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The Title Saga

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Saga is originally an Old Norse word meaning “story” or “epic tale”. It has immigrated into English by way of The Icelandic Sagas, which were first translated into English in the 19th century.Etymology ramble

Since then, “saga” in English has the meaning of a long, epic story, sometimes with the subtext “long-winded”.

Titles containing "Saga" most often come in the format "(The) X Saga" (the article is optional). X is sometimes the protagonist, but can be practically anything — though usually a proper name or a noun. “Saga” is simply attached at the end, treating the whole title as a compound term.

In the original Norse sagas, there was always a genitive case involved — mostly of the type " saga" or "Saga of ".

A third, rare variant is "(The) Saga" (not always clearly distinguishable from the first type).

This kind of title usually lampshades that the work is a series of more-than-average length and/or has a considerable number of instalments.

Compare The Legend of X.

Examples of the The X Saga type:

    open/close all folders 

    Anime & Manga 

    Comic Books 

    Fan Fics 



    Live-Action TV 

    Video Games 

    Web Animation 


    Web Original 

Examples of other types (with genitive or adjectives):

    Comic Books 



    Video Games 

    Web Original 
