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YMMV / The Amazing Race 32

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  • Broken Base: This season is very heavy on alliances, something that was almost unheard of until Season 18. There were alliances in previous seasons, but very few survived to form the top five, let alone had an alliance with half the teams. Some people say it's a blessing because it made a relatively peaceful game more hectic and cutthroat, while others complain that The Amazing Race has fallen into the "Survivor Trap" of having alliances that turned a game about finishing tasks quickly into a game of numbers, and has made the season boring and predictable. It doesn't help the Mine Five all shared answers up until the Final Five, where only Hung & Chee, Will & James, and Maddison & Riley would share answers in an attempt to get their dream final three.
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: As soon as the Mine Five was formed, it was pretty clear they would steamroll the competition.
  • Designated Villain: The only reason Will & James are considered a villainous team is due to being the token superfans and playing more aggressively having formed an alliance of five teams called the Mine Five, which gradually eliminated all but three teams, who they made a second alliance with from the start as well as using their Yield and U-Turn. Other than that, they're pretty nice.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: DeAngelo is often considered in the right for trash talking the final 3 teams despite the fact he wouldn't have made it this far without the Mine Five.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: A lot of people were absolutely appalled that the music task used in the penultimate leg wasn't saved for the finale. It has the workings of a perfect final task — a high difficulty, memory based challenge. In fact, nobody was able to solve it on their own, which would have made it the perfect final exam task, but due to the fact it was used earlier, that gave the "Mine Five" the ability to pick whichever one of the four teams in the leg they decided was ready to go and conspire against them. Effectively, the only reason anyone solved the task was because they worked together and screwed whatever the unfavorite was out of any chance of making it out alive. For that matter, many people agreed the "Mine Five" as a whole ruined a lot of the potential this season had.
