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The Titling

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Titles of the definite-article + gerund format, i.e. "The [verb]ing". And since it's about something happening, it's an Event Title sub-trope as well.

The use of this format for titling Horror Films is sometimes parodied, and is usually a good indicator that the film is very definitely a B-Grade one (despite the Trope Namer, The Shining, being anything but low-quality). It's also a very easy way to give your sequel a memorable subtitle.

Compare Verbing Nouny.

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The Listing

    Anime & Manga 


    Fan Works 


    Live-Action TV 
  • An in-universe example occurs on iCarly: Carly, Sam and Freddy help some friends make a trailer for a movie called... The Blowing.
  • The Killing


    Tabletop Games 

    Video Games 


    Web Video 

    Western Animation 
