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Roleplay / Predormitum

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A warning to the people, the good and the evil, this is war.

A post-game civil war Pokémon Play By Post Gameing site, Predormitum takes place two years after Gen V, and the pokemon world is now being torn apart by an ideological war between the factions Lux and Nox. All characters in the game must choose a side to fight for or, at the very least, agree with—no one can be True Neutral. PRE has over 200 accounts, with both factions 80+ strong. The site opened in October 2011, and since then, lots and lots of pokemon have died.

This site might have went through a hiatus for a while, but now it's back. As of now we have the third faction, The Republic.

The site runs on a currency called war effort points, which can be cashed in for pokemon and party upgrades, but mostly it's primarily used to donate to battles and skirmishes. (Battles are mod-created tournament-style events. Skirmishes are initiated by members that plot an assault.) The faction that accumulates the most WEP donated by its members for a given battle/skirmish wins new territory. This results in everyone killing off their pokemon for WEP.

Our character sheet is here, but the useful pages are the Lux sheet and Nox sheet since there's nothing on the main one.

This RPG has examples of:

In Character

  • A Million Is a Statistic - Some of the Sentinels, the elite force of Lux, would have no problem wiping out a large group of people if it made Lux better off.
  • Enemy Mine - When you have characters like Maxie, leader of Team Magma, and Sapphire, the girl who took his organization down, on the same side, you get situations like this. Not to mention Cipher and the Orre Trio (or at least Michael and Rui) aligning with Lux...

Out of Character

  • Made of Indestructium - The c-box. It can handle anything. Anything. (an average rate of +100 messages per minute)
  • Nightmare Face - Look out for when Haribo brings out a certain infamous avatar on the cbox.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential - You get bonus WEP, the site currency, if you kill your Pokemon. WEP is a very useful thing to have. Do the math.
