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Characters / A Song Of Ice And Fire Court Of Daeron II

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These are the members of Daeron II's family. Most were present in the Tales of Dunk and Egg stories.

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    Daeron II 

King Daeron Targaryen, the Second of His Name; r. 184-209

The Good, The Falseborn
"The whole realm knew that the girl loved Daeron's bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre, and was loved by him in turn, but the king was wise enough to see that the good of thousands must come before the desires of two, even if those two were dear to him."
Doran Martell

Son of Aegon IV (or Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, according to some) and Naerys. Married Princess Mariah Martell, with whom he had four sons (Baelor, Aerys I, Rhaegel and Maekar I). Succeeded where his predecessors failed by bringing Dorne into the realm not by war, but through marriage. Unfortunately, this brought in unwanted Dornish influence. This and his questionable paternity would lead to a rebellion raised by his half-brother Daemon Blackfyre. The steady and insightful kingship of Daeron the Good was desperately needed after the catastrophe that was his father's reign. It is arguable that he alone was responsible for prolonging the Targaryen dynasty by another century. Daeron died during the Great Spring Sickness in 209 AC along with his two eldest grandsons and most immediate heirs. He wore the crown of Aegon IV, as a statement that he was indeed his trueborn son. He also had the palace of Summerhall built along the Dornish Marches.

  • Adipose Rex: Though not as fat as his father, Daeron did have a bit of a belly. Blackfyre supporters even used this against him, contrasting the soft, fat Daeron with Daemon's Heroic Build.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Fulfilled his family's dream of unifying Dorne with the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, but the unification would bring its own set of problems.
  • Cruel Mercy: Ser Eustace Osgrey was pardoned after the Blackfyre Rebellion but despised being left alive, and he blamed King Daeron for it.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Died during the Great Spring Sickness.
  • Expy: While not so blatant an example as Robert Baratheon, Daeron II does bear some resemblance to Edward IV of England. His poltical policy of attempting to be merciful toward enemies but then finding that some just cannot be reconciled and must be dealt with ruthlessly mirrors Edward's own policy (especially when it came to his ne'er do well brother George).
  • The Farmer and the Viper: He went out of his way to be conciliatory to Daemon Blackfyre and other bastards legitimized by his father and tried his best to reconcile lords to whom his father had recklessly granted favors. They still revolted and spat on his mercy. Daeron II was wise enough not to repeat that mistake.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: According to the Blackfyre supporters, he had this for Dorne. Several Dornishmen and his wife's retinue became part of the royal court. It would not just explain why he approached Dorne the way he did, but also why he treated his father's bastards so fairly.
    • Propaganda aside, it is likely that many lords within the realm (particularly Dorne's traditional rivals in the Reach and the Stormlands) felt that Daeron's deal with Dorne had been too favourable to Dorne. Dorne was allowed to retain many privileges (including the title of Prince/Princess for the rulers), and the casualties suffered by the Iron Throne and its vassals during the invasion of Dorne more than 30 years prior were not properly addressed (if at all) in the settlement. note 
  • Generation Xerox: He was essentially Aenys with a spine. He was all for diplomacy and peace, but had more of an "iron fist in a velvet glove" kind of style to ruling. He took care of the administrative and negotiation side of ruling, while giving Baelor Breakspear and Maekar the power to lay down the law when talking was not an option. He was an amiable man, but woe be to any man who rose up in rebellion against him.
  • The Ghost: He is king in "The Hedge Knight" but he is never seen. His son Prince Baelor acts as his proxy.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Took lands, castles and hostages from the lords that supported Daemon Blackfyre.
  • The Good King: For all his father didn't think he had the worth of his half-brother, this is how he actually went down in history. On balance, he probably sits comfortably in the top 5 Targaryen kings of the entire dynasty.
  • Ironic Name: The name Daeron has been associated with Daeron the Daring and Daeron I, both of whom were accomplished warriors, the former for his accomplishments during the Dance of the Dragons and the latter for his conquest of Dorne. Daeron II, in contrast, is more of a scholar than a warrior.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Daeron was dutiful, principled and self-controlled unlike his father. This only increased rumors of his illegitimacy.
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: The (likely unfounded) suspicion that started the ball rolling. Considering his mother's piety and his uncle's chivalry, it does look very unlikely, and in-universe most people believe it to be untrue.
  • Non-Action Guy: Which is why several great knights and military-minded lords sided with Daemon Blackfyre in his rebellion. Daeron wasn't stupid, though; he knew he was neither a warrior nor a commander, but his sons Baelor and Maekar were, which is why he gave the title of Protector of the Realm (the supreme military commander of the Seven Kingdoms) to Baelor. Needless to say, it worked out well.
    • Having said that, his Non-Action Guy status might have played a part in him not understanding some vassals' grievances over Dorne seemingly being let off the hook for the invasion and subsequent rebellion more than 30 years prior, which cost 60,000 lives for the Iron Throne and its vassals.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: He outlives his eldest son Baelor and his grandsons, Baelor's sons Valarr and Matarys, leading to the succession of Aerys I.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: With Mariah Martell, which brought Dorne under the rule of the Iron Throne. It was a happy and fruitful one.
  • The Smart Guy: Very intelligent and an overall awesome ruler, by all accounts. Pity Westeros as a whole seems to think your jousting successes and curb-stomping your opposition make better metrics for rulership.
  • Spanner in the Works: According to Daemon Blackfyre's supporters, Aegon IV promised that Daemon was allowed to have more than one wife as Aegon wanted a marriage alliance with Tyrosh while Daemon wanted to marry Daenerys for love. When Daeron ascended to the throne, however, he forbid Daemon to have more than one wife, which is likely another reason why Daemon rebelled.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Invoked. He might have been a scholar, but Daeron was no pushover; he gave Daemon Blackfyre the war he wanted and won categorically (even though he didn't fight himself — he did, however, know how to delegate like the pro you'd expect a decent king to be). Granted, he really tried the friendly way, but neither Daemon or Bittersteel had any of it. In the end, it earned Daeron a lasting reign, Daemon an early tomb, and Bittersteel an exile.
  • The Unfavorite: Given that his father openly doubted Daeron's paternity and celebrated Daemon in court and decided to legitimize his bastards in his will all scream of Aegon's low opinion of Daeron.
  • Work Off the Debt: His father left him with some bills to pay, like fulfilling the betrothed of Daemon with Rohanne of Tyrosh. Though Aegon basically left him stuck with the bill, in an early attempt to endear Daemon, he paid for his half-brother's wedding out of his own pocket and good will. In the end, this and other efforts amounted to bupkis.

    Princess Daenerys Targaryen 

Daenerys Targaryen, Princess of Dorne

"Whether Daenerys loved Daemon, as those who rose for the Black Dragon later claimed, who could say? In the years afterward, Daenerys was never aught but a loyal wife to Prince Maron, and if she mourned Daemon Blackfyre, she left no record of it."
Maester Yandel

Daughter of Aegon IV and Naerys, and only full sibling to Daeron II. It was said she was in love with her half-brother Daemon Blackfyre and he rose in rebellion when she was denied to him. She married Prince Maron Martell of Dorne, with whom she had several children (the current Martells are their direct descendants).

For Daenerys, daughter of King Aerys II, see here.

  • Arranged Marriage: To Maron Martell, the Prince of Dorne at the time.
  • Did They or Didn't They?: The whole basis of her and Daemon's "relationship". The singers and Daemon's contemporary supporters say they were in love; later historians and maesters say that from all appearances, at the very most it was one-sided on Daemon's part.
  • The High Queen: To the Dornish.
  • Love Ruins the Realm: Being denied Daenerys' hand was purportedly one of the reasons Daemon Blackfyre rebelled against Daeron the Good — although it's worth noting that Daemon himself had already been married to Rohanne of Tyrosh for three years before Daenerys wedded Maron, he revolted eight years after his half-sister's marriage rather in direct response to it, and Daenerys never openly mourned him after his death.
  • Morton's Fork: Under Targaryen custom she would have been married to Daeron himself. There might had not been a rebellion had this been the case, though Dorne wouldn't have finally come into the fold. Either way, there were an awful lot of people still pissed at Dorne for the assassination of Daeron I the Young Dragon.
  • Nice to the Waiter: Daenerys allowed the children of servants and guards to bathe in the Water Gardens—which Prince Maron had built for her — starting a tradition that survives until the present.
  • The Rashomon: Though it's said that Daemon Blackfyre rose in rebellion after being denied the hand of Daenerys...he did so nearly a decade after the wedding, and after both he and she had multiple children with their respective spouses. This version was most likely concocted by later historians or by Bittersteel, who was scorned himself by Shiera Seastar in favor of Bloodraven.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: King Aegon IV was fat, bloated and corrupt, while his daughter Princess Daenerys was a lovely Valyrian beauty.
  • World's Most Beautiful Woman: She is said to be one of the reasons Daemon Blackfyre went to war.

Baelor's Family

    Prince Baelor Targaryen 

Baelor Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone

Baelor Breakspear, The Hammer
"The realm needs good men"

"This man protected the weak, as every true knight must, let the gods determine if he was right or wrong."

The eldest son of Daeron II and Mariah Martell. Married Jena Dondarrion, with whom he had two sons, Valarr and Matarys. Instead of inheriting the traditional Targaryen looks, he appeared more Dornish, with dark hair and eyes. He was accidentally killed by his brother Maekar in Duncan the Tall's Trial of Seven in 209 AC.

  • The Ace: Regarded as the finest Knight and statesman of his generation.
  • Ascended Extra: The mainline books regards Baelor as just some prince who died in a tourney mishap. The prequel revealed that he was the crown prince and heir to the Iron Throne.
  • Badass Bureaucrat: One of the few of his generation who seemed to have a clue what to do with the paperwork as well as on the field.
  • Bash Brothers: He and Maekar fought in conjunction at Redgrass Field, the "Hammer and the Anvil" there.
  • Combat Pragmatist: You wouldn't expect it with how kind and pleasant Baelor is, but he is a ruthless fighter. During the Trial of Seven he plays dirty as possible for victory, centering himself against the Kingsguard, knowing their oaths will hold them back and makes it clear chivalry is secondary to victory in this circumstance, despite Ser Lyonel Baratheon's questioning of it.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Named after King Baelor I.
  • Generation Xerox: Just like his namesake Baelor the Blessed, Baelor Breakspear is regarded as a martyr killed by his own kin. While foul play in The Blessed's death is still unclear, Breakspear's death really was an accident.
    • Like his ancestor Baelon the Brave, he was a skilled warrior and administrator who served his father as Hand of the King and was beloved by the nobility and smallfolk. Like Baelon, Baelor died suddenly before he could inherit the crown, and many assert he would have been a superior king to the individual who sat on the Iron Throne instead of him.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Kingsguard are not going to harm a prince, even one on the opposing side, so Baelor takes advantage of it by keeping them away from people they have sworn no oaths to protect.
  • Master Swordsman: He's a brilliant warrior and probably would've wielded Blackfyre if Bittersteel hadn't taken it across to Essos.
  • Modest Royalty: Didn't dress like a prince, it was his demeanor that was truly impressive.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: While he was a generally quite affable and reasonable guy, there's a reason why his nicknames were "Breakspear" and "The Hammer".
  • Nice Guy: Very much came across this way. He was quite reasonable, too: that was what got him into the whole mess that wound up killing him.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Defending Ser Duncan during the Trial of Seven. He does this because the Kingsguard on the other side cannot harm him as he is their prince, and even seeks out his brother Maekar knowing he can keep him busy. Tragically, Maekar lands an accidental lethal blow during their encounter, despite both parties likely holding back, though neither realize it until after the trial has ended.
  • Number Two: Named Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm after the Blackfyre Rebellion.
  • Post-Victory Collapse: Because he didn't notice his head was smashed open.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He's the crown prince and a swell guy with a good head on his shoulders. He's happy to sponsor Duncan in the lists out of simple charity and stands for Duncan as a true knight to fight alongside him.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Stood up and fought for Duncan the Tall against some rather trumped-up charges (OK — they were kind of true, but there were huge mitigating factors that shouldn't have been ignored from the start, either).
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Due to taking after his Dornish mother.
  • Time-Delayed Death: He's mortally wounded during the Trial of Seven by his brother, though no one knows it until afterwards. Everything seems fine until his helmet is removed, when, to everyone's horror, a terrible head wound quickly bleeds out and kills him. Maekar can't even recall landing the killer blow during the melee.
  • Warrior Prince: Even Dunk, who is a little allergic to great inherited power thanks to the dunces he usually sees get it, is impressed by him.
  • The Wise Prince: Would have made a great king. Pity.

    Prince Valarr Targaryen 

Prince Valarr Targaryen

The Young Prince

"My father was only nine-and-thirty. He had it in him to be a great king, the greatest since Aegon the Dragon. Why would the gods take him, and leave you? Begone with you, Ser Duncan. Begone."

The eldest son of Baelor Breakspear and his wife Jena Dondarrion. Was married to Kiera of Tyrosh. His personal sigil was the Targaryen dragon, red on black, with a red border. He died during the Great Spring Sickness along with his grandfather and younger brother in 209 AC.

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Died during the Great Spring Sickness, leaving no heirs as his two sons had recently been stillborn.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: It's hard to blame him for being angry at Dunk following his father's death.
  • Jerk Jock: Strongly implied—through Aegon and Dunk's eyes, at least. (Except he may not quite have been as good a jouster as it seemed on the surface. A lot of those he met in the jousts were second or third stringers.)
  • Odd Name Out: One of the few Targaryens who doesn't have an "ae" in his name.
  • Pet the Dog: He lets his father borrow his armor for the trial of seven. (This may be why he's so angry at Dunk; he's trying to avoid blaming himself).
  • Warrior Prince: Like his father.
  • You Should Have Died Instead: Look at his quote.

    Prince Matarys Targaryen 

Prince Matarys Targaryen

The Even Younger Prince

The second son of Baelor Breakspear and Jena Dondarrion. He was unmarried and had no offspring.

Rhaegel's Family

    Prince Rhaegel Targaryen 

Prince Rhaegel Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone

The third son of Daeron II and Mariah Martell. Married Alys Arryn, with whom he had three children: twins Aelora and Aelor and Daenora. Died in 215 AC after choking on lamprey pie.

  • All There in the Manual: His wife and children are only mentioned by name in The World of Ice & Fire.
  • Manchild: By repute, he was this. Sweet, gentle, uninterested in politics...maybe not entirely all there...
  • Naked Nutter: Rhaegel is believed to have succumbed to insanity during the reign of Aerys I, becoming known for dancing naked through the Red Keep.
  • Nice Guy: Had a reputation for being gentle and meek.
  • Royally Screwed Up: However, he also fell to Targaryen madness, and was prone to dancing naked through the halls of the Red Keep.
  • Undignified Death: Choking to death on your own meal is not exactly a princely way to go.

    Prince Aelor Targaryen 

Prince Aelor Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone

The only son of Rhaegel and Alys Arryn, twin brother of Aelora. Became the heir to Aerys I after the death of his father Rhaegel, but died in 217 AC in a grotesque mishap at the hand of his own sister-wife Aelora.

    Princess Aelora Targaryen 

Princess Aelora Targaryen

The eldest daughter of Rhaegel and Alys Arryn, twin sister and wife of Aelor. Lost her mind after killing Aelor by accident and committed suicide after being attacked in a masked ball by three men known only as the Rat, the Hawk and the Pig.
