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Awesome / Cold Days

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  • Harry surviving Mab's idea of physical therapy.
    • It should be noted that Mab's idea of physical therapy is a new and creative method of attempted murder each and every day for three months. And as a Faerie Queen, she has a lot of creativity at her disposal.
  • Harry's verbal smackdown of Maeve, littered with call backs.
    • Said verbal smackdown was so effective, Maeve got angry enough that everything in the area started frosting. Including the ice. The freaking ice iced over.
  • Eldest Gruff indicating the direction where Redcap had taken Sarissa with a movement from one of his ears. He’s the GOAT.
    • There is also him counselling Titania into abandoning her vengeance against Harry and coming close to succeeding.
  • Almost immediately after said verbal smackdown, Harry politically out-maneuvers Maeve, blows an ogre into bite-sized chunks of gore, repeats the stunt with an uppity Fae lord, and lays down the law in regards to the Faeries' interactions with mortals (while he's around).
  • The fight at the bar. Harry shakes off Sharkface's mind-whammy, then chucks fire hotter than anything he's ever done at him, before punching him in the face with his fist encased in ice. Plus he ran through his own fire spell for the punch.
    • This deserves emphasis. Harry Dresden, quite literally, punched an Eldritch Abomination in the face. That in and of itself should equal the dinosaur.
  • Karrin Murphy's one woman Big Damn Heroes moment for Harry in the Botanical Gardens, which is quickly followed by Cat Sith's own. "Hey, weren't there seven of you guys a minute ago?"
  • During Harry's rescue of his friends whom The Redcap kidnapped, the building they were in was blown into Lake Michigan. It's in the middle of Winter and is dark, so he won't be able to swim his friends to the surface. What does he do? Create an iceberg big enough to lift the building out of the water. This is why he’s considered the most powerful Wizard of his generation, people.
  • This exchange:
    Harry: Join, hide or die. Those are your options when The Wild Hunt comes for you. Tonight the Hunt is joining me.
    The Erlking: Sir Knight, what game amuses you this fine stormy evening?
    Harry: Tonight? Tonight we hunt Outsiders!
  • Molly's sheer Refuge in Audacity when she embezzles money from The White Court.
  • Harry manages this by shooting and sidelining the Erlking aka Herne the Hunter and beating up Santa Claus. That certainly ranks with some of his most badass feats to date.
    • Although he later realizes they let him win.
      • Does that make it less awesome or more awesome? That means Erkling and Odin chose to bet on Harry, when they could have chosen to simply charge into battle themselves.
    • Likewise, Harry and Murphy riding with The Wild Hunt on Murphy's magically transformed Harley... across Lake Michigan. And they take on a small fleet full of Outsiders and their mortal minions, and still find time to fit in The Big Damn Kiss or two.
      Karrin: You want me to drive into the lake
      Harry: You have to admit, it isn't the craziest thing I've asked you to do. It isn't even the craziest thing I've asked you to do tonight.
      Karrin: You're right. Let's go.
  • While being mind raped by an Outsider, by sheer force of will, Harry breaks the control then basically forces the thing to give him its name and provide him with the knowledge necessary to beat it.
    Harry: I AM HARRY BLACKSTONE COPPERFIELD DRESDEN! Thrice, I command thee! Thrice, I bid thee! By my name I command thee! Tell me who you are!
  • Harry is fighting Sharkface. He almost uses the power of the Well, which he has been warned not to use, because he’s hopelessly outclassed. As he puts it "What else did I have?" And then- Crunch, crunch, crack. Crunch, crunch, Crack.
    No, wait. I knew this songnote . It was more like stomp, stomp, clap.
    Harry (to the very unsettled Sharkface): You didn't see this coming, didja?
    And then the Water Beetle, the entire goddamned ship, exploded out from under a veil that had rendered it and the water it displaced and every noise it had made undetectable not only to me, but to a small army of otherworldly monstrosities and their big, bad Walker general too.
    • "What else did I have? I had friends."
      • As a note — magic in the series is much harder to do over water and Molly is particularly noted as not having a lot of power to throw around. Earlier in the book, she had trouble hexing a jetski while Harry managed the same feat almost by accident. Hiding the boat and its noise and its wake while also blaring a stadium-volume rock concert is an enormous feat, far beyond what's been seen of her up to now. Harry describes her concentration as trying to conduct two separate orchestras in two completely different speed metal concerts. And then she has enough concentration to pull off a pretty darn good veil for the rest of the fight.
    • Harry then joins in the chorus and shoves a gun into Sharkface's mouth, blowing it away by channeling a spell through the barrel as he pulls the trigger.
      Harry: Hey, Sharkface! Get rocked.
  • Harry finally throws down with Fix while naked and without a single weapon outside of a rusty nail and his knowledge of the island. He uses that along with some well placed taunts to dominate the fight.
    "And for the first time in a decade the Winter Knight and Summer Knight went to war."
    • Disturbingly, however, despite the fact that Harry is naked, exhausted, and has nothing other than the nail, and Fix is armed, armored, rested and ready, Harry completely destroys him by using his intellectus of the island. He immediately points out Fix's skill, power, and natural ability as things to be feared and respected, and then states that it was like fighting a blind cripple. It's over in a couple of minutes, and Harry doesn't even break a sweat.
    • Plus after resolving their differences, the subsequent team-up to take on Maeve's retainers.
    • A lesser, but still awesome, example of Molly's power and, more importantly, skill: She manages to completely and flawlessly veil the hearse Harry has been given by Mab. While driving it. While having a rather detailed conversation with Harry. All at the same time. Harry is simultaneously proud and impressed.
  • Every time Mab is ever referenced, Harry makes it a point to tell everyone how powerful and frightening she is. During the climax, after Maeve is shot dead and Molly becomes the new Winter Lady, Harry ensures everyone is safe within the cottage on Demonreach, pulls Mab aside, and very quickly and calmly puts a gun to her head and shakes her down for answers. Later, when the gun is pointed at Harry's head he says:
    Harry: Demonreach, if our guest pulls that trigger, take her below and keep her there.
    • Cue Oh, Crap! from Mab.
    • And then she smiles and says that just maybe she'll finally get a Knight who is Worth It.
  • Toot and the Za Lord's Guard putting up a fight against hostile Little Folk that Harry compares to 300. Complete with equating Toot himself to King Leonidas.
  • Harry defies the force of will attack of MOTHER WINTER.
    • Hell, Harry surviving what Mother Winter probably views as a civil conversation
  • A small, subtle one for Mac. When an Outsider demands Harry leave McAnally's and give himself up to it, he tells the bartender that he'll take the fight outside if he wants him to. Mac, already holding a pistol grip shotgun, answers by pumping said shotgun and placing a heavy caliber automatic pistol on the counter within easy reach of Harry and Thomas.
    Thomas showed his teeth in a predatory grin. "I'm leaving bigger tips from now on."
    • Fridge Logic makes it even more awesome. The short story Last Call showed that Mac is more than capable of throwing down when necessary. He obtained Nuetral Territory of the Accords for his bar so that his customers can eat, drink and relax in peace. However, when true evil is to be fought, he knows where to stand and whom to stand with, and with the above action, cements himself as one of Harry's True Companions.
  • Some mention has to be made of Demonreach. It’s the guardian of a supernatural prison where six Naagloshii (horrifically sadistic, vicious and powerful Native American spirits, one of which nearly killed Harry in a previous book) are considered the least of what's imprisoned there. Maeve herself outright states that she can't beat him without Lily, and even a Lady, weakest of the Faerie Queens, is an order of magnitude more powerful than any mortal wizard. And Mab, who’s even more powerful than that, seemed legitimately afraid that it could easily imprison her at Harry's behest.
    • After playing the Stone Wall to Maeve, Lily, and two dozen high-level Fae, Mab thanks Demonreach for holding back.
    • And it was built by Merlin (The original Merlin) at five different points in time simultaneously, and to describe it, Demonreach has to dumb it down for Bob.
      • It should also be mentioned that Bob (the magical supercomputer who describes himself as being familiar with magic all the way back to the Golden Age of Greece) is bamboozled by the first layer of spells on the stones of the cottage. That alone shows just how incredibly, ridiculously complex Demonreach is.
  • It should be mentioned that Merlin was The Apprentice of none other than Vadderung who's really Odin, yes, THAT Odin... When he tells Harry to move out of his way, there's no snarking, no second-guessing. Harry moves.
  • Harry's friends working out how to help Harry when Demonreach's protective barrier only lets him and items of the island in. They grab mud from the shores and smear it all over themselves, their clothes, orifices and charge in. Being around Harry Loophole Abuse Dresden means things just rub off.
    • Also they once again proved their loyalty to Harry and the right cause by pulling off the move despite the sheer Nausea Fuel involved.
  • A retroactive one for the Red Cap after The Reveal in Battle Ground, when you realize just how well he played both sides.
