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Recap / Dr. Crafty Season 4 Month 4: High School Month

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Airing Range: 9/3/2021 - 9/25/2021

After Metal Crafty's attack on behalf of Mindstein, the Crew comes to realize that they haven't been taking Mindstein seriously enough. They decide to go on a road trip to Crafty and Nurse's old high school, in hopes that something there will jog Nurse's fractured memory, where valuable information could be stored. Along the way, they discuss high-school-related media and even make stops (some voluntary, some not) at different fictional high schools and interact with the students there.

Tropes Applicable to the Month as a whole:

  • Road Trip Plot: The entire month hinges on a road trip to Crafty and Nurse's old high school. The Crafty Crew ends up encountering many different hijinks that one can expect from such a trip.

Main Show E87: "Late for Crafty School!"
Air Date: 9/3/2021

Crafty and Nurse decide on their trip to their old high school for their plan in this episode. Their mode of transportation for the trip is Stylene's hijacked prison bus, much to everyone's reluctance. To pass the time, Crafty concocts a High School AU for the Crafty Crew, with each member holding a different position in this hypothetical high school.

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Curse Cut Short: When the Crewmates discuss what roles they'd want to play in the high school AU, Stylene almost swears before Crafty gives her a look.
    Crystelle: I would make a convincing librarian.
    Pepper: Oh! Can I be the lunch lady?
    Messi: Make me a cheerleader!
    Stylene: I can be the school bi—!
    [Crafty shoots Stylene a glare.]
    Stylene: ... delinquent.
  • High School AU: To kick off the monthly theme, Crafty designs high school alternate universe counterparts for each of his friends. Only himself and Nurse are excepted; he simply reuses their canonical late teen designs that appear in the show's flashbacks.
  • Older Than They Look: This episode drops a few hints about Pepper's implicitly old age. Before suggesting what her High School AU counterpart should be, Pepper mentions that she's "been working and traveling as far back as [she] can remember," with no memory of her educational history. Consequentially, she and Crystelle, who is expressly the oldest of the Crew, are the only Crewmates who request for their counterparts to become staff members. Crystelle becomes a librarian, and Pepper becomes a lunch lady; everyone else becomes a teenage student.
  • Spinoff Babies: The subject matter of today's art segment sparks a discussion about shows receiving spin-offs starring younger versions of their main casts. Crafty and Nurse regard the concept with disdain, and Crafty disclaims any possibility of a Dr. Crafty Babies series coming any time soon.

Chara-Cafe E16: "School is the Bomb"
Air Date: 9/4/2021

Crafty, somehow, has to make up for a homework assignment he missed out on from his old college, years after his enrollment there. But he decides to set it aside when Pepper shows up to help him create an explosive student from a villainous high school—a student who happens to be the very first nonbinary character design (She/They) on the show.

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Breaking Old Trends: This is the first episode of the Chara-Cafe in which Crafty and Pepper design an expressly non-binary character, something that Crafty shied away from at first due to not yet feeling equipped to handle the topic. He discusses how those reservations still linger as he works on the design, but he, like Pepper, is more than happy with the result.
  • Mad Bomber: Shortfuse, this episode's character design, has an affinity for all things explosive, especially for the kinds of mischief that they can get into with them during class. This is reflected in their design; each bun of their Odango Hairstyle has a fuse sticking out of them, and their eyes are fiery orange.
  • Ms. Imagination: Pepper becomes deeply invested in Shortfuse's development, and she gets fixated on becoming their parent along with Crafty. When Crafty snaps her out of it, she seems to have a split-second existential crisis.
    Crafty: Let's see... Now that we have some wacky situations, what can we do with them...?
    Pepper: Well, I was thinking that since it is a villain school, those were just some fun concepts for a story. If anyone wanted to write one, we don't have to do anything with it; it's just fun to imagine... Ehehehe...
    Crafty: You're right; I think we've done enough today.
    Pepper: Agreed! And I think our student is ready to go home, as well!
    Crafty: Let's go pick her up from school~!
    Pepper: Yeah! And then we can plan a four-week vacation to our beach house with the little tyke, but at the last minute, ground her for not completing her Torture 101 class assignment, and then go on this long-winded road trip where we—
    Crafty: Woah woah, Pepper! Slow down! She isn't reeaaal.
    Pepper: ... Is anything real?
    Crafty: Pepper, we can get existential in another episode. Our little girl needs us to pick her up before the other kids bully her!
    Pepper: Yes, Doctor...
  • Sadist Teacher: Despite it being several years since he last attended college, one of Crafty's old teachers from there tracked him down and gave him a long-overdue homework assignment to finish by the time the episode begins. Crafty only goes through with completing it since this art college is that strict. After stopping to work with Pepper for a bit, he leaves to show his teacher his work... And they shove him into a cage because he forgot to sign it.
    Crafty: Ahhh, screw this!!

Main Show E88: "Host Club Hysterics"
Air Date: 9/11/2021

Stylene dozes off at the wheel and crashes the bus. Luckily, the Crew isn't hurt; the only casualty is a statue... an extremely expensive statue belonging to none other than Ouran Academy. To make up for the damages, the Crew decides to create a replacement statue, using a poster dedicated to the school as a basis.

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Epic Fail: None of the Ouran Academy students notice that Crafty's replacement statue is just an unsupported cardboard cutout until topples over. The students also fail to notice Crafty's transparent anxiousness to leave.
    Crafty: Hey, girls! Is the bus ready?
    Stylene: Ready to hit the road, Doc! Had to do a bit of improv repairs with the squid girl, buuuut I'm sure it'll hold together for the rest of the trip!
    [Stylene reaches for the ignition to start the bus. It chokes a couple times, but a few repeated attempts from Stylene gets the bus back into working order.]
    Crafty: Good enough for me! Let's get out of here, Nurse—before they notice.
    Nurse: Notice what?
    [Crafty's already booking it for the bus, dragging Nurse along with him.]
    Crafty: It was nice meeting you! Have a good day! Sorry again! Blah blah blah, bye!!
    [The bus accelerates away, and Haruhi emerges from her crowd of onlooking peers to inspect their new statue.]
    Haruhi: Wow, not bad. This thing looks pretty...
    [The cardboard cutout statue flops down onto the pavement.]
    Haruhi: ... Flat.
  • Funny Background Event: When Kyoya calculates the damages that the Crew needs to pay for the Ouran Academy statue, everyone looks suitably surprised by the expensive debt. In the background, Crystelle takes the news the hardest; true to form, she looks absolutely mortified.

Top Ten Tub E16: "Teachers/Mentors"
Air Date: 9/11/2021

Still on their trip, Messi and Crafty question how they can hold this Top Ten Tub episode without being in Messi's bathroom like usual. They opt to make rapid-fire stops at ten different locations to help discuss their favorite teachers and mentors.

This episode's list contains the following:

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Crossover Punchline: Messi remarks that Professor McGonagall can turn into a cute cate, which reminds her of her old cat. The episode suddenly cuts over to the The Review Reviewer, who senses and feels disturbed by Messi's lamentations. This Cutaway Gag is a nod to an episode of the Reviewer's show in which Crafty forces him to review Dr. Crafty. Just before the crossover closes out, Crafty forcibly transforms the Reviewer into a cat, something that Messi is immensely happy for. The experience seems to have haunted him since he escaped...
    Messi: And she can turn into the cutest little kitty, too~! I miss my fluffy friend...
    [The episode cuts over to the Review Reviewer's show. The Reviewer and Mr. It are just about to start an episode of their own.]
    Reviewer: Hello, I'm the Review Reviewer! You review it—
    [The Reviewer suddenly glances away from the camera, alarmed.]
    Reviewer: ... I felt a great disturbance in the force...
    [The Reviewer continues to stare for a bit... He shrugs and immediately, unconsciously grooms himself as a cat would. He pauses after a few seconds, then snaps himself back to reality.]
  • Cutaway Gag: During Master Shifu's entry on the list, Crafty briefly wonders if Pepper may have trained under him, as Shifu's food-related training methods for Po could feasibly work for her as well. A cutaway shows that Crafty was correct, with Shifu motivating Pepper to train by presenting a mountain of candy to her as a reward. The gag is a nod to some obscure trivia listed under this piece, which briefly mentions Pepper traveling to China.
    Shifu: When you have been trained, you may eat.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Among the many unusual things that Messi can safely ingest is paint, which she uses to toast Art Attack, this episode's number 1 entry, for being so important for Crafty's career as an artist. Unfortunately, she has Crafty toast with it himself, and he, unable to drink paint, reacts accordingly.
    Crafty: And if I'm being honest, if this show hadn't inspired me as it did, I don't think this channel would even exist!
    [Messi gives herself and Crafty some solo cups.]
    Messi: I think we should raise a glass to Art Attack!
    [Messi and Crafty drink from their cups... But Crafty spits his drink back up.]
    Crafty: Awww, what was in that?!
    [Messi holds up the ingredient in question.]
    Messi: Poster paint! I love chugging this stuff.
    [Crafty immediately books it off-screen.]
    Crafty: Nurse! Water, please!!
    Messi: Uh-ohhhh.... I'm required by the board of education to state that kids watching this at home shouldn't drink paint, no matter how delicious it may look. More for me!

Main Show E89: "Roses are Red, Black, White and Blue"
Air Date: 9/18/2021

Stuck in a traffic jam and waiting for Stylene to clear it out in her blind rage, Crafty decides to discuss and make art commemorating an original project of his to pass the time: Rosegalia Academy

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Early-Bird Cameo: The four heads of the titular Rosegalia Academy—Atlissa, Maggie, Noirene, and Titania—first show up here, a few months before they were all repurposed for CrafD&D: The Champion's Challenge as Grandure's Grand Champions.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Stylene reaches her limit and fights her way past the massive traffic jam. Even with terrified screams and a blazing inferno starting in the background, the Crewmates express their frustrations as if the situation is perfectly mundane. When Stylene is surrounded and asks to be let back inside the bus, Nurse merely gives an exasperated sigh and goes to let her without making a big deal out of the chaos outside.
  • Oblivious to Love: More than halfway into the commentary, Crafty notices how Nurse would absolutely relate to Atlissa the Red Queen, due to both being physically strong women. He lets his admiration for Nurse show when she calls both her and Atlissa perfect. Nurse becomes visibly infatuated and returns a compliment of her own. For once, if only briefly, Crafty actually picks up on Nurse's attraction to him, not expecting his platonic remark to be taken that way. But instead of acknowledging her feelings further, he abruptly deflects her words off of him and towards the character design.
    Crafty: Out of all the characters there, I can definitely see you relating to the Red Queen.
    Nurse: Is it because she's large and in charge~?
    Crafty: Well, yes, but also, she can literally flex her enemies to death. So, y'know... she's perfect~.
    Nurse: [blushing] Aww, Doctor! That's so sweet!
    Crafty: [shocked, speaking hurriedly] What? Oh yes, the character design is sweet. Anyway, ahem, moving on...

Shake-Up Salon E4: "Butch Hartman. That's the Joke"
Air Date: 9/18/2021

Just leaving an off-screen reunion at Stylene's old high school, Spooky High, Stylene and Crafty stop by another high school with paranormal happenings to redesign its local hero: Danny Phantom.

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Butt-Monkey: Crafty ends the episode with a ghost sealant across his lips thanks to Stylene, who takes advantage of the fact that he can't verbally say "no" to mess with him a bit. She tops it off by going after his candy stash, just as Pepper and Messi had before her. All Crafty can do is scream to the heavens as the episode closes.
    [The art is completed and the two hosts just got to meet Danny Fenton.]
    Crafty: Glad everything has finally calmed down.
    Stylene: Nice kid. Plus, he gave me some awesome tips on how he keeps his hair so white!
    Crafty: And what, pray tell, did he say?
    Stylene: He recommended a bunch of great products!
    [Said products pop up in front of Stylene.]
    Stylene: Ghost gel, specter sculpt, macabre mousse, phantom foundation, a-thousand-and-one polter-puns...
    Crafty: Where did you get all that stuff?
    Stylene: A Bootique!
    [A Rimshot plays as the pun sinks into Crafty as he facepalms.]
    Crafty: ... Quite the pundit, aren't you?
    Stylene: What can I say? I've mastered style, magic, and puns!
    Crafty: I thought you were a witch, not a sasseress.
    Stylene: And I've got something for you, too, Doc!
    Crafty: Really?
    Stylene: Yeah.
    [Stylene casts a spell; with a flash, a green splotch of something has sealed Crafty's mouth!]
    Stylene: Sealent.
    [Crafty produces muffled screaming as he realizes what Stylene just did to him.]
    Stylene: *Gasp*! What's that? Sell all your gaming consoles for a new rinsing station?!
    [Crafty tries protesting, but he's still unintelligible.]
    Stylene: Well, if you insist, Doc!
    [Crafty protests harder.]
    Stylene: WHHAAAAAAT?! Take all your Halloween candy and do the next episode by myself?! Don't mind if I do!
    [Stylene leaves, presumably to do all that she asked. Crafty monologues to himself in his head.]
    Crafty: I am thoroughly vexed that my staunch employee has disregarded my feelings so flagrantly, and now I must address my emotions in the most profound way possible.
    [Out loud, Crafty lets out one final muffled scream.]
  • Rule of Three: The Box Ghost surprises Crafty and Stylene three times across the episode. Two times, Stylene manages to take out the Box Ghost herself with some spells, but by the time of the third appearance, Stylene doesn't have the spell-power left to take care of him. Fortunately, a timely interruption of Danny with his new design removes the Box Ghost for good.
  • Take That!: The episode's title clearly speaks of ill Butch Hartman, Danny Phantom's creator; Stylene follows suit when introducing the subject for this episode. Past that snarky remark, Hartman is never acknowledged in the episode again, no doubt due to his meager influence over his own show and his controversial actions in the 2010s.
    Stylene: Today's subject in the chair today is a teen who straddles the line between horror and heroism. That's right: Danny Phantom! ... That one thing Butch Hartman did before he became a meme.
    [A certain memetic still from 30 Rock appears with a drawing of Hartman's face superimposed on it.]
    Butch Buscemi: How do you do, fellow kids?

Main Show E90: "School Days of Yesterpast"
Air Date: 9/24/2021

The Crafty Crewmates finally reach Nurse's and Crafty's old high school. However, because it's a Friday, and after hours, the place is empty and locked up for the weekend, forcing the Crew to break in and search the place unassisted. In doing so, Nurse rediscovers something from her time as Greta that she will never forget from now on.

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Connected All Along: By this point, it's established that Colin and Greta met sometime before Dr. Crafty was even a thought in Colin's mind. However, Greta's flashback in this episode reveals their very first meeting: during a chance encounter in their art class in high school. Greta influenced Colin to expand upon his Dr. Crafty persona, long before he would start the Dr. Crafty show that would bring them together again.
    [Greta awkwardly makes her way into art class, sitting behind Colin. She notices that he's struggling with something.]
    Colin: Hrmm... Something's missing.
    [Before him is a drawing of his Dr. Crafty persona... but his gloves are the same shade of green as his sweater, goggles, and the chemical vial in his left hand. Nurse hesitates to tap him on the shoulder, shuffling loudly as she does. Her mother's warning about talking with others clearly holds her back.]
    Colin: If you want to say something, just say it already.
    Greta: Huh?
    Colin: I can feel it. You've got something to say, right? Just get it out so your shuffling stops distracting me.
    Greta: Th-... The gloves.
    Colin: Hm? What about them?
    Greta: H-here's a tip: make them pink, maybe? It-it would make the tone you're going for more lighthearted. The warm color draws attention to those expressive hands the character has.
    Colin: Hmmm...
    [Colin tries applying Greta's tip. Just as she asked, the Crafty drawing's gloves are now pink.]
    Colin: Huh! That actually looks pretty good. Thanks.
    Greta: [blushing] N-no problem.
    [Colin pauses for a moment before turning slightly to face Greta. He's smiling slightly.]
    Colin: Got anymore tips?
    [Realizing that she's had her first positive interaction with someone in her entire life, Greta blushes even harder, and her eyes sparkle with intense joy. Bubbles and a pink backdrop surround her, implying that her long-standing crush on Colin has just started.]
    Greta: Yes!!
    [The flashback fades to a close and returns to the present, with Nurse and Crafty. "Claire De Lune" begins to play as Nurse begins choking up as she stands beside the boy who became her life-long friend.]
    Crafty: Nurse, are you all right?! You're crying!
    Nurse: [blushing as she calms down] Aheh... Heh... I know. It's just... Nice to finally remember a good memory, for once.
    [The two hosts exit the screen, letting "Claire De Lune" close out the art segment.]
  • Continuity Nod: In Nurse's flashback, the art teacher seems to have drawn two apples and a single banana paired together on her blackboard. It's the very same visual euphemism used to illustrate Crafty's college art class trauma in "New Season, New Friends."
  • Control Freak: The scope of Mindstein's authoritarian parenting style with Greta is expanded upon in this episode's flashback. Once her daughter became a late teenager, Mindstein saw it fit to send Greta to high school. Mindstein was completely transparent about her intentions behind her decision: this wasn't a reprieve from the abuse so much as it was an incentive for Greta to keep enduring it. To drive the point further, Mindstein only turned Greta loose after establishing her high expectations and the consequences of failing to meet them. Greta replayed this conversation in her head as she made her way to her first class. From Greta's uncomfortable body language and hesitance to speak with anyone, she clearly knew that she was never truly free.
    [In the flashback, Greta wades her way past the many students in her high school, refusing to make contact with anyone. Her last conversation with her mother echoes within her mind...]
    Mindstein: Remember, Greta: I'm doing you a favor. Be grateful that I'm making this allowance for you. You know the deal?
    Greta: Y-yes, mother. N-no more trying to get out.
    Mindstein: And remember what I instructed.
    Greta: 'Say nothing... Don't disappoint you...'
    Mindstein: 'Or there will be... consequences.' Good girl. I'll reclaim you at the end of the day. Don't defy me~.
  • Create Your Own Hero: By allowing her daughter to go to high school years ago, Mindstein inadvertently created her biggest enemies in the present. Unbeknownst to Mindstein, Greta disobeyed her orders to not speak with anyone on the campus when she helped a troubled Colin with his Mad Scientist persona. After Colin praised her for her advice, she decided to seek him out every day thereafter to continue helping him. Colin would later turn his mad scientist design into an alter-ego for his webisode series, with Greta following suit by becoming Nurse Worse!
  • Crowbar Combatant: Because it's a Friday evening, Crafty and Nurse's old high school is closed and locked up. With no one around to help the Crewmates inside, Stylene breaks in by taking a crowbar to a window. Messi is the only one who is totally receptive to the idea.
    Pepper: Wait. I just realized it's Friday today, so everyone probably went home for the weekend by now. How are we supposed to get in if there are no school staff left to open the doors for us?
    [Stylene presents a crowbar.]
    Stylene: I miiiight have an idea...
    [Stylene's coworkers look extremely uneasy, but they still follow her as she smashes her way into the school.]
    Crystelle: ... Yep. Definitely saw this coming.
    Messi: Like we had any other options? Don't forget: we are still villains—technically.
    [Everyone parts ways to look for clues, with Crafty remaining on screen as he readies a camera.]
    Crafty: "Let's do this."
  • Hidden Depths: Crystelle opens up to Messi about how she's questioning her usefulness to the Crew; her limitations as a psychic weigh upon her more as Mindstein grows more involved in the Crew's affairs. This is the first time on the show in which Crystelle willingly demonstrates such vulnerability to anyone. When the subject returns to Nurse's history, Messi opens up as well, acknowledging Nurse as a mother figure to go with Crafty being her father figure.
    Messi: So! How's the search coming along, Crys?
    [A concerned Crystelle remains silent.]
    Messi: ... Aheh, what? Crafty got a bad detention record or something?
    Crystelle: Far worse, unfortunately. While I did find all possible information on Crafty's time at this school, I couldn't find anything about Nurse. It's strange... Perhaps Mindstein had Nurse's old student records erased a long time ago.
    Messi: Shouldn't you already know about Ms. Brain-in-a-Jar, and what she's planning thanks to your, y'know... psychic powers?
    Crystelle: Sadly... I cannot trust my visions anymore when it comes to her. Assuming she can use the same tachyon tech Metal Crafty utilizes on herself, it will prevent me from even seeing her plans ahead of time... Only when we are in the face of danger against her, it seems... Quite frankly, these thoughts have caused me to feel... unreliable, as of late.
    Messi: Don't worry, Snowglobe. I'm sure we'll figure this all out.
    Crystelle: Yes... Still, the fact the evidence is missing at all is something to note. Mindstein clearly has some sphere of influence over this school, or, at the very least, knew how to cover her tracks well.
    Messi: Poor Nurse... I can sorta relate, not having much of a past to speak of. I only came around by accident a couple years ago. Crafty and Nurse are the closest thing I have to a mom or dad. Makes me wonder when Mindstein ever sent her here in the first place.
    Crystelle: My best guess? A subtle form of manipulation.
    [Messi wrinkles her face in disgust.]
    Crystelle: A tiny sliver of freedom from whatever horrible life must've waited for her wherever she dwelled. As though that peace was gifted to her by that blackhearted...
    Messi: Makes me sick...
  • Love at First Sight: The flashback reveals that Nurse first developed a crush on Crafty during their high school years, back when they were respectively Greta and Colin. After Greta gave pointers on how to improve his character design, Colin thanked her for it and asked if she had any more. It was the kindest treatment that she had received from anyone after living with Mindstein for so long, so Greta quickly, though quietly fell for Colin.
  • Public Domain Soundtrack: When the flashback ends, the remaining art production footage closes out with "Clair De Lune" playing in the background. This sweet, gentle tune is played in response to Nurse experiencing her first positive memory in a long while.

Questionable Qloset E10: "Kerchoo"
Air Date: 9/25/2021

Crystelle, with her now pocket-sized closet in her hand, answers some more questions to pass the time on the trip, and the bus receives a few unexpected visitors, from Disgustilda to a certain eccentric media critic.

This episode's questions for Crystelle are revealed on the following three cards:

  1. The Hermit (Disgustilda): "Does Disgustilda sell any of her knitting creations online? Or is it just a fun little hobby for her?"
  2. The Star (Crystelle): "Has Crystelle ever tried learning some transformation magic to attain a different form?"
  3. The Fool (Crafty): "Does Crafty plan on going to any conventions next year?"

Tropes Found in This Episode:

  • Cards of Power: For this episode, Crystelle draws The Hermit (Disgustilda), The Star (Crystelle), and The Fool (Crafty). The Star's question ties this Questionable Qloset episode to the monthly theme's ideas of education by asking whether Crystelle ever learned transformation magic.
  • Friendship Moment: When Crystelle is asked if she knows how to use shapeshifting magic, she admits that she doesn't, nor does she see a reason to learn it; Stylene already has it covered. To illustrate Crystelle's point, a Cutaway Gag shows Stylene happily entertaining Crafty with her shapeshifting skills.
    Crafty: Do another! Go on! Go on, do another!
    [Stylene shapeshifts into Christopher Walken as Crafty looks on with childish glee.]
    Stylene as Walken: Two little mice... fell... in a bucket of cream...
    [A thoroughly entertained Crafty cackles even harder.]
  • Special Guest:
    • During the final question of the episode, a YouTube content reviewer named Ceradust drops in uninvited thrice to mess with Crystelle a bit. He's as bizarre and eccentric as he is in his source material; during his first visit, his first instinct is to start rambling about his crackpot Dr. Crafty theories apropos of nothing.
      [A Smash Brothers intro card appears as Cera strikes a pose, with the subtitle CERADUST! Respects Women's Rights appearing to his right. With a record scratch, things return to normal.]
      Ceradust: ... Because I remember 'The Incident.' It was very terrifying, it was very traumatic, and my toe never recovered... BUT since I'm here, good day, fair maiden! I simply wanted to take a moment of your time to ask if you knew anything regarding whether or not the Dr. Crafty timeline had any connections to the hit anime Senki Zesshou Symphogear. Because I know—I KNOW, for a fact—that since Nurse Worse has the ability to SING, that means she can use a Symphogear. And frankly, I KNOW that this is going to be one of her new powerups to come in the later seasons.
      Crystelle: Oh-hohoho, no. I am not having my show crashed twice in one episode!
      [Rather than teleport him away, Crystelle tosses Ceradust out of the bus, leaving a hole.]
      Crystelle: These non-sequiturs only get worse and worse around here... Anyway, to put it simply, we're hoping to try and go to the next MomoCon once current affair at the time of this video become more safe to do so. We may be content creators, but we're not that stupid.
      Crystelle: Begone!
      [Crystelle teleports Ceradust away.]
      Crafty: Who was that just now?
      Crystelle: The worst. Kind. Of YouTuber.
      Crafty: Oh god, a reaction channel?!
      Crystelle: Worse. A Commentator!
      Crafty: Gross. So, where'd you send him?
      [It turns out that Crystelle sent Ceradust to Radiator Springs. He takes a moment to regain his bearings.]
      Ceradust: ... I KNEW IT!!
      [Back in the bus, an exasperated Crystelle holds her head.]
      Crystelle: You... don't want to know.
    • Not long after his first break-ins, Ceradust returns one last time, riding atop of Lightning McQueen to taunt Crystelle. It doesn't go too well for him.
      Crystelle: Thank you all for joining me with this road-show edition of the Questionable Qloset. I just hope next time I don't get this many interruptions.
      [Something smashes in a window on the bus.]
      Crystelle: What the—?
      [It's Ceradust, riding proudly atop of Lightning McQueen to deliver one last jab at Crystelle, peering out at him from this new hole in the bus.]
      Ceradust: Guess you can say these nonsequiturs are DRIVING you CRRRRAAAAZZZYYYYY!! STYLENE SUPREMACY!! NOTHIN' BAD EVER HAPPENS TO THE CERADUST— AH!!
      [McQueen suddenly flips over on top of Ceradust. Before the episode closes, the show lingers on the crash as the resulting noises subside.]
  • Take That!: For the episode's first question, Crystelle is asked if Disgustilda sells her knitting work online. Disgustilda bursts into the bust to reveal that she does; she struck a deal with a rather questionable website called It's a bastardized version of Etsy that does a horrible job hiding its shady business practices, which Disgustilda pays no mind beyond musing about the drama behind their actions. The company's site also displays a suspicious disclaimer about its NFTs, which have an exceedingly poor reputation for a variety of reasons. In this case, the gag specifically calls out the illegal practices that NFTs are often used for.
    [Disgustilda crashes into the bus from its ceiling.]
    Disgustilda: HEYYOOOOOOO!! I think I'll field this one, boy!
    Crystelle: What?! How?! When—why?!?!
    Disgustilda: Oy, you should get that stye looked at, boy! Could be an infection! Anyway! As a matter of fact, I actually have my own storefront online, boy! Ye can find all my knitted knickknacks on my Sketchy page! You're one simple click away from exploring my fluffy menagerie!
    [A preview of Disgustilda's website drops from the ceiling. It's blatantly just Etsy with red text typed over the logo. The front page's banner reads Definitely not NFTs! All our pngs are real, we promise!]
    Crystelle: Hey!!
    Disgustilda: As you can see, ye can find all my worldly wonders right here, boy! And you can wear 'em, too, by simply sharing all your personal data with a faceless corporation that absolutely doesn't use unscrupulous practices for the sake of profit! They told me to say this, mine boy, right 'ere! In this four hundred page terms of service contract that I signed! Ohhhhhh, the back drama! Ohh the doublecross! Ohhhh, the black voodoo, the wet jigsaw puzzle, boy!!
    [Crystelle teleports Disgustilda away and takes her place.]
    Crystelle: Who... in their right mind would create such an insidious contract?
    [Crystelle has a realization.]
    Crystelle: Oh wait, no. I know exactly who.
    [There's a cut to Jedah in his office, laughing uproariously and surrounded by fire.]
  • Thoroughly Mistaken Identity: Disgustilda breaks into the bus to answer Crystelle's first question. Somehow, Disgustilda mistakes Crystelle for Crafty, referring to her throughout the scene as "boy" and mistaking her crystal ball head for a severe eye infection.
