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Characters / Clear Vision 1

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Characters from Clear Vision

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First assignment


Reason for death



A random man who was Tyler's first murder
  • Flat Character: Nothing noteworthy is known about him other than the fact he's a 35 year old named Marc and he's only recognisable by his obnoxious blue hat.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: He's slain while chatting with someone else.
  • Starter Villain: If he is a villain (which is possible, considering the types of people in bumville.) Regardless, he's the first guy Tyler kills.

Principal take-down


Reason for death

Blackmailing one of his students by threatening to lower her grades


An evil principal killed for trying to blackmail a teenage girl. He's eating a burger in some fast food joint.
  • Asshole Victim: While the severity of his crime is left ambiguous, he's still a disgusting waste of oxygen for threatening to ruin the life of a young girl. Even the cop investigating his murder thinks he deserved it, and this is before he even identifies him.
  • Blackmail: What he's doing to the client's daughter, with all the disturbing implications that come with that act.
  • Evil Principal: A blackmailer and implied ephebophile targetting a teenage girl by threatening to lower her grades and destroy any chance of her getting a scholarship.
  • Hate Sink: He's this at the very least, due to blackmailing a teenager, which is low even for the scum typically faced in this series.

Bon appetit

    Rob Mckinley 

Reason for death

Sleeping with the client's wife


A pizza delivery guy killed for having an affair with the wrong guy's wife.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He pissed off a guy amoral enough to get a hitman to solve his problems. He dies before realising the mess he got himself into.
  • Cuckold: Rob made the client this, and paid the ultimate price for doing so.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He's a scumbag, though not deserving of being brutally murdered.
  • Karmic Death: He was killed on the orders of the husband of the woman he was screwing.
  • Pizza Boy Special Delivery: He's the pizza boy and he's dipping his special sausage in the wife of Tyler's client. Due to the client disliking this ingame brazzers plot, he makes sure the guy dies before he can bone his wife another time.
  • Sex Signals Death: He's killed due to going to sleep with a married woman.
  • Stupid Crooks: The guy who ordered the hit is this. If the adultery comes out, the list of suspects is going to be very limited and there's a clear motivation behind the guy's death.
    • Though the police are just as dumb, thinking the motivation is because the pizza was cold, though this would still lead them to seeing the husband as a suspect.

Falling oblivious


Reason for death

Refusing an investment and potentially planning to spread a message to other investors warning them of the shoddy investment.


An investor with a love of skydiving who said no to the wrong guy and died for it.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: The client that orders his death turns the situation into one. Too bad the investor never realised this was the case.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He inadvertedly refused to invest in the product of a client who became enraged enough to solicit a hitman to heal his wounded pride and wallet.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He falls from an extreme height after his bungee chord snaps.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Murder is an extreme reaction to potentially ruining a business deal, especially if said deal was not worth pursuing.
  • He Knows Too Much: He was killed for knowing how bad of an idea investing in the client's company was and potentially being able to inform others of this.
  • Kick the Dog: Making an entire company take the blame for an innocent man's death is a shitty move, Tyler.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: He plummets his death due to the bungee cord being shot. The poor company believes themselves to be at fault for allowing this horrible "accident" to ever happen.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The safety inspectors are horrified due to thinking the murder was their fault, as Tyler made them the scapegoats for the assassination.

Gone fishing

    Jude Hamilton 

Reason for death



An old man who was murdered due to his family becoming aware he was going to cut them out of his will.
  • Death by Irony: He went from fishing to sleeping with the fishes, potentially even becoming fish food.
  • Greed: His ungrateful family really wanted his money. Too bad it involved killing him to get it.
  • Inheritance Murder: Why he's killed, as he was planning to cut his family out of his will.
  • Kick the Dog: He was killed because his family were greedy little shits.
  • Spoiled Brat: The people who solicited his death are such blatant examples that they even refer to themselves as such.
  • Lost at Sea: Well a lake, which is pretty much the same thing when you think about it. He's shot out of his boat into the water below to add insult to injury.
  • Never Found the Body: It's presumed that the reason why only his boat was found was because his body had already been claimed by the lake creatures before the police got to the scene, as they'd probably realise that the bullet in his head was suspicious instead of simply suspecting foul play.

Death is calling: he wants your soul back

    Guy on phone 

Reason for death

Unknown, possibly due to his business connections


A guy killed after a phonecall was used to identify him.
  • Disconnected by Death: Exploited by the client. Since the phonecall was an excuse to lure him to his death, the client is happy to hang up knowing Tyler has killed the man on the other end.
  • Fish out of Water: He's from Boston, so perhaps he was unaware of a serial sniper killing people for money.
  • Flat Character: It's unknown who he was or what he did to warrant being murdered.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: He was killed after a phonecall was used to identify him to Tyler.

Strength is relative

    James K. Hilton 

Reason for death

So the client can win a weightlifting competition


A semi-famous weightlifter killed while practicing at the gym

Business slowdown


Reason for death

Getting too close to the truth about the company he works in.


An employee in a shady company killed for getting too close to the truth.
  • Bad Boss: He's the victim of one. While he was aware that his employers were up to no good, it's unlikely he suspected they'd stoop to murder to eliminate witnesses.
  • He Knows Too Much: A gramatically incorrect verbatim is used in the briefing. Wording aside, it's the reason he's made a contract.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He still shows up to work at a company whose corruption he's become aware of. If Tyler didn't kill him, his employers probably wouldn't have had that hard of a time doing the deed themself.

Is that your phone, sir?

    Guy in car 

Reason for death

Who knows?


A man killed with an explosion triggered by a phonecall.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Instead of simply being shot in the head like many a victim before him, his car explodes with him inside. The only merciful factor to this is that he likely died instantly.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: His car (and himself, by extension) is blown up, though this is due to a carefully timed phonecall and Tyler's assassination skills.
  • Flat Character: All Tyler knows about this guy is that he has to kill him. Due to the Time Skip immediately after the chapter, even his age is a mystery.
  • Noodle Incident: It's never been (and likely never will be) revealed what made someone consider his death worth ordering.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: His car does this with him inside it. This doesn't end well for anyone but Tyler and the client.

Camping 6ft under


Reason for death

Being a persistent issue to the client.


A problematic man murdered for pestering the wrong guy. Also later revealed to be the client's boss.
  • Ambiguously Evil: How exactly he was annoying the client isn't revealed, meaning it's unknown if he was malicious or merely irritating.
  • Bad Boss: What the client sees him as. If he is is unknown.
  • Bullying a Dragon: The poor sod angered the wrong client, earning him a lead cranial implant from the client's Professional Killer.
  • Horrible Camping Trip: Yet another camper who gets shot in the head by the clear vision equivalent of a spawn camper.

Mission eleven

    Piece of shit boss 

Reason for death

Being a Bad Boss


A Bad Boss that was killed by a disgruntled employee.
  • Bad Boss: Why he's killed, though the client could easily be an Unreliable Narrator exaggurating this guy's awfulness.
  • Shout-Out: His factory name (factory 47) brings to mind another assassin skilled with a sniper rifle.

Political progression

    Arthur M. Riley 

Reason for death

The client disagrees with his political views, due to them potentially having devastating consequences if enacted.


A controversial politician who was killed during a rally due to his potentially disasterous policies.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Whether his views were actively malevolent or simply controversial is unknown, as both would be a motive for wanting him dead due to the warped morality of those who solicit assassins.
  • Catchphrase His campaign motto is "believe it, then leave it," whatever the fuck that means.
  • Conspicuously Public Assassination: He's killed during a campaign speech.
  • Corrupt Politician: Implied, though this could be averted due to the client just being an asshole who couldn't tolerate opposing viewpoints.
  • Epic Fail: His slogan has a bunch of negative implications and makes little sense. The font also sucks.
    • His bodyguards also jump on him to protect him, after he's been shot in the head.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: He dies during the middle of his speech.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: His mission is the first one where wind really starts becoming a complication, as the rifle has to be positioned in a very specific way to get the right shot.

Served on a silver plate


Reason for death

Stealing a "steal" box.


A Steal box steeler who stole paintings and a "steal" box from the client's mansion. He's tortured for information then brutally killed.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: He starts pleading for his life as soon as his car roof starts being compacted.
  • Asshole Victim: Ultimately subverted. He's an evil man, though his death is exceptionally brutal and terrifying.
  • Be as Unhelpful as Possible: His initial tactic, which falls apart when Tyler starts upping the pressure of the "interrogation."
  • Bullying a Dragon: Unwisely and unluckily robbed a guy willing to hire assassins to extract information from those who messed with him.
    • He also tries bluffing his way out of his mess to Tyler, who is in the process of torturing him to death, only dropping this act when he realises the dire situation he's in.
  • Catchphrase: "I ain't telling you nothing."
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The car is slowly crushed with him in it as an intimidation tactic. It works after a little while.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He's compressed while trapped inside his car. The blood pouring out afterwards only solidifies the gruesomeness of this death.
  • Deconstructed Trope: Of the Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique. His death is cruel and horrifying rather than cathartic, and while he's an asshole, it's ultimately pitiful seeing his fear and anguish in his final moments.
  • Hope Spot: He naively assumes he'll be spared after coughing up the information. Tyler crushes both his hopes and his car with him in it.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: How he's convinced to divulge the whereabouts of the "steal" box. It's a pretty brutal ordeal.
  • Oh, Crap!: He becomes hysterical when the compressor starts closing in on his car, as he knows he's about to die horribly.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: He apparently stole a steal box. No wonder he took it.
  • Stupid Crooks: He really isn't good at picking the right people to antagonise, as those he insults are the ones who orchestrate his death.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Being unhelpful and uncooperative with Tyler likely didn't endear himself to him. Perhaps it's why Tyler was willing to murder him after he'd given up the needed information.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He starts banging against the car doors as he's slowly crushed to death.

Dockyard menace


Reason for death

Abusing his ex girlfriend.


An abusive dickhead who was killed while on a construction site.
  • Asshole Victim: A domestic abuser who gets hit on the head with justice, it's hard not to root for Tyler in this mission.
  • Death from Above: Thanks to Tyler, some building equipment was dumped on his head.
  • Domestic Abuse: The physical kind. He's been beating his ex.
  • Hate Sink: Domestic abusers are always hate magnets, even in the Crapsack World of clear vision. This guy is no exception.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: As per the client's request, so the police don't ask too many questions. Hopefully, they neglect to see the bullet casings near the crane.
  • Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: The male version. He's a violent brute towards his ex, hence why he's killed.
  • Would Hit a Girl: His own ex, to be exact.

Reading is underrated

    Blackmailing bum 

Reason for death

Blackmailing the client


A blackmailer killed while reading in his apartment in a tragic case of mistaken identity.

2nd's the charm

    Actual blackmailing bum 

Reason for death

Blackmailing the client


The actual blackmailer. Killed while working his cleaning job.
  • Asshole Victim: He's a blackmailer, so it's not too hard to consider his death earned.
  • Blackmail: The true culprit behind blackmailing the client.
  • Irony: His body leaves quite a mess, an ironic end for a cleaner.

Cruel sunday

    Horrible man 

Reason for death

Embezzling millions from a charity organization


A greedy scumbag killed while sitting on a park bench.
  • Asshole Victim: A heartless and greedy man, it's hard not to celebrate his death. Even Tyler kills him for free.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He seemed like a generous manager of a charity group but was secretly embezzling millions of dollars.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His lover seems to care enough about him for the two to get intimate in a public place. Sadly, she has to see him get murdered right in front of her.
  • Greed: He's stolen millions from a charity group, so he's as greedy as he is scummy.
  • Hate Sink: What else can you call a guy who embezzles money from a charity organisation?



Reason for death

Being a serious threat to the wrong guy


A "serious threat" killed while in his truck.
  • Call-Back: Peat the client hired Tyler several missions ago to kill his boss as well. He even reminds him of the connection in the briefing.
  • Flat Character: Like the camping boss, this guy is a blank slate, without even a name or an age to add a minute bit of depth to him.
  • Noodle Incident: What happened that made the Client see him as a serious threat is up to the player's imagination.

Mission eighteen


Reason for death

Digging up dirt on someone who doesn't want his dirt dug up


A journalist taking the subway while reading the newspaper. Both things are used to identify and exterminate him.
  • He Knows Too Much: He died in order to stop him from unearthing compromising information about the client.
  • Subways Suck: He was murdered during a subway ride. It was probably not the most fun experience for the commuters either.


Reason for death

He was apparently horrible


Yet another boss killed because his employee was upset with him.
  • Bad Boss: He's apparently this, though we don't see him doing anything bad, meaning that Tyler and the player have to assume that the client isn't just another Unreliable Narrator.
  • Final Boss: Of the first game.
  • Flat Character: He's not the most complex character, just another head for Tyler to lodge a bullet in.
