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Recap / Chainsaw Man - Eternity

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Thirteen years ago, the fear of guns exploded after a terrorist attack, birthing the Gun Devil. Exceptionally powerful because of the fear around it, it went on a rampage around the world, causing the deaths of less than 1.2 million people, including all of Aki’s family. Afterwards, the Gun Devil disappeared, but the damage it caused resulted in tighter restrictions on distribution of guns and media reports on gun violence. Despite the terrifying description, Denji agreed to Makima’s request and promised to kill it.

Later, a Devil extermination request led Aki, Denji, Power, Himeno, Kobeni, and Arai to Hotel Morin, as the Devil supposedly hiding inside consumed a fragment of the Gun Devil. When Denji and Power acted apprehensive about entering the hotel, Himeno offered a kiss on the cheek to whoever kills the Devil. Denji initially refused, wanting to save himself for Makima… until Himeno altered the deal so it was now a French kiss. The suddenly motivated Denji then proceeded to rush into the hotel with Arai trying to rein him in.

Years ago, Himeno visited the grave of her fifth partner. She was introduced to a teenage Aki, who she flatly ordered to not die.

After killing an extension of the Devil, the group found themselves repeatedly ending up on the eighth floor, at which point they realized that the Devil had trapped them in an endless loop of space and time with no hope of escape or calling for help. Taking this as a sign that they have time to eventually formulate a plan, Denji promptly took a nap.

When he woke, Himeno told him about Kobeni and Arai’s dwindling sanity while Aki wandered the floor to look for the Devil. Meanwhile, Power remained fine, simply enjoying the others’ suffering.

Not too long after she and Aki got acquainted, Himeno was confronted by a girlfriend of a former deceased partner, allowing herself to be struck for letting him die. In retaliation, Aki stuck gum in the girlfriend’s hair. Growing to like her new buddy, Himeno treated him to ramen and introduced him to smoking.

Aki returned from his search to report that the creature they had killed earlier had mutated and grown in size. It demanded that the Devil Hunters hand Denji to it in exchange for their freedom. On the edge of insanity, Kobeni tried to attack and feed Denji to the Devil, only to be knocked out by Himeno. The group began arguing about the possibility of surrendering Denji to the Devil. Things reach a head when Arai discovers that Power had eaten all the food they had collected to survive, which led a paranoid Kobeni to accuse Arai of being a spy for the Devils. The accumulating fear between the two increased the power of the Devil, who flipped the entire floor on its side and revealed itself as the Eternity Devil, once again offering the Hunters their freedom in exchange for Denji.

When Aki continued to refuse to give up Denji, Kobeni attempted to attack Denji. Aki dove in between them and was stabbed in the side. Frustrated by the arguments, Denji decided to take matters into his own hands and leapt into Eternity’s maw, demanding that Himeno keep her promise of a French kiss. Swallowed whole by Eternity, Denji transformed and began shredding the Devil to pieces, healing himself by drinking the blood spilled from his attacks.

Watching Denji, Himeno was reminded of her mentor Kishibe’s philosophy of the strongest Devil Hunters being those with a few screws loose. When told of Aki’s lack of chances of surviving Hunting, Himeno swore to try to find a way to get Aki to quit Public Safety.

Three days later, Denji’s assault finally wore down Eternity with the seemingly endless pain, and the Devil demanded death. Destroying Eternity’s heart, Denji freed everybody from the eighth floor and collected the Gun Devil fragment that Eternity swallowed.

Some nights later, Public Safety Division 4 got together for a dinner party, which included those who suffered through the eighth floor and Makima. After a few too many drinks, an extremely drunk Himeno fulfilled her promise and kissed Denji. However, in her inebriated state, she ended up vomiting into his mouth. Due to his upbringing as a starving orphan, Denji instinctively swallowed the puke, which he later regurgitated out into the restaurant’s toilet. As he dispelled Himeno’s vomit, Denji lamented how his first kiss was ruined.

After the dinner party ended, the drunken Himeno took the weakened Denji home, intending to have sex with him. As she undressed him, she found a Chupa Chup in his pocket. Denji remembered back at the party after the vomit kiss that Makima comforted him by giving him an indirect kiss using the Chup, allowing him to replace the memory of his first kiss with the more pleasant and indirect second kiss he shared with her. Himeno fell asleep before she could do anything more to Denji, who ended up sleeping on the floor of her bedroom.

The next morning, a now sober Himeno offered Denji breakfast. As they two bonded, Himeno expressed relief that she didn’t sleep with a minor. Learning about his attraction to Makima, Himeno offered her friendship in exchange for helping her with getting with Aki. Denji happily agreed to the proposition.

On a train ride to Kyoto, Makima reminisced about the dinner party and lamented having to meet with her superiors. Suddenly, men rose from the seats around her and shot her to death. They then radioed their teammates, signaling for their operation to commence.

  1. Gun Devil
  2. French Kiss
  3. Endless 8th Floor
  4. First Taste
  5. Kill Denji
  6. Chainsaw vs. Eternity
  7. Nobel Prize
  8. Drinking
  9. Taste of a Kiss
  10. Cola-Flavor Chupa Chups


  • Arc Number: The Eternity Devil traps people on the 8th floor and sticks the time at 8:18, a play on how a lemniscate (a symbol for infinity) looks like a sideways eight.
  • Ate It All: Power eats all the food the group manages to scavenge from the hotel herself, and does a terrible job trying to pin it on Denji.
  • Awesomeness Is a Force: Parodied; Himeno holds a small piece of the Eternity Devil in place with the Ghost's Devil invisible hands, but Power assumes in froze in fear of her in midair.
  • Brick Joke: Power insists she must escape the hotel because she has an idea worthy of a Nobel Prize. Once Denji realizes he can keep bleeding and drinking from the Eternity Devil indefinitely, he decides he should get a Nobel Prize for inventing a Perpetual Motion Machine.
  • Cabin Fever: Though Himeno and Aki are quite stressed as being trapped in the hotel, Arai and especially Kobeni quickly lose it. Arai spends a good quite shutting himself in a room wrapped in a blanket and immediately says they should sacrifice Denji to escape. Kobeni started drinking from the toilet within a few hours, feebly tries to kill Denji herself the instant it's offered, suddenly insists Power was the one who trapped them even after the actual culprit explained itself, calls Arai a double-agent for pointing out she's wrong, and makes a more forceful second attempt at Denji's life while screaming at him to die.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • The minuscule devil that's initially encountered is easily grabbed by Himeno, sliced apart by Power, and left on the floor. Next chapter, it turns out to be a piece of the Eternity Devil that regenerates infinitely, and thanks to the hours of absorbing human fear had grown to fill the entire hallway.
    • Though the Eternity Devil quickly regenerates the damage Himeno does with the Ghost Devil, each hit makes it shriek in pain. This hints at how Denji would force it to let them go.
  • Closed Circle: Though not commented on, the phones in the hotel presumably don't work, even though there's still running water and electricity.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Applied in a brief, roundabout away when Kobeni charges at Denji with a knife. Denji takes a defensive stance but doesn't end up doing anything, Aki kicks the knife out of Kobeni's hand without hurting her, and Himeno knocks her out with a hard elbow to the gut.
  • Easily Forgiven: Over a good meal and a promise of a kiss from Himeno, Denji immediately forgives her, Kobeni, and Arai for trying to kill him. (Though he does idly tell himself later that the incident made him never want to date Kobeni.)
  • "Eureka!" Moment: After drinking some of the Eternity Devil's blood, Denji realizes he can just keep doing it until he somehow wins, even calling it a "Eureka Moment" in the English version.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Himeno is very relieved to learn that she didn't have sex with the underage Denji.
  • Fighting a Shadow: The Eternity Devil can only be killed by destroying its heart, which isn't on the floor its trapped the group on.
  • Holding Back the Phlebotinum:
    • Since Kon stays at a remote location, sealing Aki on the 8th floor cuts off his access to their contract.
    • Aki believes the yet-unspecified power of his sword can kill the Eternity Devil, but Himeno vetoes it because it would shorten Aki's lifespan. She outright insists on sacrificing Denji instead and restrains Aki from using the sword himself.
  • Ignorance Is Bliss: Power and Denji suffer virtually no stress from being sealed in the hotel because they're too stupid to dwell on the idea of starving to death.
  • Ignored Vital News Reports: Minutes before the Hayakawa house was destroyed by the Gun Devil, news about the terrorist attack that created it is playing on the TV, which Aki's parents ignored to read to his younger brother's in bed.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: The Eternity Devil boasting of its invulnerability is undermined by its shouts of pain as Denji tears into it.
    It's useless, Chainsaaaw! Oww! My heart is not heeere! You can't kill meeee! It hurts! Ahhh!
  • Immortality Hurts: Damaging the part of the Eternity Devil's body in the 8th floor can't kill it, but still causes it to feel pain.
  • Indirect Kiss:
    • Aki takes a cigarette Himeno had already partially smoked, prompting Denji to complain Aki got a(n indirect) kiss from Himeno without defeating the Devil like she asked.
    • To ease Denji's disappointment over his terrible First Kiss with Himeno, Makima sticks the sucker she'd already started in his mouth, telling him his first indirect kiss is one of the pleasant experiences that can drown out the bad. Denji ends up turning down sex with Himeno when he finds he keep the leftover sucker in his pocket.
  • Last Dance: Denji decides if he's gonna be "fed" to the Eternity Devil, he may as well go down swinging at it instead of being killed by his own teammates.
  • Man Bites Man: Denji bites the Eternity Devil the first time he needs to draws blood to restore his power, as his chainsaw had already retracted.
  • Mutual Disadvantage: No one on the 8th floor can kill the Eternity Devil, but Denji realizes he can keep drinking blood drawn from it to continue fighting indefinitely.
  • Never My Fault: Kobeni blames Denji when she ends up stabbing Aki.
    Th-this isn't my fault! It's you! It's your fault! If you had just been good and gotten eaten, everything would be fine!
  • No Ontological Inertia: Discussed; Denji wonders if the small devil trapped them on the floor, and Power killing it got them stuck permanently. Aki says that's impossible because killing a Devil undoes their powers.
  • No Help Is Coming: Whether or not Aki was right about the Eternity Devil freezing time, no one comes after them after several days pass from their perspective.
  • Noodle Incident: After Aki snaps at Denji and Power, they mention they may have gone too far with a prank that morning, and the topic makes Aki incredibly angry. According to the author, they shoved poop up his nose.
    Aki: That! Was way beyond a prank! I'll kill you!
  • Post-Victory Collapse: After Denji brags he could keep going after three days of ceaseless fighting, the blood and adrenaline wear off as he steps outside, falling over and into Himeno's arms.
  • Quest for Sex: Makima convinces Denji to go after the Gun Devil because she'll do "anything" with him if he defeats it
  • Restrained Revenge: After Himeno is slapped by the girlfriend of one of her Dead Partners, Aki sneaks up behind her and sticks gum in her clothes.
  • Spell My Name With An S: The location the Eternity's Devil takes over has a sign that says "Hotel Morin", but dialogue call is "Hotel Morino".
  • Senseless Phagia: Himeno gives Denji an open-mouth kiss, but accidentally vomits into his mouth from all the alcohol she'd consumed. Denji made a habit of reflexively eating anything in his mouth, even human vomit, and so ends up swallowing it.
  • Serendipitous Survival: Aki survived the Gun Devil's destroying his house because he had gone out to play in the snow. Unfortunately, his brother Taiyo came out to play with him but didn't survive because Aki decided to go from a Snowball Fight to playing catch and sent Taiyo inside for their baseball gloves.
  • Smooch of Victory: Himeno promises a kiss on the cheek to whoever beats the devil in the hotel. Denji is disinterested until she ups the offer to a French kiss, which Arai vehemently objects to. Denji wins, but ends up regretting it when Himeno vomits mid-kiss from heavy drinking.
  • Spotting the Thread: The way the Eternity Devil avoids attacking Denji, instead trying to convince the others to kill him for it, gives away to him that he can do something against it that it's afraid of.
  • Taking the Bullet: Kobeni tries to stab Denji in the heart while Arai holds him down, but Aki shoves his way in and gets a lesser chest wound. He survives because Power's abilities let her stop the bleeding.
  • They Call Me Mr Tibbs: Aki asks that Denji and Power call him senpai/sir. They vehemently refuse until Aki gives them a stick of gum.
  • Time Loop Trap: The clocks in the hotel freeze, making Aki theorize they've been frozen in time as well as space.
  • Unnaturally Looping Location: The Eternity Devil's power cause the stairs in either direction to lead to the 8th floor, passing through the ceiling to do the same, and the windows on either side to lead to each other.
  • Victory by Endurance: The Eternity Devil's backup plan is to keep Special Division 4 inside the hotel until they starve to death, but things work out in the opposite direction once Denji starts tearing apart its flesh. After more than a day of excruciating pain, it allows Denji to kill it just to stop the pain.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: An entire page is dedicated to thick, chunky vomit flowing out of Himeno's mouth into Denji's.
  • X Must Not Win: Aki objects to sacrificing Denji so the rest can escape—not because of any attachment or moral value of his life, but because he figures a Devil seeking Denji's death means it would benefit Devils in some broad way.
  • Womb Level: The Eternity Devil's body is a large, amorphous mass of flesh that fills up the elevator shaft.


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Gum bribe

Aki gets Denji and Power to act deferential by offering them gum.

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Main / FoodAsBribe

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