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Funny / Meinos Kaen

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"WHAT!? All that build up and we're not going to see him FIIIIGHT!? Oh come on! Talk about Coitus Interruptus! Okay! Screw it! This week: DOUBLE UPDATE! And you coming too! Go to the next video RIGHT NOW! COME ON!"
"Oh my god, DJ Sagara is in on the conspiracy?! Mark my words, this guy is going to fuck everyone in the ass. He's acting like a buffoon when actually he's the propaganda officer?!"
(cut to clip of Prothero from V for Vendetta)
"He jumped from that high without hurting himself or making any noise? Is (Helheim) on the fucking moon?"
"Oh no, fangirls! Run... wait, she's cute! Come back here you coward and show her your Warring Driver!"
(cut to Eric Idle as Nudge Nudge Wink Wink guy)
"Ryoma reveals that Kota and Kaito escaped way too easily, and also one of the prototypes disappeared. Told you this guy would fuck everyone in the ass!"
  • His very first episode ends with one as well. For context, he found the fruit-based Rider Designs to be goofy. However, he believes that, 1) the designs will take time to get used to and that 2) since Gaim will gain another form, he believes it'd be cooler than Orange Arms... Cue next week's episode revealing Pine Arms and him sobbing.
  • Episode 7. Meinos Kaen opens the review with a new opening. It's freaking HILARIOUS!
Micchy = It's a trap
Takatora = Midday Sunglasses
Blond Girl = I'd hit that
  • His reaction to Bravo's crush on Zangetsu in Episode 11.
  • This gem from #22.
"But enough about that, Kota's about to pop a cherry!"
(cue Gasp! Reaction Shot from the peanut gallery and his rage when he explains what it REALLY is.)note 
  • You know how Meinos pointed out how phallic Toq-Oh was? Well, when it uses... that in #3, he screams bloody murder and in the next review, points out how earlier, the conductor told the Toqgers that the mecha would work as they imagine it
