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Characters / Edna & Harvey: The Breakout

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Here is the list of patients and staff of the Asylum. Contained within these folders are spoilers for Edna and Harvey's breakout, You Have Been Warned.

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Edna Konrad
"At least my imaginary friend sees my true potential."
Voiced by: Alianne Diehl (German), Jocasta Gottlieb (English)
A girl of eighteen who tries to break out of a mental asylum, assisted by her speaking ragdoll rabbit.
  • Berserk Button: Tampering with memories. Edna aggressively rejects any combination that would interfere with anyone's memories such as graffiti on keepsakes citing nobody have the right to do so.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Alfred had to die because he threatened to tear up Harvey. Sure it wasn't nice of him, but Harvey is a stuffed doll and could have easily been repaired. There was really no reason for Edna to freak out like she did and push him down the stairs.
  • Encyclopaedic Knowledge: For somebody who's spent over half her life in an asylum, she is strangely knowledgeable about a lot of things but not very book smart overall.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: She may have treated Alfred like crap, but she seemed to have a genuine (if abusive) fondness for him in hindsight and resolves to find his murderer, unaware she was the one who killed him in a moment of rage to stop him from destroying Harvey.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: At the beginning of the game, Edna finds herself in a cell with no idea how she came to be there or what happened in her life up to this point.
  • Power Born of Madness: Her insanity allows her to bring Harvey to life (though only she can see or hear him) and break through Dr. Marcel's Laser-Guided Amnesia.
    • It also allows her to carry as many items as she wants and to write on the moon.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Indirectly. Edna didn't kill her father, but she committed the crime for which he was executed.
  • Ship Tease: With Alfred and Droggelbecher. Her father was trying to set her up with the former during her childhood and in the present she has a pretty obvious crush on the latter.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: At the end of the game, Edna finds out that neither Dr. Marcel nor her father killed Alfred: she did, out of rage over him threatening to destroy Harvey. Mattis just happened to come by right after the deed was done and chose to take the fall for his daughter.
  • Trauma Button: Adult Edna freaks out on the mere suggestion she should interact with the cupboard in her old classroom.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Zig-zagged. It's clear she was devastated about the fact that she was responsible for Alfred's and Mattis's deaths, but the game leaves it ambiguous whether or not she willingly let Dr. Marcel erase her memories of both events.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Alfred when he was still alive. Though both of them tended to lean a bit too heavy on the vitriolic part, which made their friendship more than a little unhealthy.


Edna's ragdoll rabbit, best friend and constant advisor.
  • Consulting Mister Puppet: Since Edna is lacking most of her memories, she tends to turn to him for advice whenever she's stuck.
  • Fingerless Hands: Harvey has them; he even complains about this when Edna offers him some fingerfood.
  • Imaginary Friend: Is this to Edna whenever she speaks with Harvey and when he moves in the past.
  • Killer Rabbit: Has the mentality of one, since he certainly has no problem with suggesting that Edna harm and potentially kill people.
  • Non-Action Guy: For all his Blood Knight tendencies, he's pretty much useless in an actual fight and has to rely on Edna to fend off bad guys. Justified, since he isn't really there and even if he was real, he's a tiny stuffed rabbit.
  • Pyromaniac: His solution to a lot of problems is just "burn them".
  • Self-Serving Memory: A lot of the memories he shows Edna are pretty obviously influenced by both of their negative feelings about the events. For example, when Edna, with Harvey's help mentally travels back in time to the day her father locked her into the basement, Harvey sees Mattis and Alfred happily eating ice cream together. Edna was trapped in the basement at the time and couldn't possibly have known what Alfred and her father were doing while she was locked up.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He begged Edna to push Alfred when the latter was about to tear him apart. She did and Alfred died from the fall. Leading to Mattis taking the blame and getting executed and Edna and Harvey ending up in Dr. Marcel's asylum.

     Secondary Characters 

Mattis Konrad

Edna's deceased father.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He willingly took the blame for Alfred's death to protect Edna and got the death penalty for it.
  • Papa Bear: Though his approach to Edna's mental issues is highly questionable at best, in the flashbacks it can clearly be seen that he was very protective of her and tried to do what he thought was best for her.
  • Parents as People: He obviously had no idea how to deal with Edna's mental illness, which made him react unreasonably whenever Edna would showcase Troubling Unchildlike Behavior. His efforts to cure her often amounted to little more than locking her up in a room and hoping she'd snap out of it eventually.
  • Posthumous Character: He's long dead in the game's present.

Doctor Horatio Marcel

The head of the asylum and Edna's main antagonist.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has purple skin. The developer's audio commentary states that the skin color says something about the character's humanity; the less of a person someone seems to be to Edna, the less human they look to her.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: One of the two possible endings is Edna submitting herself to Doctor Marcel's therapy. In the process, he manages to destroy her personality.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: How he sees his treatment of the inmates.
  • Death by Falling Over: He certainly has no problem with suggesting that Edna harm and potentially kill people. One of the two possible endings is that Edna pushes him off the stairs.
    • Though he appears in the sequel, sitting in a wheelchair, implying that Edna did push him off the stairs but he survived the fall, albeit with injuries to his legs or spine.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Has not forgotten his oath to reform his patients instead of killing them, even if they are mass murderers or child killers. Of course, that usually means sadistically brainwashing them into losing their free will and identity.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He subjected his son to psychological treatment to turn him into "the perfect child". Except Alfred was actually as abusive and spiteful as Edna, which led to the incident that got him killed.
  • Psycho Psychologist: The death of Alfred has obviously taken a heavy toll on his own mental state. In present day he is an unapologetic Sadist who preys on and tortures the people he is supposed to help and in one of the endings he turns the daughter of his deceased best friend into a Replacement Goldfish for Alfred.
    • In the sequel, Edna trying to murder him permanently drove him off the deep end; he wants to mass produce toys that literally hypnotize children by brainwashing them. It's also revealed he neglected his other surviving son for not responding to his psychological treatments.

Alfred Marcel

Doctor Marcel's son and Edna's childhood friend.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Apparently, Alfred appeared sweet and obedient when in the presence of adults, but was just as spoiled and vindictive as Edna when they were together. His father never caught on to this.
  • Death by Falling Over: Edna killed him unintentionally as she pushed him off the stairs.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Alfred decided to tear up Edna's stuffed doll after she pranked him one time too many. This ended badly.
  • Posthumous Character: Halfway through the game you learn that Alfred died years ago. We only see him through Edna's memories.
  • Ship Tease: Mattis intended to set him and Edna up.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Edna, who considered him her favorite target for pranks and more or less playful experiments.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Though he is suppose to be a little boy, his voice, when he speaks in both the German and English versions sound like a grown man trying to attempt to sound like a boy.

The Pastor

An old acquaintance of Mattis Konrad who could give Edna information about her past.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blond hair and is possibly the only person Edna meets who sincerely cares for her well-being.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Edna only gets to have one conversation with him before he is killed by the Keymaster.

     Inmates of the Asylum 

The Keymaster

An intelligent but dubious ally of Edna.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has green skin. The developer's audio commentary states that the skin color says something about the character's humanity; the less human someone seems to be to Edna, the less human they look to her.
  • Ax-Crazy: The reason why he was locked up.
  • Climax Boss: Defeating him in the church is the last thing you do before going to Edna's old house for the final part of the game.

The Beeman

A calm, composed man who just happens to wear a bee costume.

The Aluman

An ally of Edna who strives for an existence as energy being.

Hoti and Moti

A skinny white guy and a stocky black guy who consider themselves to be conjoined twins.
  • Alleged Look Alikes: They claim that many people mix them up because they look so much alike. Edna rolls with this.
  • Always Identical Twins: Averted, but they believe themselves to be this. They don't even share the same skin color.
  • Conjoined Twins: So they say. Actually, they're just sharing a sweater. They even claim to be conjoined triplets, but their third brother, Broti, went off to study art history in Paris — they say he was always a bit weird.
  • Insane Troll Logic: If Edna offers them a cooking pot, they decline in unison. Edna comments they seem to be very agreeing on that, on which they explain: They are Siamese twins, and in Siam, people eat Sushi, and Sushi is eaten raw, hence there is no need of a cooking pot. And from eating raw fish you get communism, hence the agreeing.
  • Mellow Fellow: Both of them never lose their calm, not even after a big car crash.

Adrian, King of the Recreation Room

An inmate who was struck by lightning and now has clairvoyant abilities.
  • Control Freak: According to the group therapist, he is this.
  • Large Ham: More so in the original than in the English version.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: His clairvoyance developed after he was struck by lightning twice in a row.
  • Psychic Powers: Can see the future and hence never loses a game. That is, until Edna cures his control obsession.

The Bartender

A slightly choleric guy who runs a bar in a backroom of the asylum.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": As with most other inmates, we don't get to know his name, only his function.
  • Gargle Blaster: The only drink he serves is the Stinkydrink, and only he can tell what's in there. It calls up severe hallucinations, and apparently it smells disgusting. The Bartender is shocked to hear that Edna actually drank it.
  • Shame If Something Happened

Professor Nock

A Mad Scientist who seeks to breed dinosaurs from DNA enclosed in amber.


King Adrian's personal guard, over whom just about every female being swoons.
  • Mr. Fanservice: In-Universe, at least for Edna.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: What his actual name is, we don't know.
  • Pokémon Speak: Only ever repeats his own name, though in different accentuations. Everyone else seems to get what he's talking about though. In the sequel, he speaks normally only within the Hoth Motigor game as Sir Droggelot.


An inmate who's suffering depression.
  • Birthday Hater: Because to him his birthday means he's growing older.
  • Butt-Monkey: Not only do all of Edna's attempts in "cheering him up" drift into the territory of "actually, your life is pretty terrible" very quickly, she can also manipulate circumstances to hook him up with Petra, who is totally smitten by him but whose never-ending joy he just can't stand.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Can be found in the bar where he's trying to ignore the rest of the world.


The only other female inmate, and Edna can't stand her.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Genuinely doesn't get that celebrating a birthday party in a bathroom, with the food set up right next to the toilets, is somewhat unsavory.
  • Half-Witted Hillbilly: Has a strong Southern accent in the English dub, and is clearly one of the ditzier patients of the asylum.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: She'd like to be this for Peter. Success is yet to come.
  • The Pollyanna: Always smiling cheerily, and nonstop up for a party, even though nobody seems to come to her party location.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only other female inmate that Edna encounters is her. Ironically, she's encountered in what is clearly the men's bathroom (albeit just to hold a surprise party).

    Employees of the Asylum 


The guard before Edna's cell door, first one to get tricked by her.
  • Anger Born of Worry: When Edna strolls around at the edge of the roof in front of him, he's genuinely pissed, but he also sounds genuinely worried that she might fall.
  • Dub Name Change: In the English edition, he's called Babit.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Implied; he strives to be a great minigolf player as his father was, but puts his father in his memory on such an enormous pedestal that he cannot ever live up to his own expectations.


A guard who attempts to bring Edna back into her cell.
  • The Big Guy: Is huge and muscular, and Edna calls him "big beast" and "Neanderthal".
  • Hidden Depths: Apparently, he reads a lot - he mentions Hemmingway and Tolstoi, at which Edna laughs and says he's just making up names.
  • Paper Tiger: Despite his big, hulking appearance, Edna (a lithe, malnourished teenager) overpowers him without much difficulty using only a wooden mallet. Also applies from a gameplay perspective, as the puzzle to defeat him is incredibly simple (just use the polo mallet on him), instead of the more complicated one you'd expect in order to take him out.
  • Starter Villain: Sort of, he is the first of the employees Edna has to defeat. Stiesel/Babbit is encountered earlier, but isn't fully dealt with until later.


A guard who watches the surveillance cameras. He's the one who has the legendary master key.
  • Meaningful Name: His appearance in the game revolves entirely around the fact that he has drunk much too much water and going to the toilet is long overdue.

Group Therapist

The woman who chairs the group therapy for game programmers.
