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Recap / Total Drama: "Canoe Believe it?"

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The teams merge, and now everyone is in it for themselves. The now teamless campers have to duel against each other in a Canoe Jousting tournament for "King” Chris' amusement.


  • Amusing Injuries: By the end of the episode, Julia has a bruised nose, Axel a black eye and MK is so beat up she can't even feel her face. However in Axel’s case, her eye injury is baffling as Bowie never hit Axel in the eye during the challenge.
  • Aroused by Idiocy: Axel's reaction to Ripper believing that they travelled back in time.
    Axel: Wow, you're not smart... that's hot. (starts making out with Ripper)
  • Bears Are Bad News: Chris has a bear be MK's opponent in the jousting challenge as punishment for stealing his hair-dryer which gives her a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Downplayed with Julia. She's a fairly attractive woman who gets a broken nose during the jousting challenge, but she gets off easy compared to her partner in crime, MK, who can't even feel her face by the end of the episode.
  • Birds of a Feather: While searching for the immunity idol, Priya and Caleb are able to bond over their shared experience with the high expectations that have been set for them all their lives. This causes Caleb to start to see their interactions as more than just an alliance after all and develop genuine feelings for Priya in return.
  • Brandishment Bluff: After one of the foam tips of her stick is bitten off by a shark, Julia calls attention to how sharp and pointy it is now, causing Damien to cower. Despite this, Julia still attacks him with the other, still foam-tipped, end of her stick.
  • Breaking Old Trends: Enforced by Chris who declares a merger with eleven players left instead of the usual 10 or 8 so he could single out MK and deprive her of both a teammate and fair competition.
  • Butt-Monkey: MK is this to a T during the challenge thanks to Chris. She's forced to carry the canoe alone while dozens of animals jump on top which make it harder for her. Then during the joust, she's put against a bear that beats her to a pulp. The only reason she survived elimination is because Julia tricked Team Rat Face into believing the cheating was Bowie's idea so they all vote for him instead.
  • Call-Back:
    • Contestants have to carry their canoes through the forest and most of them do so in pairs, just like in "Up the Creek."
    • The challenge strongly resembles the one seen in the opening intro of All-Stars.
    • Back during the first episode of this season, Julia's first confessional made it clear she was planning to double cross Bowie once the teams were dissolved. With this episode being the official merge, Julia makes good on this promise by convincing the Rat Faces that the cheating was all Bowie's idea, which gets him eliminated.
    • Chris hides an invincibility statue somewhere on the island like he did in Revenge Of The Island and All Stars.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: MK didn't really have a chance to beat the bear, even with the bear wearing boxing gloves so its strikes are not lethal.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Absolutely no one saw Damien winning immunity coming especially since his final opponent was Bowie.
  • David vs. Goliath: Everyone was sure that Damien, a known Cowardly Lion, would lose the final round to Bowie, the runner up of last season. Damien manages to win by psyching himself up to lose with dignity.
  • Death by Irony: Bowie claims he was eliminated for being the fittest and best looking contestant, which is how he got Caleb eliminated the previous season.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Just for stealing his hair dryer and causing him a bad hair day, Chris makes MK spar against an angry bear in the challenge who deals a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to her. While campers like Axel believed that MK deserved this for cheating, Chris showed that he cared more about his hair than MK cheating.
  • Double Knockout: Priya and Caleb knock each other off their canoe at the same time, which eliminates both of them. They take it in stride, and use the time they have to search for the immunity idol.
  • Everyone Can See It: Priya and Caleb are getting obvious about their feelings for each other, as Damien points out to Zee. Unfortunately, Zee thinks that Caleb is only in it for the alliance and Priya will be heartbroken soon, which isn't true anymore...
  • Evil Is Petty: Chris decides to punish MK in an humiliating chain of events throughout the challenge, not because of her cheating stunts, but because she stole his hairdryer which gave him a bad hair case in the previous episode.
  • Face Doodling: A rare awake version. Upon outing MK's cheating, Chris draws a mustache on her face to mimic the one she would wear to the intern meetings as a disguise.
  • Face Palm: Priya does one of these in the confessional after she starts crushing hard on Caleb after she tells herself to stop.
  • Fighting Your Friend: The campers pair up on Chris's order, only to find that they're meant to duel each other after they get their canoe in the water. The only exception to this trope is Julia and Wayne, with the former being ecstatic at this twist in the challenge.
  • Graceful Loser: Bowie accepts his elimination without a problem, saying that he isn't mad at any of the people who voted for him... except for Julia. He even willingly lifts his arm in order for the Drone of Despair to take him away.
  • Groin Attack: When Julia knocks Wayne off the canoe during their duel, she ends up getting him hit on the groin by the edge of the canoe. Wayne in significant pain states that he didn’t have a jockstrap to protect him from this.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Two of Damien's opponents lose this way.
    • Zee tries to rock the canoe like a seesaw, but gets launched into the water when Damien comes down with greater force.
    • Julia's swing rebounds off of Damien's stick, leading to her knocking herself off the canoe.
  • Hated by All: MK becomes immediately disliked by everyone the moment Chris exposes that she's been disguising herself as an intern to cheat in the challenges. However, Julia is able to get everyone to direct their hatred towards Bowie for it, who is already this to most of the other campers due to his actions last season, by lying that it was his idea.
  • Humiliation Conga: In order to punish MK for stealing his hair dryer in the previous episode, Chris makes her the odd one out for the challenge, thus making her carry a canoe alone (which various animals constantly sit on, adding weight to it), and chooses a bear as her opponent for the challenge, resulting in MK getting a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown and pretty much having no shot at winning immunity. The only reason she is not eliminated is because Julia convinced the Rat Faces that cheating on challenges was Bowie's idea.
  • Idiot Ball: The Rat Faces for believing it was Bowie who came up with the idea for MK to disguise herself as an intern. Especially given how the previous season aired and she admitted to having tricked Nichelle into quitting.
  • In-Universe Factoid Failure: Chef makes it clear that Chris has never read a history book in his life after the latter gives an inaccurate explanation of jousting.
  • Internal Reveal: MK's cheating is exposed to the Rat Faces, though not Julia's part in them. It nearly gets her voted off, but Julia lies to the Rat Faces and claims that the cheating was Bowie's idea.
  • Irony:
    • Bowie asks the editors of the show to include a slow-motion effect of his victory. He loses to Damien instead, so the editors made a slow-motion edit of his loss.
    • Episode 6 of the first season of the reboot had Julia getting MK eliminated. Episode 6 of the second season of the reboot has Julia saving MK from elimination.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: The bear boos Chris for all the puns he makes in this episode.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Damien points out Chris seems to have an obsession with adding sharks to every single water-themed challenge.
  • Look Behind You: After Axel sees through Bowie's more obvious attempt to distract her with the claim her army-boots are untied, he points behind her asking why Ripper is giving mouth-to-mouth to a raccoon, causing her to look behind and stay distracted long enough to get knocked off the canoe.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: Bowie invokes this to get the upper hand on Axel by telling her that Ripper was making out with a raccoon, which distracts her and leaves her vulnerable to be knocked off the canoe and lose the challenge.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The bear punches the snot out of MK until she can't feel her face anymore.
    MK: Luckily my helmet protects me from sustaining drain bamage.
  • Pet the Dog: MK surprisingly cheers for Bowie when he wins the second round against Axel.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: Chris has never been one to care about certain contestants taking immoral measures to get ahead, but because MK caused him to have a Bad Hair Day last episode by having one of her "special intern challenge perks" be stealing his hairdryer, he specifically singles her out, exposes her act in front of everyone else, deliberately makes the challenge as much of a living hell for her as possible, and sounds very disappointed when she still ends up not getting booted after all that.
  • Serial Escalation: The first round is a simple "knock each other off the boat with sticks" challenge. The second round is the same, but there are sharks in the water. The final round is a jousting match with the finalists riding horses on water skis.
  • Share the Male Pain: When Wayne hits himself in the groin with the tip of the canoe, Raj, Zee and Ripper all feel sorry for him.
  • Shout-Out: Contestants (sans MK) getting to choose their partners for the challenge only for it to turn out they'd be competing against each other instead appears to be the third reference to Squid Game of the season, specifically to the Marbles game.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: As brief as it is before they're ordered to duel, Julia makes it clear that she thinks little of Wayne.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • When MK is carrying her canoe, solo, to the lake, she claims that if that's all Chris is making her to punish her, then she's getting off easy. She then learns that she has to fight a bear in the first part of the challenge, causing her to realize that, no, she's not getting off easy.
    • Ripper jinxs Axel's match against Bowie, claiming she can't lose against him as she has no weaknesses. However, Bowie manages to outsmart her by exclaiming Ripper is making out with a raccoon, which distracts Axel long enough for him to beat her.
    • Bowie is sure he can win against Damien and asks the editors for a slow-motion effect of his victory. This ends with Damien winning and the slow-motion effect of Bowie losing instead.
  • Threatening Shark: Chris makes the second round harder by adding the sharks to the water. However the sharks don’t do much in the challenge apart from trying to sneak up on Axel only for her to anticipate this and tell the sharks to not think about eating her.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Rather than risk clashing sticks with Bowie at high speeds, Damien throws his stick like a javelin and nails Bowie right in the face.
  • Wimp Fight: Damien versus Zee is this, with neither one hitting each other hard. Damien noticeably puts up a better fight against Julia, who is much stronger and a more serious opponent than Zee.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Julia conserves her strength by acting like Wayne seriously hurt her, then smacking him overboard.
