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YMMV / Sweet Elite

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  • Friendly Fandoms: A lot of SE fans are or were My Candy Love fans. Both games are coming of age stories that focus on a customizable main character, they both offer a selection of love interests that you can romance, and both shared similiar game mechanics. In fact, Serena, the creator of SE, initially advertised the game within the MCL fandom.
  • Spiritual Successor: To My Candy Love. Both visual novels have similar premises, game mechanics, and features, such as the main character's appearance being reflected in illustrations. The main difference between the two is that many of the criticisms My Candy Love fans had with that game are absent or have been improved upon. The creator of Sweet Elite ran an MCL fan blog before working on this game, stating that the one of the reasons Sweet Elite even exists was to "fix many problems and controversial issues [she and other fans have] seen in the [MCL] community".
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Since the games inception, there have been three changes to the artstyle. Each change has received its own share of criticisms, with some wishing that the team would take some time off to figure out what exactly they want the art to look like. After the third change, there were some fans who completely abandoned the game out of frustration, pointing out that its important for a visual medium to have some visual consistency.
