along the lines of them being unidentifiable to any one previously non-corrupted/broken gem, possible being remains found at a "gem battleground" which would explain all the different looks to the arms in Secret Team.
  • Pearl was observing them in the Rose Quartz bubble in hopes that some remnant of her healing powers were having an effect on them.

Gem Society is darker than has been let on.
The Way the Crystal Gems reacted to Lapis and Peridot's appearances in Ocean Gem and Warp Tour makes it seem like they REALLY don't want other gems to know where they are. Why is this? Could it be that Gem society as a whole is darker than it initially seems, Similar to the Time Lords or, given Peridot's Robotic Appearance perhaps Autobot High Command?

Pearls are considered second-class citizens on the Homeworld.
They're the only organic gemstones we've seen, which might relegate them to lower class.

Some Gems have the same gemstone.
We know there have been points in time where there were thousands of Gems at the very least, and that's probably still true. There are only so many types of gemstones and rocks in existence, so some Gems probably have the same stone.
  • Plus Jasper called Pearl "Some lost, defective Pearl", which implies that there are Pearls that aren't lost and defective.
  • Plus plus when Peridot spoke with Steven she said "That's a relief. So tell me - Have Stevens replaced humans as the dominant species on earth?", which might be taken to mean that Kindergarden was supposed to replace humans with Amethysts.
  • Confirmed in The Answer.

Lapis will give Peridot a "The Reason You Suck" Speech
I imagine it will go something like "You left me on Earth, forgot about and abandoned me, imprisoned me, tortured me for information and hurt people I care about. You think I'm just instantly going to forgive you now that you've 'turned good'!?" If the above guess turns out true, I can imagine she'll add something to the effect of "And to further insult me, you give me a mirror, a physical representation of what I was trapped in for thousands of years. You seriously think I'm going to forgive you for anything you've done after this!? Just leave me alone."
  • What if the speech is in the form of a song, like Garnet's "Stronger Than You"? It's unlikely, but it sure would be nice to hear Lapis singing. (EDIT: Nope. That part is Jossed.)
  • In a way, confirmed.

The Cluster will hatch, but without destroying the planet.
And Steven will convince it to be on their side, possibly by fusing with it. Then it will help protect Earth from Homeworld, most likely by fighting a Yellow and Blue Diamond fusion.
  • Confirmed. Steven connects with the Cluster before talking it down and convincing it to bubble itself.
  • Further confirmed once the diamonds do show up and pop its bubble. The first thing it does is clobber Yellow Diamond's ship in defense of Earth.

This show will eventually have a Big Bad.
  • Again, possibly Jossed; Rebecca stated that the show won't have villains in the traditional sense.
    • Confirmed as of "Message Received", Yellow Diamond is unambiguously a villain, she wants to destroy Earth and all life on it out of spite. If not the Big Bad of the entire series, then at least of the seasons leading up to her reveal.

Steven will end up sparing Peridot's life
We know she's on her way to Earth, making a confrontation with her inevitable, in the end, Peridot's body will be left at the Gem's mercy, and one the other Gems would prepare to destroy her gem, knowing Peridot won't leave Earth alone so long as she's still alive, but Steven will stop them, like his mother seeing the good in everything, even Peridot and the Homeworld Gems. Peridot, naturally, won't understand why she's being shown mercy (since as shown, she'd probably kill them all herself, and perhaps end up having a Heel–Face Turn in the end or still try to kill them and be killed in self defense.
  • Peridot is currently lost in the wilderness somewhere. When the Crystal Gems find her, Steven may convince them to give her a chance.
    • Being lost and alone, without her technology is going to inevitably give someone like Peridot an epic breakdown. And Steven has already got experience in dealing with emotionally explosive forehead gems when they're bemoaning being stuck on worthless planets.
  • Confirmed in Catch and Release

The two episodes airing for the two part special are Super Watermelon Island and Gem Drill.

The Watermelon Stevens are on Mask Island.
Confirmed as well.

Lapis will have to unfuse from Jasper in order to help the Crystal Gems fight off the next wave of Homeland Gems
Just think about it. Lapis has more or less cemented her willingness to help Steven, and therefore the Crystal Gems as a whole, by fusing into Malachite in the first place. She's an incredibly unique Gem as a whole, the first to have two names in canon, and there's just so much love for her as a character (not to mention just how sympathetically and easily relatable she was written) that there's no way that she's just going to get Put on a Bus for the rest of the show.
  • Not to mention malachite is extremely poisonous when added in water, while Lapis is probably able to artificially amplify the water pressure to keep the fusion stable, Lapis is also making the ocean poisonous.
    • Not really. I'm getting the vibe here that you think that the entire body of Malachite is poisonous. Two hand-sized malachite gems submerged in the ocean won't do much to the overall aquatic environment.
  • Seemingly confirmed, Lapis is freed in "Super Watermelon Island", though a couple of bits are jossed. It turns out Lapis's loyalty is to Steven only, not the CG as a whole. This is why Malachite goes all out instead of still being held down by Lapis during the fight. In "Barn Mates" and "Hit the Diamond", Lapis is rather negative about helping the CG against Homeworld, but is helping them nonetheless, mostly for Steven's sake.

Peridot is going to unintentionally make the situation with Lapis even worse
Lapis already hates the Crystal Gems for her first imprisonment, and probably hates Peridot for being involved in her second imprisonment. But Lapis is willing to give them a chance because of Steven. In a promo, we see Peridot offering Lapis a gift-wrapped present, presumably as an apology. But this could backfire horribly. While she means well, a scene in "Catch and Release" gives a hint at what her present will be: A mirror.
  • Confirmed! The mirror bit is jossed, although the tape recorder is arguably very close to a mirror (records and replays, is a handheld object...)

Adding to both the above theories, "Barn Mates" will be a deconstruction of the Easily Forgiven trope
Peridot is, at this point, so used to being with the very kind and forgiving Crystal Gems that she's forgotten that not everyone is so willing to forgive someone just for saying sorry and giving an apology gift, no matter how heartfelt and sincere it is. Lapis will acknowledge that Peridot wants forgiveness, but won't be able to bring herself to give it to her after all she's put her through.
  • Confirmed!

The initial story arch for season 2 will see the Crystal Gems hunting for Peridot.
The Crystal Gems protect the Earth from dangerous, corrupt gem monsters that are running loose and Peridot fits that description. We've also seen plenty of gem technology on Earth including a communication device at the Kindergarten that's capable of broadcasting to the homeworld. Stopping Peridot before she can get her hands on any of that must be a priority.

Sardonyx is...
  • A fusion between...
    • Garnet and Pearl
      • Confirmed to be the Garnet-Pearl fusion in "Cry for Help"

Peridot has activated some sort of Doomsday Clock experiment and is desperately trying to escape before it goes off.
To wit: "This planet has an expiration date and I'm not sticking around to find out when!"
  • Partly confirmed: If not stopped, the Cluster will destroy the earth when it emerges. Also partly Jossed: she didn't activate it; it's been incubating for millennia and she simply came to check on it.

The Watermelon Steven Steven's controlling will be killed by the end of the episode.
Either that, or something will sever his connection from it.
  • Well the first one got killed, so I guess I was right.

Sour Cream will get a focus episode
Since Buck got a focus episode in "Shirt Club", and Jenny appeared with the rest of her family in "Beach Party", that means that Sour Cream is the only one of the Cool Kids that hasn't been a main character in an episode outside of a Cool Kids episode. Because of this, I think that he'll get his own limelight episode somewhere down the line.Potential plots could include Steven helping him watch Onion for a day (naturally, this is much easier said than done), or Steven trying to help smooth out SC's rocky relationship with his father. Bonus points if the episode winds up confirming Vidalia as Sour Cream and Onion's mother.
  • There is an upcoming episode titled "Drop Beat Dad", which quite a few fans are debating will have something to do with Marty and Sour Cream meeting each other.
    • Confirmed.

Pearl has a strained relationship with Greg because part of her blames him for Rose's death.
  • "Story For Steven" and "We Need To Talk" establish that she had a strained relationship when Rose was still alive, viewing him as a rival for her affections. Blaming him for her death, at least to some extent, probably goes without saying at this point.
  • This also goes for Amethyst, as of "Maximum Capacity", but she seems to be trying to let go of the resentment as of the end of that episode.
  • "Mr Greg" add even more dephth to this. Pearl explains throughout the songs "It's Over" and "Both of You" that she partly blames Greg because Rose is gone, but she doesn't hate him.

The Gems are fugitives on their homeworld
This is just a theory but after seeing Lapus Lazili behavior, Pearl's Humans Are Morons attitude, and Garnet smashing the warp pad on "Warp Tour" after that mystery gem came and left I think it's possible that Rose and the Crystal Gems never meant to stay on Earth at first. Here are the possible reasons I came up with.
  • The Gems are traitors to their Species
    • The gems used to be part of their homeworld's military, and they were a squad of gems with either Rose Quartz or Garnet as the leader. They were sent to earth, possibly during the Galaxy Wars, to infiltrate the planet for their fellow gems to conquer. However Rose Quartz, being the All-Loving Hero she is, became so fascinated by Earth that she didn't want to help conquer it. She then convinced the other crystal gems to see the humans from her view, and together they stopped an attempt by the other gems to invade the planet. Knowing they couldn't go home, they decided to make Earth their new home, and have lived amongst the humans.
      • Essentially confirmed in Marble Madness, with the addition that the Crystal Gems had successfully covered up their continued existence and the reason the Earth invasion was wiped out, until Steven revealed the secret to Peridot.
  • The gems are deserters
    • During the Galaxy Wars, the Crystal Gems used to be soldiers in their homeworld's military. One day, they traveled to Earth, battle weary, and after years of witnessing centuries of war. Rose was so entranced by the "simple" planet that she wanted to stay there, and managed to convince the gems to do the same. After smashing the Galax Warp Pads, they became deserters, and made themselves a new home.
      • Still not quite confirmed about Rose and Pearl, but DEFINITELY confirmed with respect to Garnet — Ruby and Sapphire came to Earth as a part of a unit meant to destroy Crystal Gems, and they eventually deserted.
  • The Crystal Gems' homeworld was conquered
    • During the Galaxy Wars, the gems faced an enemy that could corrupt the other gems into monsters. During a fierce battle, Rose and the other three were overwhelmed by the enemy, along with some gems that defected to the other side. The Crystal Gems fleed to Earth, unable to go back because the Galaxy Warp was damaged. They accepted their situation and lived among the humans, fighting off the corrupted gems until they could find a way to cure them and/or return home.
Again, these are all JUST theories that have been rolling around in my head for a while.
  • These theories, especially the first two, are all supported by the extended theme tune lyrics;
If you could only know/ What we really are
We were amazed to find/ your beauty and your worth
We will protect your kind
We will protect your earth

Pearl and Rose Quartz used to fuse all the time.
It's clear that Pearl and Rose were very close to each other, and fusion is an intimate process. Now, speculation as to what their fusion was?
  • Pink Pearl.
  • As of "We Need To Talk," their fusion has been confirmed as Rainbow Quartz.

Lapis' wings are her Gem weapon.
  • Her gem glowed as they formed and they did not appear to be drawn from the water in the tower, which would suggest that they came from her gem itself.
    • Not only her wings, but her water powers in general are her Gem weapon.
      • Seems to be the case in "Same Old World". It's also considered useless on Homeworld due to lack of water.

Non-Crystal Gems actually live in a totalitarian galactic empire.
Lapis Lazuli thought what the Crystal Gems did was terrible. The Crystal Gems mainly seem to believe in the beauty of humanity, per Rose's speech. Thus, regular, non-crystal gems like Lapis are actually part of a galactic authoritarian empire that uses their immortality and magic to dominate all other sapient life. That's also why they have to constantly check the teleporters to make sure no one can get to Earth - sure, Pearl would like to leave for a bit, but it's mainly to keep other gems OUT and prevent them from conquering the human raceCalling it now.
  • And that very empire is run by snake people.

The human forms that the Gems are in are actually a common form for them.
Why does Lapis take a form of a human even when she's trying to use all of her energy to get home? It's because that form is actually like a power efficient form for Gems. It may not be their true true form, but it actually is a form that easy for them to take. There is also the fact that when the centipeetle monster is restoring itself, it's trying to take a human form.
  • Peridot further supports this theory. She appears in a humanoid form.

Gems can create more Gems in a way, but it might be difficult or require a lot of resources.
Hence the suggestion that the Gem race takes over other worlds. Why does a species that doesn't need food, water, or even atmosphere to survive need to conquer other planets? Maybe they need the resources to create new Gems and thus continue their race. Steven is likely the first Gem to be produced in a different way.
  • It seems like the Gems used giant drills to inject something in the Earth, which produced new Gems, but all the other life around the kindergarten is non-existent.

Gems don't actually die when shattered...
...but that's probably not a good thing for them. From what we've seen, gem shards, when left to their own devices, will generate severed limbs out of hard light and writhe around. Also, the forced fusion experiments were able to create monsters that looked like clumps of body parts randomly sewn together, simply by gluing gem shards together. So gem shards don't seem to be dead per se... but they're probably not alive in the same sense they were when intact, either. Probably each shard contains a small fragment of the original gem's mind and personality, which is too incomplete to form coherent/sane thoughts on its own. The reason the Crystal Gems put such an emphasis on finding and bubbling all the shards, is that the suspended animation of the bubble is probably the only way to prevent them from being in horrendous agony all the time.

Greg owns a house. The Gems live in it.
That house over the temple doors wasn't always there; it wasn't built until after the home video from Lion 3: Straight to Video was made. Greg paid for the house construction, and his income goes towards maintaining the house. He doesn't make enough to afford an apartment, so he stays in the van.
  • The extended theme song shows that this is true. Greg helped build it (and presumably paid for the materials used), likely because he didn't want his son living in a cave.

Steven doesn't live with Greg because Greg lives in the van
That's it. It's not that he's not responsible or doesn't want Steven -it's that he realizes it's better for Steven to live with someone that can provide for him. The gems -as far as he knows -have a house and can feed him, and they have time to watch him. He has to work at the car wash and his living conditions aren't exactly fit for a kid.That's why Steven visits him and he's still a good part of Steven's life. If he wasn't allowed custody of Steven, then why would the gems let him visit?

Lars is biracial.
Seeing as Ian JQ confirmed on his blog that Lars is "not white", one can assume that he's possibly biracial. If there's any indication from the fact that black redheads do exist in real life, then he's probably just half white/half black.
  • Even without accepting the pilot as canon (in which Lars has black hair), it is still possible that he is not biracial, but merely dyes his hair red. The flashback in Horror Club does not really clarify whether red is his natural hair colour. Also, he may be biracial with both POC parents, not necessarily white/something else
    • Also it's possible for Black and Hispanic people to be naturally ginger, So Lars could be a natural redhead with no white heritage.
  • Confirmed as of "The New Lars".

The teacups incident will get some passing mention in a future episode.
And when it does get brought up, the mention will be played out like a kind of in-universe Never Live It Down moment for Steven. Maybe it'd go something like...
(Steven and Connie at a fair or park, trying to decide on a ride; they see a spinning kind of ride)
Steven: "Ugh...not this one. I'm getting queasy just looking at it..."
Connie: "Yeah... I heard about the teacups incident, so..."
Steven: (mortified) "OH MY GOSH, WHO TOLD YOU???"
  • Confirmed-ish, Mr. Smiley mentions his lifetime ban, which resulted from the teacups incident.

Marty, Greg’s ex-agent, will come back
Beach City will host a concert for reasons. Which will cause Marty to come back to the City to make money. Marty at this point is modesty successful managing a new band. He will meet Greg and later Vidalia. This episode would reveal if Marty is Sour Creams father or not.
  • While it's already been confirmed that Marty is Sour Cream's father in the episode, "Onion Friend," Marty doesn't physically appear. However, he is technically seen in a photo in which Amethyst morphs into him to amuse Vidalia. In that picture, he looks different than how he actually appears in his debut episode. Amethyst morphs into an older-looking Marty with less hair. This could have been an animation error, with the animators accidentally using a design for an older Marty that's supposed to appear in an as of yet unaired episode. Could this animation error have led to a spoiler?
    • Marty makes an appearance in "Drop Beat Dad". Not an animation error but clever foreshadowing that he stuck around a few years so Amethyst knows what balder Marty looks like.

Rising Tides/Crashing Skies will involve Ronaldo recalling the events of Ocean Gem and Jailbreak from his perspective
Going off the title it could mean the ocean returning (rising tides) and the hand spaceship falling (crashing skies)
  • Sort of. He does recall The Return/Jailbreak, but no mention is made of the events in Ocean Gem.

There will be a Whole Episode Flashback starring Rose Quartz
  • "Story for Steven" seems like it's going to fit the bill.
    • It's been more of a Greg episode with Rose as a Deuteragonist, but it's still a Whole Episode Flashback and Rose gets some major screentime.
    • There's still a chance that this could happen in the future, so I'm moving this up to Future Episodes/Plots.
  • Confirmed by "Greg the Babysitter".

Pearl and Greg will finally fix up their friendship.
We've seen Pearl's total devotion to Rose to a point of showing slight resentment towards Steven's father. However considering how much Pearl developed over the series, it's possible to see her trying to make up to Greg some time in the near future of this show. Hopefully.
  • Confirmed in "Mr Greg", and especially the song "Both of You".

Greg won't go nuts with his newfound wealth
As he's shown to be content with a simple lifestyle, Greg will initially go on a shopping spree and buy some nice things, but then decide to just save/invest the rest of it and keep living as he always has, just with a bit more financial security.
  • Confirmed! While he spends more than he wanted to, it wasn't nearly all of it and previews for episodes after it confirm that he had plenty left over. In fact, he didn't even know what to do with it at first.

The Earth culture and history in the show's universe is different from ours thanks to the presence of the Gems.
The existence of magical beings from outer space has impacted culture and religion. Basically, this show lives in an alternate Earth that is more than just "our world, except some magic women hang around".
  • Half-Confirmed. Word of God is that the history is different for their Earth, and we've been shown the back of the dollar having a snake and diamond instead of the pyramid and eagle motifs, plus the state Steven lives in has a different name (and may be shaped differently as well). Whether this has to do with the Gems at all, or if so, how much, has yet to be stated.
  • Notably, Historical Friction tells the tale of William Dewey seemingly crossing the Atlantic to start a settlement in the New World... 200 years ago, long after colonists had already arrived in the Americas and even after the United States declared its independence. This suggests that either European exploration of the area was significantly delayed, or that the "21st century" setting of the series is actually some time between the 1600s and late 1800s.
    • Or William Dewey was a businessman who founded Beach City in the 19th century to make big bucks, and New World was simply an euphemism.
      • Rather unlikely, Pearl's play seemed to imply that him and his crew were the first humans to be seen on the continent in a long time due to Gem monsters making it too dangerous (see also the WMG wherein the corrupted gem monsters drove the early Native Americans to extinction shortly after the end of the CGs' war with homeworld).

The corrupted Gems are the result of some weapon making them that way.

The Corrupted Gems are the result of the war between Rose Quartz & her allies and the other Gems.
Whether they be the result of combat damage, an experiment, magic, weaponry, the hate/anger involved in war, or what, it was still the direct result of the war that they ended up that way.
  • It's also why they were so afraid of Steven trying to bond with the Centipeetle in Monster Buddies, and why they never released Lapis from the mirror. Even if the Gems had been former allies, they might not be emotionally past what they went through and might immediately lash out blindly at any other Gem (Lapis's reaction to seeing them in "Mirror Gem" only strengthened that fear).
    • First paragraph confirmed.

The corrupted Gem Monsters were created by some sort of 'biological' weapon
We know that approximately 5,000 years ago, there was a huge battle for the Earth, and that Rose and her forces won. Having lost through traditional tactics, the Homeworld gems tried a different approach; they attempted to evacuate as many of their people off the planet, then bombarded it with some sort of magical or chemical agent. Rose Quartz was able to protect only a few of her closest friends- those who now form the Crystal Gems- in her protective bubble.

However, when they emerged after the danger had passed, they found every Gem left on the planet- both of Rose's troops, and those Homeworld gems who hadn't escaped in time- had been corrupted. The Homeworld then left Earth to sit for a few thousands of years, figuring that the now mindless beasts would destroy themselves, leaving Earth to be easy picking later down the line.

Centipeetle's gem (in her normal form) either replaces one of her eyes or is her only eye.
Because that's how she is in her monster form, and Jasper's gem is in place of her nose.
  • Confirmed in "Monster Reunion". She only has one eye.

Sadie's Song is a Standalone Episode.
This is why it was changed to air after Nightmare Hospital instead of after Back to the Barn - a one episode lull between Friend Ship and Catch and Release would have seemed too quick, so adding a second one would help lower people's guard. Also, being a self-contained episode prevents any potential spoilers from the episodes that were supposed to air before it to leak.

Like Lapis, Peridot has a nonstandard Gem Weapon.
Possibly tied to her seemingly robotic nature and the wide range of abilities it grants her.
  • If by "nonstandard" you mean "Peridot wasn't supposed to have/know about this power", then confirmed.

Steven is going to get through to the Centipeetle.
We already saw him get it calmed down and relatively relaxed using just kind behavior. Give we've seen him talk to Lapis with his mind, and it is pretty much certain that was the real Lapis not a dream, it isn't too much of a stretch to think that if he learns to control this power he might be able to coax the Centipeetle back into a humanoid form.
  • Confirmed in "Monster Reunion". While the Centipeetle isn't healed fully and reverts back to her monster form, she keeps her memories of her life and Steven's kindness and is no longer an antagonist.

Steven isn't as oblivious to what jerk Lars is to him as he seems.
Due to his status as The Heart, though, he can tell it's only a facade and hopes that being friends with him will help break through the facade. However, there's still the potential of something of a Did You Think I Can't Feel? moment between the two...
  • I thought that was made obvious when Steven yelled at Lars For insulting his mother.

Steven's learned how to cook.
He did grow up with a single dad, who probably got him started in learning, before moving in with magical beings that don't need to eat and wouldn't know how to cook, themselves. Also, he's shown to know terms like "al dente" with clear knowledge of what they mean.
  • He and Amethyst were able to create a pizza and fries that amazed owners of a pizza shop and fry shop, so probably confirmed.

Eventually, not everything we learn about Rose will be good
For someone who supposedly loved and saw beauty in everyone, she sure seems to have a lot of knowledge in weapons. But she's always had best intentions and at worst is going to be a Well-Intentioned Extremist who wanted to reform things to her ideal, and not reaching the level of a Broken Pedestal.
  • This doesn't seem too unlikely, especially given that what little we know about her so far as been from those who loved and respected her. She was probably very unhappy about what she had to do, but she certainly wasn't the flawless, incorruptible goddess that the Greg and the Crystal Gems (especially Pearl) remembers her as.
  • Subtly shown in Story for Steven, and more explicit in We Need To Talk, is that Rose seems to have had a very condescending and simplistic view of humans before she became close to Greg, seeing them more as pathetic animals than equals. We Need To Talk also suggests she has something of a Lack of Empathy - not necessarily a character flaw as such, but it does cast her in a much different light.
  • Greg, despite loving her, also tries to deflate Steven's views of her a little bit in "The Return"; when Steven says that his mother must have been a hero for starting a war to defend the earth, Greg tells him that there's no such thing as a good war, pointing out that both many humans and many gems died in the process.
  • Later, in "Greg the Babysitter", while it's an honest and understandable mistake, Rose nearly gets a young Sour Cream killed due to her failure to understand how human children work.
  • And in "Bismuth", it's revealed that she poofed and bubbled Bismuth when the latter became too much of a Knight Templar and wanted to use a weapon capable of shattering gems in one hit. Notably, what angered Bismuth the most about this wasn't that Rose sealed her away, but that Rose didn't tell anyone, letting all her friends think she was dead.
  • And as if that isn't enough, in "Earthlings", "Return to the Moon", and "Bubbled", we learn that she shattered Pink Diamond, who was her commander and the leader of the Gem colonization of Earth. While she saw this as a situation where I Did What I Had to Do to protect Earth, Homeworld's gems still see it as a horrific war crime six thousand years later, and it is implied to be the main reason why they are so passionate about hating Earth. (Eyeball, in "Return to the Moon", specifically says that it's the point where the rebellion went too far, implying that up until then there was hope for a peaceful resolution.)
  • And in A Single Pale Rose, we learn that she was Pink Diamond.

Origins of the corrupted gems
Possible theories
  • 1. Roses's army fell victim to a superweapon
    • Confirmed in "Monster Reunion". It's also confirmed that this superweapon was a Diamond damage, and that it hit Rose's army but also Homeworld's as well.
  • 2. loadsa gem holes in the kindergarten

Jasper will show an addiction to fusion when she returned.
It's been shown that fusion can be addictive due to certain aspects of the combined personality. If the 'leaked pictures' aren't fake, which seem to depict her desperately trying to get Lapis to do SOMETHING, which might be fusing back into Malachite, and last time they were Malachite, Jasper seemed to be riding a power high.
  • Confirmed. The leaked pictures were not fake, and Jasper indeed was begging Lapis to re-fuse. She also confesses to having a Power High when they were fused.

Stevonnie will defeat at least one major enemy.
Steven's getting very good with his shield and Connie with a sword, fused together Stevonnie is likely now fairly capable in combat. Perhaps during an actual battle, while protecting each other, the two end up fusing and defeating one of the major villains (maybe Jasper or Yellow Diamond).
  • Probably it will be Yellow Diamond. If the Gem Disruptors and Yellow Force Fields we've seen her minions using are like lesser versions of what she can do innately, then no full gem could ever stand a chance against her, so Stevonnie will have to defeat her. It may play out like this:
    Yellow Diamond curbstomps the rest of the Crystal Gems with Yellow Death Rays that she shoots from the palm of her hand. Then she tries to use it on Stevonnie and it only tickles them. She'll be so shocked by this turn of events that she'll probably just stand there like a deer in headlights while Stevonnie runs up and cuts her down with Rose's sword.
    • Confirmed. They defeat Jasper.

Amethyst will get a wake up call about being Unskilled, but Strong and begin training.
Jasper's now on the loose as the Arc Villain, so a fight between the two is inevitable. Amethyst is so used to riding on brute strength, which she has plenty of, being a Quartz, and works fine when dealing with the unskilled Peridot or mindless Gem Monsters. However, Jasper is both a Quartz (and thus has power equal to if not exceeding hers, due to Amethyst's defect) and a skilled, experienced soldier. Amethyst's first fight with Jasper won't go well for her because she's fighting someone who's Skilled AND Strong, forcing her to realize lack of training is a big problem now and start actually training.
  • Seemingly confirmed by Crack the Whip. Amethyst gets cocky and tries to defeat Jasper with brute force, causing her to get almost effortlessly poofed. Both Steven and Connie have been constantly training, and Stevonnie was able to match Jasper and force her to flee. The end of the episode heavily implies that Amethyst finally realizes that her slacker lifestyle is making her a lot weaker than the other Crystal Gems.

Bismuth was a radically violent Crystal Gem
From what little we glimpse of what might be Bismuth in Lapis' flashback, we see her attack an unarmed and frightened Lapis with a grin on her face. Bismuth was a member of the rebellion, but one that advocated violence far beyond what Rose would have considered reasonable. It makes sense that Rose would have some following her who were more interested in inflicting harm on Homeworld than actually protecting Earth. Eventually, Rose knew enough was enough, bubbling Bismuth when words failed to turn her to a softer, gentler path. When Bismuth eventually gets released, she will go right back to where she left off, insisting the Crystal Gems strike back at Homeworld and bring down the Diamonds no matter what the moral cost - an interesting look at the darker side of a revolution.
  • Confirmed by "Bismuth", where the eponymous Crystal Gem is revealed to be a ferocious advocate of retribution against Homeworld, even to the point of inventing the Breaking Point weapon to shatter their gems, something Rose objected to and bubbled her to prevent her from using.

Rose Quartz was born from a Kindergarten.
In "When It Rains" Peridot asks Steven how he emerged from the Kindergarten, saying "You're a quartz, aren't you?" So then, what if Rose Quartz was artificially made or born from a Kindergarten like Amethyst was? Maybe she emerged from one of the earlier Kindergartens on Earth, or from another planet entirely? If it's the former, than it would help explain why she wants to defend Earth so much. She was born there and liked it better than Homeworld.
  • Well, it is implied that Kindergartens are the standard method of making new gems, not just for Quartzes but in general. On the other hand though, it's not entirely clear that *all* gems are made that way. But if there was ever another way to make gems besides the "Kindergarten" planetary virus method, it seems likely that it's completely forgotten to gemkind, so Rose would therefore probably have to be *really* old to be made some other way.
    • Confirmed and deconfirmed in a way. Rose was "born" in a Kindergarten, but Pink Diamond is much, much older.

Protecting the planet Earth was not the only reason for the gem rebellion
When Jasper comes to Earth, to basically criticizes the Crystal Gems for being a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits- they're a “lost, defective Pearl”, an “overgrown runt” and two Gems so weak they have to remain fused to be at all effective. She's also incredibly disgusted that “Rose” would have assumed some incredibly weak form. It seems that the Homeworld may place incredible emphesis on being “strong”, leaving everyone else as outcasts. Rose Quartz, however, was willing to protect them and give them a home. The rebellion was in part about the acceptance of 'different' gems, not just protecting the Earth's original wildlife.
  • For Bismuth, it was about protecting her friends and utterly destroying Homeworld Gems.

Gem monsters are a result of mental state, not a physical problem.
Many fans suspect that Gem monsters come about when their gemstones are cracked or broken, but all of the Gem monsters we've seen had had their gemstones intact. The Gems are a race of shapeshifters, their physical bodies being projections that they can change at will. In the episode "So Many Birthdays", Steven's physical form changes based on his mental state. If Gem monsters formed because something was wrong with their gemstone, then Rose/Steven should be able to heal it. Gems turn into monsters when they lose control of their mental state. This could be related to the war, with Gems fighting so much that they see themselves as monsters, and their physical form soon reflects this.
  • Confirmed, though the "mental state" is caused by a Diamond weapon.

There will be a "full" version of the opening theme eventually, with each Crystal Gem providing their own verse.
It may not be in the actual show though, since it would be fairly lengthy. We already have Steven's verse (from the pilot) and POSSIBLY Garnet's (from this video that I'm aware of. I'm aware of the fact that what Estelle sings in that video before the opening lyrics is from one of her actual songs (Conqueror), but they seem almost too tailored to Garnet to not be a coincidence. She could easily co-write lyrics with Rebecca for this purpose. If this happens, it will likely be co-produced by Estelle and Aivi/Surasshu as a mash-up of their styles. (Maybe this is just me really wanting it to happen but it's not as unlikely as you'd think, given the rather forward approach to musical production that this show has exhibited so far.)
  • Kind of happening. Not exactly what I was expecting to happen, but you know what, this is actually a million times better. Because of course it is. Rebecca, you bloody wizard.

Jasper is a more successful product of the Kindergarten
Not only is Jasper physically similar to Amethyst in terms of basics looks (especially the hair), she also share Amethyst's fighting tendencies. She also calls Amethyst an "overcooked runt", which is very suggestive.
  • Confirmed, even being described by Peridot as "the ultimate Quartz".

Jasper is from the Beta Kindergarten
From what we've seen of the Beta Kindergarten (IE, the Monopoly board and [probably] part of the SOS Week 4 promo), the place looks like it's in a desert, with orange as the main color, compared to Amethyst's purple canyon Kindergarten. Jasper mentions fighting in the war, so she was probably made on Earth. Her color scheme is mainly orange, so it seems likely.
  • Confirmed!

People are eventually going to try to run the Gems out of town.
After a particularly nasty fight that leaves much of Beach City in ruins, some people have decided that having the Gems in town is more trouble than it's worth. The Gems all leave, perhaps going to live in some abandoned Gem temple or ruins. When Beach City is in danger, they get called back.
  • Partially confirmed by "Rising Tides/Crashing Skies". Ronaldo tried to convince the gems to leave beach city. He goes back on his word later, though.

A second type of fusing exists
A gem who's retreated into her gem can be taken in by a healthy gem. This grants the second gem a lesser power boost, access to weaponry and a modified design.
  • Somewhat confirmed in "Keeping It Together": The gem fusions seemed to have their gems welded together. The resulting thing was not pleasant.

Steven's first fusion with another Gem will be with Amethyst, because she's the first one he's opened up to about him not being his mother.
Steven has only shared those deep personal feelings with Amethyst. Amethyst is the only one who knows and completely understands that (other than Bismuth). And that's important for fusion, because Steven now knows Amethyst doesn't see him as Rose Quartz, but as Steven. Meaning there's the proper emotional acceptance needed that he doesn't have with the others.
  • See "Earthlings" for confirmed evidence, and let's all give a warm welcome to Smoky Quartz!

Jasper will attempt to fuse with a Corrupted Gem.
Probably out of desperation after being defeated repeatedly, Jasper will try to fuse with one of her captured corrupted gem beasts. Whether or not it works, it will be treated as a horrific and deranged act on par with the cluster experiments.
  • Confirmed in "Earthlings", though there was no commentary (so far) on the morality of the act.

One way corruption might be contracted through Fusion
  • From one of the leaks, there is a picture of a corrupted Jasper. Also, at the end of Gem Hunt, Jasper has two corrupted gems.]]
    • Confirmed in "Earthlings".

When Jasper returns, she will succumb to the same corruption that created the gem monsters from early in the show-run
Pearl dropped the bomb that Gem Monsters were corrupted gems and then nothing was done with that plot point again. Heck, there are only a few episodes involving Gem Monsters after that point at all. It's a concept that is ripe for revisiting, and I think this is how they'll do it.
  • Going off of this, it will be revealed when the Crystal Gems hear about a Gem Monster and go fight it, and when they see it, they realize it's Jasper. Jasper becoming a monster could also prove the theory that corruption is mental rather than physical, after all, she spent so much time in a forced fusion and clearly became unhinged as a result.
  • Given what we now know about how Gems become corrupted, unless the Diamonds unleash another corrupting attack this seems Jossed.
  • Confirmed. In Earthlings, attempting to fuse with a corrupted gem monster infected Jasper.

The final battle with Jasper will take place in two parts
Namely the first half will see Jasper fused with a corrupted Gem (or multiple corrupted Gems) vs Steven fused with Amethyst (possibly Smoky Quartz), then after the fusion is poofed back into its respective components and the corrupted Gems are defeated, Amethyst, now having trained and become much more skilled, will have round two (or three or four depending on how it plays out) with Jasper and ultimately be the one to defeat her. It's possible for these to be inverted, since Jasper fusing with the corrupted Gem as a One-Winged Angel would make sense.
  • Inversion confirmed.

Earthings will have a fight with Jasper that strongly borrows from Goku and Vegeta's first fight
Because Jasper seems to borrow a lot from Vegeta, and when you think about it, Amethyst borrows a bit from Goku (Big Eater, member of a normally war-like Proud Warrior Race who lacks the programming of them, was found in the wilderness as an infant and adopted by a kindly person who is no longer there, has a more downplayed enjoyment of fighting, and raised on the planet they were sent to destroy), particularly since Amethyst is a 'runt' by her race's standards and looked down on for it, while Jasper is what her kind 'should be' and is in fact a superior member, even among her own kind. That, and look at the area! It's pretty dang similar, right down to the colors!
  • Plus, Jasper insists on calling Steven "Rose Quartz". One of Vegeta's "things" is that he calls Goku "Kakarot", and is one of the few people in DBZ to do so.

That, and if Jasper DOES Fuse with a Corrupted Gem, it'd be perfect for mimicking Vegeta turning into a Great Ape (if the right Gem is used).

  • There are indeed a number of major comparisons, including the fight ending with Jasper being crushed under the back of a Corrupted Gem just like Vegeta was crushed under Great Ape Gohan, it being the unexpected comic relief character who's been watching from the background the whole time that hits the finishing blow, and them being spared by their enemy when they had a perfect shot at killing them. So confirmed.

All Gems can bubble things, but they'd need to be linked to some special area to be able to warp their bubbles anywhere.
The Crystal Gems specifically are linked to their temple, which is what allows them to open its door through their gemstones. It's this link that allows them to send anything they bubble (whether it's a gemstone or a bag of chips) to the temple's Burning Room.
  • Confirmed in "Kindergarten Kid". However the only "link" the Gem needs is to consider the destination their "home".

Pink Diamond was the Token Good Team Mate of the Diamond Authority
Given how the Crystal Gems have no issue occasionally wearing pink diamonds on their outfits, I think Pink Diamond opposed annexing Earth was defeated by the other three and then Rose took over the cause for her.
  • Jossed: Back to the Moon reveals she was just as bad as the other diamonds, having started the hostile terraforming of Earth.
    • Jungle Moon reveals she was a Spoiled Brat and "Well Done, Son" Guy who wanted a colony both so she could get to command something and so that Yellow Diamond would start treating her like an equal..
      • Confirmed by A Single Pale Rose, as she became Rose Quartz in order to save Earth from having to be a colony.

Pink Diamond was killed by Rose (or a fusion including Rose) during the rebellion.
Killing a Diamond would explain why Homeworld eventually surrendered, and why Yellow Diamond can't wait to see the planet destroyed.
  • Did Homeworld surrender? I got the idea that there was never any formal cessation of hostilities, Homeworld simply stopped sending troops, otherwise they might have known that Rose's army consisted of less than a half-dozen people and probably sent a follow-up army to crush her.
    • Lapis tells Steven that Homeworld did end up running away from Earth. Also, it has been strongly suggested that Garnet, Rose, and Pearl were not the only Crystal Gems, so Rose's army was bigger back during the war.
  • Not quite confirmed, but definitely implied in "Earthlings", wherein Jasper tells Steven that her hatred of Rose Quartz comes from how the latter did something to Pink Diamond.
  • Confirmed in Back to the Moon.
  • And in The Trial, it turns out that while this is the "official" story, there's quite possibly more to it.
  • Jossed. Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond were the same person.

Steven and Peridot will be trapped together during a Bottle Episode.
While the ending could go any way, really, having the two being forced to work together by circumstance will give us a glimpse of what exactly goes on in Peridot's head.
  • "Kindergarten Kid" comes close enough.

The Homeworld Gems and/or the Diamonds will have a Villain Song.
It would be such a waste to have famous Broadway singers like Patti LuPone and Christine Ebersole not belt out some awesome tunes in a show where it's seemingly No Song for the Wicked.
  • If "Monster Reunion is any indication, The Diamonds' Fantastic Nuke may have been some sort of corruption song.
    Steven: You stopped. You heard something. A sound. A song?
  • Confirmed. Yellow Diamond sings What's the Use of Feeling, Blue? to Blue Diamond in "That Will Be All". Blue also gets a minor song by proxy as a Pebble that shares her voice briefly serenades her in Familiar.

The weapon wielded by a fusion of Amethyst and Rose Quartz...
A giant yoyo?
  • Confirmed! the fusion is named Smoky Quartz and does in fact have a yoyo.
  • Adding onto the above, the fusion of Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Pearl would wield a giant top.

Pink Diamond ruled over Rose Quartz.
Pink Diamond was shattered either by Rose and her army when they defected, or by the other diamonds. Our Pearl was originally her Pearl.
  • The Pearl bit is still up for speculation, but Pink Diamond being Rose's leader before being shattered is confirmed.
    • The Pearl bit seems to be Jossed as of The Trial, where it's specifically mentioned that Pink Diamond's Pearl should be with her when she was shattered — and therefore she should either try to defend her Diamond, or at least WARN her. However, for reasons yet unknown, she didn't.
    • And the Pearl bit is actually Confirmed, too. She was there the night of Pink Diamond's shattering, too, shapeshifting into Rose Quartz to help Pink fake her own death so she could live on Earth as Rose Quartz.

Dewey will get a job at the Big Donut.
He needs a new job, they need new employees, and he did promise to get someone to replace the donut boy.
  • Confirmed. See "Letters to Lars" for details.

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond but was born defective like Amethyst
  • Blue Diamond is shown to be large and giant compared to most gems and in the extended opening Yellow diamond towered over the homeworld gems including Jasper. Pink Diamond size cause her to be a quartz size gem making it easier for her to pose as Rose Quartz and toss away her old name.
    • Jossed. "Back to the Moon" shows Jasper naming Pink Diamond as her superior, and implying that Rose did something to Pink Diamond. They are very obviously two different gems.
      • On the other hand, Jungle Moon lends credence to the 'Pink Diamond was defective' theory, as she seems to have been around Stevonnie's height rather than giant like the other diamonds.
      • Confirmed, at least in terms of Rose being Pink and faking her own death.

Pearl knows something about Pink Diamond's death that no one else does.
Pearl's talked freely about the war and idolizes why did she seem to force herself to be silent when Pink Diamond's death is brought up instead of trying to defend Rose like Steven or comfort him in some way even after she's left alone with Steven and Garnet and could probably give Steven some comfort? Why does she have the most extreme reaction to it? While her knowing it was a horrible, painful thing for Rose and for Steven to hear...perhaps she knows something about what happened no one else knows that Rose entrusted only to her. Just a thought.
  • Aaaand confirmed.

Pink Diamond's death was faked, Pearl is aware of it and possibly helped
This is also a possible way that Rose could still be Pink Diamond. Remember that Rose has the ability to create plant-based minions, just like Steven, and Pearl has the ability to create holograms. Between those two powers, there are plenty of ways to fake someone's death. As for why Pearl would react that way? She wanted to tell Steven desperately, but knew she couldn't because the Rubies would hear. She had something that could ease Steven's pain, but would have let out one of Rose's biggest secrets to the enemy.
  • Confirmed, although it was Pearl shapeshifting and not plant minions or holograms.

White Pearl was originally Pink's, and our Pearl was originally White's.
The two Pearls have physical similarities to the opposite's Diamonds. White Diamond and Our Pearl both have white skin, a forehead Gem, "spiky" hair and mostly flowing clothes. Pink Diamond and White Pearl have a navel Gem, clothes with a sweetheart neckline, tights, and sort-of skirts. White and Pink may have "swapped" Pearls at some point—Pearl herself says that she was "given to" Pink Diamond a few thousand years before she was put in charge of the Earth). It also seems that the Diamonds "adapted" their Pearls in different ways. Our Pearl had/has pastel, but not entirely pink, clothes and hair that was less upkept in the past. White Pearl, meanwhile, has the color scheme matching her Diamond, but lacks White's spiky hair and outfit theme. Given White Pearl's scarring over her eye, it seems that her adaption to her new Diamond was forced.
  • Partially confirmed, in the flashback that starts Together Alone.
    • To elaborate, White Pearl did originally belong to Pink Diamond. It isn't known if our Pearl belonged to White at all.

Rainbow Quartz's Gem Weapon was a Parasol of Pain.
It's a thrusting weapon with a point at the end that opens into a shield.
  • Adding to this: rainbows appear after rain. An umbrella blocks rain. Steven's shield seemed to be effective against Lapis' water constructs. Another encounter with Malachite is inevitable. This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman indeed.
  • Confirmed, assuming the original Rainbow Quartz had the same weapon that "Rainbow Quartz 2.0" (essentially a male Expy of Mary Poppins, formed by the Steven+Pearl fusion) had.

The four Diamond ships are each a part of a giant combining mecha.
Blue Diamond's left arm ship appears first in Steven's Dream, followed shortly thereafter by Yellow's right arm ship in That Will Be All. When a giant structure that appeared in the background in the closing seconds of The Trial looking to be in the shape of White Diamond's head and torso, fans started to put the pieces together (no pun intended) that Yellow and Blue's arm ships might connect to White's torso ship, with the implication being that Pink Diamond's at that point unseen ship would have to be a pair of legs to complete the mech.
  • Partially confirmed in Legs From Here to Homeworld, where Pink Diamond's ship is recovered from Rose's stash in the desert and is indeed a giant pair of legs.
  • Fully confirmed in Change Your Mind after White Diamond docks her ship on top of Pink's legs forming a partially completed body, and then Yellow and Blue dock their arm ships with her torso to try and stall her, thus forming a complete giant mecha.
