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The Robinsons

     Ernest Bonhoure 

Ernest Bonhoure

Voiced by: Johanna Ruiz (English)
The 10 year old older brother of Colette who along with his sister move in with their Grandparents when World War 2 begins.

     Colette Bonhoure 

Colette Bonhoure

Voiced by: Niamh Clarke (English)
The 6 year old younger sister of Ernest who is the narrator of the series.



Voiced by: Anna Wilson-Hall (English)
A self-sufficient girl who starts as an outcast, nicknamed "Sea-scum" and considered a witch by Ernest and Jean before they get to know her.

     Jean Gubert 

Jean Gubert

Voiced by: Jack Graham (English)
Son of the mayor, and the first friend Ernest makes during his stay.

    Fernand Geber 

Fernand Geber

A Jewish Alsatian who befriends the group.

     Marcel Morteau 

Marcel Morteau

Voiced by: Ben Cusick (English)
The middle brother of the Morteau siblings. At first he is a bully towards Ernest until later in the series.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: After getting pranked he finally stops being a jerk towards Ernest.
  • Kick the Dog: Was prone to this towards Ernest at the beginning.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After being a huge jerk to everyone for the first half of the series he not only gets tricked by Ernest and Jean into trespassing but is forced to shine army boots all day as punishment by the Germans.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: After getting pranked he finally becomes a nicer person and a loyal friend.

     Gaston Morteau 

Gaston Morteau

Voiced by: Janet James (English)
The youngest of the Morteau siblings.



  • Killed Offscreen: Presumably eaten by Hans.
  • Team Pet: He acts as one for the Robinsons for the first half of the series.

Other Kids

     Paul Tissier 

Paul Tissier

Voiced by: Lorenzo Rodriguez (English)
The son of Mr. Tissier.

     Rosalie Apfelbaum 

Rosalie Apfelbaum

A Jewish girl that is friends with Colette.
  • Put on a Bus: Gets sent to England in order to not be arrested by the Germans.



Voiced by: Rob Foster (English)
A classmate of the Robinsons.
  • Death of a Child: Tragically gets killed by stepping on a landmine.
  • Too Dumb to Live: A tragic example, having wandered where he wasn't supposed to be and stepped on a landmine.


    Robert Bonhoure 

Robert Bonhoure

Ernest and Colette’s father.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Robert is part of the French resistance but he is firmly against the idea of executing German prisoners in cold blood. Calling out Pierre for attempting to murder Otto out of revenge.
  • Good Parents: Is shown to be one towards his children.

     Lucy Bonhoure 

Lucy Bonhoure

The mother of Ernest and Colette.
  • Missing Mom: Ernest and Colette's mother, Lucie, was sent to a clinic in Switzerland for her health.

     Emilie and René 

Emilie and René

Voiced by: Terence Mann (English) & Melissa Sindin (English)
Ernest and Colette’s grandparents who raise them during the war.


Mr. Herpin Sparrowhawk

Voiced by: Johnathan Keeble (English)
A veteran of World War I, he's the schoolteacher for most of the children in the series. He was also known by the alias "Sparrowhawk," as the leader of a local Resistance group.
  • Big Good: As the leader of the towns Resistance he is this.
  • Cool Teacher: Is shown to be one towards the main cast.
  • Death Equals Redemption: For Sparrowhawk Mr. Herbin the school teacher, he put kids and early teens through life-threatening situations for the cause, but he did die saving their lives.

     Mr. Tissier 

Mr. Tissier

Voiced by: Johnathan Keeble (English)
Grangeville's crooked grocer and Paul's father.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: While not evil so much as a huge jerk. He does his best to protect his son when the German forces start plan the use the townspeople as hostages.
  • Jerkass: Is shown to be one, especially when it comes to his illegal dealings.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While he was rude about it, if he provided service towards Rosalie then he would be punished as well.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: While not a good person he isn’t as traitor like Durand.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has this when Otto threatens to report his illegal activities with Hans towards the Colonel.

     Jeanne Morteau 

Jeanne Morteau

Voiced by: Fiona Clarke Gain (English)
The widowed mother of the Morteau siblings.

     Pierre Morteau 

Pierre Morteau

Voiced by: Micheal Ledwich (English)
The older brother of the Morteau’s.
  • Cool Big Bro: Is close to his family as well as the children, despite getting angry at Marcel at times for his rude behavior he is still close to him.
  • Dope Slap: Gives these to Marcel whenever he acts like a jerk to Ernest.
  • Heel Realization: Has this when he almost murders an imprisoned Otto.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: After seeing the Nazi’s cruelty he almost comes close to murdering the German prisoners.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this when his younger brother and Colette defend Otto from him.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Comes dangerously close to being one after he attempted to murder an imprisoned Otto despite that fact that he saved his mother and younger brothers from being murdered by Hans, Fortunately he doesn’t go though with it.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gaston and Colette threaten to never forgive him if he kills Otto. Robert yells him him when he sees what he was about to do and shields Otto.



Voiced by: Mark Flanagan (English)
Grangeville's high-spirited postman

     Lieutenant Douglas 

Lieutenant Douglas

A Royal Air Force fighter pilot who was shot down and parachuted into the Robinson clubhouse.
  • Batman in My Basement: The Robinsons help hid him from the Germans and tend to his wounds.
  • But Now I Must Go: Leaves to rejoin the Allied Forces.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returns to help Rosie escape to England.
  • Parental Substitute: Played with. Gaston's father died when he was little so he views Douglas, the downed English pilot that the Robinsons find as a fatherly figure of sorts. Douglas in turn shows Gaston a picture of his own son, left a letter addressed only to him, and lets him have his RAF watch for keeps. When he leaves, Gaston is devastated.



Voiced by: Keith Faulkner (English)
A self-serving Frenchman who becomes a collaborator, always blatantly trying to get disloyal French folk in trouble with the Nazis.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Downplayed, While he deserved what was coming to him the Robinsons took no joy in watching him be executed by the vengeful French resistance.
  • Asshole Victim: After the town is liberated, Durand is taken away and shot because of his treacherous actions that led to the death of Fernand and Mr. Herbin. No one will mourn for him.
  • Butt-Monkey: Misfortune tends to happen to him whenever he tries to get the Robinsons in trouble. Not that he doesn’t deserve it.
  • Dirty Coward: When capture by French Resistance fighters he begs for mercy despite being responsible for the deaths of Fernand and Mr. Herpin.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Durand is open about siding with the occupying Nazi. His friends seems to annoyingly tolerate his presence at the town's cafe. But near the end of the series, they had enough of him and throw him out for good.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Durant. At first, he's just a self-serving jerk who talks of how the French should be helping the Germans, but his actions cause many people to be hurt, including getting Fernand arrested by the Germans and telling the Germans of the Robinsons/Resistance hideout and causing Mr. Herbin's death.
  • Hate Sink: He is a proud traitor who caused the death of many characters.
  • Hated by All: After becoming a Nazi sympathizer he earns the distain of everyone, even the Colonel barley tolerates him.
  • Jerkass: The biggest one in the series.
  • Les Collaborateurs: One of the few characters in the series to openly support the Nazis and aid them however he can.
  • Never My Fault: When captured he claims he did nothing wrong despite previously aiding the Nazis and getting his neighbors either arrested or killed, this only makes the vengeful French solider more pissed off.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: While his many failed attempts to expose the Robinsons may be humorous, his actions still cause many deaths of major characters like Fernand and Sparrowhawk.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: He gets executed by vengeful French resistance fighters.
  • The Quisling: He is willing to sell out anyone to the Nazi occupation for recognition.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He constantly harasses the Robinsons trying to get them in trouble with the Nazi’s knowing full well what would happen to them. His actions would even result to the arrest of Fernand.


     Colonel Von Krieger 

Colonel Von Krieger

The German garrison commander of Grangeville.
  • Affably Evil: Is shown to be polite in his introduction and doesn’t preform acts of needless cruelty, but he still has a ruthless side as he shown when breaking the radio in front of the townsfolk for sabotaging their sign.
  • Big Bad: As the commanding officer of the German occupation he is the closet to one the show has to one. Granted he is definitely no Red Skull, Deathshead, or Major but make no mistake he is still a nazi officer who is a threat to the main cast.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even he finds Durand annoying and looks down on him whenever he has no proof on the Robinsons aiding the resistance. And it’s implied that he would have punished Hans if he learned about his illegal dealings in the black market.
  • Pet the Dog: He does have a few moments of this as he was initially friendly towards the children and apologizes to Jeanne for disturbing her when accused of hiding an English pilot.
  • Uncertain Doom: He is last seen fleeing into the forest following a French Resistance attack, making his final fate unclear.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has this in the Finale when the allied forces come closer.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The final fate of the Colonel isn't shown. He was last seen fleeing his HQ with some men. He was probably captured by the allied forces, killed in action, or retreated back to Germany.



A kind-hearted German soldier quartered at the Morteaus' household.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When finding out Hans' illegal dealing he gives him a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech and threatens to report him and Mr. Tissier to the Colonel.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He dislikes how Hans likes to bully and belittle the Morteau’s and the other French villagers, he is also against the idea of hurting children regardless if they are working with the resistance.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He ultimately chooses to help Jeanne and the children and indirectly aid the Resistance.
  • Love Redeems: His love towards Jeanne is what helps her and her children survive when Hans goes after them.
  • Nice Guy: honesty he is a antagonist in name only and is shown to be
  • Punch-Clock Villain: He is a German solider but is shown to be a completely nice guy who doesn’t show any Nazi beliefs nor does he abuse his authority towards the townsfolk.
  • Redemption Earns Life: He's the only German soldier who chooses to defect, and he's also the only one shown to have survived.
  • Token Good Teammate: Is the only German solider shown that the children trust and hold no resentment towards. They even defended him from soldiers that wanted revenge saying it isn’t right to kill him.
  • Would Not Hurt A Child: When he had the opportunity to expose the Robinsons for collaborating with the Allies and resistance he refused and hid any evidence that would put them in jeopardy. He even called out a solider for being to ruff with them.



  • Asshole Victim: Hans has exploited the townsfolk for his own benefit and killed the Morteau's dog. It's only satisfying to see him killed by Otto, his superior.
  • The Bully: Acts more like a bully than a soldier. He constantly picks on everyone in a demanding way and getting away with it by using his position.
  • Entitled Bastard: Hans, a German soldier who uses 'requisition' to steal food to sell on the black market.
  • Hate Sink: Proves to be an utterly despicable person even for a Nazi solider acting more like a schoolyard bully than an adult.
  • Jerkass: Would be a nice way of describing him. Every scene he is in shows him to be a huge jerk towards everyone, even Otto dislikes his unpleasant personality.
  • Kick the Dog: He does this a lot but two infamous examples being eating Muddy and killing the Morteau’s dog.

Historical Characters

     Philippe Pétain 

Philippe Pétain

The leader of the Vichy government of France.
  • Dartboard of Hate: The Robinsons have one of him along with Adolf Hitler and Durand.
  • The Ghost: Is never seen in the series with only brief mentions from newspaper articles, portraits of him in the schoolhouse, and a drawing of him made by Colette to be used as a dartboard.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: As the leader of the Vichy government he allowed the German army to occupy France including Grangeville.
  • The Quisling: Seen as one by the children for betraying France to the Germans and being the leader of the puppet state.

     Adolf Hitler 

Adolf Hitler

The Führer of Germany during World War II and the main cause of the war in Europe and the The Holocaust.
  • Dartboard of Hate: The Robinsons have one of him along with Philippe Pétain and Durand.
  • The Ghost: Is never seen in the series with only a brief mention of him from German soldiers saluting to the Colonel and a drawing of him made by Colette to be used as a dartboard.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: As the leader of Germany all their actions can be traced back to him.
