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Characters / Warhammer Chaosbane

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Playable characters

    Konrad Vollen (Empire Captain) 

Konrad Vollen

  • Knightly Sword and Shield: Wields a sword with a shield, although the sword can be replaced with a mace or a warhammer. These weapons are a badge of martial skill in the Empire, where swordsmen tend to be more professionally trained than spearmen or halberdiers, and show that Vollen is (ahem) a cut above your average soldier.
  • Badass Normal: Starts out this way before unlocking his God powers. He's just a regular, tough-as-nails army veteran with a natural talent for leadership (represented by his Banner abilities).
  • Elites Are More Glamorous: Downplayed. He's not a knight (the true elite of the Imperial army), but he is a swordsman from a family of swordsmen, which in Imperial military terms means he's a respected, fully-trained soldier rather than a villager with a pointy stick like most of their rank and file.
  • The Musketeer: One of his skills makes use of a firearm: depending on it's level, it could go from a pistol at it's basic level to a blunderbuss when fully upgraded.
  • No-Sell: One of his gimmicks gives him a chance to fully block an attack, not taking any damage. However, even if the attack connects and is blocked, Konrad will still take damage if said attack had a DoT component.
  • The Paladin: Downplayed. He technically qualifies, being a virtuous, heavily-armoured warrior who smites evil with sword, shield, and divine magic, but he's mostly just a Badass Normal Working-Class Hero who has accomplished enough in his years of service for Sigmar to owe him a few favours.
  • Sole Survivor: Was the only man out of his company to survive the last battle in the Great War Against Chaos.
  • Token Human: The one human in the playable cast.

    Elontir (Archmage) 


  • Breath Weapon: One of his spells allows him to breathe fire.
  • Combat Medic: Downplayed due to the lack of proper healing spells, but he still fits the trope as one of his passive abilities allows him to heal others when he spends energy to do anything.
  • Magic Knight: Well, heavy on the Magic part, but he can equip a sword and has a skill that makes use of it.
  • Must Make Amends: Goes with his Not in This for Your Revolution entry below, as his plan was to earn Teclis' favor so he can vouch for him being rehabilitated.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Initially, he couldn't care less about the Chaos invasion. The moment he found out that Teclis is fighting alongside Magnus, he was quick to throw his lot in with them.
  • Our Elves Are Different: One of the two playable elves, alongside Elessa.
  • Playing with Fire: Some of his spells involves him conjuring fire for his attacks.
  • The Exile: Forced into it due to a rivalry that ended badly.
  • Wizard Duel: Why he got banished from Ulthuan in the first place: he got into one that killed his rival and crippled a teacher.

    Bragi Axebiter (Slayer) 

Bragi Axebiter

  • Chain Pain: That are attached to chains, and his archetype skill exploits this, allowing the Slayer to close in on his foes.
  • Death Seeker: In the fluff, Slayers are dwarven warriors who seek out an honorable death to cleanse them of their shame. Bragi took the Slayer Oath as a result for leading half of his troops (including his father and brothers) to their deaths in a reckless charge. He sought to fulfill his Slayer Oath by challenging Asavar Kul, the Everchosen of Chaos himself, in battle. Unfortunately for him, Bragi arrived just in time to see Magnus and his knights slay Kul, denying him. Magnus then offered Bragi a place in his retinue. Bragi accepted, reasoning that since some of Kul's champions still lived, he'd hoped that battling one of them will allow him to fulfill his oath.
  • Glory Hound: His desire for fame and glory went way over his head. During the final battle at the Gates of Kislev, he ordered his company of dwarfs to sally forth and join Magnus' army. He and his company were surrounded by chaos forces, and though they managed to survive, Bragi's reckless charge cost him the lives of half of his forces along with his father and brothers.
  • Ground Pound: One of his most powerful attacks, stuns all enemies in range.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: Compared to the other three, Bragi is the only one whose energy resource decays over time outside of combat. In order to gain energy, he has to go up-close and personal and build rage charges, which boosts his damage and gives him energy over time.

    Elessa (Waywatcher) 


  • Green Thumb: Some of her skills involves raising plants and she can also call forth dryads to help her.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Even her one skill that makes use of her dagger involves throwing it.
  • Our Elves Are Different: The other playable elf, the first option being Elonthir.
  • Poisonous Person: She has a few skills that deals poison damage.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Like how Konrad is the only playable human, Elessa is the only playable female character on the party.
  • Stumbled Into the Plot: Elessa left Athel Loren for adventure. A year later, in a forest, she heard about Magnus raising an army to repel Asavar Kul and decided to tag along as a scout.

Secondary Characters

    Magnus the Pious 

  • Big Good: The leader of the Empire, who managed to pull it together after centuries of fractious infighting, secured critical alliances, and lead the efforts to repel the greatest Chaos invasion ever recorded by that point, all while bolstered by his very genuine faith in the gods and the Empire itself.
  • The Good King: The Emperor, rather than The King, and it's an elected position like it's real-life counterpart in The Holy Roman Empire. The trope otherwise applies.


  • The Archmage: One of the most talented wizards ever born to the Asur, the High Loremaster of the Tower of Hoath, master of high magic, and (at the time of the game) in the process of training humans to wield the gift of magic and help found the Altdorf Magical Colleges.
  • Mission Control: Serves as the primary quest-giver to the player character in the early game.

    Heinrich Voss 

A Witchhunter of Nuln, one of the two main NPCs of the game along with Teclis.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: Aided Helspeth after she led him to believe she could make him Emperor and the head of the Chaos horde. Spoiler alert: she lied to him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: You wouldn't believe it.
  • It's All About Me: Voss is driven by boundless ambition, and is almost incapable of seeing beyond the prospect of his own gain. Even disregarding his active help in the Chaos invasion, his act of sparing Helspeth and ultimately falling in with her was not out of brotherly love, but fear that having a heretic in the family would bring shame and suspicion upon him.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's on the side of good. However, he's also a nasty inquisitor who's ready to arrest and torture your hero when he's thought of having attacked the Emperor in his throne room. Subverted when it's revealed that he's a Chaos devotee, a direct player in the grander scheme, and not even remotely 'good'.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: As Helspeth transforms into a Lord of Change, she destroys Voss in the process, even obliterating his corpse.

    Leonid Gorchev 

  • Revenge Before Reason: His vendetta with the Blood Born causes him to make rash, foolish decisions that buy time for Redaxe to complete his summoning ritual, and ends in tragedy when it turns out the Blood Born is his son.

Chaos Champions

     Helspeth Bale 

Helspeth Bale

A mysterious sorceress aligned with the Chaos God Tzeentch, known as the Harbinger. She's apparently trying to contact the various champions of the Chaos Gods to reform the Horde.

  • Big Bad: She's the one who kickstarts the whole plot, as well as the one manipulating all the other bosses.
  • Evil Gloating: For all her brains and savvy, Helspeth decides to gloat to Heinrich after betraying him and gets herself shanked.
  • Evil Sorceress: Her main schtick.
  • Red Right Hand: We only see it once, but her left arm is distorted and mutated:
  • Manipulative Bitch: She's allied with Tzeentch: it comes with the territory. Every other villain in the game is just a pawn on the board for her larger scheme.
  • The Mole: You meet her sooner than expected, under the disguise of Erlanger.
  • One-Winged Angel: Injured by Heinrich, Helspeth offers herself to Tzeentch and becomes a Lord of Change.

    Friedrich Kessler 

Friedrich Kessler

A champion of Nurgle, who established a cult and formed a warband in Nuln's sewers, right under the Empire's noses.

  • Large Ham: If his speech to his followers and before the player confronts him are anything to go by.
  • One-Winged Angel: By offering his body to Nurgle when he has been cornered, he turns into a Great Unclean One.

    Uthgrim Redaxe 

Uthgrim Redaxe

A champion of Khorne, who has led a warband of Norsemen to invade Kislev.

  • Barbarian Tribe: Leads one, though he's press-ganged Kislevites who have been corrupted by Khorne into his army as well.
  • Cool Helmet: Wears a great horned one, in the grand tradition of the Warriors of Chaos.
  • Cowardly Boss: Surprisingly enough, it takes a lot of dead minions to finally have him leave his tower. It turns out that the dead minions are actually part of his plan - he's creating a gigantic sacrificial offering to summon a Bloodthirster, and your wanton slaughter of his forces is extremely useful.
  • Horny Vikings: Judging from his name and distaste for southerners, he would appear to be a Norscan.
  • Large Ham: A lot. It's something of a theme with regards to Chaos Warriors.
  • One-Winged Angel: Much like the other main bosses of this game, he becomes a Greater Daemon of his God when you find him in his temple, specifically, he becomes a Bloodthirster.
  • Only Sane Man: One wouldn't expect a Khornate to be a particularly deep thinker, but Redaxe is remarkably cunning, setting up an impressive Xanatos Gambit as detailed below and immediately seeing the Harbinger for the bullshitter she is, unlike the other two Champions.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: Being both Khornate and a Norseman, he's understandably the most intense about being one out of all the antagonists in the game. His strong sense of martial pride actually makes him the only Chaos Champion to see the Harbinger for the liar she is.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: In the great tradition of Nordic-themed barbarian heroes of Fantasy legend, he goes without the great blackened steel breastplates particular to Chaos Champions, instead allowing his hulking, muscular physique to be displayed to his enemies.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Either let his goons run rampant across Kislev killing everyone in their path, or kill them and give him enough souls to summon a Bloodthirster that will run rampant across Kislev killing everyone in its path. Your call.

    Vigrun Skraeling 

Vigrun Skraeling

A champion of Slaanesh, he led a warband under the command of Asavar Kul during the Great War. When Kul was defeated, he and his followers returned to the Forest of Knives in Norsca. He now seeks to gain the power needed to take control over the horde.

  • Artifact of Doom: The Harbinger helped him uncover the Gauntlet of Torment from the Elven ruins in the Forest of Knives, which enabled him to become Slaanesh's pre-eminent champion in the Chaos Wastes.
  • Barbarian Tribe: Leads one dedicated to Slaanesh, the god of excess.
  • Cool Helmet: Wears one that appears to be covered completely in spikes, fittingly enough for a champion of excess.
  • Horny Vikings: He is a Norscan, to begin with, but he gets bonus points for being a devotee of Slaanesh.
  • Large Ham: Much like his Nurglite and Khornate colleagues, he too sounds like he could front a Death/Black Metal band.
  • One-Winged Angel: Does this once you've cornered him in the abandoned ruins of an ancient elven city within Norsca. He becomes a Keeper of Secrets, keeping in with the theme established by the previous two bosses.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Goes without a breastplate, perhaps to display pride in his powerful Northern physique.

    Gustav Riechert 

An Empire Engineer who is secretly working for Nurgle. The antagonist of the free DLC chapter.

Daemons of Chaos

    The Great Unclean One 

The Great Unclean One

A Greater Daemon of Nurgle that takes over Friedrich Kessler's body. Serves as the first boss.

  • Body Horror: Par for the course with Nurgle daemons, the Great Unclean One is bloated and pus-filled, with his entrails visibly bursting from his stomach.
  • Chain Pain: His other attack has him slamming his chains at you.
  • Fat Bastard: Extremely fat and, being a daemon of the plague god, very much an evil bastard.
  • Flunky Boss: Summons hordes of Nurglings to harass the player until the third phase when Plaguebearers join the fray as well.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Sort of. The first thing he does after laughing evilly is sit down. He doesn't move from that spot until defeated, but still takes swings at you with his sword.
  • Stationary Boss: After being summoned, he sits on his throne and won't budge.
  • Sword Beam: Since he cannot be bothered with chasing you down the arena, he'll send powerful shockwaves at you by slamming his sword in the ground. Doing so also allows him to destroy the pillars.
  • Zombie Puke Attack: One of his attacks is to vomit poisonous green puke that covers the entire arena and can only be avoided by hiding behind the pillars.

    The Bloodthirster 

The Bloodthirster

A Greater Daemon of Khorne that takes over Uthgrim's body. Serves as the second boss.

  • Big Red Devil: A huge demonic and horned humanoid with massive bat wings and a spiky weapon... check.
  • Flunky Boss: After sustaining some damage, he starts summoning minions.
  • Ground Pound: He can jump over the arena and come crashing down on you. Fortunately, this highly-damaging dive leaves him stuck for a while.
  • Super Mode: During the first part of the combat, he's cloaked in a red aura and invincible, forcing you to destroy the devices around the arena so that he can't enter it again.
  • Winged Humanoid: Has two massive bat wings and can use them to fly upwards and perform a devastating dive attack.

    The Keeper of Secrets 

The Keeper of Secrets

A Greater Daemon of Slaanesh that takes over Skraeling's body. Serves as the third boss.

  • Beam Spam: In his second and third phase, he will release a 360 degree barrage of purple energy waves in a chaotic pattern from the middle of the room. In the third phase, the attack lasts an incredibly long time.
  • BFS: Wields a long, slender sword larger than your character.
  • Flunky Boss: Will often summon other lesser demonettes in combat.
  • Glacier Waif: Mercifully, its melee attacks, while powerful, are telegraphated and easy to dodge.
  • Healing Factor: When wounded, he will periodically move to the blood pool in the middle of the room and summon a series of iron totems to heal himself. Fortunately, you can reduce the healing process by destroying the totems, and they dont' heal him completely.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has a sword arm, a massive arm ending in a pincer and two more clawed limbs.
  • Power Pincers: Has a massive crab-like pincer on his arm.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Clouded in a purple aura, unleashes purple energy attacks, he's far more challenging than the previous two Daemons.
  • Super Mode: After recovering health (and, in the later phases, unleashing the waves) he'll gather energy and shield itself in a massive purple barrier, which will severely damage the player, forcing him to run away and attack from afar.

    The Lord of Change 

The Lord of Change

A Greater Demon of Tzeentch that takes over Bale's body. Serves as the final boss of the game.

  • Feathered Fiend: Lords of Change often appear as large bird monsters.
  • Stationary Boss: He does move a bit when it teleports, but it's limited to five points in the arena.
