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Characters / Rurouni Kenshin Kenkaku Heiki

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     General Tropes 

  • Arc Villain: The main threat of the Hokkaido Arc.
  • Blood Upgrade: All the members have mastered the art of "Sekiriki" (Brilliant Strength), which involves Charles Atlas Superpower aimed at increasing strength by controlling blood flow and muscles. It is also Awesome, but Impractical, as it's usage can worsen any wound or injury by amplifying the blood loss.
  • Deadly Euphemism: Their "Experimental Battles" often end up in tremendous slaughter of civilians and police.
  • Exotic Weapon Supremacy: So far, all of the members use unusual weapons and fighting styles.
  • Human Weapon: Their name can translate to "Weaponized Swordsmen", each of them was trained since youth to be a One-Man Army.
  • Just Following Orders: According to Toi, only the Commanders actually know what the plans are, subordinates don't know nor care. Just like weapons, they are ready to be employed by their masters.
  • Red Baron: Each official member who has successfully completed the training is bestowed a title by the Master, referring to their main skill and ability. Each title is composed in the original Japanese by the ability name and the term "gou" (lit. "Number").
  • Theme Naming: All the seven leaders have the first kanji of their surnames tied to cold or ice, fittingly as their base is in the cold lands of Hokkaido. In order, we have Kanzato (Icy), Itekura (Frozen), Hyoube (Hail), Shimonji (Frost), Fuyukai (Winter) and Reisen (Cold).
  • Training from Hell: How the members got their abilities.
  • Tyke Bomb: They are trained since infancy in the wildest areas of Hokkaido: those who survive but prove unfit for combat are made into spies and agents, those who master Sekiriki become members, those who fail at both are left to die.
  • Villain Team-Up: With the remnants of the Yaminobu.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Their ultimate goal is to protect Japan from all foreign threats, especially in the wake of what they perceive as an upcoming war engulfing all the major nations of the world... too bad they end up butchering a lot of people on their side as well.



The mysterious figure leading the Kenkaku Heiki from the deepest shadows.

  • Ambiguous Gender: The Master has only been seen as a silhouette, it is almost impossible to tell if it is a man or a woman. Apparently the figure has lipstick, but it could be a case of Guyliner.
  • The Man Behind the Man: For the entire Kenkaku Heiki organization, being the mastermind who calls the shots.
  • Orcus on His Throne: The Master doesn't need to act, only to direct. Never seen outside the underground lair.

     "Conqueror" Kanzato Gouto 

The direct subordinate of the Master, a hooded man with long eyebrows and the ability to use an extremely powerful clap. His title is "Conqueror" (Hagou), his Battle Method unknown.

  • Fingerpoke Of Doom: At one point he seemingly unleash a technique to get rid of a large number of enemies by clapping both hands together. The nature of this technique has yet to be explained.
  • In the Hood: Wears a peculiar hood with a sharp point in the front, but unlike the other commanders, he doesn't wear other implements to hide his face.
  • Meaningful Name: "Goutou" literally means "Mighty Man". He's implied to be the strongest of the Kenkaku Heiki.
  • Number Two: Implied by his title to be the second in command to the Master.
  • Unusual Eyebrows: From what we have seen, he sports unusually long, black eyebrows extending far beyond his face.

     "Eccentric" Itekura Byakuya 

The first commander of the Kenkaku Heiki to appear, he possess an incredible stamina, a burning desire to fight powerful opponents and the habit to visualize people as either beasts or mythical animals. His title is "Eccentric" (Igou), his Battle Method is Fudou Todou (Immovable Freezing).

  • Animal Motifs: Invoked, when Byakuya looks at people he tends to see them either as animals (as with most of the low-ranked policemen) or as more mythic-looking figures: according to him, Saitou is a massive wolf holding a katana in his mouth, Henya is a smoke-spewing bat, Mashima is an Oni and Kenshin himself appears as a roaring tornado.
  • Artistic License – Biology: According to Toi, Byakuya has an abnormal volume of blood in his body, which prevents him from making liberal use of Sekiriki.
  • Bare-Handed Blade Block: Does this to Saitou's Gatotsu in his introduction. He then proceeds to snap the katana like a twig when Saitou tries to follow up with Zeroshiki.
  • Blood Knight: While previous villains like Shishio, Aoshi and Enishi had other objectives in mind aside, Byakuya's main reason for joining the Kenkaku Heiki is seemingly desire to fight powerful opponents. He even lashes out at his jailers for being too weak. According to himself, he once thought himself to be pathetically weak, so he went around the country, challenging and killing every single person he came across, regardless of age, gender, status or skill, until he became the unstoppable behemoth he's now.
  • Blood Upgrade: According to Toi, Byakuya has a surplus of blood in his body, which means he needs to bleed out before he can control his Sekiriki. It is implied that the more battle he survives, the stronger he gets.
  • Cardboard Prison: Subverted, he's put in an isolated tract of land in the middle of a heavily-guarded fortress, but it's obvious from his nonchalant attitude that he's staying there because he wants to.
  • Cutlass Between the Teeth: Byakuya uses an unusual fighting style consisting in him fighting bare-handed while holding a sword blade between his teeth with no discomfort.
  • Hammerspace: He shows the still-unexplained ability to pull out a lot of stuff (including a tent) from underground, after drawing a sigil on it.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite towering over both Saitou and Kenshin, he can move fast enough to nearly outpace the latter and run on water.
  • Made of Iron: Byakuya's greatest asset is his incredibly sturdy body, which allows him to tank even bullets with minimum discomfort. The technique is called "Fudou Todou", Immovable Freezing, which apparently makes his entire body hard as a mass of ice, to the point that frost seemingly forms on the blades that slash his body.
  • Meaningful Name: Ite from Itekura means "Frozen". He sees his own aura as a colossal block of ice and can become hard as a massive mountain of ice, able to block any attack.
  • Puny Earthlings: Has an extremely conceited view of peoples he deems weak (non-fighters), seeing them as low animals such as monkeys or cattle.
  • Sword and Fist: He mostly fights barehanded, but can also use a katana if needed.
  • The Worf Effect: He shows up defeating Hajime Saitou in combat. He later No-Sell Soujiro's secret technique, the fatal Shuntensatsu, without even bothering to block.

     "Skull" Hyoube Futatsu 

One of the Kenkaku Heiki's commanders, hides his face behind a skull-like mask and wields two custom swords resembling scythes. His title is "Skull" (Rogou), his Battle Method is the "Nijin Baori" (Two Bladed Haori). They are actually two people under a single robe, Mataza Hyoube and Matasuke Hyoube.

  • Ax-Crazy: He looks downright joyful when he's ordered to carry out the experimental battle in town and starts killing people with crazy delight. We later see this is truer for Matasuke.
  • Arc Villain: Of the Hokkaido Shinsengumi Elegy miniarc, focused on Saito, Nagakura and Abe.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Mataza loses his right arm to Shinpachi Ryubi Sanbiki while pushing Matasuke out of the way. Wisely, he doesn't fight anymore.
  • Barrier Warrior: Exaggerated, his sword-style is so otherworldly that the barrage of his attacks can block anything, even bullets.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Half black and half normal, Hyoube seemingly has mismatched eyes and thus one of his eyes is black. Played straight by said half, Matasuke, who has both eyes black.
  • Cool Sword:Wields what appears to be normal katana... with a hook-like tip pointing downward, making them similar to scythes or picks. He refers to them as the "Sickle-Edged Swords". Saito points out how the shape of the blade messes up with the gravity center and tip of the sword, making it a slashing weapon above else.
  • Driven to Suicide: Having seen Matasuke fall to the police, Mataza slices his own throat open rather than being captured alive.
  • Dual Wielding: He wields two swords at once, which reminds Saitou of a previous opponent, the two-swords master Hattori Takeo of the Goryoeji. Is actually a double Dual Wielding, as there's two Hyoube under the clothes.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Shinpachi Nagakura rightfully deduced that the reason why Matasuke was unscathed after the Ryubi Sanbiki while Mataza lost an arm means that he actually cares about his brother, which is why he's saddened by his suicide.
  • Grim Reaper: Between his black clothing, skull mask, scythe-like swords and obsession with how the death of a person truly defines them, he evokes several Grim Reaper nods. After surviving from a Gatotsu in the head he even claims to be a Shinigami.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: On the receiving end of Nagakura's Ryubi Sanbiki (Three-parted Dragon Tail). By cutting the whole costume in half, its' revealed that "Futatsu Hyoube" is actually composed of two brothers, Mataza and Matasuke.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Matasuke's obsession with murdering Abe leads to him getting shot through his left hand. Then he's disarmed and wounded by Saito wielding Mataza's own sickle sword against him.
  • Impaled Palm: Variation, Matasuke is shot through the fist by Abe's hidden gun, losing his grip on his left blade. Saito finishes the job with a Gatotsu strong enough to enlarge the wounds and making him lose his grip entirely.
  • Karmic Death: Hyoube goes around throwing macabre philosophy on people's death and murdering scores of policemen like nothing, looking for a battle to the death against the Shinsengumi remnants Saito and Nagakura. While Mataza loses his arm and later commits suicide rather than being captured, Matasuke is disarmed by Saito with his brother's own sword and left to be riddled with bullets by those very policemen he had been slaying like cattle, though the following chapter revealed that he survived the barrage and was taken prisoner.
  • Large and in Charge: Futatsu Hyoube is an enormous man, towering over normal people, and is one of the top members of the Kenkaku Heiki. Mataza and Matasuke themselves are quite tall but not nearly as bulky as the costume implies.
  • Lone Wolf Boss: So far he isn't shown relying on subordinates,instead fighting in person. Subverted in that he's a Dual Boss in disguise.
  • Master Swordsman: His attacks are so thick and fast they pretty much form a defensive barrier around his body, shaped in a way similar to a woven cloth.
  • Meaningful Name: "Futatsu" simply means "Two" or "Second" and he wields two swords at once. In truth, Futatsu is actually two warriors hiding beneath the robes. The "Mata" in Mataza and Matasuke means "forked", while -za and -suke stand for "left" and "right".
  • Razor Wind: At one point, he can apparently overpower Abe's Ringo Trigger Range with his swords, despite the latter being sure that he has blocked his attacks. Turns out there are actually two people under the robes, so it was actually using the other, normally hidden arms to deliver a sudden attack.
  • Skeleton Motif: Wears a skull-like ornament on his face, as well as skull-shaped tsuba on his swords.
  • Slashed Throat: Having just lost his arm and his brother, Mataza uses his sword to cut his own throat.
  • Stealth Pun: The name of his sword style in Japanese sounds like "Nijin Baori". Ninin Baori is a term for a (usually comedic) act where two people hide under the same coat, acting as one.
  • Stripped to the Bone: One unfortunate policeman gets caught in his barrage of slashes and is reduced to a pile of blood-soaked, fleshless bones for his trouble.
  • Theme Naming: All of his attacks are themed after fabric and clothes.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Saito and Nakamura are taken aback when they see that Hyoube is somehow able to survive even blows to the head with no ill effect.

     "Gemstone" Shimonji Rurio 

One of the Kenkaku Heiki's commanders, wears a unique shiny visor and uses a peculiar battle thread to fight. His title is "Gemstone" (Hougou), his Battle Method is Sasa Hagane (Ultra-thin Steel).

  • Bad Boss: So far, he has killed Tomitaka for betrayal and failure to kill Sanosuke... and then killed Ugoku, apparently for being in a very bad mood at the moment.
  • Blade on a Rope: His weapon is the "Sasa Hagane" (Thin Steel Blade), a whip-like contraption with a very long steel thread, capped with an extremely sharp scalpel-like weapon.
  • Cool Mask: Wears a large shiny visor over his face.
  • Master of Threads: Aside from Sasa Hagane, he makes extensive use of metal threads and cables in combat.
  • Meaningful Name: Rurio literally means "Lapislazuli Man". He's named after a Gemstone and carries a finely-polished visor to cover his face (Ruri could also refer to crystal or glass in Chinese).
  • The Nicknamer: Has the unpleasant habit of giving his own colleagues unflattering names and even insults (such as calling Byakuya as "Shitty Byakuya").
  • Razor Floss: Part of his deadly arsenal as the Sasa Hagane. He can also make use of floss to overhear conversations from afar.
  • This Cannot Be!: When he sees that the Kenshingumi's efforts have defused the chaos he intended to bring through the Experimental Battle and the smuggling of swords and weapons.

     "Benevolence" Fuyukai 

One of the Kenkaku Heiki's commanders, wears a full samurai armor. His title is "Benevolence" (Nigou), his Battle Method unknown.

  • Cool Helmet: His most distinguished feature is an impressive old-style helmet with a very long decorative top.
  • Meaningful Name: The Ka in Fuyukai means "armor" and indeed he's covered in armor from head to toe.

     "Bizarre" Reisen 

One of the Kenkaku Heiki's commanders, wears an unusually long, pointed hood. His title is "Bizarre" (Hegou), his Battle Method unknown.


     "Earth" Mogura Toi 

Byakuya's subordinate, a massive man seemingly made of rock, can dig his way underground and spit out stones as bullets. His title is "Earth" (Hagou), his Battle Method is called "Graboids".

  • Ambiguously Human: Even when compared to some of the stranger characters in the series, a giant man made of rock really stands out. It's eventually revealed to just be armor. She even mocks Sano for believing her armor was her true appearance.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: When introduced, he "repays" some rifle-using soldiers by shooting them with rocks spit from his mouth. Turns out his entire style, "Graboids", allows him to control freely rock, stones, sand and ground as he wishes.
  • The Dragon: Seemingly the man closest to Byakuya.
  • Expy: The rocky appearance brings to mind The Thing.
  • Hidden Depths: Seems to be a Buddhist, as he brings up the Haibutsu Kishaku event to Anji, seemingly sympathizing with what he went through.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When out of her armor, Toi has the drop on both Sanosuke and Anji, being able to outmaneuver them thanks to her flexible muscles.
  • Punny Name: "Mogura" is written with different kanji, but normally means "mole".
  • Rock Monster: He's seemingly made of rock and looks quite monstrous.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Toi not being a rock monster is pretty obvious. The person behind that armor being a woman? Much less so.
  • Shout-Out: The battle style is called Graboids, written with the kanji for "Menacing Worms Hidden in the Ground".
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Aside from carrying a katar made of black rock, Toi can also craft other weapons out of stone, such as an iron ball or a large pestle made of rock.
  • Team Mom: Lampshaded by Gonguu, who calls Toi a "caring mother" for expressing concern for his companions. Even better, Toi is actually a girl.
  • Tunnel King: He can move around by digging through the dirt to get where he wants.

     "Blessing" Amachi Mikoto 

Byakuya's subordinate, a young kid who's extremely perceptive and uses his ability to help his comrade Gonguu. His title is "Blessing" (Egou), his Battle Method is Jintsuukaku (Divine Perception).

  • Creepy Child: Despite being the youngest member of the Kenkaku Heiki, Amachi is extremely cold, collected and eerie, even in the middle of an heated battle.
  • Hyper-Awareness: His Jintsuukaku (Divine Perception) allows him to see any attack coming from any direction, which in turns lets him warn Gonguu in time. Apparently it's a casual result of a fruitless project made by selected breeding.
  • Logical Weakness: As speculated by Kamatari, his Jintsuukaku tires him up, hence he cannot use it for too long and needs to refill his energy by eating.
  • Mystical White Hair: When his hood falls, we see that he has pure white hair. Fittingly, he also has a "divine" motif.
  • Non-Action Guy: Amachi cannot fight, he uses his powers to support his companions, especially Gonguu.
  • Sweet Tooth: In order to restore his energy, he munches on a long candy bar when he's too tired to keep using Jintsuukaku.
  • Terse Talker: He never talks beyond saying the direction of the incoming attack to his partner.
  • You Have Failed Me: As soon as he's taken hostage by Cho, Gonguu cruelly shots him through the abdomen.

     "Roar" Gogou Gonguu 

Byakuya's subordinate, a massive man in sunglasses who pridefully refers to himself as a "villain" and wields an humongous trick sword alongside a huge metal gauntlet. His title is "Roar" (Gougou), his Battle Method is "Gishin Anki" (Deceitful Paranoia). His actual title is "Deceit" (Gigou).

  • Armor Is Useless: Subverted, he wears a customized armor under his robe made specifically to negate slashing attacks.
  • BFS: His "Hellfire Greatsword" is a large sword with an humongous, square blade he can use as an impromptu shield. Apparently, it was a sword designed by Shakku Arai, but never realized until a Kenkaku Heiki member didn't find the projects and forged the blade with his own spin to it. In truth, the actual blade, while large, is only the "core" of the massive sword, which double as a container for explosive bombs.
  • Bifurcated Weapon: In case of emergency, he can pull the real Hellfire Greatsword from the "case" it's in, revealing it to be a huge sword with a working gun acting as the entire middle-section of the blade. Meanwhile, the rest of the discarded blade breaks up to unleash a torrent of explosives.
  • Blade on a Rope: A massive cable departs from his greatsword's pommel, allowing Gonguu to easily maneuver the whole blade anyway he likes or recover the sword when it's left behind.
  • Break Them by Talking: Tries to make Cho and Kamatari switch sides by pointing out that, after all, they don't really have any concrete reason for helping Kenshin or the government, even offering them brandy to seal the deal. They promptly pull a I Surrender, Suckers maneuver on him that would have killed him if it wasn't for his Anti-Slash Vest.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Openly admits he's a "villain" and tries to pull the "Not So Different" Remark on Cho and Kamatari.
  • Combat Pragmatist: His entire spiel: since he's actually "Deceit", everything about him is an underhanded tactic: the giant gauntlet? he can eject it at will. The huge sword? He can remove the true blade from it, revealing that it doubles as a gun. The baggy clothes? Hides armor under them. You use his precious companion as a shield? He'll gladly shot him too. Nothing you see about Gonguu can be trusted, hence his Battle Method, Deceitful Paranoia.
  • Cool Shades: The striking detail of his character designe are the huge shades he wears over his eyes. They fit his nature of a deceitful, crafty warrior.
  • Eviler than Thou: After shooting Amachi, he sneers at Cho, claiming that he'll never be as much of a bad guy as he is (and lest we forget, Cho tried to commit infanticide without a single moment of pause).
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: When he shots Amachi in the guts to get at Cho, he gladly states that he always wanted to do that.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Reveals himself to be an extremely dangerous opponent, as he'll often change strategy or technique midway through the battle to negate any advantage the opponent may have over him.
  • Power Fist: Wears a truly humongous gauntlet over his arm to improve his punches. He can also throw it as a long-distance attack.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: The interior of the "blade case" of his sword contains a massive amount of explosive orbs which he uses in an attempt to blow Kamatari to kingdom come.
  • Repetitive Name: He's the "Roar", Gougou, and his full name is... Gonguu Gogou, fitting with other Kenkaku Heiki having meaningful or punny names.

     "Record" Honda Ugoku 

Shimonji's subordinate, a bookish man who watches over the production of Gatou weapons. His title is "Record" (Kigou), his Battle Method is the Shoriken (Blade Hidden in Books).

  • Ash Face: He survives an explosion with just a soot-covered face and hair.
  • Badass Bookworm: Looks like a penpusher, but he's actually as dangerous as his rank implies.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Does this with his modes of fire: Shoriken Sokugoku (Shoriken Rapid Reading) and Shoriken Rangoku (Shoriken Random Reading).
  • Flechette Storm: He can fight by tossing around a massive amount of sharp aluminum sheets, enough of them to act as a shield even from bullets. He can even increase the number of bullets using Sekiriki and two books at once.
  • Guyliner: Wears eyeshadow, fitting his contemptuous character.
  • "Instant Death" Radius: Thanks to his fighting style, anyone who gets too close to him will be shredded by his "Shoriken".
  • Laser-Guided Karma: A Smug Snake who taunts his opponents and relies on spamming bladed weapons... defeated thanks to a former Smug Snake, Takeda Kanryu, and usage of a Gatling gun.
  • Logical Weakness: Defied, Alan scatters gunpowder around him, hoping that the sparks produced by the metal sheets will cause an explosion... unfortunately, they're made from a specially-treated aluminum, which causes no sparks. It takes Ashitaro using his Mugenjin to ignite the powder and blast him.
  • Punny Name: "Shoriken" is a pun on "Shuriken" (Blade Hidden in the Hand), with "Sho" meaning "Book", hence making them "Blade Hidden in the Book". The Hon in Honda stands for "book" as well.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Loses confidence and composure as Kanryuu and Alan manage to break through his defense and eventually overcome his Shoriken.
  • You Have Failed Me: Escapes after being defeated and reports back to Shimonji, only to be executed by him as he was in a bad mood.

     "Axe" Ono Tomitaka 

Shimonji's subordinate, a massive, stern man. His title is "Axe" (Fugou), his Battle Method is the Hadan Senpu (Destructive Cut Battleaxe).

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Warns Sanosuke of the Kenkaku Heiki's plan in Hakodate as a way of thanking his kindness and willingess to befriend an enemy.
  • Bifurcated Weapon: As Lampshaded by Sanosuke, Ono's weapon at a first glance looks like a katana with an axe blade attached to the pommel... but there's a second blade hidden under the hilt, rather than under the scabbard, making it a short spear.
  • Boring, but Practical: He only has two techniques for standard fighting: "Defensive Axe: Cut", in which he blocks all incoming attacks with his left palm as he prepares to deliver an accurate slash with his axe, and "Battle Axe: Destruction", in which he grabs the axe with both hands for a powerful cut aimed right there where it hurts the most.
  • The Comically Serious: When Sanosuke offers him an handshake as a way to conclude the duel, he doesn't realize his right hand is still in "axe" mode, causing him to embarassingly apologize.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Tries to kill Shimonji with his axe fist when backstabbed.
  • Fingore: His Reppushou (Violent Axe Palm) crunches his fingers so that they become of the same length in order to turn his hand in an axe. Sanosuke breaks his left hand through the improved Futae no Kiwami: Senken (Whirling Fist).
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: When Sanosuke wrecks his axe and survives the hidden blade, he forms an axe with his hand and ridicolously strong fingers and uses that to chop him.
  • Meaningful Name: His surname can sound like the japanese word for axe and he fights with a special axe, with his trump card being using his hand to perform an axe-like strike.
  • Mr. Exposition: Explains to Sanosuke the working of Sekiriki as his last request.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Contrasting Ugoku, Tomitaka is serious, stern and wastes no time in jokes.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he uses Sekiriki, his eyes briefly turn red.
  • So Last Season: Invoked In-Universe by Tomitaka: in a flashback where he talks about the magnificent Hokkaido fortress built in western fashion to withstand even the best artillery, he notes that by the time the fortress was complete, the artillery improved to the point that the once impregnable countermeasures became obsolete. He uses this tale as a proof of the ruthlessness of the world and how the Kenkaku Heiki must strengthen Japan at all costs to keep up with it.
  • Villainous Valor: Evil or not, he agrees to honor Sanosuke's last request (even if it was a trick), then he recognizes him as a Worthy Opponent after being beaten.
  • You Have Failed Me: Executed by Shimonji's thread when he loses to Sanosuke and starts spilling the beans.

     Itegawa Itoi 

A subordinate of Byakuya, the only Kenkaku Heiki member who did not originate from the organization itself, he was the younger co-disciple of Uonuma Usui and heir of the same fighting style, now looking for revenge against Hajime Saito. He doesn't have a title, his Battle Method is the Kugani Genbu (Golden Genbu).

  • Alliterative Name: Has both name and surname starting with the same sound (It-), making him more similar to Uonuma Usui.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Has a very dark complexion, likely due to him coming from the Ryukyu.
  • Avenging the Villain: He has a bone to pick with Hajime Saito due to his killing of Usui, who should have become the proper heir to the Ryukyu royal style.
  • Bling-Bling-BANG!: Kugani Genbu is a Tinbei Rocin similar to Usui's, but apparently made of solid gold or, at least, a gold-like substance, given its monstrous efficiency. Apparently, Usui was supposed to inherit these arms and Itoi is sure that had he fought with the Kugani Genbu, Saito wouldn't have been able to kill him.
  • Meaningful Name: Uonuma contains the kanji for "swamp" in it. Itegawa, who trained at the same dojo, has the kanji for "river" in his, fitting for someone who's actually carrying on the style.
  • Simultaneous Blade Spam: Like Usui, he can use the Hokenhogyoku: Hyakkaryuran to attack the enemy with a barrage of alternate strikes from both the bladed and the blunt end of the Rocin.

     "Bladed Stilt" Member 

Kanzato's subordinate, a sharp-toothed man who fights with massive blades tied to his arms and feet. His title and his Battle Method are unknown.

  • Blade Below the Shoulder: In combat he fights with a set of extremely long, curved blades attached to his wrists and shins, the latter being used as stilts.
  • Rubber Man: Somehow he can extend the blades on his arm to further his reach or block bullets.
  • Scary Teeth: Has noticeably sharp teeth.


Kanzato's subordinate, a man who can create missile-like bladed contraption to bombard from afar. His title is "Flight" (Higou), his Battle Method unknown.

  • Improbable Weapon User: A BFS which is not used in direct combat but rather shot up in the sky like a giant missile. They're also Awesome, but Impractical, as he has to set them up in advance far away from the intended target. He calls them "Sword Stars".
  • In the Hood: His head is entirely covered by a black hood, alongside a facial mask and a huge pair of googles, suited for his pyrotecnic job.

     "Love" Tatokuro 

Kanzato's subordinate, a seemingly normal man who has a life as a medic and a family. He's uncanningly good with a knife, being able to deflect bullets. His title is "Love" (Egou), his Battle Method unknown.

  • Implausible Fencing Powers: He can catch a bullet with the back of his tanto and redirect it back to the shooter with a circular motion.
  • Token Good Teammate: While he still participates in the "Experimental Battles", he shows no joy in it and, during his debut, he non-lethally incapacitates his shooter before suggesting that he plays dead.
