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Characters / Choir of Lunatics

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Post-scratch Trolls

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Padora Mirach

You are very BUBBLY. You have a high ranking on the HEMOSPECTRUM, the highest of your entire session. But oh, you couldn't care less! You are not what one would call a REBELLIOUS PRINCESS, you are as a matter of fact not royalty at all, you just can't be bothered with behaving like you are BETTER THAN EVERYBODY ELSE. You do however take your ARISTOCRATIC DUTIES very seriously. Those of your caste are JUDGES of a sort, it will be your job in the future to give criminals their proper fate. Not a lot of fun, but what'cha gonna do?

A kind and gentle troll who'd rather have fun with her friends than mistreat them as those of her caste usually do.

In Sburb, she is the Maid of Heart. Her Trolltag is "graciousToparch".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the WHIPKIND ABSTRATUS.

types in all lowercase
glubs occasionally and uses fish pun when shes searious
always makes her question marks into her sign ~?~

  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: She has a tiara and a freaking golden belt.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Went insane with paranoia and killed off two of her teammates, including her kismesis.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Not only does she kill two characters with a whip, one of them was fighting back with a rifle.
  • Killed Off for Real: Murdered Sanisa but was killed in the process.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Padora is a reference to Pandora's Box, evil in an unassuming package. Padora goes crazy and kills her teammates.
    • Mirach is a star from the Andromeda constellation, the princess.
  • Rebellious Princess: Averted. It's plainly stated in her introduction that she takes her duties seriously. (I mean "seariously.")
  • Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: Compare the unambigously nice Padora’s sensible (though decked out) outfit with Tucana’s revealing evening dress. Averted once Padora has her Face–Heel Turn.
  • Theme Naming: Every troll is associated with a constellation. Padora's is the Phoenix.
  • Uptown Girl: Is at the top of the hemospectrum but is the matesprit of Idanus, who is almost at the bottom.


Tucana Diadem

You are obsessed with TORTURE in all its forms. This interest stems from your ANCESTOR, who was a brilliant torturess. You aim to become like her, and this reflects on your behaviour. Because of this, people tend to find you rather creepy, but you don't mind that at all. In fact, you tend to be rather gleeful about it. Well, you tend to be gleeful about most anything. That might be because you adore CHAOS in any shape or form. Even if you don't cause it yourself, you enjoy watching it begin and unrevel.

A rather shrewd and borderline psychopathic troll who plays the game mostly for the chance to fuck things up.

In Sburb, she is the Witch of Light. Her Trolltag is "chaoticAristocrat".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the CLAWKIND ABSTRATUS. Later uses UMBRELLAKIND.

Ty Pes using Pro Per grammar anD syntax.
Ca Pitalizes her P:s anD D:s. D Doubles them when flustereDD.
Sometimes uses the ;D emoticon anD enDs sentences with a ~.

  • Character Development: By the time she is the Black Queen, she has toned down her sociopathic tendencies (though they're definitively still there). She shows this by having gone from kismesisitude to matespritship with Asteon (making him her first matesprit, whereas she has been the kismesis of at least half her session), being genuinely friendly with Lois, up to and including dying so that she may get the ring of life and join the troll session, which desperately needs a time player. When dead, she leaves Derse and returns, giving Celano a real, heartfelt apology for abandoning her and fighting for the sake of her session.
  • Chess Motifs: Her very first log has her discussing chess with Celano, she is fond of strategy games, her FETCH MODUS is a chessboard and she later becomes the Black Queen on a literal chessboard. To drive this home, she became a pawn of the Nameless's by accepting the position as Derse queen.
  • Domestic Abuse: Has her lusus nailed to the wall.
  • Ethical Slut: Dangerous, manipulative, but very concerned when it comes to consent.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    CA: Actually, forget it. I'm a skilleD torturess but not even I coulD make tormenting you enjoyable.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Which is one of the only two things that can kill her for real.
  • Hime Cut: Inverted; she is a teasing torturing Domestic Abuser so despite what her hair style says she does not fit the trope.
  • "I Am" Song: Gets one when she reaches God Tier. Birth of a New Witch.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Tucana is the name of the constellation she is associated with.
    • Diadem is a star from the constellation Coma Berenices(Berenice’s hair), and is also the name of a kind of crown.
  • Morality Pet: Her moirail Celano. When they are confronted by Duilio and Asteon, she pretty much ignores her kismesis completely in order to look out for Celano. And it's only when she's abandoned her session for two years and finally meets Celano again that she feels genuine remorse.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Wears a skimpy, strapless evening dress that shows her back, cleavage and a fair part of her thighs.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Though she doesn't do the "Oh-ho ho ho" laugh, she does the hand gesture.
  • Parasol of Pain: Her umbrellaKind? It's basically a spear and shield combined.
  • Precision F-Strike: When she finds out Idanus made Asteon her server player.
  • Really Gets Around: She has been the kismesis of at least half of her session.
  • Stupid Evil: Averted, surprisingly. She is very much in control of herself and prefers to cause chaos by manipulating.
  • Theme Naming: She is named after her associated sign, the toucan.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: By the time she is queen of Derse, two years have passed and she has matured somewhat. While still psychopathic, she is not below being genuinely friendly with Lois and giving her love advice.


Duilio Amello

Wow, that's quite A FROWN you've got there! Not that anyone'd take note of this, since you are PERPETUALLY GRUMPY. Actually, if anyone did take the time to point this out, you'd probably FLIP THE FUCK OUT and give them what for. It'd be very unpleasant, seeing as you are a HIGHBLOOD and therefore wields EXTREME STRENGTH.

A troll who's happy to show when he's being annoyed but reluctant to cease being secretive with his other emotions.

In Sburb, he is the Heir of Rage. His Trolltag is "ceasarianTone".

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the MACEKIND ABSTRATUS.

 \+/ Prefixes with a shield to resemble his sign
 \+/ Does not use punctuation


Asteon Caroli

You are quite SERIOUS. Yes, you're so serious people tend to think you're a bit of a KILLJOY. But that is perfectly fine, you have no intention of changing who you are. To be completely honest, the opinions of others don't really matter. You prefer being on your own anyway. Mirroring your personality, your hive is NEATLY ORGANIZED. Not because you knew we would come, but because you simply always keep your things where they ought to be.

A quiet troll who likes to keep behind the stage and observe what's going on without getting actively involved.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the KNIFEKIND ABSTRATUS.

In Sburb, he is the Prince of Blood. His Trolltag is "tenebroseAnalyst".

Uses correct grammar and syntax.
Refers to his friends by their Sburb title and last name.
///Prefixes with three slashes when flustered.

  • Character Tics: He's got a habit of twirling his knife in his hand without thinking about it.
  • Chekhov's Skill: His habit of analyzing movies came in handy when the boss battle begins.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Downplayed, but he still hates it when Tucana flirts with others. She does it precisely for that reason.
  • LARP: Used to do Fatal Live Action Roleplaying as his ancestor.
  • Meaningful Name: Both his first and second name are based on the stars in Canes Venatici (Asterion, Cor Caroli).
  • Precision F-Strike:
    TA: Shut the fuck up, will you not, heir Amello?
  • Theme Naming: Is named after his associated sign.


Sanisa Rampon

Well, aren't you happy! You're usually happy, because everything is so much FUN. Except the things that aren't. But you tend to stay away from them anyway. Your hive is a lovely mess of MECHANICAL INSTRUMENTS and BOTANY ARTICLES. Keeping your hive tidy is not fun in the least. Sometimes you step on A WRENCH or a WATERING CAN, because you do not pay much attention to where you're going.

A cheerful troll who gives the impression of having too much sugar in her diet.

In Sburb, she is the Knight of Breath. Her Trolltag is "techniciansTemple".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the RIFLEKIND ABSTRATUS.


  • Blow You Away: Her sign is antlia (air pump) and her God tier is Knight of Breath.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Her crush on Idanus. Subverted in that Rigela reveals it to everyone before they enter the game, but she herself never brings it up.
  • LARP: Used to do Fatal Live Action Roleplaying.
  • Wrench Wench: Her main interest is engineering.


Leonad Aviant

Your name is LEONAD AVIANT. You have a tremendous passion for COMICS, or as most people who read them like to call them, GRAPHIC NOVELS, or as you call them, COMICS. This is proven by the fact that you've read 3,473 comic collections and the fact that you know this. You're a MIDBLOOD, though you don't give the hemospectrum much thought. You don't give ANYTHING much thought, since you have an attention span as short as the life of a hemophobic rainbowdrinker. Your LUSUS is a huge FLYING FISH, which is big even by the standards of BIG FLYING FISH.

He might not be able to stay focused for very long, but... Sorry, you were saying?

In Sburb, he is the Page of Time. His Trolltag is "gallantCaduceator".


c(>< Prefixes every sentence with a fish to resemble his sign.
c(>< Uses proper grammar and syntax.
c(>< Occansionally uses the >.< emoticon.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: He is red for Tucana, and therefore ends up being one of the only ones never to have been in a relationship with her.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Leonad is associated with the constellation Leo.
    • Aviant is a word for flight. Leonad's associated sign is Volans, flying fish.


Alshat Kastra

A troll who has her feet on the ground and thinks that you had better calm your tits.

In Sburb, she is the Sylph of Life. Her Trolltag is "anthroposophicGame".


uses all lowercase
except when usin the word /-/ELP or any derative
types in southen twang yall
capital h becomes /-/

  • The Nicknamer: Calls Celano "li'l lady". She and Tucana also seem to have taken to calling Duilio "Boy Blue".


Rigela Thabit

A troll who makes up in enthusiasm what she lacks in maturity.

In Sburb, she is the Seer of Doom. Her Trolltag is "alphonicCamelopard".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the BLADEKIND ABSTRATUS.

uses all lo-o-owercase
except fo-o-or the wo-o-ord she puts EMPHASIS o-o-on
triples every o to resemble her sign

  • A Day in the Spotlight: Once the boss battle begins, she is given a Ring of Time so she can guide Tucana to Selena's location. She spends most of that time gushing about how cool she is.
  • Jerkass: Was The moirail of Idanus. She broke it up before the game begun because he failed to put her in the same team as Duilio. Duilio bullied Idanus into putting them on separate teams.


Idanus Saturn

In Sburb, he is the Mage of Space. His Trolltag is "tenatiousGuide".

A troll who is like a boss except for the part that involves any actual authority.


Uses correct gr@mm@r @nd synt@x.
uses the full n@me of @ll his friends and c@pit@lizes it
occ@sion@lly uses @n emoticon we@ring his gl@sses @-@
@ll his a's become @

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Finally snaps after being taken for granted by everyone.
  • The Cracker: Is the one who gets the game functioning.
  • Mad Scientist: He's the one responsible for making his friends' corpse into the Alpha session's sprites.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Idanus's associated constellation is Eridanus, the river.
    • Eridanus is closely related to Aquarius, whose position is being ruled by Saturn.


Celano Ahtlas

You are quite IMPORTANT. Or at least you would be if people KNEW YOU WERE HERE. Very few do, because the FOREST in which you live is currently only inhabited by you and your LYNXMOM. It is your SACRED DUTY to guard this forest, as it was your ANCESTOR'S before you. Of course, you have never met her, but you KNOW FOR SURE that she existed.

She might be a psychopath, but she's a cute psychopath.

In Sburb, she is the Thief of Hope. Her Trolltag is "terrestialConsciousness".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the SPEARKIND ABSTRATUS.

types in all lowerrcase
doubles everry r
uses no capitalization norr punctuation

  • Character Development: Forced to this, as her session goes straight to hell, her moirail and the best strategist of her team decides to leave. It's simply up to Celano to make sure they'll survive, so she has to mature up. Fast.
  • The Leader: as Tucana leaves the session, she's forced into this position. Turns out to be quite good at it and when Tucana comes back tree years later, she stays in this position.
  • LARP: Used to do Fatal Live Action Roleplaying as her ancestor.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast:
    • Her title, Thief of Hope.
    • And her planet, the Land Of Shrines and Death.


Elmuth Trikon

A troll that's so unlikeable that you'd feel sorry for him if you weren't busy loathing him.

In Sburb, he is the Bard of Void. His Trolltag is "abhorrentAdmirer".

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the FISTKIND ABSTRATUS.


  • Affectionate Parody: Shares some similarities with Eridan Ampora, like his genocidal tendencies (that never go anywhere), failure in romance and Butt-Monkey status.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Inverted. He was in a matespritship and kismesisitude with Celano when the game began. Upon seeing him, Celano promptly broke up with him. Asteon wanted to do the same but was too polite. It required a lot of meddling from his kismesis until Asteon actually got fed up. Of course, Elmuth knew Tucana was behind most of it... And ends up hating her romantically. Plus, he has a red crush on Padora.
  • Gonk: Elmuth is the most unattractive troll up to date.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His title, Bard, translates as "someone who allows destruction". He just never reached God Tier.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Nameless turns up to talk to everyone, he flat-out ignores Elmuth. As he's about to leave, Elmuth grabs onto him and claims it's racism. The Nameless gives him a Death Glare and this is Elmuth's reaction.

Pre-scratch Trolls


Armeda Mirach

The pre-Scratch incarnation of The Contessa (Padora's ancestor). In Sburb, she is the Thief of Heart. She has a nice side, but does her best to ignore it
  • Love Hurts: Her kismesis murdered her matesprit.
  • Meaningful Name: Armeda comes from the constellation Andromeda, meaning princess.
  • Super-Strength: Averted. Armeda does not have the trademark highblood strength.
  • Tsundere: Tsuntsun towards most everyone (especially Oriyan), deredere towards Skylos.


Selena Diadem
The pre-Scratch incarnation of The Punisher (Tucana's ancestor). In Sburb, she is the Maid of Light. The sophisticated kind of maniac.

Uses correct grammar and syntax.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Selena is an unusual example in that she is in a romantic relationship with the target of her affections, just not the relationship she yearns for.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Is pretty much the nicest of them all, but she's also gone insane.
  • Meaningful Name: Selena comes from "selene", a Greek word for moon. The moon is associated with feminine qualities.
  • Porky Pig Pronunciation: Stutters her P:s and D:s.
  • Precision F-Strike: Upon losing her strife with Tucana.
    SELENA: You fucking BITCH!
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: You have to remember that she is genuinely nice and pleasant, and everything she does is due to a broken mind and desperation.


Arrigo Amello

The pre-Scratch incarnation of Traveler Bluepack (Duilio's ancestor). In Sburb, he is the Mage of Rage. The big brother you never had, except he's not a jerk.



Skylos Caroli
The pre-Scratch incarnation of Revenger Tealstar (Asteon's ancestor). In Sburb, he is the Heir of Blood. Cute, but few cards short of a deck.


Zagadi Rampon

The pre-Scratch incarnation of Flighter Bileboil (Sanisa's ancestor). In Sburb, she is the Sylph of Breath. Was a valuable and useful member of the group.
  • The Load: Never went God tier, was a passive class at that, and her personality just doesn't help.


Samaki Aviant
The pre-Scratch incarnation of Foreseer Volanser (Leonad's ancestor). In Sburb, he is the Bard of Time. Much too sensible to be up to mischief. In theory, at least.

Capitalizes the first letter o-|-|-<f every sentence
No-|-|-< punctuatio-|-|-<n
Makes every o into-|-|-< a fish skeleton

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Due to being bullied by his moirail all the time, he's instinctively attracted to friendly and kind people. The ones fiting this description the most of his session are Zagadi and Selena. Zagadi is in a very happy matespritship with Askell, and Selena is obsessed with Maiyah.
  • Meaningful Name: Samaki means fish.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Like Banjir, his title basically translates as destroyer. He destroys time.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He is terrified of bugs. Banjir, being the insect collector that he is, takes advantage of this relentlessly.


Oriyan Thabit

The pre-Scratch incarnation of The Cortisan (Rigela's ancestor). The R-rated kind of person.In Sburb, she is the Witch of Doom.

uses all lowercase and Japanese punctuation。
sometimes exaggerates this punctuation hmm???


Banjir Saturn

The pre-Scratch incarnation of The Salesman (Idanus' ancestor). In Sburb, he is the Prince of Space. A charming rogue. Except he's the prince, not the rouge. He and Samaki were responsible for causing the Scratch.



Demped Trikon

He's kind of shy, but nevertheless totally extreme, man.In Sburb, he is the Seer of Void..

 —-uses all lowercase and no punctuation—- 
 —-begins and ends every sentence with three hyphens—- 

Humans - Alpha


Misa Dranias

In Sburb, she is the Thief of Blood. Her Chumhandle is "sugaryConscience".

Uses correct punctuation, grammar and syntax.


Theo Tiramisú

In Sburb, he is the Heir of Mind. His Chumhandle is "futureProtagonist".

Capitalizes first letter of every sentence
And the first letter after every comma
No other punctuation

  • Insufferable Genius: He is the Heir of Mind, which means he is intelligence personified. He likes to point this out.


Lois Micarelli

In Sburb, she is the Seer of Time. Her Chumhandle is "tomoesWarrior".

uses all lowercase
sometimes punctuation
occasionally makes mistakes

Guardians and ancestors


Revenger Tealstar

Asteon's ancestor. Was in both a matespritship and a kismesisitude with The Punisher and moirailleagiance with Traveler Bluepack. Went on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and earned himself the title Revenger.
