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Fanfic / Thunder and Steel

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The Thunder and Steel series by Aragorn_II_Elessar is a crossover fanfic series between Thor and Supergirl (2015), which also heavily features Smallville, the rest of the Arrowverse and many elements of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes as well as the Thor comics.

It involves Thor and his related characters existing on Earth-38, which is now a mix between Smallville and the Supergirl show, with Thor, Supergirl and some other heroes battling various threats.

The series was finished in August 2020, and consists of four stories:

    Works in the Series 

  • Thunder and Steel: After the Girl of Steel makes her first appearance, trouble follows while a mysterious 'Hooded Hero' who is weary of battle helps out from the shadows before disappearing in a clap of thunder, with everyone trying to find out more about him.
  • Thunder and Steel: The Masters of Evil: A month after the defeat of Astra, Non and their army, a group of villains hatch a sinister plan to take down the heroes of their world, including Thor, Kara and Clark, who must deal with them as well as a new, unsuspecting threat which they can't recognize even when it is staring them on their faces.
  • Thunder and Steel: The False God and The Madman: Few months after Loki's defeat, some of Barry's friends arrive on Earth-38 to ask Thor, Kara and some others to protect them from an enemy of Barry. And Oliver Queen needs their help too to save his friends and family from an enemy of his. This is the short tale of how they help out both.
  • Thunder and Steel: Crisis on Earth-X: The heroes are gathered together for the wedding of Barry Allen and Patty Spivot. But they are attacked by residents of Earth-X, and now they must fight back to protect their friends and family. Final part of the 'Thunder and Steel' series.

Tropes present in the series:

  • Accidental Time Travel: Thor mentions that he accidentally time-travelled to the Trojan War, and his battle with Zeus made Mount Vesuvius erupt.
  • Action Girl: Being the main female protagonist, its Kara Danvers. But even outside of her, there are several more, with Alex Danvers, Dinah Lance, Sif, Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan, Lucy Lane, Thea Queen, Sara Lance, Earth-2 Laurel Lance being amongst the few examples.
  • Actor Allusion: Barry Allen is surprised to see that Lucy Lane looks like Lisa Snart.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Since Astra survives the first Season of Supergirl, she ends up on a Redemption Quest, helping the heroes against Graviton, and then sacrificing herself against Doomsday.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Since the last few Seasons of Smallville do not happen the same way, while the first Season of Supergirl does, General Lane, who had shown an honorable side to him in the last Season of Smallville, ends up looking like a total jerk here due to his role in the first Season of Supergirl.
  • Adaptational Karma: Tim Westcott is killed by Doomsday during one of his rampages.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Dinah Drake works for Adrian Chase instead of Team Arrow in this series.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Savitar is treated as a total joke here, revealed to be nothing but Iris' love slave in the future, who wants to kill Patty so that his toxic romance with Iris ends up happening. He is taken out very easily.
  • Adaptation Name Change: The Jimmy Olsen of Smallville is renamed to Steve Lombard, as the Arrowverse version of the character got established in the first story.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul:
    • In Smallville, J'onn did not get along well with Kara as he'd cast her and Zor-El from their home, but here that did not happen, and Smallville Kara is replaced by the Arrowverse version, which is why they get along well.
    • Barry and Patty broke up in canon and she left but here, she returns, and they resume their relationship, eventually getting married.
    • Oliver and Nyssa do become friends with mutual respect in the show but here, they also become a couple.
    • Earth-2 Laurel Lance did become an ally of Team Arrow eventually but in this series, she is with them during the fifth Season of Arrow, which was not the case in canon.
  • Adapted Out:
    • Its mentioned that Season 7 of Smallville happened without Kara in this series.
    • Tess Mercer is adapted out of the Doomsday plot, being replaced by the malevolent Lex Luthor.
    • Odin is adapted out when the last few episodes of The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes' first Season are adapted, as is Baron Zemo, being replaced by Lex Luthor.
    • Surtur does not have any role in Beta Ray Bill's backstory, being replaced by Ymir instead.
    • Earth-X does not feature the Nazis here, instead replacing them with Thanos and his army.
    • Ray Terrill, Leo Snart and Earth-X Winn Schott also don't show up and are replaced by Earth-X Adrian Chase, Miguel O'Hara, Ororo Munroe and Earth-X Lex Luthor.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: While Davis Bloome ends up killing Olsen here as well, there is a little sympathy for him due to what he had to carry within him for so long.
  • All-Loving Hero: Clark seems to be one, compared to the rest, but not to any extreme.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Earth-X Thor is provided lightning by Thor, Bill, Storm and Magni to finish it.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Hela is the Goddess of Death, and has her own agendas, but she also does not come in the way of the heroes, and simply does her job most of the time.
  • Ambiguous Situation: While Savitar wants to kill Patty to ensure his toxic relationship with Iris continues, its not clear if future Iris is making him do it or if he's doing it on his own accord.
  • Antagonist Title: While all of the stories are protagonist titles, the second and third stories are this too, due to mentioning the villains in the title alongside the heroes.
  • Asshole Victim: The final fates of Loki, Amora and Zod are horrifying, but considering what they did, no one really cares.
  • Back from the Dead: Odin returns in the final scene of the series to marry Thor and Kara.
  • Badass Boast: Thor has one for General Lane:
    "All the power of the storm, from all the world, flows through my veins, and can be summoned by mine fingers at any time, wherever it is. A lightning storm in Japan? Mine. A hurricane off the coast of Barbados? Mine again. A brace of tornadoes in Kansas? Aye...mine. All that might, all that destructive force, mine to command. Channeled and guided through the mystic might of my fingertips, guided right at thee!"
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Kara is usually very kind and cheerful but Adrian Chase's actions in the Arrow series finale enrage her so much she burns his leg to the bone using her Heat Vision.
  • Beyond Redemption: By the end of the second story, its agreed that Loki is beyond redemption now, and will reject any help provided to him, his actions now reeking of evil.
  • Big Badass Battle Sequence: The final story has a huge one for the finale.
  • Big Bad Wannabe:
    • Amora is a huge threat, but she is not as smart as she thinks she is.
    • Savitar considers himself as the God of Speed but seems to be a total joke here.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • In the first story, Thor saves Kara from quite a few of her villains.
    • Thor also saves Cat Grant when the Red K infected Kara throws her from the CatCo building.
    • Clark returns at the end of the second story to turn the tides against Loki.
    • Earth-X Thor Odinson arrives in time to destroy Ultron.
  • Big Entrance: The entrance of Thanos is huge, as he fills everyone with dread and gives his speech from the opening of Avengers: Infinity War.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The last story has one, since the conflict with Thanos claimed the lives of Diggle, Curtis, Rene, Felicity and Carter.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy:
    • The second story has Alex Danvers being possessed by Brainiac.
    • The Dominators manage to whammy every hero asides from Thor, Barry and the Olivers, forcing the four of them to fight the rest.
  • The Cameo: There are a few cameos by Stan Lee.
  • Canon Welding:
    • Since Earth-38 is a mix of Smallville and the Supergirl show, the first six Seasons of the former happened exactly the same, while the seventh Season happened without Kara, with a variation of the first episode of the eighth Season also happening. And then, its followed up by the beginning of the latter.
    • The backstory of Thor is a mix between the first movie, the comics and The Avengers: Earths' Mightiest Heroes TV series.
    • The lightning bolt that gives Leslie Willis her powers is accidentally summoned due to Thor having a nightmare at the time.
  • Character Development:
    • Thor starts off as an aloof loner due to what happened in his past, but eventually learns to let people in again, forming friendships and connections.
    • Kara too starts off as very naïve and too optimistic, but under Thor's guidance, starts seeing things in shades of grey, rather than black and white.
  • The Chessmaster:
    • Lex Luthor is one, as he manages to manipulate and play all the villains who worked with him.
    • But Loki is an even bigger one, as everything is revealed to be his plan at the end.
  • Cliffhanger: The first story ends with Thor encountering a mysterious figure who is ready to battle him.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Thor and both the Olivers fit the bill, fighting with a lot more care and planning compared to the other heroes.
  • Commonality Connection:
    • Thor and Kara form one, due to how similar they are in nature and past.
    • Thor, Kara and Slade have a conversation about their complicated relationshis with Loki, Astra and Oliver respectively.
  • Composite Character: The Smallville and Supergirl versions of Martian Manhunter are combined into one character here.
  • Crapsack World: Earth-X is a world filled with horror due to its occupation by Thanos.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • The first story features many fights where Thor easily defeats the villain of the week.
    • In the third story, the antagonists are pretty easily defeated as well, since Savitar is facing too many powerhouses, while Adrian Chase has no counter for the God of Thunder or the Girl of Steel.
  • Darker and Edgier: The final story is darker in tone compared to the ones before it, having a Crapsack World, five character deaths and a very disturbing scene between two of the evil doppelgangers.
  • Death by Adaptation:
    • Odin is revealed to have died in the past, the death being shown in a flashback.
    • James Olsen is killed by Davis Bloome in the second story.
    • John Diggle, Curtis Holt, Rene Ramirez and Felicity Smoak all die in the final story of the series.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Malcolm Merlyn is so used to being let off by Team Arrow, that he doesn't see it coming when Oliver actually kills him for all the bad things he has done.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Savitar clearly did not, when he decided to try and abduct Patty in front of five powerhouses.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation:
    • Leslie Willis is killed by an erratic Davis Bloome.
    • Astra dies by sacrificing herself to save Kara against Doomsday, rather than Alex stabbing her.
    • Savitar is not shot by Iris. He is defeated easily by five powerhouses and is just restrained until his time is up, after which he fades away.
    • Adrian Chase is stopped from killing himself, and then Thor kills him by taking him into Space, letting him suffocate, after which he throws him into the sun.
    • Malcolm Merlyn is not taken out by a landmine, but later ends up being killed by Oliver for all the pain he has caused.
    • Carter Hall aka Hawkman ends up being killed by Thanos instead of sacrificing himself against General Wilson.
  • Doppelgänger: A bunch of them feature in the series, due to the different versions of the same character on the two Earths.
  • Doppelgänger Gets Same Sentiment:
    • Earth-X Lex hates Earth-38 Superman due to the pain caused to him by his Earth-X version. On the other hand, Earth-38 Clark tries to convince this Lex to help, invoking his friendship with his own Lex before they became enemies.
    • Earth-1 Oliver saves Earth-X Moira from execution, due to whose doppelganger she is.
  • The Dreaded: The main antagonist of the final story- Thanos.
  • Event Title: The final story refers to the event that is taking place in the story.
  • Evil Counterpart: Some of the heroes end up having their evil Earth-X counterparts like in canon.
  • Evil Doppelgänger: The last story features evil doppelgangers of some of the heroes from Earth-X.
  • Evil Is Petty:
    • The Earth-X doppelgangers of Smallville Oliver Queen and Earth-2 Laurel Lance make love between the bodies of the dead heroes, even rubbing the blood on their faces.
    • Thanos kills Carter Hall brutally in front of Magni and taunts him about not being able to save his life.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Lex ends up aiding the heroes a little against Loki at the end after all.
  • Fate Worse than Death:
    • Loki, Amora and Zod are tortured by the venom of the World Serpent, seemingly for as long as they are alive due to how far gone they are.
    • The spirit of Thanos is erased by Hela.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Thor and Bill fight the first time they meet but very soon, they consider each other brothers.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • While time-travelling with the Legends during the Dominator Invasion, Earth-38 Oliver finds out about the Earth-1 Justice Society and comments they weren't on his Earth. The next arc is about the Justice Society of his Earth.
    • Doctor Fate tells Thor that he shall soon battle his greatest nemesis- Loki. And he does just that in the final arc of the story.
  • Flashback: Thor's backstory is told via a series of three flashback chapters.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Due to Thor's presence, the first Season of Supergirl ends a lot sooner than it did in canon.
  • Friendly Ghost: The ghosts of the loved ones of both Clark and Earth-1 Oliver, who encourage them to go back and fight.
  • Friendly Rivalry: The two Olivers have one over who is better at archery and hand-to-hand combat. At the end, its decided that Earth-1 Oliver is the better combatant while Earth-38 Oliver is the better archer.
  • Fusion Fic: Smallville and Supergirl (2015) are joined into one Earth here, with certain events being modified to make it work, while Thor's backstory too is a mix of various versions.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Kara tells Felicity and the other Earth-1 women in no uncertain terms that Thor is only hers.
  • Godzilla Threshold:
    • For the Dominators, it might as well be Thor, due to what he revealed he did to his Universe's versions of them, and how much damage he causes to the Earth-1 versions as well.
    • Thanos is the most dangerous foe the heroes face in the final story.
  • Heartbroken Badass:
    • Thor starts the series as this due to what happened in his past.
    • Kara too ends up being one after Astra and Olsen die while Clark is put into a coma by Doomsday.
    • Earth-X Thor Odinson fits this to a tee, considering everything that happened to him, and how he is right now.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Astra has one due to the love she has for her niece.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: This is done by Astra to protect Kara.
  • Karma Houdini:
    • Lex Luthor, since while he ends up in prison, all heroes agree he will get out pretty easily.
    • Averted with Tim Westcott, who ends up being killed during one of Doomsday's rampages.
    • Also averted with Malcolm Merlyn, who is finally killed by Oliver for all the pain and suffering that he has caused.
  • Killed Off for Real:
    • Odin is dead by the time the series begins.
    • Astra and Olsen die during the Doomsday incident in the second story.
    • The final battle claims the lives of Diggle, Curtis, Rene, Felicity and Carter.
  • Killed Offscreen: Thor and Clark read in a newspaper that an escaped Tim Westcott got killed by a rampaging Doomsday.
  • Lighter and Softer: The third story is lighter in tone compared to the rest, especially due to the heroes having a ridiculously massive advantage over the villains. At the end of it, the heroes haven't suffered any loss, not even a minor one.
  • Love Confession: Thor and Kara make it to each other before their first time.
  • The Man Behind the Man: The actions of the Masters of Evil in the second story are all part of Loki's plan at the end of the day.
  • The Mentor: Thor takes on this role for Kara Danvers due to his age and experience, and he is very effective at it as well.
  • The Multiverse: A given, since the series features the Arrowverse heavily.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: While Lex causes a lot of damage throughout the second story, at the end, he does help a little as well.
  • Only the Chosen May Wield: Thor, Bill and Magni are the only heroes in the series confirmed to be worthy of wielding Mjolnir. At one point, the heroes of Earth-1 try to lift it but they all fail. Iris is so unworthy that the hammer shocks her when she tries to touch it.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Adrian Chase's actions make Kara so angry she burns his leg to the bone using her Heat Vision.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: The Smallville and Arrow versions of Oliver are very annoyed by each other in the beginning, the former finding the latter too serious, and the latter finding the former too quippy, but eventually, they do get along quite a bit.
  • Patchwork Fic:
  • Protagonist Title: All of the titles of the stories in the series refer to the two protagonists, 'Thunder' being Thor and 'Steel' being Kara.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Cisco is called out by Thor and the Olivers for letting his issues with Barry get in the way of the mission during the Dominator Invasion, with them pointing out he might have even doomed the human race.
  • Redemption Equals Death: For Astra, who sacrifices herself to protect Kara.
  • Red Herring: At the end of the first story, Thor and Kara find a pod having crashed near the city. Due to what happened in Season 2 of Supergirl (2015), one would think its Mon-El. Instead, it is Beta Ray Bill.
  • The Reveal: The man that Malcolm killed in the past due to thinking he was Rebecca's killer was Roy's father.
  • Running Gag:
    • There are many scenes where Thor casually says something that is normal for him (like how he used to walk on stars as punishment, or Loki's snake prank), only to see the reactions of the others and realizing its not normal for the people of Earth.
    • After he learns poker for the first time, Beta Ray Bill is never beaten in the game by anyone. They all get annoyed, while he simply says he got the highest ranked cards.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Spared by the Adaptation:
    • Kent Nelson aka Doctor Fate survives in this series and is only sent into a coma from which he awakens later.
    • Samantha Clayton survives as Adrian's suicidal blast never happens.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Earth-X Thor Odinson is this all by himself, becoming one of the most compelling characters in the story, defeating Thanos, and also giving the ending speech.
  • Surprisingly Creepy Moment: The final story is a lot darker than the ones came before it, but that scene of the Earth-X doppelgangers of Earth-38 Oliver and Earth-2 Laurel Lance making love between the bodies of the dead heroes while rubbing the blood on their faces is easily the most disturbing scene in the series.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Thor kills Adrian Chase by flying him up into Space, suffocating him, and then throwing his corpse into the sun.
  • Time Travel:
    • The Legion of Super-Heroes time travels from the future to help Thor, Kara and Clark defeat Brainiac.
    • Mick, Amaya, Nate, Cisco, Thea and Earth-38 Oliver travel through time to abduct a Dominator from the 50s.
  • Too Clever by Half: Amora is quite smart, yes, but not as smart as she thinks she is, being played by Lex from the start, who turns on her once he gets what he wants.
  • Took a Level in Badass: At the end of the second story, Thor ends up getting the Odinforce.
  • Unstoppable Rage:
    • When Magni is taken by Thanos, this is what Earth-X Thor Odinson feels, and it ends up being Thanos' undoing.
    • Even Magni feels this when Thanos kills Carter Hall in front of him, allowing him to fight the villain for a few minutes.
  • Villain Team-Up:
    • In the second story, Lex and Amora, as well as Zod, team up with various other villains like the Wrecking Crew, but the mastermind is Loki.
    • Amora also has the Wrecking Crew team up with Livewire and Banshee during the Worlds Finest crossover.
    • Amora, Skurge and Icicle team up during the Absolute Justice event.
    • Adrian Chase, alongside his canonical allies, also has China White, Carrie Cutter, Liza Warner and an evil Dinah Drake.
  • Wake-Up Call:
    • Thor telling Kara his backstory shows her how things cannot always be black and white.
    • Barry finally starts seeing what kind of person Iris truly is, and eventually breaks up with her.
  • Wedding Episode:
    • The wedding between Clark and Lois, until of course Doomsday interrupts.
    • The last chapter of the final story is this, as it involves the wedding of Thor and Kara.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Lex Luthor considers himself to be this, as he believes his actions, at the end of the day, are for the greater good.
  • Wild Card: The first story has many people believing Thor to be one, due to how mysterious he is, and how he appears and disappears randomly.
