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Tear Jerker / The Walking Dead (Telltale)

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There will be some very tough choices you'll have to make. note 

Telltale's The Walking Dead is famous for its numerous Player Punches: expect to be forced into a heartrendingly difficult decision at least once per episode. Even outside of these decisions, the grim post-apocalyptic setting leaves ample room for tragedy.

All spoilers are unmarked in accordance with the Spoiler Policy!

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    Season 1 
  • While wandering Clementine's house, the player can listen to the messages left by her parents. The first one is pretty tame, just her mother calmly explaining to the babysitter that they'll be a little longer as Ed was attacked by "a crazy guy" and is in the hospital, but thanks her for watching over Clementine. The second message has Diana more and more panicked, as she and Ed have no idea what's going on, and she just begs Sandra to get Clem out of the city. Then the third message:
    Clementine, baby...If you can hear this, call the police! That's 9-1-1. We love you...we love you...we love y—
  • Whenever someone insults Ben, the look on his face says it all.
  • The first episode has Irene. The most tearjerking way to deal with her is to give her the gun, and stay with her, and tell her, "I'm here with you now", letting her know she at the very least won't die alone.
    Lee: ...goodbye.
    Irene: Goodbye...
  • As is usual for the IP, Lee having to kill his zombified brother. It's bad enough when you can do it with a bullet, but to do it repeatedly with an axe, each time mutilating him, it's a real Kick the Dog with Lee as the dog.
  • When Lilly has you hand out rations and you don't feed Clementine, the game will make you wish that you did, as she sounds utterly disheartened when losing out on the food you were given.
    Clementine: I hope I get to eat next time.
  • In Episode 2, Larry's death. If Lee opts to help Kenny, it basically amounts to holding Lilly back from her attempts at CPR, the poor girl desperately pleading all the while, while Kenny crushes her father's head. If Lee helps Lilly, it's even worse. Larry is possibly starting to breathe again. And Kenny crushes his head anyway. So, as much of an asshole as Larry was, him and Lilly were still family. And if that doesn't get the tears running, then Clementine's reaction certainly will. It was so traumatizing for her to watch that she sobs in the corner while it all happens, and she even says that she too didn't want Larry to die.
    • What makes this scene really bad is the fact that the noise means Larry is starting to breathe again... or it's the first moans of a new Walker. There's really no way to tell if you put down an undead monster, or murdered a sick man.
  • Even though he is a murdering cannibal, seeing Andy break down and beg and scream at you to finish him off after you tell him that his mother and brother are dead, is pretty heartbreaking.
    • Lilly's reaction to it is poignant and tragic in itself. She's the last of the group to leave, and despite the St. Johns being responsible for her father's death, watches on and regards Andy with a sad, almost sympathetic look before closing her eyes and walking away. Say what you will about Lilly, she wouldn't wish what she's gone through on anyone, not even the man who put her through it in the first place.
  • Minor one. In a Non-Standard Game Over near the end of Episode 1, Lee fails to prevent a zombie from biting and killing Clementine. Rather than panic, or try to escape or avenge, Lee just gives up, closes his eyes and allows a zombie to kill him.
  • Episode 3, in spades.
    • The deaths of Carley/Doug at the hands of Lilly is very sudden and jarring.
      • The former is widely considered heartbreaking since we get to know the character more and have more interaction with.
    • Duck being bitten. There's no cure. He's suffering and you have to decide who ends it.
    • Katjaa's suicide over the loss of her son.
    • Kenny's despair when he realizes that no matter how much he hopes or wishes, there's just nothing else he can do for Duck.
    Kenny: Isn't there some sort of pill or something we could just give him? He could just (voice breaking) drift off to sleep, right, hon? I mean, Jesus, this is our son!
    • Kenny's reaction to losing his family. It's an absolutely heartbreaking scene and players are more then likely to cry or tear up during this scene.
    • Another minor one caused by a Non-Standard Game Over. If you fail to convince Kenny to stop the train, you return to the boxcar and find everyone gone, with only a huge bloodstain and Clementine's hat. Lee is then killed by zombified Duck.
    • If you manage to convince Kenny to stop the train without violence, he reveals how much survivor's guilt he has.
    • Ben revealing that he was responsible for the loss of the motor inn and Carley/Doug, Katjaa and Duck's subsequent deaths. It's quite a nasty shock and you can't help but feel sorry for the poor kid.
    • If you talk with Clementine that her parents are dead, she denies it and guilt trips Lee if he wanted them to be dead, and sobs in tears from hearing that. This actually becomes true towards the end of the season when we see what happened to them, so Lee not only ends up being honest about it, but also predicted what was going to happen.
  • Episode 4 continues this.
    • Ben running away from Clementine when both are cornered by a horde of walkers. Clementine is panicking and the panic only escalates when she sees the closest person who can help her instead run away to save his own life. She nearly ends up getting killed as a result. Let's just be thankful that Charles swoops in to save her and buy the group some time to escape.
    • Lee getting bit near the very end. Now you know why the last episode is called No Time Left. Lee himself, who has been strong throughout the entire Zombie Apocalypse, sobs when he sees his bite mark, chiefly because he realizes he won't be able to take care of Clementine much longer. Her rescue may be the last thing he ever does for her.
    • Another little boy is found zombified, and it hits Kenny extremely hard because he looks exactly like Duck. The poor kid had a long, slow death of starvation and dehydration. He's so emaciated that he looks more like a skeleton than a zombie, and he's too weak to do anything worse than growl at you. Worse, you find a drawing of his dog — which you had to exhume to get the collar from. After his Mercy Kill, Lee buries his body with his beloved dog's corpse, so the one glimmering ray of kindness is that he at the very end gets to be with his dog forever.
      • This also has some elements of Fridge Horror: Is that what would have eventually happened to Clementine had Lee not found her? Lee himself is horrified at the idea.
    • Chuck is separated from the group and surrounded by zombies while trying to save Clementine. Quite a bit later on, when travelling through the sewers, you stumble upon his mutilated body. Beside him is a revolver with no bullets; Lee comes to the conclusion that he used the last bullet on himself.
  • Ben asking Lee to drop him into a pit of walkers. The fact that he wants to die because he thinks that most of the group hates him is extremely gut-wrenching.
  • Lee has the option of comforting Vernon over one of his friends, Brie, not making it out of Crawford. His response:
    Vernon: You want to know the worst part? I don't feel much. I mean, I don't feel enough. Shouldn't I be broken up over what happened? That's how I was in those first few days, when I lost my daughter, when I lost my friends. But now? It's like I just take something like this in stride. Like this is the way our world is now, and we better just get used to it.
  • Episode 5 has Christa finding a bed with a man and a woman, a romantic couple, each dead and rotting with guns by their side. The obvious Better to Die than Be Killed scenario hits Christa really hard, since it's a What Could Have Been (and what still could be) with her and Omid.
    • ALL of this final episode is sad, but the hardest hitting one is Lee succumbing to the bite from Episode 4, and either being left behind by a heartbroken Clementine...or being put down by her. And one of the final things that Lee can say to her is that 'He'll miss her'.
    • After Ben vents his frustration at Kenny's treatment of him, it seems like Kenny and him will move past it... Then Ben falls from the balcony and gets Impaled with Extreme Prejudice. Kenny uses the gun from the dead couple's room to put him out of his misery before the walkers overtake him. You don't actually see him get bitten or hear him cry out in pain, but...
    • When Ben finally stands up to Kenny, it isn't played like an empowering moment of a victim overcoming their bully, it's Ben telling everyone how he's been feeling the entire time he's been with the Macon group. Ben never made it home and he never learned of the fate of his family, especially his little sister. He only stuck with the Macon group because he had nowhere else to go and he didn't know where his family is. He already feels an unbearable amount of guilt for causing the death of Kenny's family and he more or less tells Kenny to leave him alone because he already knows how badly he fucked everything up. What makes this worse is that Ben helped the bandits to keep them away from the Macon group and had zero control over the consequences of his actions.
    • After fighting off the walkers in the mansion, you can leave the fight with one bullet left in Lee's pistol, and later have the option to give it to Kenny. If you do you will hear him shoot one off at Ben then another muffled shot a few seconds after. The last thing Lee could do for his friend was make sure he did not turn.
    • Let's see, by the end of the fifth episode, Lee will become a walker or be mercy killed by Clementine, Omid and Christa are unaccounted for, Ben is Impaled with Extreme Prejudice, Kenny will fend off the Walkers before shooting Ben to spare him being torn apart, Clementine sees her zombified parents, you discover the results of stealing the supplies from the camper van when the man who kidnapped Clementine tells you about how his wife and daughter left him, only for him to find them turned into Walkers a day later... Let's just say the season finale is built around this.
    • As Lee and Clementine part, Lee gives her last bits of advice. After every one, you will get the same kind of note you've been getting the entire series: "Clementine will remember this." It takes on such a greater meaning as you realize that, from a gameplay perspective, it doesn't really matter to the player, but it matters to Lee.
      • Oh, it definitely matters to the player too.
  • As Lee and Clementine try to leave the city, Clementine pauses and looks toward two walkers... her parents. All these months, she'd been holding on to her hope that they were just stuck in Savannah, even though both Lee and the player already knew the truth; they were likely dead before Lee even found her. And now, Lee is infected, meaning that she's going to lose the last person she has in the world.
  • The Stranger. Practically the Trope Codifier for Alas, Poor Villain.
    (possible conversation)
    Stranger: That hoodie she's wearing? It was my son's.
    Lee: We were starving. It was cold.
    Stranger: So my family starved in the cold!
  • Alternate scenario, if Ben is not with you during Episode 5, Christa jumps down into a seemingly empty room to retrieve the dropped walkie-talkie, and when zombies appear, Kenny pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to get her out, but can't get up himself, so he starts picking off zombies with what ammo he has left. What happens also happens offscreen.
  • When asked about who he has hurt by The Stranger and Lee chooses his wife, Lee finally confesses the situation that he has been so tight-lipped about since Episode 1. His wife wanted to move around for work while Lee wanted to stay and raise a family. Fights ensued, which later caused a situation when he came home early to find his wife in bed with another man. Lee killed him in a fit of rage. Made even more tragic, considering how much his situation parallels The Stranger's own familial inadequacies.
  • When Lee reveals that he's bitten to Clementine, he can speak the following to her. And it's in the most heartbreaking, gutted tone imaginable:
    Lee: I'm sorry, Clem. I'm supposed to take care of you. I can't now.
  • As if the ending wasn't bad enough, some heartless bastard made this.
    • Miracle of Sound decided to make a rather sad song all about Lee and Clementine called Best I Can. (The song contains no spoilers, but the video does contain some up to Episode 4).
  • And at the end of the last episode Take Us Back, a song about going back to simpler times, plays over the end credits to emphasize how that is never going to happen.
  • No matter how you deal with Larry in Episode 2, you get shunned by someone. You can at least get a fraction of your friendship back with Kenny, but Lilly remains your enemy.
  • The fall of Lee's group is this: Prior to this, Mark and Larry are lost. A paranoid, mentally unstable Lily grieving over her father's demise either murders Carley in cold-blood and accusation of being a traitor, or accidentally claims Doug as her victim instead of Ben, who has been sneaking the bandits supplies and breaks down in a guilt-heavy confession. Lily, herself, is either abandoned on the side of the road or still allowed to stay with the other before leaving by stealing the RV. The attack that Ben caused resulted in Duck being bitten, and a broken Katjaa, unable to perform the Mercy Kill on her child, kills herself, causing Kenny to spiral into his own depression as he loses the very thing he swore to protect. The only remaining members of the former group are Lee, Clementine, Kenny, and Ben. It becomes a real Tear Jerker when you notice how unified the group was in the previous episodes.
  • Lee, dying on the ground, not strong enough to even raise himself from the floor, carefully coaches Clementine what to do; even with his fading strength, he tells her she's doing well, and that everything will be alright. Even given the choices Lee has made up to this point, you can't help but feel that he does really care about her.
    • And with every piece of advice given, the player gets the same message that has followed them throughout the game: "Clementine will remember that." Only this time, the implications are all the more powerful.
    • This scene is so traumatic that every Let's Player that has done this game has broken down in tears during this scene.
    • Dave Fennoy has remarked that when he was recording the scene, he was overwhelmed and actually started crying. That is how powerful the scene was.
  • In the "400 Days" DLC, if you decide to hide in the bushes while playing as Russell, you wind up next to Carley or Doug's body, depending on who is saved in Episode 1.

    Season 2 
  • Just booting up the game for the first time can be this for some people. The music that plays on the title screen? The same version of 'Alive Inside' that played during Lee's death. Ouch.
  • A bit of a minor one, Lee finds Clementine's drawing of Kenny's family, shortly after Duck is put down. They must have really meant something to her. It comes up again at the start of Season 2 with Clementine looking at it along with her photo of Lee, as a reminder of everyone she's lost.
  • One of the screenshots for Season 2 is an older Clementine looking at Lee's picture. Ouch.
  • The first episode of Season 2 has Omid being shot, Christa having a miscarriage and being separated from Clementine. Not even the dog Clementine finds stays around as it eventually bites her. Oh, and after their fight, you get to choose whether to Mercy Kill the dog or not when it's impaled
    • The look on Clem's face after the sixteen month Time Skip. Such a sad, hopeless face on such a young girl...
    • Sam the dog. He's malnourished by the time you find him, you come across the remains of the camp the family that owned him were surviving in, with all signs showing that there were no survivors. And because he couldn't understand Clementine's intent he thinks that she's keeping food from him and bites her, leading to his impalement after the fight where he can only cry and struggle to get free. The Sadistic Choice does little to ease the pain, as you either cut his throat and listen to his whines get quieter until he stops, or leave him there, the camera lingering on him as he keeps struggling to get free.
    • Later in Season 2, Episode 1, Clementine has to suture a massive wound in her own arm. It's a long, excruciating, and incredibly explicit process. But while the gore might gross you out, her relentless sobs and whimpers all throughout will make you cry.
    • Clem can express guilt over indirectly killing Lee at one point when Luke asks what happened to him. The sad thing is that she's right, in a way. If she hadn't gone with The Stranger Lee wouldn't have gotten bit looking for her and he might still be alive today.
      • Another of her lines imply she feels responsible for Omid's death, as well.
    Clementine: People die because of me sometimes.
    • It's implied that Christa holds Clementine somewhat responsible for Omid's death, which is why she was acting cold towards her in the beginning. It makes the above line so much more heartbreaking.
    • Look at Omid's expressions after he's been shot. It's like he doesn't even realize it at first. He looks at the door... then he looks at the gun... and then finally the blood staining his clothes from the gunshot wound. And that's when the horrifying revalation that these are his last moments sets in and he just... collapses. What must it have been like to think everything was fine one moment and then look down and realize that you. Are. Dying.
    • This quote from Clementine if you opt to play Frisbee with Sam twice. Especially considering how long it's been since the world went to crap.
    Clementine: I bet you miss this. ...I sure do.
    • When sneaking around inside the cabin you can look at a picture of a Duck in a pond. This causes Clem to remember Kenny Jr. and say his nickname, "Duck..." in a sorrowful, heartrending tone.
  • The fact that Clementine lost another family to the Zombie Apocalypse. Seriously, every parental figure or, heck, everyone she was close to have either died or were seperated from her in circumstances where it's very likely that they are dead. Let's see: her parents went on vacation and left her with a babysitter... who became zombified somehow. But then she met Lee! Nope, the Zombie Apocalypse ain't having none of that "happy family" business. Here's a zombie bite for him. Oh, and your biological parents are walkers now. Enjoy the trauma, Clem! That's not even going into all of the people in the survivor group who died. Some gruesomely and right in front of her. So Lee leaves her with Christa and Omid and all is good. Until Omid's meaningless death due to some brat who doesn't know how to handle a gun. B-but we still have Christa, right? Even if she never was the same after Omid died ... Hmm. Nope, Clementine's STILL doing too well so Christa gets ambushed by Bandits and is seperated from Clementine. She's staying with the Cabin group for now, but knowing this world who knows how long THAT's going to last?
  • The return of Kenny results in some tears, as Clementine is reminded of Lee and Kenny accidentally refers to her as "Duck" during dinner.
    • It's quite clear that he is nowhere near over the deaths of Katja and Duck, and may be using Sarita as a replacement, becoming very overprotective of her.
  • Sarah is forced to watch her father being beaten and having his fingers broken in front of her, all while she's sobbing and screaming at Carver to please let her father go, to no avail.
  • Walter figuring out that Matthew, who was probably his lover, is dead. The most genuinely kind person that you can imagine in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse, and the person most important to him was killed by one of the very same group that he invited into his home. Depending on how you handle it, he'll either have a good chunk of his remaining faith in humanity shattered, or simply break down over how Matthew's death was such a senseless, horrible mistake. And either way he dies when Carver shoots him during the hostage crisis, with one of the last things he sees being a picture of himself and Matthew happy together.
  • Being with Pete in his last moments. After he throws the saw away, it's clear that, barring an unlikely rescue, it's only a matter of time, which tints everything you do after that with an air of hopelessness. Pete himself knows he's going to die and later on, admits he's scared. The sole respite in this scene, if it could be called that, is that Pete died a hero's death distracting the Walkers so we could get away. Nick's reaction later on just makes you feel worse about the whole thing. To make matters worse, you also have the option of telling Nick that he was afraid in his last moments. The thought of someone he looked up to turning out to be so vulnerable stuns him.
    Pete: You know what's funny? ...I don't wanna die.
  • The rendition of "In the Pines" that plays during the credits of episode 2 is absolutely heart-breaking. The fact that it's so quiet and serene after Walter and possibly Alvin being killed, Carlos being tortured and the group being captured by Carver in a very dramatic and action-packed climax provides some jarring Mood Dissonance too. Here you go.
  • Carver forcing Carlos to smack Sarah, his own daughter. Sarah doesn't handle it well at all.
    • You can tell that Carlos absolutely does not want to go through it with every fiber of his being. Carver doesn't even let him comfort her afterward and what Troy said probably made him feel even worse.
    Troy: Damn, doc. You really knocked the shit out of her.
  • Alvin's Heroic Sacrifice, if he survived the previous episode. His last words fucking hurt.
    Alvin: Take care of my girls. I got a feelin' it's gonna be a girl...
  • When Carver calls you up to his office, you get to see Rebecca walking out of there, crying her eyes out. What did he do and/or say to her?
    • If Alvin survived Episode 2, it becomes obvious. She had seen that Carver had beaten Alvin to within an inch of his life.
  • Carlos' sudden, brutal death at the end of Episode 3. It's bad enough that he dies so close to freedom, but Sarah's reaction - her anguished, broken screaming - is just the icing on an already agonizing cake.
    • Anadel's "Remember Me" that plays during the credits is a hauntingly pleasant contrast to what happened before. It almost makes you feel like someone's reminiscing about better times. On the heels of Carlos' death, and seeing Sarah's reaction to it it's like the song's about Sarah remembering her now dead father.
  • And the end of Episode 3, Sarita gets bitten. The cliffhanger has her either nursing her bite with a solemn look... or having her entire limb immediately chopped off courtesy of Clementine, looking at it for a moment in shock before letting out a blood-curdling scream.
    • What makes this worse is that this Kenny has lost another loved one and he is still haunted by the loss of his family.
  • The trailer for episode 4 hits pretty hard, especially for Kenny fans.
    Kenny: "Do you know what it feels like to be beaten, almost to death? Peaceful. It was like I was just floating away... then I woke up again."
    • Sarita's death in the actual episode. You can tell just how badly her death has affected Kenny when he yells at Clementine when they reach the campsite.
    • What makes this even worse is that she died without even knowing why Clementine cut off her arm, not realizing that it was to keep her from turning, so you could have very well broken her trust in you in her last moments alive.
      • But she was there when Reggie explained how he'd lost his arm and survived, wasn't she? Granted, it doesn't make the situation much better for poor Sarita...
    • If Clementine doesn't cut off her hand, she still succumbs to infection.
      • At least she's still with Kenny.
    • When Kenny gets mad at her, Sarita tries to defend her, but she's too weak.
    • Clementine's face when Kenny yells at Clementine. Poor Clem looks like she is going to cry.
  • Sarah's death in episode 4. She's just so sad and scared. But what's worse is that she's screaming for Clementine and for someone to help her. Her terrified shrieks as she gets eaten alive aren't any better.
    • If Clementine decides to leave her, she just looks up and calls out for her. And then she gets eaten.
    • What makes it crueler is the sheer brutality and misfortune of it. After being saved and looking like she might just make it out of the episode okay she falls when the deck collapses and gets pinned under some rubble. Even if the player tries to save her she gets surrounded and Devoured by the Horde as she screams desperately for her father. Jesus Christ Telltale.
  • When you think about it, Luke is the last surviving member of the Cabin group. All of his friends are gone.
    • Finding Nick stuck as a walker and being forced to kill him with Clementine's hatchet.
      • For players who took that route, it's even worse knowing you promised Pete to look after him in his stead. Any security he could've felt when you made that promise was false. To pervert this even further, putting down Nick's walker is not pretty and probably wasn't the most painless Mercy Kill one could experience.
  • In Amid the Ruins, Jane, as a whole. The circumstances of her sisters death and how it has affects her as she watches Sarah die is truly heart wrenching. Also, what she says to Clementine as she's about to leave...
    "I'm not going to stick around and... and watch it happen to you too."
  • Rebecca becomes The Woobie right in the beginning, severely frightened from being alone and separated from the other while repeating to herself that she wasn't going to make it whether on her own or without Alvin. Her fate is a tragic one, that despite her determination to survive and not become The Load of the group, she dies shortly having her baby and becomes a walker who nearly devours her own newborn.
  • The trailer for the season finale. The fact that it's a summary of all major events apparently isn't bad enough. At the end, we're granted a scene of Clementine, prior to the events of Season 1, having a cute moment with her babysitter and a raccoon in her treehouse. She talks to her parents over the phone just before the scene cuts to an older Clementine, looking absolutely miserable.
    Clementine: "I'll see you soon."
    • The last seconds of the trailer, where the camera lingers on Clementine for a few moments (in her life just before the outbreak), suddenly cutting to Clementine, today. She was just a regular, eight-year old girl, she was smiling and happy, and the weather was bright and sunny. Now, Clementine is eleven, struggling to survive in the middle of a blizzard, with nothing but a gun in her hand, alone. It really hits you hard.
    • Sandra's line of "That's no way to say goodbye to your mother!" is extremely hard to hear.
    • "I said you could borrow my hat, not keep it."
  • In the beginning of Episode 5, Arvo is desperately trying to revive his sister. Regardless of how you feel about him, he's a kid who just watched his older sister die. His crying was heart-wrenching.
  • The aftermath of Rebecca's death. Just everyone gathering around, lamenting over her, and seeing her cold was horrible. She won't be able to watch her son grow....
  • Luke's death was sudden and saddening. Drowning in a cold lake - and Bonnie's potential death trying to save him is just as sad.
    • Even worse if you go to save him rather than covering him: Luke is begging you to stay back
  • Clementine getting shot and almost dying.
    • And when the flashback sequence with Lee happened, it gives the impression that it was a Dying Dream.
      • On the other hand, it's also rather heart-breaking that Clementine thought that the entirety of Season 2 was a dream and she was still with Lee, only to be woken up back into the nightmare that she's living in.
      • Meanwhile, consider the implication here. Back in the context of season one, that scene was fairly dark. Duck was clearly dying, Kenny was in fierce denial, the conflict with Lilly over the grisly fate of Larry was coming to a head — it wasn't a happy time. But now? Things have gotten so bad that Clementine is nostalgic for those times. The thought of being back there is actually comforting now.
  • Kenny's death. Even though he was going through a Sanity Slippage and acted downright violent and deranged from time to time, he had been Clementine's longest friend, or at least someone she knew well enough. Either way, he resigns to his death. At least if he had died in Season One he would have died redeeming himself - his death in Season Two felt like putting down a mad dog...
    • The Last Words in this scene are what really drive it home - he even flat-out tells Clem that she made the right choice, showing that he is well aware of his behavior and is glad that she prevented him from hurting anyone else. Clem can then comfort him with the thought that he'll be with Katjaa and Duck soon, an idea that gets him to Go Out with a Smile.
    • The player can also make Clem shoot Kenny after he had killed Jane. Instead of pleading for mercy, Kenny simply close his eyes and tell Clementine to "do it".
    • Even if the player decides to not kill him, there's still a tearjerker in store for the player when they reach Wellington. After finding out that Wellington is over capacity and are unable to let more survivors in, Kenny willingly makes a plea for them to let Clementine and AJ in without him on the account that they are just children, and remains outside as a result. If Clementine stays behind at Wellington with AJ, the farewell scene between her and Kenny is really heartwrenching, with him giving away his signature hat to AJ before walking off into the horizon.
    • Alternatively, Clementine, having seen how dangerous Kenny is, decided to go on alone with AJ. Understanding of her decision and seeing how unfit he is to be a parent, Kenny bids Clementine farewell and to look after AJ.
  • The ending. By the time the credits roll, you will probably have recovered enough to think about the events of episodes 3, 4 and 5 all together. The ever-present Dwindling Party trope has gone all the way now: Episode 3- Carlos is mauled by walkers, and Alvin dies in a Heroic Sacrifice if he survived Episode 2. Episode 4- Sarita is either eaten by walkers or is put down because of her bite. Nick is killed off-screen, and you have to kill his reanimated body. Sarah dies part-way through, but Rebecca has her baby, and Babies Make Everything Better, right? Guess what, Rebecca dies from exhaustion a few days later. But the Blast Out ending didn't kill anyone we cared about, right? Well, Luke drowns, and possibly Bonnie too. Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie if she made it this far, try to skip town, and Arvo shoots Clementine. We don't stay conscious to see what becomes of them. Finally, either Kenny or Jane has to die at our hand. That's a lot, right? It's horrible to realize, but nobody from the original Cabin Group is alive anymore. You get so caught up in the action of the end that you almost forget how many people have gone, and it hits you all over again. Especially with the Go It Alone ending, you certainly feel a sense of emptiness now, seeing only an 11-year-old girl carrying a newborn into a herd of walkers, trying to survive. Stronger alone... but alone nonetheless...
    • Somewhat related, but looking back in Episode 1, waking up to see the Cabin Group looking down at you, talking and befriending Sarah, possibly forgiving Nick and having a friendly talk with Luke, all seems like it happened a lifetime ago. The plot of Season 2 takes place over the span of little more than two weeks, but the episodes were released weeks apart. All seven cabin members are gone. It's impossible to rewatch the early episodes and not feel bad anytime you see Luke or Rebecca or Nick or anyone else...
  • The Wellington ending is arguably the most hopeful, but also possibly the most bittersweet. Kenny and Clementine find Wellington and its more than they could ever dream of. The walls are massive and secure, the place is isolated from towns and cities and they are nice enough to GIVE AWAY whole bags of supplies to groups that reach them. The catch? Kenny and Christa weren't the first to hear of such a great place and they can't accept any new members because it could drain too many of their supplies. Kenny, who before had told Clementine about how he never spent enough time with his family, about how he'd do things right with her and AJ, speaks up immediately to ask if just the kids can stay. Clementine doesn't like that she'll have to leave her oldest friend and protector besides Lee but tearfully agrees. As they say their goodbyes Kenny hands over his hat and tells Clementine to never forget all the people that died to get them there and to tell AJ about his parents when he gets older. The scene ends with Clementine and AJ entering the safety of their new home as the door closes on Kenny walking off alone. Its a massive improvement over season 1's ending where Clementine is left alone in the wilderness and Kenny is trapped alone in a city filled with zombies since Clementine is finally safe and Kenny has a bag of supplies... but then it hits you. While they both have a fairly good chance of surviving they'll almost certainly never see each other again. After losing their first and second families they have to split up and go their separate ways just weeks after reuniting.
    • Even the Wellington ending where Clementine chooses to stay with Kenny is a massive tearjerker; Kenny is in tears begging for Clementine to enter Wellington, where she'll be safe, and Clementine is in tears pleading that she doesn't want to leave Kenny. While Clementine choosing to stay with Kenny is heartwarming beyond measure, the scene is still an enormous tearjerker and series of emotional punches.
  • The last fight between Kenny and Jane is both Nightmare Fuel and a Tear Jerker. The whole time, Clementine is desperately trying to pry the two apart to no avail. By the time it reaches the Sadistic Choice that we all knew was coming, she is begging for them to not kill each other, and is in tears when she either kills Kenny or lets him kill Jane. The later fact that it was completely pointless is even worse, and its not hard to see the alone ending as Clem crossing the Despair Event Horizon.
  • By the end of season 2, it becomes bitterly depressing that none of the cabin survivors survived. Every single one of them were killed one by one. Clementine basically saw her new group (and possibly her new family) all succumb to the walkers, effectively losing people she cared about a second time with the first being Lee's group from season 1.

  • One of Sam's little brothers is wearing a shirt that says "MHS Mustangs." Sounds like a school sports team, right? M_____ High School? He's obviously too young to be in high school, but he idolized Greg. That was Greg's shirt.
  • Michonne's daughters trying so hard to keep her from leaving. None of them had any way of knowing it would be the last time they'd see each other.

    Season 3 
  • Like Season 2, the theme played during the main menu is the remix of "Alive Inside" that was played during the final act of No Going Back, specifically after the death of either Kenny or Jane and Clem choosing to go alone or follow either one of them.
  • As shown through a flashback in the first episode, none of the choices at the end of Season 2 ended all that well for Clementine.
    • If the player chose to say with Jane and decided to accept the family in, they will later disappear with half of your food and supplies.
    • Jane's death is pretty heartbreaking, as it's revealed that the reason she committed suicide was because she discovered she was pregnant, as the last guy Jane had sex with was Luke...
      • This becomes extremely saddening if Clementine had decided to give Alvin "Luke" as a middle name.
    • And a bit of Fridge Horror for Season 2 is present if Clementine stayed in Wellington. Without Clem driving the car, there is a slim chance Kenny might still be alive out there. Jane's pregnancy however means she is screwed no matter what.
    • Kenny's death is a huge Mood Whiplash and tearjerker, as he was teaching Clementine how to drive and they were happily talking about going to Florida with AJ when suddenly, Clementine crashes the car and Kenny's legs are broken as a result. He will then decide to sacrifice himself to the walkers, just so Clementine and AJ can get away from the wreck as he is eaten alive in the background.
  • The fact that no matter what Clementine decided to do at the end of Season Two, it has become very clear that in Season Three, the Cheerful Child we met in Season One is long gone and never coming back, having been replaced with a hardened, more pragmatic and cynical teenager.
  • Mariana's sudden death near the end of Episode 1. Depending on your actions you potentially have to bury her yourself at the beginning of Episode 2, similarly to Lee burying the child walker he found back in Season One.
  • Whilst in the car to on their way to Richmond, Gabriel makes a comment about how "parents always think the kids can't hear them" and Clementine makes an offhand comment about not knowing about that, due to her parents dying in during the events of Season One.
  • With Clementine's reveal that she used to be a member of The New Frontier, comes the implication that since AJ isn't with her, he must still be with them. Doubles as Nightmare Fuel.
  • When the player must either shoot Conrad, who had recently saved you despite your partial involvement in Francine's death, or go with Conrad's plan and shatter whatever bonds and trust you had built with Clementine.
  • The reveal that David is the leader of The New Frontier, which makes him responsible for the death of his own daughter and the potentially fatal wounding of his wife. One can only imagine how he'll react when he finds out...
  • The flashback at the beginning of episode 3 shows Javier and Kate scavenging for supplies in David's neighborhood a few days after the outbreak began. While scavenging, Javier's attacked by a walker, and Kate can only stand in horror. It is only after Javier manages to kill it that Kate reveals the walker was one of Gabriel's friends, a sweet little boy who always had a smile on his face.
  • A flashback in episode 3 reveals why AJ is not with Clem in the present. Clem got kicked out of The New Frontier for wasting medicine on a sick AJ, and they didn't allow her to take AJ with her. She was only allowed a quick goodbye to AJ before leaving, and as she walked away, AJ says his first word, "Clem." It is the exchange between her and Javier afterward that really drives it home though.
    Clem: I thought AJ would be the one... finally.
    Javier: The one what?
    Clem: The one who didn't die.
    • David says AJ lived, and the idea is deeply comforting. So comforting it seems too good to be true. And we still haven't seen him in the present day...
  • In the opening flashback for episode 4, Javi and David are at a bating cage when a young fan recognizes Javi and asks for his autograph on a baseball. This seems like a nice moment, until the kid says he only wants him to write his name because banned players signatures are worth more for resale than anything personal. Javi can refuse to sign it, make the signature worthless or still sign it anyway. If Javi still decides to sign it then the fan says excitedly that she might be able to get 10 bucks for the ball now.
  • In episode 5, all of the utterly brutal ways Javier's family members can die. To wit:
    • If Javier and Clementine both go to save David and Gabe, everyone one there survives, but Kate will die and become a walker after blocking the hole in the wall, saving Richmond in the process. Regardless of their relationship up to that point, Javier is utterly devastated when he finds her as a walker, letting out a Skyward Scream after putting her down.
    • Should Javier go to save David and Gabe but Clementine stays to help Kate, Javier will arrive too late to save David, although Gabe is thankfully still alive. David and Javier have one final heart to heart where David begs Javier to take care of Gabe before David passes away. His last words are utterly heartbreaking, regardless of what the player might think of him by this point.
    David: "Te quiero, Gabriel. Te quiero, Mariana. Te quiero, Javier..."
    • Finally, and arguably worst of all, if both Javier and Clementine go to help Kate, they won't even be in time to save Gabe, who in spite of his best efforts and his father's sacrifice was unable to fight off the walkers without being bitten. Even more than the other possible deaths, Javier sounds destroyed here, and even Clementine is unable to keep it together when Gabe gives her the deck of cards they were playing with in episode 4, telling her to teach AJ how to play when she finds him.
    • And then there's the bonus ending, where if you screw up a quick-time event while rescuing Gabe (and David), Javi gets bitten and he uses his last words to tell Gabe to take care of himself, before dying midsentence before he can tell Gabe to tell Kate he loves her as the two are approached by more walkers...
  • Seeing the memorial board with pre-apocalypse photos of Tripp, Mariana, Francine (and her spouse), Rufus, Badger, and if they were killed, Conrad, Dr. Lingard, Max, Clint, Joan, David, Gabe, and/or Kate can hit pretty hard.
  • As Clementine opts to leave Richmond so she can find AJ, the story gives Javi's story a sense of finality, suggesting that the story will return to Clementine's perspective, but we will no longer follow Javi or his family or the New Frontier. It's not so different from the other seasons, where all of the seasons ended with the cast being killed off or leaving, except here, Clementine is the one that leaves the cast of A New Frontier.

    Season 4 

Episode 1

  • It's subtle but the animated prologue which shows all the players choices in the previous seasons confirms that Clem indeed does blame herself for Lee's death. Well... she did wander off. Perhaps she's right?
  • What happened to Tenn's sisters at first we are lead to believe that they are unfortunate victims of the Walkers a sad but all to common fate in the Walking Dead universe and then we later learn from Brody that this was a fabricated story and that Marlon sacrificed them to adult raiders as a mean to protect the rest of the children.
    • Marlon's final moments. Throughout the episode, he is stressed out by the daily food shortage in the school community and he tries his best to lead them to safety. He eventually breaks as a result of the constant stress and anxiety brought by his situation. It gets worse when later in the story when it's revealed that he sacrificed Tenn's sisters for the sake of the group. In a state of panic, he also accidentally kills Brody (though he did intend to harm her). Even though what he did was wrong, he genuinely wanted to protect the others and he deeply regretted his decisions. Furthermore, just when he wanted to make amends with everyone after Clementine either calmed him down or took him down, he gets killed by AJ before he gets a chance to do so.
  • During the game of "war" Marlon ask Clem who used to take care of her. If the player decides Lee, Marlon then ask what Lee taught her which can lead to this conversation
    Clem: The first person who taught me about survival was Lee
    Marlon: What he teach you?
    Clem: Lots of stuff
    Marlon: Most important?
    Clem: (sadly) ...How to say goodbye.
  • Brody dying in the basement as well as the reactions of Clementine and Marlon (who accidentally killed her).
  • One of the things you can teach AJ is to aim for the head (which is what he does to Marlon), Don't hesitate or leave the last bullet for himself.
    • The save the last bullet for himself option is depressing when you remember the boy is only 5 years old and Clem has already drilled Better to Die than Be Killed into his head.

Episode 2

  • Louis throughout Episode 2. AJ kills his best friend, Marlon, sending Louis spiraling into grief and betrayal. He is distant and cold towards Clem and AJ afterwards. Even so, being the Nice Guy he is, he can't help but feel guilty for it. He hates that his best friend is gone, but he still has a soft spot for AJ that he can't help. Should Clem go with Louis instead of Violet, he'll tell her that everyone just thinks of him as the "funny piano guy" (sic). One gets the feeling that Louis doesn't have anyone to really talk to about it.
  • Rosie spends most of Episode 2 sitting sadly next to Marlon's grave and occasionally letting out a pitiful whine. Being a dog, she loved her owner unconditionally, even after all the bad things he did.

Episode 3

  • After Mitch is killed, Wily spends the entire night crying over his corpse. While Mitch was pretty much an asshole, it's later shown that he looked out for Wily since the beginning like an older brother. On top of that, there's the fact that Mitch put himself in danger to save Tenn. Unfortunately, this leads to Wily lashing against Tenn for most of episode 3.
    • Especially considering that by this time, the ice between Mitch and Clementine had started to warm a bit, only to have him die.
  • If you save Louis in episode 2, he genuinely doesn't understand why Clementine chose to help him instead of Violet. It's one of the early signs that, despite his cheerful exterior, his self-worth really is through the floor. To really hammer it home: he says this even if he and Clem are dating at this point (which probably means Clem and Violet haven't interacted much.)
    Louis: You shot that raider who grabbed me, but you saw them take Violet, too. Which means you could've saved Violet and not me. Why... why would you pick me? I mean, I wouldn't have picked me. Hell, I don't know anyone who would've picked me.
    • The only answer Clem can give that Louis will respond to is that she thought Violet would be able to take care of herself better than Louis could, in which case he accepts her reasoning even as she attempts to backtrack and insist That Came Out Wrong. If she instead tries to convince him that she acted instinctively to protect him or out of affection for him, he'll remain uncharacteristically silent for a second before moving the conversation along. Poor dude really doesn't have a good opinion of himself.
  • If you save Violet in episode 2, Louis has his tongue cut out by Lilly's people. As if him curled up in the corner isn't already a sad enough sight, he then throws himself on Clem, whimpering. Seeing arguably the most upbeat character in the series just completely broken down is gutwrenching.
    • It's worse if you went the route of romancing Louis, but saved Violet. Clementine will break down saying "No, no, no" upon finding him and in general look heartbroken.
    • Regardless of your choices, Louis will still hug and even smile at Clementine when she finds him, before returning to a broken expression. The scene is so gutwrenching that even many of those who saved Violet regret their decision after seeing what became of Louis.
  • The scene with the walkers in the barn. After Clem rings the wind chime, a melancholy piece of music starts playing as the undead turn to stare up at it, their glazed-over eyes moving in their sockets. It's a scene meant to lend credence to James' belief that walkers are more than mindless monsters, and for many players it works.
  • Violet outright rejecting the notion of attempting to redeem Minerva should Clem suggest it, stating that her ex-girlfriend — who she was deeply in love with — is now her enemy.
  • AJ refusing to make the choice she made at the end of Season 1 and telling Clem he wants to be Together in Death with her should she be bitten.
  • Clementine's dream with Lee. She admits that she's still scared and unsure about the right decision to make that will save all of her friends, and just the image of Lee, even if a figment of her own imagination eases her. If you choose, she even tells Lee that she misses him even though he tells her how proud he is to see her grow to be a strong and capable woman. For many fans who have been with the game since the beginning, this will definitely have people scrambling for tissues. Especially when the "Hey, sweet pea." returns...
    • It's even more tearjerking; dialogue implies that Clem goes into her mind to see him every time she gets into somewhere or something that makes her stressed and or frightened... Our poor sweet baby...
    • The part when Lee sees grown Clementine before he turns around and leaves, Clem saying goodbye.
    • Depending on the advice Lee gave Clem before he died/turned, they'll share a different piece of dialogue. If Lee told Clem to always keep moving, she'll tell him that she's tired of running and that she has a home now. Having guided her through all of that running, the player really feels for her. Lee answers by telling her she's off the hook, and that a home is better than anything he could have hoped for.
  • We get to see what Violet and Louis did to get themselves enrolled into the school:
    • Violet spent most of her childhood at her grandparents' house since her father is a drunk while her mother had three jobs. After her grandfather died, her grandmother entered a state of stupor, rarely show any emotions at all . When Violet was 11 years old, her grandmother committed suicide one day and Violet, not bother by the event that had occurred, simply continue watching her show until her mother arrived to pick her up. She was brought to Ericson's the next day.
    • Louis comes from a rich family and always wanted to be a musician when he was a kid. His father however disagreed with his ambitions and told him "You get to be happy, or you get to be rich, can't be both." Angered by this, Louis created a fake mistress in order to make it as if his father had an affair, using one of his father's credit cards to buy many expensive gifts and showed to receipt to his mother. After his parents divorced, he came clean with his father and even echoed his father's advice. He was sent to the school the following week.
  • James' Dark and Troubled Past as a member of the Whisperers and the reason for his pacifism come to light: he had originally been a thoroughly-indoctrinated fanatic until he murdered a child for daring to express sympathy for the enemy. This led him to a Heel Realization that caused him to swear off killing and ultimately leave the Whisperers.
    • And sometime afterward he can get fatally stabbed by Lily if AJ chooses not to kill her.
  • The revelation of what happened to Sophie, and that Minny is a traumatized shell of her former self because of it.
  • During what's meant to be another bonding moment between the kids, Ruby goes over a box of student files and realizes that they had lost a lot of friends over the years, and the stories take a sombre turn.
  • For those who romanced Violet but saved Louis, or who romanced Louis but saved Violet; having Vi turn on Clem out of anger and hook back up with Minerva, and seeing Louis reduced to a quivering voiceless wreck — having had his tongue cut out — are heart-breaking.
    • While not as bad as Louis, seeing Violet broke into torture and has more or less follow the Delta's mindset for her own safety is just as heartbreaking. She most likely considers Clem, the girl she sees as a second chance for her to find love, ungrateful since Violet was one of three students who defended her after the whole ordeal with Marlon. Coupled with her abandonment issues and Parental Neglect, can one really blame her for turning against Clem? This is further confirmed by Kent Mudle who recognized her actions to be normal human nature.

Episode 4

  • If you save Louis over Violet, she returns to the right side in the finale, at the cost that she's almost completely blinded by the explosion on the boat. Though her apologizing to Clem and Louis is heartwarming, Violet looks more broken down than ever.
    Violet: I don't, just...(To Louis, voice becoming small) Just don't let go of me, okay?
  • Both Louis and Violet's reactions to seeing the other mute or blinded. They both react with shocked and sorrowful faces, and as mentioned above, Louis will grab Violet's hand and let her lean on him, while in Violet's case, seeing mute Louis smiling sadly at her just makes her let out a saddened "Lou...".
  • AJ calling Clem out on every Parental Hypocrisy she commits over the course of the series (if James is killed) and/or almost flat-out embracing being a Sociopathic Hero (if he killed Lilly). Even the most battle-hardened and vicious versions of Clem are shocked and heartbroken by this turn of events, begging him to stop.
  • If James survives into episode 4 he is shown to have become disgusted with Clem for allowing AJ to kill Lilly and even attacks her to try and take AJ away from her. He will give her a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech for allowing AJ to kill Lilly and making him a murderer. By the end of your confrontation with him James will either abandon the group after deciding he can't stand being in their presence anymore or will stay behind to take on the Walkers and allow Clem and the others to escape. While Word of God has confirmed that James survives past the final episode, he has now willingly chosen to live in the woods alone and is no longer on speaking terms with Clementine.
  • Having to watch either Louis/Violet or Tenn be surrounded and eaten by walkers in episode 4 is gut-wrenching, leading to some players getting their favourite between Louis and Violet killed and immediately quitting and restarting the episode to change the outcome. Still, watching Tenn be killed is equally heartbreaking as AJ will shoot him to save Louis/Violet, tearing AJ apart for having to shoot his friend.
    • If Louis/Violet dies, Clementine will fall to her knees with grief with an expression of dazed heartbreak. Whether she was dating or just good friends with whoever is killed, Clementine has lost so many people at this point. The look on her face before she, Tenn, and AJ get running again seems to be just pure resignation.
    • Louis and Violet are both very upset if Tenn dies, but Violet outright screams with grief when it happens. Violet has basically been taking care of Tenn ever since Sophie and Minnie left, so losing Tenn hits her hard, to the point that she rages at AJ for killing him. The way her voice cracks just hurts.
    • After AJ shoots Tenn, Tenn clutches the bullet wound and turns around to see that AJ shot him before he falls. Not only did AJ have to shoot his friend, that Tenn sees him do it as well just adds further to the heartbreak.
  • If Violet or Louis dies, the ending shows their grave with a drawing of either "Texas Two" (Violet's renaming of Ericson) or a house in a color either Clem or Louis chose (Louis' imagination of their own house), with Clem and Violet/Louis at the front of the drawing, smiling and (potentially) holding hands. If you weren't already torn up about their deaths enough.
  • Though Minnie turns into an outright monster by the episode's end, it's as heartbreaking as it is nightmarish. Once upon a time, Minnie and her twin sister Sophie and little brother Tenn were all together at Ericson's, along with all their friends. Minnie had her girlfriend, Violet, and found little joys in being with her and singing to the group. But so much brainwashing by the Raiders and killing her own sister as turned Minnie into such a broken shell of who she used to be that she's happy to be dying, so much so that her last priority is making sure Tenn dies with her so they can be Together in Death.
    • The way Violet says "Goodbye, Tenn" after he dies is pretty sad too; Tenn's picture on the bedroom wall showing happy Minnie with a guitar is also heartbreaking.
  • We're once again put into a depressed state from the moment Clementine was bitten. Like with Lee, we spend her final moments trying to guide Clem to safety only to be surrounded by walkers in a barn. She then made AJ to either kill her or let her turned into Walker. Fortunately, AJ couldn't go through with it and chop off Clem's bitten leg instead, allowing her to live but the thought of losing our beloved sweet pea nearly crossed our minds.
  • Finding out what happened at the Ranch, and why it traumatized Clem and AJ so much. Shortly before Clem arrived to get AJ, the Ranch was attacked by Raiders, and the few survivors inside believe Clem to be one of them. Thus, Clementine has to kill two (or three, if you so choose) survivors because they thought she was the threat—they were genuinely trying to protect AJ. Especially heartbreaking when Clem reaches the nursery and kills the woman within, only realizing after that she was taking care of AJ, who is hiding inside a locker, so traumatized and scared that he can only weakly cling onto Clem and scream at the sight of the woman.
    • Taking things from the woman after she dies doesn't give item descriptions, but rather Clem's horrified thoughts.
      (Take the bottle) She was taking care of him.
      (Take the gun) I had to shoot her.
      (Take the key) I'm sorry.
      • To make this worse, one of the Raiders killed by Clem turned out to be Eddie from 400 Days meaning that assuming Wyatt is still alive if you took him to Carver's camp in Season 2, they won't see each other again.
  • To the very end, even if you consistently favoured Violet over Louis, the latter will never blame Clem for any of the awful things that have happened to him (even though many of them arguably resulted from her actions, however unintentionally). He'll even (according to game files) write her a love note in their last interaction if you're on the "Save Violet" route. This has the effect of making him a particularly heart-wrenching example of a Dogged Nice Guy / Hopeless Suitor if Clem is or was in a relationship with Violet; it's still pretty damn sad even if he and Clem are in a romantic relationship, considering the life-changing injuries they both have to learn to live with from now on.
  • When Clem tells AJ that that she didn't know what she was doing and was just improvising the whole time, asking him if she did right by him, and her voice breaks.
  • When Clem's hat falls off on the boat and falls into the water, especially Clem's dejected reaction. It may just be a hat, but it's been with her this whole time through thick and then.
  • Tenn's drawing of everyone happy in the afterlife, especially in retrospect if he dies and considering Minnie and Sophie definitely die no matter what as well.
