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Recap / SMG4's Mario Bloopers To Become A God

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Mario and friends try to control the madness and powers of the Fierce Deity Mask

Determined to protect her friends after the battle with SMG0 forced her to strike Axol down, Melony has begun training to use the Fierce Deity Mask that brought her to life to its fullest extent. With Meggy as her coach, Mario and the Glitchy Gang help Melony unlock her true potential, but soon find that the godlike power within the mask isn't so easily controlled...

  • Aborted Arc: Played for Laughs. The episode ends with Mario deciding to get his own Story Arc about becoming the greatest table tennis player ever...then immediately loses interest and goes to hump spaghetti. His friends seemed unconvinced that he was being serious anyway—which makes it even funnier.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Defied. After all of Meggy's Character Development in Sunset Paradise leads her to become a sports coach, she momentarily dips into her old self-doubt when it seems like it isn't paying off. After she puts her coaching skills to use to help her friends subdue the rage-driven Melony, Meggy re-commits herself to hone her own skills for Melony's sake.
  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: Melony has no direct memory of her actions whenever the Fierce Deity takes control of her. The second time she returns to her normal self after going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, she's horrified by the destruction she's wrought.
  • Berserk Button: He may be dead, but Zero still manages to fill Melony with hatred and anger. She practices using dummies of him possessing Axol, and when she taps into her Fierce Deity powers, she destroys a Coke Zero factory because it had the name “Zero” on it.
  • Call-Back: In a very ironic and very disturbing example of this, the Fierce Deity possessing Melony plays out in the exact same way Zero possessed Axol.
  • Chekhov's Skill: All the training Meggy puts her friends through—jogging, bicycling, weight-lifting, baseball, and even Mario's table tennis—pays off when Mario, Luigi, and Saiko put their skills to use against a raging Melony.
  • Covers Always Lie: The thumbnail shows Mario putting the Fierce Deity Mask on while wearing a Psychotic Smirk, suggesting the episode will be about Mario going mad with power. No such thing happens in the episode, as Melony never takes the mask off; it's instead all about Melony learning to bring out the mask's full power and eventually becoming possessed.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Right when it seemed that the gang's Fastball Special on the possessed Melony was going to backfire, Meggy had prepared one last step to the plan: have Mario reflect Melony's projectile with his table tennis paddle.
  • Dartboard of Hate: Melony starts off her training by cutting up wooden dummies shaped like Ax0l, showing that she's still reeling from Zero possessing Axol.
  • Declaration of Protection: Melony's whole reason for wanting to unlock her full power is so she can protect her friends.
  • Enemy Within: Implied with the spirit of the Fierce Deity Mask, who influences Melony into becoming a powerful and nigh-unstoppable god.
  • Evil Costume Switch: When Melony is fully possessed by the Fierce Deity Mask, her entire appearance changes, matching Fierce Deity Link's color scheme.
  • Evil Mentor: Played with, Bob uses the training methods of one, telling Melony to let her anger flow through her, but he doesn't have bad intentions. He's just incompetent.
  • Facial Markings: When Melony gains power from the Fierce Deity Mask, her usual watermelon seed cheek marks are replaced by the marks of the Fierce Deity himself.
  • Fastball Special: Mario, Luigi, Saiko, and Meggy attempt this on Melony, using Mario as the projectile. It almost ends badly.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Luigi can be seen meditating with a bunch of Luigi Dolls at the start of the episode, which comes into play later when Meggy's training doesn't seem to work.
    • The Fierce Deity's Facial Markings appear on Melony when more of the mask's power begins coming out, hinting at her full Super Mode later on.
  • Funny Background Event: While Meggy is trying to snap Melony out of her Tranquil Fury the first time, Mario switches from a surprised expression to his trademark derp eyes as he refocuses his attention to a downed Luigi.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When Melony becomes possessed by the Fierce Deity, her irises glow a ghostly white while her sclera turns black. Her irises regain their normal color once Meggy breaks through to her, though her sclera remain black until she fully returns to her original form.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Melony using Luigi's suggestion of meditation in order to unlock her full potential results in her possession by the Fierce Deity and going on a destructive rampage against anything that reminds her of SMG0.
  • Guest Strip:
    • Part of the episode is edited by none other than Weegeepie.
    • Meggy's ponytail model, which was created by MrTheWizard and John10v10, makes its debut here.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The episode takes a markedly darker turn when the spirit within the Fierce Deity Mask appears during Melony's meditation.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": Everyone has this when a possessed Melony dodges a thrown Mario, realizing that they just put him in a very bad spot.
  • Meditation Powerup: The moment that fully awakens the power of the Fierce Deity Mask isn't combat training or physical exercise, but meditation—which leads Melony to encounter the Fierce Deity within her, allowing him to influence her mind.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Melony breaks down into Tears of Remorse after witnessing her destruction of the Coke Zero factory and realizing she very nearly killed all of her friends under the influence of the Fierce Deity Mask.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Luigi succeeds in getting Melony in touch with the true power of the Fierce Deity Mask through meditation, but she winds up losing control to the Fierce Deity himself and goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • Not Me This Time: When the gang catches Bob training Melony to tap into her unlimited power, Saiko accuses him of forcing Melony into it when she's already been put through the wringer. However, Melony speaks in Bob's defense and admits she started training all on her own; Bob simply wanted to give her a hand, though it's implied it was just for his own amusement.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The episode quickly takes a serious turn when the gang finds Melony, normally a sweet-hearted Sleepyhead, going through focused training to become strong. She goes back to her usual self when her friends help out...but things soon veer back into seriousness again when she becomes possessed by the Fierce Deity, becoming chillingly cold and motivated by her hate for Zero.
  • Pass the Popcorn: Bob holds a bag of popcorn the whole time he helps Melony train.
  • Pet the Dog: Bob agrees to help Melony train, with no apparent ulterior motive.
  • The Power of Hate: While it's not openly stated, Melony is clearly tapping into her hatred of SMG0 over Axol's death as evidenced by how she trains on dummies shaped like him in his Ax0l form, and later goes on a rampage against anything that reminds her of him, in this case a Coca-Cola Zero factory.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Why does Peach have a box of nukes?
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: A variation occurs when Melony is overcome by the power of the Fierce Deity Mask and tries to destroy a Coke Zero factory, simply because its name reminds her of SMG0, the one responsible for Axol's death.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: During a game of table tennis, Melony accidentally hits Mario's face which causes to ball to bounce off and hit a box of nukes Toadsworth was carrying, causing the castle to explode.
  • Super Mode: After being taken over by the Fierce Deity, Melony takes on a new form that resembles him, getting his Facial Markings, Prophet Eyes, white hair and brown eyebrows, and her clothes and hair decorations taking on the same colors and patterns as his tunic and chest plate.
  • Tame His Anger: The episode ends with Melony promising Meggy to harness her power more safely, as when she tapped into its full potential the first time, she became overwhelmed by the urge to destroy every sign and reminder of Zero she could find.
  • Tears of Remorse: Melony breaks down crying when she realizes her attempts to improve her powers have resulted in her nearly hurting her friends.
  • Training Montage: Much of the episode's second act is spent on Meggy training Melony and the rest of their friends to become stronger.
  • Tranquil Fury: While in her Fierce Deity form, Melony shows no facial expression or emotion whatsoever, but is driven by pure hatred to destroy anything that reminds her of Zero and anyone who stands in her way.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: In many ways, this episode is similar to "There's Something Up With Meggy", only this time with Melony struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. The episode was even released roughly a month after Super Meme Genesis ended, just as "There's Something Up With Meggy" did so after the Anime Arc.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Mario finally pulls out the final scalpel blade from his hand and cheers...and then Melony's blade impales it. Cue the hapless plumber screaming to the Windows shutdown theme and then yelling really loudly.
