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Characters / Ebon Light Main Characters

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Main Characters

     Alenca Goffil 

Alenca Goffil
The main character of the game.

The player character and primary protagonist of Ebon Light, her name and appearance can be customised at the beginning of the game. She is a native of Edric, a small island of maybe two dozen citizens; at the start of the game she accidentally ingests the Cuthintal, an ancient marrow of mysterious power, and is forcibly carted off to Gha'alia.

  • Age-Gap Romance: Has this with all the love interests, but especially Duliae, who at best is ten times her age.
  • Blessed with Suck: Alenca after consuming Cuthintal, especially if she’s less than tolerant to it.
  • Caged Bird Metaphor: Haron would certainly like to believe this.
  • Famed In-Story: No matter your choices, she is destined to become this in the end.
  • Like a Duck Takes to Water: It's possible to play Alenca as quickly acclimatizing to her new environment, even finding it better suited to her than Edric.
  • Look-Alike Lovers: It's possible to make Alenca and her partner of choice this through the customization system, at least as far as hair, eye, and skin color go.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: It's left up in the air if the Cuthintal will affect Alenca's lifespan, but if it doesn't, Alenca's relationship with her love interest is certainly this.
  • The Nicknamer: Can come up with the nickname 'Lacey' for Laceaga, which then spreads to others vocabularies, among them his boss Calipoa.
  • The Storyteller: No matter your choices, she is this, the game even opening with one of her stories; it's apparently a trait of Edriceals.
  • Super Weapon, Average Joe: The Cuthintal may allow Alenca, a small hamlet resident with little to none fighting experience, to become a force to be reckoned with.
  • Token Human: Once she leaves Edric.

     Laceaga Darhal 

Laceaga Darhal
Laceaga Darhal

A Gha'alian scout. The first elf we meet, Laceaga kidnaps Alenca at the beginning of the game at the behest of his employer, kickstarting the plot.

  • Amazon Chaser: Has a distinct appreciation for an Alenca who's powerful and courageous.
  • The Big Guy: While not technically the strongest (that's Ernol) nor the best at close combat (also Ernol) Lacey is the largest and most physically intimidating member of the main group, and his intimidation factor and strength leaves an impression on Alenca.
  • Cold Sniper: Cruel, unfettered, an archer, and generally someone you don't want to end up at the opposite end of the bow from; this contrasts him with his partner Vadeyn, who's the Friendly Sniper through and through.
  • Fantastic Racism: Has this against humans as a result of his Social Darwinist beliefs and the nature of the relationship between Gha'alian Elves and Humans in this setting.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a distinct claw scar on his cheek, and he's far from good; it's telling that his hair is styled such that one side of his face is obscured, and it's not the side with the scar.
  • Long-Range Fighter: When he takes Alenca to the blood circle, he notes that his his strengths lie in his shooting, making his fighting style not conducive to close range battle. He's very physically strong, mind you; simply at a disadvantage wielding a closer ranged weapon like a knife or sword.
  • The Nicknamer: Refers to Alenca as 'Rabbit' or 'Human', although it's debatable if they're really nicknames so much as insults, especially the second one.
  • Rugged Scar
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: He IS a scout after all. And a really good one. Various in-game choices reveal he knows and notices a lot more than one would expect from him given his nonchalant attitude.
  • The Social Darwinist: Believes might makes right, and those weaker deserve the harm that befalls them as a result of their inadequacy.
  • Tom the Dark Lord: His potential nickname 'Lacey' doesn't really fit such a ruthless warrior, does it?

     Vadeyn Milirose 

Vadeyn Milirose
Vadeyn Milirose

A Gha'alian scout. Ernol and Haron's cousin, Vadeyn's idealism and charity are only matched by his deep disappointment in the state of Gha'alia. Adding to his ill temper is his unwilling partnership with Lacey, just about the last person in the world he gets along with.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Ostracized by his fellow Gha'alians for his pacifistic beliefs.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: An irritable temper and one of the best archers in the Gha'alian army mean that despite his kind heart, best not to cross this one.
  • Bully Magnet: Attracts a lot of negative attention from his fellow soldiers as a rare pacifist in an army of Blood Knights.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Black is his favorite colour, and he leans more towards the dark and broody side of things than one might initially expect, but damn if he isn't one of the kindest hearted Gha'alians around.
  • Friendly Sniper: An archer with a big heart.
  • Good Is Not Dumb
  • Good Is Not Soft
  • Grass is Greener: Has a maybe idealized view of Human society, although considering the state of Gha'alian society, can you really blame him?
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Implied by his status as one of the most skilled archers in the Gha'alian army.
  • Nice Guy: To a dot. Refuses to play into the Gha’alian elf stereotype, no matter the cost to himself.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: Duliae and Laceaga stand at mean, Vadeyn and Haron at nice, and Ernol at in-between.
  • Pacifist: Resents that as a Gha'alian citizen and member of the Milirose family, he has little choice but to be a soldier, as he's a pacifist at heart.
  • Punished for Sympathy: Empathizing with the people on the opposite side of the conflict is not such a good idea for a soldier.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: It's implied this happened to him prior to the beginning of the story as a result of his training.
  • Warrior Prince: His mother is a princess, making him technically this, although he's not considered to be in the lines of succession.

     Haron Milirose 

Haron Milirose
Haron Milirose


An assassin in training.

  • Admiring the Abomination: His initial infatuation with Alenca is based on her possession by the Cuthintal, in contrast with the rest of Gha'alia's reactions ranging from hatred, to fear, to general dislike.
  • Agent Mulder: Has no doubt that Alenca is the bearer of the Cuthintal and that she'll survive the experience, contrasting with his brother who staunchly refutes it until presented with proof and seems certain of Alenca's imminent death, and Duliae, who trusts that Alenca bears the Cuthintal based on his research, and certainly tries to convince her he believes she'll live, truth be damned.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: He's the youngest of the main elves, and his apparent naivety and immature behavior gets called on by other characters frequently, but its ambiguous how much is for show; he is an assassin after all.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination: Same as his brother, although he appears to not feel the effects of it as much.
  • Loser Son of Loser Dad: The average Gha'alian seems to not think much better of him then they do his father.
  • The Nicknamer: It seems that all of his girlfriends end up with some variety of nickname, and Alenca is no exception.
  • Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: His mother Sochak is a Harpy, while his father Lonre is an Elf.

     Ernol Milirose 

Ernol Milirose
Ernol Milirose

"I don’t have a problem telling people the truth."

A Gha'alian soldier; Haron's brother, Vadeyn's cousin, and Duliae's closest friend. A severe man who strives to fit into Gha'alian society, a goal undermined by his infamous father.

     Duliae Laushust 

Duliae Laushust
Duliae Laushust

A Gha'alian merchant.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Alenca can treat him as this during the confession scene, as well as assume he'll force her into a relationship with him; he does not take it well.
  • Admiring the Abomination: While the rest of Gha'alia is busy decrying the presence of the mysterious and dangerous Cuthintal in their midst, he's busy ecstatically trying to figure out how it works.
  • The Chessmaster: It's up in the air how much he's manipulating the events of the story behind the scenes, but certainly much more than he's willing to admit.
  • Classy Cane: Almost entirely for show, and very classy.
  • Collector of the Strange: At the very least we know he has a skull collection.
  • Distinguishing Mark: His atypical for Gha'alians blonde hair; the first time he meets Alenca, he even cheerfully points out that she'll never miss him in a crowd.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Evil might be stretching it a little, but he does some pretty damn immoral things over the course of the story; even then, the idea that he would force the woman he's in love with to date him despite her wishes makes him utter his only swear in the game.
  • Former Teen Rebel: Not that he's not a rebel against Gha'alian society to this day, but he was that as well as a party animal in his youth.
  • High-Class Gloves: Alenca comments in her narration on the luxurious, velvety fabric his gloves are made of.
  • Kitsch Collection: The developer has said in response to an ask on Tumblr that Duliae's guilty pleasure is organizing his collection of oddities.
  • Lean and Mean: The lankiest love interest, the most deceitful, and distinctly self centered.
  • Literally Prized Possession: He's been searching for the Cuthintal and the answers to it's mysteries for centuries, emblematic of his thirst for knowledge, fatuation with the mysterious, and drive to collect the strange.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Pretty is debatable, but among the love interests his attractive attributes are much less traditionally masculine, and he has quite long hair.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Every other love interest has a chance to blow up at him over this in their route, and Ernol always will. It's even possible for a romanced Alenca to end the game never realizing that he was directly behind her possession, and that he's been performing Cuthintal experiments for decades of which she is only the most recent victim.
  • Mistaken Age: It's unclear how old Alenca assumes him to be, but as an elf he's much younger then he appears, and she's clearly shocked to hear he's been alive long enough to have been studying the Cuthintal for decades.
  • The Nicknamer: Refers to Skylar and eventually Alenca as 'Darling'.
  • The Older Immortal: Every character we meet outside of Edric is an elf and therefore obscenely long lived, but Duliae clocks in as the oldest, being over three times as old as the second oldest elf among the main characters, Lacey.
  • Parental Substitute: His self appointed role as cajoling, protective overseer to Alenca can come off as this, and his striking similarities to Ernol's estranged father Lonre makes it ambiguous how much Ernol may view his best friend as one; Duliae even admonishing Ernol at one point for "mistaking me for your father".
  • Purple Is Powerful: Though not traditionally strong, Duliae is one of the more powerful elves in Gha'alia due to his trade acumen, and purple is his signature color.
  • Really 700 Years Old: The oldest elf we meet in the story at two hundred and ninety four years old.
  • Self-Applied Nickname: The title "Onyx Chandler" originates with himself.
  • Stepford Smiler: Almost always smiling, even when met with scathing remarks.
  • Too Much Alike: Doesn't get along with Haron or Lonre, primarily due to the similarities between the three of them.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Black heart is maybe an exaggeration, but he has the lightest hair of any Gha'alian we meet, and altruistic he is not.
  • Wicked Cultured: Classy and isn't afraid to put others in harms way to achieve his goals.
