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YMMV / What Birds Know

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  • Heartwarming Moments: A rare moment of happiness and light among this horribly depressing story is when Vandi's mother makes a miraculous recovery, and the family comes back together again.
  • Les Yay: Vandi and Dores have all the hallmarks of a Pseudo-Romantic Friendship and have been seen comforting each other naked. No, not that kind of comfort, actual emotional support for one another...while naked. Circumstances make it much less sexual than it sounds, but pretty much the only thing keeping this thing still under the "Yay" label is that the audience never sees an onscreen kiss or declaration of love.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The whole comic is very, very disquieting - no blood and guts, just a haunting sense of wrongness. The Body Horror of the eggs. The Stepford Smiler habits of the girls. The panicking(?) birds. The ominous fate of the figures left to "His Highness'" punishment, complete with desperate pleading and frightening silhouette. Every shot of the parallel dimension, which can creep you out just as much as Vandi...
  • Tear Jerker: Everything. The Flash Backs to the girls' childhoods are absolutely gut-wrenching, especially when we jump back to the present and can connect all the dots. Generally, whenever you think something can't possibly get any worse, it does.
