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YMMV / Stitched

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  • Complete Monster: Emad Homayoun, the first Arc Villain, is a human trafficker who deals with the cult creating the titular Stitched. Homayoun is more than compliant with the process for creating the Stitched— pouring a black liquid into a man's orifices and then sewing all of them closed, in the process trapping the man's conscious soul in a state of undeath while the body becomes a mindless shell— and uses the Stitched as shock soldiers to regularly massacre entire villages. The survivors are kept captive by Homayoun's traffickers, the women and children sold to become sex slaves and the men to be converted into more Stitched. Any who Homayoun has no use for or are perceived as obstacles—such as a lame child and members of the Taliban—are brutally killed. Homayoun personally disembowels one of the heroes, Twiggy, casually noting that he'd rape her as well if he weren't in such a hurry. Ultimately, it is made plainly clear that Homayoun is just as much a monster as the undead Stitched he utilizes.
  • He's Just Hiding: Dave and Twiggy are apparently fatally wounded, but their wounds may have been survivable, especially in the world of comic books, as neither of them are checked on.
