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Deconstructed Character Archetype / Total Drama

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Deconstructed Character Archetype in this series.

Killer Bass

  • Courtney is a deconstruction of the Go-Getter Girl and Determinator. Courtney is defined by her strong-willed ambition and her determination to win every challenge she's in, making her one of Total Drama's top competitors. However, while she sells herself as The Ace in terms of intelligence and athleticism, she is severely lacking in people skills, which is a massive handicap in an environment where teamwork is crucial and having a bad reputation can get you booted from the game. She alienates her teammates with her bossy attitude and seems to have little understanding of personal relationships, constantly expecting others to comply with her demands and getting upset when they don't. She has also betrayed or abandoned her friends and/or boyfriends multiple times, as well as endangered her fellow contestants, for personal gain. Her single-minded ambition costs her nearly every friendship and romantic relationship she has over the course of the series. What makes it worse is that not only has she never won, but she has never even made it to the top three during the competition at all. Her throwing away her friendships and relationships amounts to nothing, and she leaves the competition with nothing but the hatred of her castmates, former friends, and former boyfriends.
  • Duncan is a deconstruction of the Card-Carrying Jerkass and Delinquents. Thought out the first three seasons Duncan was a thug and bully who would often get away with his crimes. To be fair, Duncan can be a nice guy when he wants to be, cares for his friends (DJ, Geoff, and Gwen) and girlfriend at the time, Courtney, and is not above being nice to people he dislikes, like his enemy Harold. However, Duncan often gets away with his dirty deeds like humiliating Harold and cheating on his girlfriend Courtney with mutual friend Gwen. While Harold and Courtney are not entirely innocent (Harold leaves his dirty underwear around, and Courtney becomes a controlling and unreasonable girlfriend to Duncan), Duncan would often go too far, and is remorseless for the harm he caused, and would get away with his actions. Duncan's bad actions catch up with him during All-Stars, and his previous characteristics are deconstructed. Courtney moved on from the drama of the last season and is now ignoring him; instead of being happy, Duncan's ego is so big he can't comprehend that Courtney is ignoring him. Duncan spent the season trying to get her attention even though he had previously cheated on her and could not stand her. Gwen, who comes back to make up with Courtney and could not believe Duncan's ego is so big that he can't handle Courtney over him, breaks up with him. Also, throughout the All-Stars season, Duncan is shown to become nicer; Duncan becomes afraid that becoming too nice would ruin his bad-boy rap to the point where he thinks Gwen broke up with him because he was becoming too nice. So Duncan blows up Chris's mansion, and not only does that get him voted off, but he also is arrested. Duncan was fine with that, thinking that he'll go back to juvie only for Chris to reveal that since he's gotten older, he will be sent to prison, which frightens him. So because Duncan is so obsessed with his identity as a delinquent and criminal, and his ego is so big, he gets himself sent to jail and destroys his once-close relationship with his girlfriend Gwen, who had no concern for him when he was sent to prison.

Screaming Gophers

  • Heather deconstructs the Alpha Bitch, showing exactly how popular a cruel, vindictive, manipulative shrew of a girl would be—not popular at all. Her Freudian Excuse (being bullied for having been the ugly girl) has long since passed, leaving her with nothing but the joy of causing social humiliation just for the sake of causing social humiliation, which is petty enough to give her only short-term advantages. The cast is only fooled by her innocent act when the plot needs them to be, and after the original Island, none of them like or trust her. This extends to her life outside the show, where her parents are seen throwing a party because they don't have to put up with her for the summer, and she ends up dateless and alone during her high school dance because no one wants her. While she does ultimately end up with Alejandro, who is just as conniving and manipulative as her, it's clear it's only because she knows that with the competition over it's the best thing she has going for her. Luckily for her, Alejandro is okay with that.

New World Tour Contestants

  • Sierra deconstructs the Ascended Fangirl and Fangirl tropes. When she first appeared, she was a devoted fan of the cast and had a crush on Cody. At first, her personality traits and quirks were cute and endearing, while her crush on Cody appeared to be normal. But throughout the season, her behavior gets more deranged and bizarre. At first, she does well in the game with her knowledge of the previous seasons and characters, but then her obsession with Cody gets worse. She starts to invade his personal space, take his items, violate his privacy, and refuses to acknowledge that he's not interested in her. Her behavior creeps out and annoys the other castmates as well. While at the end of the season, she appears to have earned Cody's friendship and has mellowed out, the next season's All-Stars puts her behavior to its ultimate conclusion. In that season, Sierra is still obsessed with Cody to the point that when she develops a crush on her new castmate Cameron, she sees him as Cody rather than as his own person. Even when she realizes Cameron is a different person, she rather imagines him as a different version of Cody than his own person, even nicknaming him Cam-Cody. Her behavior and photo of Cody in the shower show that someone like Sierra is too obsessive to just improve in one episode like that, and she ultimately sees Cody as an object for her fantasies.

Wâneyihtam Maskwak

  • Dave deconstructs the Love at First Sight Dogged Nice Guy, an archetype that was played straight in previous seasons with Cody and Mike. His immediate infatuation with Sky combined with his general design at first makes him almost come off as a repeat of Mike and Zoey's relationship. However as the season progressed, he started to grow more and more desperate to win Sky's affection, to the point that he was becoming The Load for his own team. When he comes back as Sky's ally in the season finale, his discovery that she has a boyfriend (who she was planning to break up with) pushes him over the edge into antagonist territory. In contrast to Jasmine, who quickly comes to forgive her love interest, Shawn, for calling her dreams stupid, Dave remains incessant and furious with Sky, doing everything in his power to stop her from winning. He eventually gets left behind on the island with none of the rest of the cast bothering to remember to come back for him.

Ferocious Trout

  • Scary Girl deconstructs the Cute and Psycho, Nightmare Fetishist, Perky Goth, and Creepy Child archetypes previously seen in characters like Izzy, Gwen, and Dawn. While the aforementioned characters managed to establish notable bonds, friendships, and romantic relationships with other contestants in spite of their unpleasant/weird personalities and/or unfriendly appearances, Scary Girl is quickly established as an unpopular loner who absolutely freaks out everyone she comes across thanks to her creepy looks and psychopathic behavior that drives even her teammates away from her, with only Priya attempting to reluctantly "befriend" her in an effort to find an ally in the competition.
  • Zee deconstructs the Kindhearted Simpleton archetype previously seen in Lindsay, Owen, and Ella. Zee is clearly a good-natured guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. However, he doesn't know when to leave his heart at the door, and makes a moronic move in Playing Both Sides to try to vote out Chris. This gets him eliminated, but everyone's forgiven him by the next season. Unfortunately, this season proves that he is just simply not cut out for the game. While he puts an earnest effort into keeping a secret, Julia is able to take advantage of his kindness and low intelligence to let it slip Caleb was using Priya's feelings to start an alliance. Unfortunately, like the movie She's All That, Caleb had genuinely fallen for her by this point and the revelation causes more pain than if Zee had just kept the secret and let Priya find out when the season aired. He then proceeds to decimate his game by thinking this means all secrets should be out in the open and admits everyone's secrets to the public. This ruins his social capita and gets him eliminated with no one even wanting to speak to him.
