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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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Veanne Since: Jul, 2012
Lermis Since: Nov, 2018
29th Mar, 2024 01:31:25 AM

Isn't Tempting Fate for when the thing you wish not to happen actually happens? In the example I have in mind we never see the cardboard prank actually happening.

Maybe that would be a subversion...?

Edited by Lermis Space Battles Dot Com fanworks (unnoficial) index in my Sandbox.
tropematter Since: Aug, 2020
29th Mar, 2024 01:57:57 AM

I can't think of a specific trope, but it's definitely a thing. Here are two examples:

  • The Twits: When Mr Twit has tied Mrs Twit's feet to the ground, with her arms pulled upwards by balloons, Mrs Twit asks if her feet are tied properly, because if the strings break, she will fly up in the air. This gives Mr Twit the idea to cut the strings tying her feet down.
  • The Famous Five: In Five Go Adventuring Again, George tells her mother how at school, she was punished for Timmy the dog's misbehaviour. Her mother then jokingly says she might do the same thing.

Edited by tropematter
Lermis Since: Nov, 2018
29th Mar, 2024 02:07:04 AM

Huh. Sounds like a trope proposal. Accidentally Gave Them The Idea? Stop Giving Him Ideas is something of a stock phrase, I think.

Space Battles Dot Com fanworks (unnoficial) index in my Sandbox.
eroock Since: Sep, 2012
29th Mar, 2024 06:47:14 AM

^ Damn. There it is. Was looking all over for it.

Lermis Since: Nov, 2018
29th Mar, 2024 08:01:45 AM

^^ First time I see this trope... Let's see how it fits.

Space Battles Dot Com fanworks (unnoficial) index in my Sandbox.
Veanne Since: Jul, 2012
29th Mar, 2024 09:11:53 AM

Well, we don't see it, but Bob seems determined to make it happen now. Maybe we'll see it later, maybe it's going to be a Noodle Incident, or maybe Alice will (after many shenanigans) stop him. But she did tempt fate. This said, wow. We do have a trope for everything, don't we? Never even knew about this one.
