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YMMV / Standing Ovation

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  • Ass Pull: Brittany's dad being alive and running the corporation that hosts the competition. There is very little foreshadowing he was even alive, and he just happened to let his sleeve down enough that Britanny could recognize the tattoo on his arm.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: The "Soup To Nuts" song that the Wiggies sing at a diner. Even more jarring is that they're singing it diegetically, so the patrons behind them could be seen giving them weird looks, making it a BLAM even In-Universe.
  • Awesome Music: "Shooting Star", the song the Ovations ultimately perform at the competition.
  • Cliché Storm: It's basically an underdog story of a girl group who is antagonized by another, and admittedly much more polished girl group and they eventually compete in the final round at the climax. The story also focuses on a main character who has a troubled home life with a deceased mother and missing father, an older brother who is hanging with the wrong crowd, and they are both raised by their grandfather who has an addiction to betting on horse races. Meanwhile, the antagonists are rich, snobby, sore winners (and eventually sore losers when they lose the big contest).
  • Cult Classic: The film received negative reviews at the time of release and was a box office bomb, but it found a small audience of kids who would eventually grow up to look back on the film as a So Bad, It's Good piece of entertainment with a bit of ironic Nostalgia Filter. Then when it was reviewed by Danny Gonzalez, it received a Colbert Bump which introduced a new generation to witness the spectacle of Narm for themselves.
  • Narm: The child acting. Some of the child actors are fair, but sometimes they underperform to a humorous degree.
    • The way that Joei, who looks twelve at most, manages to intimidate fully grown men.
    • Alana, a little girl, commanding a line of firefighters like a drill sergeant.
    • The scene where Brittany and her grandpa are watching horse racing on TV. What could've been Mundane Made Awesome is ruined when an out of place slow-motion shot of old people rising from their seats is edited clumsily between them.
  • The Scrappy: Between her obnoxious, grating voice, her massive ego, and the fact that she won't stop shoving herself in every performance, Alana will wear down on your patience very quickly.
  • Special Effect Failure: The Wiggies at the beginning are wearing XBox 360 headsets for their performance (which the 5 Ovations later use), although it's treated like they're regular headset microphones. Not only is it obvious for gamers who can notice them right away, but in one shot, you can even see the label if you look close enough.
    • The outside scenes of the characters in New York are obviously shot in front of a green screen, especially when the video used for the background is in a different quality.
  • Sweetness Aversion: Even for a movie as tweeny and cutesy as this one, Alana's music video "Dreams" is a bridge too far for many viewers. Not only is it a generic "follow your dreams" song, it's coated in glitter, sung by a little girl, and has teddy bears as backup dancers.
