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Tropers / Wyvern0m3g 4

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Hold it! Put the Poké Ball down first! I'm not actually a Pokémon! And please, keep all manner of chivalrous knights and RPG heroes away from me too. You see, it may come to your surprise, but I'm actually not a dragon. What I am is your typical nerdy media sponge who found his way onto TV Tropes one day. While by no means a serious-minded editor by any stretch of the imagination, it seems that through the action of some of my close friends, I've wound up making an account for myself and participating in the troping that goes on here. With all that said, how about I get to why you're here?

For starters, I was born on January 19th, 1991, am male, and have lived my whole life in the state of Connecticut, in the United States. As stated previously, I've become somewhat of a fiend for various forms of media and entertainment; mostly in regards to TV shows, video games, anime and manga, though I do partake in other activities from time to time, such as movies. For the most part however, I'm your average anime and video game addicted adult. But I don't just stop at consuming media, oh no! Over the years, I've developed an interest in creating my own works of fiction, which undoubtedly morphed into fanfiction, and then later into a desire to create a genuine original story (one I'm still struggling to develop.)

With all that said, I'd like to also point out that I'm among the users who helped contribute to the Ship of Fools Wiki article, and am one of its representatives as a result. Feel free to check it out some time if you'd like; I've become attached to the place and wouldn't mind bringing in the attention of some curious tourists every once in a while.

...Buuuut, what better way to introduce myself to you all than to speak in the native tongue of this very wiki? With that in mind, let's get the show on the road!


  • Beware the Nice Ones: On a few occasions, Wyvern has proven to others that his kindness and generosity should never be taken for granted.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Has been told numerous times of how smart or skilled he is at something, despite Wyvern believing himself to be a lazy bum.
  • Butt-Monkey: Tends to end up like this, either because he is one or because he believes he's one. Either way, the guy rarely feels things go his way.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Has a weakness for cute stuff and can be quite the softy when they're involved.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Tends to do this sometimes, albeit infrequently. It seems to pop up when Wyvern's frustrated or upset, but he'll sometimes snark when he's feeling silly or playful too.
  • Death Glare: While hard to see behind a monitor, he admits to sometimes giving one of these when upset.
  • Determinator: Been described as "being capable of doing whatever he sets his mind to." It goes Up To Eleven when he says he gives up on something he's doing, only to take a break and then try again later.
  • Eagle Land: Born and raised, albeit his point of view skirts closer to "boorish."
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: One of his more (in)famous traits since childhood, although it seems to have curbed recently.
  • High-Functioning Autism: Has been told he has "slight traces of autism."
  • Hot-Blooded: Combined with his anger management problem, Wyvern's other emotional states are almost always intense as well; rarely are they ever subtle. Additionally, Wyvern easily becomes passionate about anyone or anything he cares about or loves, which can have beneficial or unfortunate consequences depending on context and the current situation at hand.
  • Manchild: Admits he goes out of his way to be this since he was thirteen, due to personal grievances with aging. Considering he greatly enjoys junk food, video games, collectible card games, manga and anime, still watches cartoons, and is more attached to his long gone childhood instead of appreciating his current adulthood, it's safe to say he's a dead ringer.
  • Motor Mouth: Only while online, for better or worse. Wyvern does his best to try and keep things short whenever he can however.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his flaws, Wyvern seems to constantly go out of his way to be as patient, polite, respectful, generous, kind, helpful, loving, friendly and trusting as he can be to others. Granted, even he has his limits, but still.
  • Nostalgia Filter: Tends to live in the past often; usually when it's his childhood. This can range from entertainment such as TV shows and video games, to technology and personal interests.
  • Purple Prose: Another one of his bad habits online. And like Motor Mouth, it's something Wyvern tries to control.
  • Shrinking Violet: Tends to be nervous around people he doesn't know. He also seems to have a hard time opening up to others before getting to know and trust them first.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism: Tends to hover closer to cynicism when dealing with real life topics, but he claims he'd prefer to be an idealist instead.
  • Technical Pacifist
  • The Perfectionist: Especially when it comes to drawing.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Generally speaking, he's got a massive sweet tooth and is a sucker for anything salty and greasy too. However, his most beloved food item of all is none other than pizza. Due to his picky eater tendencies though, he specifically enjoys cheese pizzas made by Pizza Hut.
