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Headscratchers / Mega Man Battle Network

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  • So...Hub died as an infant, right? But then MegaMan.EXE was made shortly after? Is MegaMan.EXE's personality based off of Hub's (essentially what or who he could have been), or did Lan's dad get the personality data else where?
    • I think it's hinted in game that MegaMan.EXE grew with Lan, but because he was in the cyberworld then he would be exposed to more information than stimuli, making him the more proper one while Lan is the more reckless one.
    • Perhaps its more like Hub was subject to Brain Uploading right before death (and then the official story was that "Hub died"), but Navis are Born as an Adult, so it took some time to adjust.
  • Question: Alpha is a prototype of the internet, right? Then why does it have a form/body? Wouldn't it be like the current net, and know...a place?
    • Probably has something to do with the way its been restricted, sealed up, and possibly tinkered with over the decades between its attacks.
    • Alternatively, its a feature of the framework of the New Internet that stuff like Alpha appear as bodied individuals, to make deletion by netnavis much more possible.
      • Alternatively alternatively, it doesn't really, and it appearing to have a kaiju form is part of the same illusion of "the internet is just like the real world" farce that makes PETs perceive viruses as animals and A.I.s as robots- to make things more comprehensible to the layman navi-operator.
      • Alternatively cubed, the Alpha you actually fight is the core program of the old internet and the remaining "Internet" part is merely an extension of itself.
      • I thought Alpha was the consciousness of the old net, kinda like D-reaper. Actually exactly like the D-reaper, it was the presence that regulated the expansion and growth of the old frame work.
    • Well, it's most likely a difference in systems. It probably would not have mattered what one you used from a computer, because if alpha is goo like in the regular net then it probably means that they streamlined the current net, making it faster and thus alpha appears like goo in comparison because it's slower than the regular net. When it is an actual place, and not diving it's self up for the larger net, then it is a place, but because it's in a place both larger, faster, and more diverse then it appears as a large, utilitarian pile of goo.
    • Actually, isn't that whole computer you fight it in Alpha? know, the one the size of a freaking room...and the floor is all red goo textured, so I think the body shape you shoot at is Alpha just rising up part of itsself out of the floor soas to hit you better...(Why he doesnt just pop out of the floor like in the tanks and eat you is beyond me though...)
      • The reason he doesn't just do the same thing as he did in the tank is simple: He does.note 
  • How is it that during the two year span in which the Battle Network series takes place, that Mr. Match has been arrested and let out of jail 3 times (Twice for being in the WWW, and once for an attempted terrorist attack), yet we find out in Battle Network 6 that Count Zap is still serving his scentence for being a WWW member?
    • 3? I'm guessing the 3rd is Transmission. Well given that 6 shows repeated zapping is a possible punisment in universe for crime, and Zap is (obviously) electricly themed, prehaps he is Too Kinky to Torture and has to serve his sentence the hard way? Meta wise, it is because Match is the iconic first boss and has Joker Immunity, Zap is a random baddy.
      • Perhaps if shocking is a punishment Zap perhaps has a electroshock fetish, and thus they couldn't do this with him...but then again...its also possible Match has a burning fetish...wait, they wouldn't do it THAT intensely if its not an outright electrocution death sentence...
    • Match might've been doing something for the community at the Airport in Battle Network 2, as stated in 5, they hired Fyrefox/Dingo to netbattle, it may have been something similar. And in 3, he was helping SciLab.
    • Agreed about Zap, he gets far more love in the anime. Frankly, I think Match's just in a constant state of parole.
    • I think what he did was:
      • BN 1) Obvious
      • BN 3) Set Scilab on fire after tricking Lan into helping.
      • BN 4) Trying to blow up Den Dome, but having a change of heart.(Red Sun)
      • The last one might be wrong, though.
    • Match's specialty, judging by his infiltration in the first game and his attack on Sci Lab in the third, appears to be social engineering. He might have arranged something.
  • What Happened to the storyline after BN3? It's like they just forgot that there was an over arching plotline the second they started BN4.
    • There was all that stuff with Serenade and Bass and character origins and backstory, and then 4 starts and...nothing. Serenade's gone, Bass is relegated to Bonus Boss status, the Undernet is a Wretched Hive instead of a safeguard for the last best hope of the network again, and that exceedingly interesting comment Bass made when he caught the Giga Freeze ("So you're a Chosen One too?" is never expounded upon. I like the last three games okay, but I wish they'd incorporated the overall storyline into them.
      • Everyone in the Bonus Dungeon in 2 makes that "Chosen One" comment too. So it was definitely not something that was just thrown in without much thought during 3.
    • On that note, the first three games had more plausible scenarios and were much darker (as in the characters were willing to talk about the concept of death, as there's practically no mention of it during the last three games). I believe that the series was originally meant to be a trilogy with the last three games being thrown together after Capcom realized how profitable the series had become. If I remember correctly, Gregar/Falzar's background in 6 pretty much conflicted with Alpha's background in 3 as well.
      • Perhaps after they sealed Alpha, the new internet was also quite buggy...but not so much it became sentient and tried to kill everyone...instead all the bugs sort of clustered and then the BUGS tried to kill everyone...really, bugs are errors though, I doubt they would make an effective fighting force anyway...
      • Either that, or the story writers left the development team after the third game and/or the series was meant to be split up into two trilogies - the first detailing the World Three's decline of influence/power and explanation of the existence of the Internet/Undernet, and the second being about what the rest of Wily's family was doing with the final confrontation between Wily and the Hikaris in 6.
      • Confirmed: "They were all a delight to work on, but personally I enjoyed 3 the most. In terms of the game’s scenario, we were originally planning this game to be the final installment in the series. Once we finished 3, I remember thinking “That’s all she wrote, this series is over,” but then it wasn’t long at all before the prospect of “Battle Network 4” arose. I remember really racking my brain trying to figure out how we would proceed with the story from there."
      • But then that begs the question, if they were planning on ending the series with 3, why put in so many sequel hooks? And why did they have to rack their brains for more storylines when they had already set up all the chosen one stuff?
    • I don't get what they were thinking with BN 6's plot: it was the end of the series, but nothing of importance happened in it. Then the ending seemed like the writers had just learned that there weren't going to be any more of these games and made sure everyone knew it by declaring that this particular threat was the big one for all time every few minutes. It wasn't even a double boss (despite the huge potential they had for one), just one beast weaker than anything other than the Lifevirus. I'm not even getting into how lame all the new characters were. I get that they wanted to appeal to younger gamers here, but this was a pathetic way to end things.
    • Everything after the third game was a Post-Script Season written by the seat of its pants. It's basically the same problem that plagued the X series after 5. That said, the sixth did have a few appreciated nods to the rest of the earliest part of the series, mostly in its Expy choices (Gregar for Gospel, BlastMan for FireMan, Yuika for Ms. Madd) and the litany of NPCs during the epilogue. Still, loads of wasted potential to tie everything up.
    • They probably didn't know it would be the last game until midway during development. They kept it going past the planned end because it sold so well so they'd likely keep it running indefinately so long as it sold good, but sales went down after 4 so after 5 and 5DS didn't sell so great they told the people working on a half completed 6 to end it there so they could try something new with Star Force. No doubt the two beasts were just supposed to be your average gimmick of the game initially and only had to be the super powerful ultimate final boss when it was too late to change it.
    • The new BN 6 characters feel...weird, right? It's like they don't belong in the BN universe and were remnants from a cancelled game. That and the story also hyperfocuses on Baryl, Wily, and Iris while Lan has to rescue his brother for the hundredth time from the plot armor brigade. BN5 feels more like an ending with all of its BN2 cameos. Shame BN3 get nothing though.
  • You would think there would be some mention of porn in the Battle Network series, at the very least a Navi/Program that subtextually alludes to having some.
    • Given the amount of nannying Rockman can do, any porn still on the Net is likely to be very well hidden.
    • That would certainly explain all those MMBN hentai doujins I keep on occasionally seeing, online...
      • I'm pretty sure Rule 34 exists in the Battle Network continuity, but only the guys at World Three take advantage of it.
      • I'm sure that with the heavy presence of Web-Party Vans, none of the perverts want to get caught out for distributing rule 34 across the main public sector of the Net. THAT is what the Undernet is for.
      • Suddenly, Dr. Regal's SoulNet plan at the end of Battle Network 5 sounds a lot more diabolical. Limitless Power Perversion Potential in a system that can use the Internet to inspire and reinforce emotions in people, especially lust...
      • Just lust? Dude, you think WAY too small. Do you not remember Regal's testing phase? Happy, well-adjusted people were suffering from suicidal depression, upstanding citizens were suddenly attacking each other, your own teammates tried to MURDER you, and that was BEFORE Regal got around to installing Nebula Grey.
    • Dex has a few adult magazines in his closet in the first game.
      • That might actually explain it. Given that everyone is on the net in some way, and hacking into places isn't that hard thanks to Net Navis, digital porn may have fallen out of favor. Instead people go "old school" in order to keep everything off the grid and private.
  • I'm willing to ignore a lot of the lack of physical force in the Battle Network series. I'm willing to accept that the adult bad guys don't just punch out the 5/6th grader's lights when they meet face to face, that a demonstration of Chaud's mortality involves killing Proto Man in battle rather than shooting Chaud, I'm willing to accept that everything's online. But the tanks in the third game are just too much. I mean, first of all, why tanks? When dealing with the treat of super-hackers, why bring in tanks, tanks which can be controlled remotely through the internet no less, to protect civilian areas? Protect them against what? Other berserk tanks? And second, even more importantly, how could five tanks fail to shoot a 5th grade boy point blank? The first was especially ridiculous, as it riddled the ground at his feet with bullets twice before he ran up to it, plugged in his pet, and presumably stood right next to it helping Mega Man until it was deactivated. The others were at least "distracted" by another character, but even if the first two volleys were preprogrammed to be warning shots why the hell did it not make mincemeat out of Lan? As a side note, why was Dex (not Guts Man, Dex) able to hurl a boulder at Bubble Man's robot?
    • Keep in mind that Dr. Wiley was the one who designed those tanks. In Mega Man (Classic), most of Wiley's mooks are really, really easy to take down, and these particular tanks were made right before Dr. Light decided to focus on Internet Technolegy rather than Robots, so Dr. Wiley didn't really have time to make any of the really deadly stuff. As for Dex and the boulder, that could be justified by sheer willpower on Dex's part, and Bubble Man being stupid enough to let that happen to him. But yeah, missing Lan at point blank range? Cuts off the suspension of disbelief.
      • Perhaps he just botched the programming for their aim...?
      • The tank had been hacked by a level 2 AlphaBug, which gives the audience a taste of Alpha's power, but there's no real indication of how the bug interfaces with the software of the tank or if any glitches arise, but there's enough wiggle room to suppose that they do.
  • Lan takes a couple hundred thousand rads of EM radiation during the final battle in BN2. How does he manage to have a son with Mayl following BN6?
    • He was wearing a radiation suit the whole time. More importantly, how did the kid in charge of Gospel not get irradiated to death?
      • But Lan's suit was rated for 50k rads (Yai's custom-ordered radvests could only take 30k). Sean, on the other hand, was pretty much operating in The Last Dance mode, and couldn't have cared less about his survival (probably had 100k rads of protection to his name anyway). Following BN2, Sean would be treated at the Beach Street Hospital, where some of the excess radiation lodged a BugFrag in one of Mamoru's arteries.
    • Battle Network 2 fails radiation forever. All it does is make people walk funny, if the NPCs are any guide. So Lan should be fine. Besides, had he even hit puberty yet?
      • Truth be told, radiation induced sterility is temporary, and there are no records of heritable mutations being created by such exposure. However, 50,000 rads over the suit's shielding rating should be fatal. And by fatal, I mean rapid onset Central Nervous Syndrome: disoriented in minutes, comatose within the hour and dead in a day.
    • Depends on the kind of radiation. It was obviously the detrimental sort, but it's true nature is not revealed, so it may not have been the type that renders one sterile.
      • It was the kind of radiation that makes computers grow from the floor. Me? I pin it on the Bug Frags.
      • It was also the kind of radiation that starts ripping holes between the real and cyber worlds' architectures.
  • Why are there so many viruses on the Net? Seriously, if you're jacked-in, you're subject to Random Encounters, even if you're in your own home PC, the major "city" PCs, or the kitchen PC. Is there no decent virus-protection or firewall software 20 Minutes into the Future? (I have only played the DS version of 5, but assumes that it's the same in other games of the series...)
    • On that note, all those viruses? MegaMan.EXE? Hub.BAT? It sounds like Tadashi's Net runs solely on Windows.
    • They have a very, very, very good antivirus system. They call it "netnavis", and its working every time you fight a random encounter. YOU, the player, are the antivirus system, or at least the most successful part of it.
      • In the second game, early on, one of the appliances in your house says that "Your mom already ran a virus scan on it" if you try to jack in too soon... (which is really just to keep you from entering the area before they want you to... but, at least it makes some sense)
      • If the NetNavis are intended to be the antivirus, they're definitely not a very, very, very good antivirus system. Today, your antivirus - to select one at random, AVG - easily repairs or quarantines any infected files en masse, and the chances of said AVG being deleted or otherwise disabled by a virus is practically nil. However, NetNavis must "fight" viruses, one-to-three at a time, and can easily be removed by said viruses. Why didn't we keep AVG when we traveled forwards those twenty minutes, particularly when we've decided that Everything Is Online?
      • Tadashi was a genius programmer. Nobody ever said he was sane. See also, Awesome, but Impractical.
      • Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. So, in the past the Internet was relatively devoid of viruses, and stuff worked. Then Tadashi, who is insane, created a new Internet protocol based around stupidly high levels of virus activity, thus requiring all users of the Internet to have their own, painfully ineffective, antivirus programs called NetNavis. Everyone on the entire planet immediately agreed to replace the previously functioning networking systems with a single, fairly rubbish protocol created by an insane computer scientist. Apparently it's not only Tadashi that's insane.
      • No, Tadashi didn't intend for the viruses, his idea was for the Netnavis to be used as antivirus programs (they haven't done as good a job as intended). Also, if you'll recall, the old internet had been more or less destroyed by Alpha, so he needed to recreate things from the ground up. People all agreed because it meant getting the internet back in some form.
      • No, I do not recall, for I have only played the fifth game's DS version. The following objections are therefore only based on my assumptions. Destruction of the "old Internet" we have in reality is pretty much impossible, anyway - you'd need to take down every single server in existence, after all (or at least every DNS server, disabling everyone who doesn't memorise IP addresses or have a private DNS server). Even after doing this, it wouldn't be too difficult to put the same Internet protocols back up again once the danger had passed - using a new concept, by an insane scientist is entirely unnecessary, and definitely would require more work than restoring the previously existing Internet. As another point, if Tadashi intended for the NetNavis to function as antivirus apps, why didn't he actually test their antivirus abilities in a local-network setup of his new Internet concept? Presumably because he's insane. This brings us to the real question: why do the entire population of the planet accept a flawed, dangerous protocol created by an insane man, when the existing protocols were far more effective and could easily be reinstated?
      • Because, while netnavis are crap at dealing with small inconvenient viruses due to sheer numbers (which the computers seem be able to cope with, by and large), they are quite good at dealing with giant viral kaiju. Considering that Tadashi's internet was kicked off after the attack of Alpha, which was almost immediately followed by the Cybeasts, it makes sense that people would want to stick with netnavis- the only form of antivirus strong enough to deal with such powerful singular threats, and which only work in Tadashi's system. Its a tradeoff- stronger, but only able to target one or two viruses at a time. The existing protocals didn't exactly work, because as far as I remember, the existing internet became sentient and started attacking people, calling itself Alpha. People tend to be kinda willing to try new things after that.
      • Hang on. The existing Internet gained sentience, started killing everyone, and was disabled. Then, Tadashi proposed a new set of protocols which had sentience to begin with, and could start killing everyone without waiting to gain sentience first. Why did nobody consider how utterly insane doing this would be? Additionally, the existing Internet, if reactivated, probably would not instantly regain sentience, although this depends on how whatever Applied Phlebotinum created Alpha did so. Regarding the "big viruses", regular antivirus can handle the vast majority of these. Rarely, a patch can be downloaded from your AV app's website for the occasional harder-to-delete virus, which basically fulfills the role of the NetNavi, without all the risks of AI.
      • Well, the Navis weren't designed to be insane...they have preprogrammed personalities...and...I guess the antivirus software doesn't tend to work on the entire internet...
      • The Net has, for all intents and purposes, become its own dimension. The sheer amount of data has become so ridiculously complex that humans can no longer comprehend enough of it to react to daily needs. Navis are ludicrously complex programs that react to this new environment as humans do the normal world. This allows them to show internet actions in a simple, comprehensible form to allow the average person to interact with the network for daily life. Viruses, in the series, aren't as we know them: I'm willing to bet that the average Mettaur has enough strength in it's pickaxe to permanently corrupt today's CIA firewalls. What we, and the human characters, see as virus busting is shorthand for a far more complicated programming process designed to make maintenance fun and easy for the public.
      • As for the AI research, Alpha came about by accident and was deadly because it was so stupid. The thing sprang up from the layering of global computer processes with no intellect to speak of. It was basically a giant cyber-amoeba: all it knew how to do is randomly absorb data and energy into itself. The processes it followed were so random that it took years to discover that there even was a single source for the incidents. If they re-made the old network or even a new one, the incident would only repeat, as no human organization could monitor and update the entire Internet constantly without bankrupting itself. Tadashi and Wily spent years studying all aspects of human intelligence and eventually hit on a way to create an AI smart enough to monitor the constantly changing environment of the growing internet and repair any faults that could lead to a second Alpha spawinging. Navis are bonded to individual humans to ensure that neither side decides to revolt against the other.
  • What I'd like to know is why, in the games AND the anime, SciLab gets hit by massive virus attacks roughly three times an episode. This is a group of scientists working on the forefront of network technology, yet their firewall is made of absolute FAIL. A security flaw which, more than once, has resulted in massive PHYSICAL damage to the facility.
    • And now you see just how valuable Bass was for trouble-shooting Sci-Lab's systems (okay, that doesn't explain the anime).
      • They really shouldn't have attacked him and drove him off...really, he would be one hell of a security system himself for that matter...
    • To be fair, the annual assaults on Sci Lab are usually made by extremely powerful Navis supplied with weapons or minions specifically designed to get around all security. There's still no excuse for why so many PHYSICAL threats are able to waltz in, but Sci Lab's questionable open-door policy is an issue for another day.
    • Justified. Sci Lab is basically a civilian run government organization that studies the Internet, and except in a few cases involving national security (see BN2, 3, AND 5), they throw open their doors because they are run by scientists who believe in an open exchange of ideas and have nothing to hide. True, it's naive, but is quite in tune with a scientific mindset, which tends to be liberal in regards to access of material and information.
    • Still, you'd think they'd have a security staff or some of those robot tanks standing guard in one of the most important research centers on Earth. Really two guys with batons would be an improvement.
  • How did we miss this one: Lan and Hub have 100% the same DNA, being twins. So how come Lan does not have Hub's heart condition? It it was bacterial or viral in nature, it would have been treatable. Mamoru is able to survive it using advanced tech, which hints at a problem in the mechanics of the heart. So why doesn't Lan have it, if it's congenital and he has Hub's DNA?~
    • What do you mean it would be treatable if it were viral? We're talking early nineties medicine here. Back then we didn't have treatments for influenza or even the common cold, let alone some deadly heart virus. The major threat of viruses comes from the fact that they don't respond well to medication- usually all you can do is treat the symptoms and hope the patient's immune system can fend off the infection. That's why the focus has always been on vaccination- you had to prevent the disease because there was no cure.
    • I probably missed something - I assumed that like most other fatal alleles, it's dual-recessive, whereas Lan was heterozygous and thus has a Ff alignment (According to basic genetics) whereas Hub had ff.
    • They can't have different genotypes if they're identical twins. However the disease may be something that isn't completely genetic. It may be that they both had the gene, but it was only triggered in Hub for some reason. Perhaps there was in unequal distribution of nutrients while there were in the womb, or the development of one was affected by the other.
    • Dad Hikari has HBD and is managing it despite apparently living on instant noodles and constant overwork. Who's to say Lan, with his significantly more active lifestyle and well-balanced diet, isn't?
  • Iris being a netnavi. Just... why? Aside from the fact that it seems like a lazy way to cut Iris out of the Mayl x Lan x Iris love triangle, it honestly makes the scene where Baryl gets the crap beaten out of him to protect Iris totally nonsensical. Also, how does she count as Colonel's sister? If anything, she's his daughter.
    • Iris and Colonel were created from the same data, which split into two separate Navis, each one holding data vital to the other.
      • So she IS Colonel? or at least half of him...
    • According to Wily and Baryl, Colonel existed before Iris did; remember, he used to be able to kill everything, control machinery, and be kind. Moving aside from the sheer stupidity and subjectiveness of a kindness program, Wily explains that he created Iris from Colonel's weapon control and kindness data. So yeah, that would make Iris Colonel's daughter.
    • Iris origins are meant to mirror her original: scientists tried to create the perfect fighting Reploid, half strong-willed fighter, half peaceful arbiter, but the two halves could not successfully be brought together, and so they remained separate, becoming brother and sister. Wily just happens to be a better scientist than the Repliforce can afford, so he could successfully combine the two halves. You could compare him reversing the process to the development of identical twins from a single being (remember: Navis are digital, not analog, so their personalities and identities can be more manipulable... but that's its own ball of wax).
      • In other words, you're trying to describe the relationship between digital beings using terms that only make sense in an analog context (remember, the original Mega Man and Roll are independent robots that are made brother and sister by the fiat of Dr. Light). The games treat her as Colonel's sister due to her position in the greater Mega Man mythos.
      • Besides, the real problem isn't what to call the relationship between Colonel and Iris, it's that nobody seems to address Dr. Wily deliberately turning Colonel into a Starfish Character.
  • I can accept Lan being a natural with a very good Navi and Chaud being a skilled customizer who trains constantly. But that doesn't explain how they can be the only competent Netbattlers in the whole world who are any good at it when there are people who have been doing it professionally for longer than those two have been alive.
    • Maybe ProtoMan.EXE has a hacked customizer and thus more space for programs? Or maybe anything else, for all we know they know how to operate together instead of merely giving/getting instructions, which places them above over 99% players.
    • It's mentioned in the second game that Chaud wrote Protoman.EXE himself, which probably places him far ahead of any commercially available netnavi in terms of performance.
  • Er wait, if the dark chips reduce your hp permanantly by one every time you use the hell do the netnavis in the dark chip syndicate have so much hp?
    • They stock up on HP Memories, of course!
    • You are given a Dark License the second you join the organization. Use the Dark Chips all you want; they won't hurt you in any way.
    • Dark Chips could be a variant of a normal chip that gets its power through a mix of Explosive Overclocking and "evil emotions." If that's the case, evil Net Navis probably have some kind of program installed that negates the drawbacks that come with using them.
  • So I don't know if this was just the early art, but Lan is wearing rollerskates. It shows in his running animation because he is obviously roller-skating. Shouldn't he have gotten in trouble for wearing roller skates in school and in home because he'll leave "trails" on the floor? (Trust me, they don't just clutter up the floor)
    • In the anime, the wheels of his skates are either retractable into his shoes or attached on separately (been a while since I've watched it, can't remember which one exactly). That doesn't explain how he doesn't leave marks all over the place, but that's why he isn't in trouble for having them at school.
    • His skates are detachable.
  • Why do so many battlechips have Mega Man on them? Is that the default appearance of the chips or does it change depending on the navi? Speaking of which does Mega Man have a navi chip of his own?
    • Mega Man has his own navi chip in Battle Chip Challenge, but there the navi chips allow the player to switch between available playable characters instead of summoning navis.
    • I haven't watched the anime, but as far as the game is concerned, I would say that either (1) the chip data takes on the portrait of the user, like MegaMan.EXE, or (2) the portrait is just something like a generic Normal Navi (which is the case in some chips) and we the player just see it as MegaMan.EXE instead.
    • Yes, MegaMan.EXE has a battle chip of his own. It's called "Hub Batch" and it is a giga-class chip in the 6th game.
  • Hey, remember that Ultimate Navi Buster from BN 2? Why did Dr. Hikari never work on perfecting it, given that it can kill 3 super strong ninja guards in one hit, imagine the lives it could have saved by using an entire army equipped with them against Alpha, Duo, Nebula Grey or hell even the Cybeasts. Sure there's the whole "Can't let it fall in evil hands argument", but when dealing with Eldritch Abominations capable of destroying the world, I think a few baddies with it is the least of their concerns.
  • So, what exactly does being an Operator entail? It can't be just slotting in chips. In the games, it's made clear some operators let their navis battle alone (Viddy Narcy) and that Lan is a superior operator (in 5, Baryl even tells him to operate Colonel because he's that good).
    • It seems that he assumes control of the Navi's body, which gives the Navi both the Battle Chips and the benefit of a third-person perspective to better react to combat situations.
  • How do you get Battle Chips from viruses, mystery data and Higsby's service order? They're actual physical chips. It's not like they can magically materialize on top of whatever device you're currently jacked in to, right?
    • Presumably you get the data for the chip, and Lan always keeps a stack of blank chips with him to load the data onto.
  • In 2, A woman needs a Fire Sword "F" to fix her water heater and a girl in 3 asks for a Recover 30 * to cure her sick navi. Why are the chip codes important in that aspect? Also, why do they need those specific chips? Couldn't any heat element chip or a Recover chip that's higher than 30 also do the trick?
    • I'd assume that while it doesn't matter in battle, there is specific coding in that heater, for example, that in order to repair, requires a Fire Sword F, rather than an L or S.
  • Is Serenade supposed to be male or female? While AI programs like Net Navis obviously don't have biological genders, most of them seem to self-identify as male or female.
    • For all we know, Serenade may well be an alt-gendered Net Navi.
    • Capcom claims that Serenade is a perfect being that has no gender. It stems from the belief that if people can eliminate their differences it will end conflict. The idea is that Serenade is some kind of ascended being, sort like reaching a state of enlightenment.
  • Shouldn't Lan be, well, dead already? In BN2, he gets blasted with radiation. Furthermore, in BN5, Team ProtoMan, while Nebula tests the microservers, Raika attacks him. No matter how good Lan is at Netbattling, in the real world he is just a young boy, while Raika is a trained soldier.
    • Its a game for kids, mixed with a liberal dose of Plot Armor.
  • One of the program advances requires Step Sword, Hero Sword, and Step Cross, which results in Evil Cut. What?
    • Try transliterating it to Japanese, it's probably based on a sword technique that cuts evil, just like the spell Omnyous use which is "Akuryou Taisan" which transliterate to Evil-Spirit Dispel, which means dispelling the E.Spirit, just like "Evil Cut" Is supposed to mean cutting evil apart (Think of a kanji for evil appearing on the enemy, marking them as evil and Megaman slashes them)
  • Why shadow viruses can only be damaged by sword chips and sword chips alone?
  • Why did Slur give Yui and the love fortune teller Asteroid Navis? All the other Asteroid Navi operators were well aware of the damage they were causing and enjoyed it. The problems caused by the two ladies on the other hand were either entirely the Asteroid Navis fault or unintentional and unlike the other Asteroid Navis operators, they weren't bad people in the slightest.
    • Supposedly she'd also give Asteroid Navi's to people she know wouldn't be able to control them. Though it is kind of jarring how Asteroid's would be loyal to the point of sacrifice to evil operators but the ones that weren't evil would always have them turn on them.
  • Why were the speed teammates not affected by Regal's microservers?
  • Why is Wood Soul's charge shot a twister? I know its from the wood element style change from the second and third game, but WoodMan doesn't have that ability.
    • The fourth game was the introduction of the Soul system, so it was still experimental. Instead of actually acting like any of the characters, MegaMan just dressed like them and used the same generic elemental attacks he did in his old Styles. It was a bit better with the non-elemental Souls, but wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t until the next game that all his special attacks in Soul or Cross forms were designed to actually match their sources.
  • How exactly can any device in the world of Battle Network function if everything is chock-full with viruses (which are somehow polite enough to only attack 1-3 at a time)? I don't question their presence in the internet areas of each game, but how can each disconnected device be full of them and still function? Also, fighting in said disconnected comps should reach a point where there are no more viruses in that particular device, unless there's an unseen army of WWW/Gospel/Nebula Mooks just offscreen who load each device up with fresh viruses when Lan's not looking...
    • Gameplay and Story Segregation of course. It would be inconvenient for a location to run out of viruses preventing you from getting anymore of their chips or testing out certain strategies. Alternatively its possible that the viruses were given the ability to copy themselves and while Mega Man is busy fighting one group, the rest are multiplying providing a never ending army. As for how the devices are still functioning, the viruses' mere presence doesn't affect the device and needs them to actively do something to the devices' control program.
  • How did Dr. Hikari even take Hub's DNA and turn it into Mega Man? How does putting something from the real world into cyberspace work?
    • I'd love to know that myself. The only possible explanation I can think of is creating digital code that is identical to Hub's DNA strand, but even that leaves a ton of questions unanswered.
  • Where do all of Lan's battlechips go between games? I know from a gameplay perspective that they're not gonna give you all the overpowered ones right from the start but in universe, what is the reason to Lan not having them anymore?
    • Given that nearly every chip in the games is optional or random in some way, it could be canon that all Lan ever had and used was the chips in his starting folder the whole game.
    • A joke in the Humor program has Lan admit that not even he knows what happens to his old chips. The only excuse I can come up with in-universe is the same reason that none of Mega Man's various forms or the Navi Customizer carry over: since each game from 3 onwards has a new model of PET, the old chips aren't compatible with the updated systems anymore and become obsolete. Lan just has the basic weak folder at the start of each game because he's had enough peace time between incidents to not feel motivated to go chip hunting to replace it yet.
  • In BN 4, Higsby is aware that Dark Chips are evil and tells Lan to get rid of it, but in BN 5, a couple of Dark Chips are obtained through the Number Trader.
    • The Dark Chips in the Number Trader probably got there due to being in circulation with plenty of Battle Chips. After all, there are some people or Navis who sell Dark Chips or trade with them, despite the danger. Either that, or Higsby's assistant was negligent in taking inventory. She does attend the store for Higsby when he's doing errands or when he's with the Anti-Nebula Team in Team Colonel.
  • When fighting PlanetMan his entire field is made of holes (except for the one he's standing on) for his planets to circle around him. However, PlanetMan's Navi Chip requires solid panels for the planets.
  • In the later games, where Lan's PET is wireless and uses infrared rays, why does he still have to be next to a jack-in port if he should be able access it from further away? While outdoor ports can be justified due to sunlight interfering with infrared, there's nothing excusing indoor ports. It's more jarring in the fifth game where a thief can steal a program from outside a room, establishing the effective range of the infrared signals.
    • It's obviously much easier to aim the infrared ports at each other while standing right next to the device with said port.
